二手汽车 老柳教车

埃德蒙顿华人社区-Edmonton China

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鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-3-30 21:50 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
4 z& h3 [* O2 M( e% e9 |5 V
: t2 q4 [$ Y2 z1 W; e" I[ 本帖最后由 榆木鱼 于 2008-3-30 22:51 编辑 ]
鲜花(1) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-3-31 17:05 | 显示全部楼层


鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2008-3-31 19:16 | 显示全部楼层


2000 FORD TAURUS SE + ]) X9 D1 c; U
1FAFP58SXYG168844 + Y; B. W0 b6 y4 H+ n' d( V8 U
  [; C  J% @2 X3 n' g! n3.0L V6 PFI 24V / FRONT WHEEL DRIVE
  S& s4 P, [7 t( X
8 q* z, Z5 q. _  u$ T6 o9 t" z2 cSalvage | Junk | Rebuilt  Guaranteed       No Problem  
1 i5 {0 _7 C* ?' X# |Fire/Flood | Hail Damage | Buyback/Lemon   Guaranteed    No Problem  
6 c3 l7 H7 }6 S7 uNot Actual Mileage | Exceeds Mechanical Limits  Guaranteed    No Problem  " A6 V* ~  m  x

* W3 A5 }, X: V! FTotal Loss Check
: S/ N" a$ `$ v) J. o2 M, V8 S. LNo total loss reported to CARFAX.   No Issues Reported
) b# i- h+ W0 d9 \ 6 @) U7 B( K1 N3 e
Structural / Frame Damage Check   
' |. P/ `8 g; RNo structural / frame damage reported to CARFAX.   No Issues Reported ) m  `0 I* g4 T5 m' F2 E2 ~

  I# t; u5 `' }) J' k1 g+ }Airbag Deployment Check    / m) O" H# d3 `. }- B
No airbag deployment reported to CARFAX.   No Issues Reported
1 w7 F% R) y9 t( \& D; r 1 k& p8 z. m7 D5 d3 L3 n
Odometer Rollback Check' V  }& e. |' }% O+ u3 g6 n8 ]
No indication of an odometer rollback.  No Issues Indicated * L! X% t/ c' U7 @. [7 Y- v
, o( u! l2 }1 Y$ I. w3 F
Accident Check1 B; k- O8 Z4 g$ O/ n0 |
No accidents reported to CARFAX.   No Issues Reported
6 G' _. n/ `, P) x7 k; S& k 8 N0 p, k. E7 L& S( x6 G
Manufacturer Recall Check- p+ a! S/ n: m+ Z- x$ |2 M
Available directly from Ford. A current list of recalls is available at
. j# L" S# ^7 v: @) l/ mwww.ford.com.   No Recalls Reported * |& e, ~) p+ y9 l4 |5 j; C
3 X, x. Y% x2 P9 O9 K; s; m0 K$ H2 M
                 ; P1 ~* _+ ]3 w* k  d# N9 g
Basic Warranty Check3 E) o5 z4 _! k9 e
Original warranty estimated to have expired. View Info
$ V/ o, s0 C  n: q- `" V" ` Warranty Expired / O6 Q! f! l1 f6 g) E) d' v
/ C* D& u. ?+ K# q7 y# `
% Y" p3 |% o2 |& r% g5 F& f* t% A6 Y
Date: Mileage: Source: Comments: : t* o+ d$ S: {/ N6 w" F
02/16/2000       NICB    Vehicle manufactured
# ~9 [4 U" ~# Iand shipped to original dealer    x  v( |' Z) d; p+ J/ |

7 [6 }6 s- b" q, b03/10/2000       British Columbia
: {# R' |( f5 h- y8 y8 d2 b- @Motor Vehicle Dept. 0 q5 T( z3 j6 R; p3 {
West Vancouver, BC    Registration issued or renewed , p+ |8 ]# ], Y2 D! d' I0 I, b
First owner reported  5 \6 o: I/ i  H* @

0 k) s4 c4 K- w+ N0 W" R; ]05/10/2004    40,161    Service Facility    Vehicle serviced 2 v* `: v& O9 i5 S" G
Suspension system serviced
4 t) j& n6 b! @1 O5 S3 f2 @$ L8 RLubed oil and filter changed $ S9 ^' L* w( |* c9 G6 K
Odometer reported as 64,634 kilometers  
$ W$ T' K( \8 r4 N
7 |: U% t; e! \% d9 j7 o% z' P07/08/2004    42,524    Service Facility    Vehicle serviced $ M* O4 \0 S2 c, s, N! S
Odometer reported as 68,437 kilometers  ! B! d9 q4 k4 q2 U
/ S8 H: H7 s: `2 ]3 B7 z* a* n
10/29/2004    45,343    Service Facility    Vehicle serviced
  X$ D2 l- i3 J" b, P: z& [) a$ dLubed oil and filter changed
" z& Y) m9 B9 u% s% s! R' `! jOdometer reported as 72,973 kilometers  0 h- v) `: w% I+ D3 i
# g" j$ _. B! g+ ]- g7 B2 R1 l' |5 ?
12/16/2004    48,173    Service Facility    Vehicle serviced
% t% h- e$ m1 X+ v! y% M. wLubed oil and filter changed
& p) v+ G5 V8 b# E& wOdometer reported as 77,528 kilometers  
0 q6 \7 i6 \  n/ s; X
0 G5 m# k' G4 Z6 }01/31/2005    49,556    Service Facility    Vehicle serviced
2 B+ w( H2 }- z# d* EOdometer reported as 79,754 kilometers  
' f. \8 Q+ _, }: J8 c* a" ? 7 b5 W6 `2 B. Z  ?
11/27/2006       Alberta / V) v7 ^3 s8 Q* n3 c) M
Motor Vehicle Dept. . o  B! j" R4 m+ F# U6 I2 d0 B
Leduc, AB    Registration issued or renewed   W9 O# e5 N5 s. }
Vehicle color noted as Light Brown  : R* ~; e* g- Y$ V0 x

- j# C0 G. m9 K6 N/ w10/13/2007       Alberta
, P+ Y0 w7 `9 B3 a& v1 P0 {( \Motor Vehicle Dept.
) W/ P2 k+ P& m8 d' I% _Edmonton, AB    Registration issued or renewed 4 R# O4 v; I7 T6 ^
Vehicle color noted as Light Brown
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-3-31 20:39 | 显示全部楼层
老杨团队 追求完美
能否帮忙查一下这辆车 谢谢9 r% ?" v0 t. k, c: x! r! R

  @* R  N3 m: w  t$ I: l% K1G2NS52E01M679907
鲜花(48) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-4-1 00:26 | 显示全部楼层


鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-4-1 17:01 | 显示全部楼层

回复 楼主 的帖子

你好 请楼住再帮忙查一辆车 麻烦了7 s- e) r* h2 J4 p4 P: @: d

, c9 A1 X7 @/ q4 g- ?# g6 {1G1JC524127381014
; G. {" e  [+ G" f& F8 U2 q( \0 p; d. D
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2008-4-1 20:21 | 显示全部楼层


The VIN you entered: 1G2NS52E01M679907 is invalid. 8 N" g8 N0 Z/ d6 x( J, [' G
However the VIN you entered is very close to those listed below. : ~+ L* Q: i, X' o% L( i6 }

( Q3 H4 a1 e, g+ T1 E. q$ u, R+ y! h" g% Z% p& _& x6 [

6 P: X0 S! T) K. ]( d$ y1. 1G2NF52E01M679907  2001 PONTIAC/GRAND AM SE1/3.4L V6 MPI DOHC 24V
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2008-4-1 20:25 | 显示全部楼层


0 K! a, ^) G+ @2 s/ Z+ E6 d3G2JB1243TS862828 8 k$ T. E; L1 f7 C" `  [5 c5 p
COUPE; c" K! g5 Q8 J. @* f# @' @% U
2.2L L4 FI SOHC 8V / FRONT WHEEL DRIVE# u3 f6 e! c& N! l( O" {5 I
$ n9 E" |; I( Z7 P
Salvage | Junk | Rebuilt  Guaranteed
# d# [6 P. p1 H. U$ S* _No Problem  
1 t4 x; E6 R$ M8 n6 D4 r  GFire/Flood | Hail Damage | Buyback/Lemon
6 P- E* y3 B* a$ @5 |No Problem  
$ ]7 }1 }- D6 ?Not Actual Mileage | Exceeds Mechanical Limits  Guaranteed + @% n5 a$ A2 c' z$ n
No Problem  
, @( d7 \4 L$ @2 U; v/ w# a! w- `
1 k5 E7 M* v, v' R% ^Total Loss Check
3 w& o& R/ A6 Z/ e% N/ bNo total loss reported to CARFAX.   No Issues Reported  
9 V( O) R8 _( T7 u4 k% EStructural / Frame Damage Check* p4 V$ k4 B% J; _9 N" R

% P+ o$ s' |1 I5 `9 x) X6 oNo structural / frame damage reported to CARFAX.   No Issues Reported  1 J' i7 h- K' ]2 u( _' G
Airbag Deployment Check
) Z7 D$ J$ b, u5 R8 B
* R; U1 @2 V% c6 [0 J3 [No airbag deployment reported to CARFAX.   No Issues Reported  
0 w" E, D5 I# H& K1 M! BOdometer Rollback Check
- z. `* o% [2 c7 u' B" j" O' H  f6 y! m" ?" J9 R
Inconsistent odometer reading indicated.
# a0 h- k5 n7 [4 q. ]/ m* L9 m' q- ]Inconsistent Odometer Reading  
% h" W2 d0 O/ f6 p5 c6 {Accident Check
) H; q- D2 l4 A$ ?
, N) O* Q1 E  x1 |! S' pNo accidents reported to CARFAX.   No Issues Reported  
, U# h% P' L2 r5 |. UManufacturer Recall Check
8 @$ T) I, A3 A+ d6 A. |5 W) j4 s. T( N( e! A( e8 u* L8 i
Check with an authorized Pontiac dealer for any open recalls.   No Recalls Reported                  
$ m9 p/ U) c- y' G; N2 R+ |, Q* PBasic Warranty Check  t+ v  i2 `' @

8 s1 A7 G/ X# X" L" hOriginal warranty estimated to have expired. : A# v4 J, z9 R' A) q# ^. E
Warranty Expired # ~$ m# C6 B! @3 v
3 |3 D$ t( E0 O4 x* I5 a
05/17/1996       Ontario 4 E6 {" s2 d1 N
Ministry of Transportation    Registration issued or renewed & S/ }" P+ ~+ c6 c" X
First owner reported - e, E! E' z3 |- L
Passed safety inspection 2 K5 }* l6 B7 ^' u
Vehicle color noted as Blue  
% b* D+ I4 U6 j: z
5 e9 @4 K5 P: j* @1 H12/27/2001       Ontario
0 s& y$ \: x, x: W3 QMinistry of Transportation * e7 H) q- T& Q" J( n. V
Northern Ontario    Registration issued or renewed  
$ h5 S5 |8 A, b1 x
" C* D4 S) Q/ i7 n8 o12/27/2002       Ontario
6 T" V. E5 `3 x  ~* X) rMinistry of Transportation
0 a3 g$ O  Q0 C9 i- O; y* uNorthern Ontario    Registration issued or renewed  ' Y& K$ |& _, a; ~+ n" A) y
& t! e! s  j) r, N
11/12/2003       Ontario " Y: S" r; P& `
Ministry of Transportation
) D) D9 T5 l* _; b$ ?5 DNorthern Ontario    Registration issued or renewed  , R/ k7 X. F; E2 g7 G  l
( J: N" |: m; r% h8 V
11/20/2003       Ontario 8 _) @6 l6 Q9 \
Ministry of Transportation    Registration issued or renewed / T+ ~0 K' L) \2 Y1 y
Registered as 9 n, V/ H: y! D8 F
personal vehicle  
  g6 s  m5 K; |: B+ d, }
6 X3 I  ?0 @/ C: @/ E! y& A: ~) ~5 u12/08/2003    102,723    Ontario
7 ^) p0 q' D: S- ~, K, w: l5 e2 u9 W! QMinistry of Transportation    Odometer reading reported 3 {5 K7 e5 C0 J" ~
Odometer reported as 165,317 kilometers  8 r$ @6 K3 Y  S# E& @' W5 O" `
5 m* U1 d$ X2 \6 v* k) h! R/ n" N
04/08/2005    125,492    Ontario # t# y% o* G% B% y& G+ D
Ministry of Transportation    Registration issued or renewed
: D+ }) V! X2 JNew owner reported 9 P8 z( X: Y4 O& y4 s' Z2 ?( B
Registered as + e3 R; u: ]1 y% B! T& S" j4 y
personal vehicle
* B$ B2 @+ N8 w9 D1 q& I! ^; DOdometer reported as 201,960 kilometers  
8 x$ ^2 V) b0 S) U! b $ O% J) k" p: J& V- `, R
04/25/2006    137,559    Ontario 8 j  s% y; h/ K, F& h/ |: q5 g
Ministry of Transportation    Registration issued or renewed
# c$ W1 J/ Z9 h9 f: i6 SNew owner reported
8 M, d8 L( n0 f4 lRegistered as 2 W# v$ m5 `9 z; v
personal vehicle
7 w6 ~8 W  Z9 V3 O5 aOdometer reported as 221,380 kilometers  
- Y) ?1 p/ @  Z. O  V$ i + a" `" g  c+ D( _9 f
08/17/2006    127,381    Ontario
/ v. s; C0 `- pMinistry of Transportation    Odometer reading reported ) r) r/ N$ Z- N4 x' L. P) ?, T& c
" P) J, e, j- iOdometer reported as 205,000 kilometers  
" f2 y7 T9 v% A! t% m  4 X. d+ b& F7 ?1 k+ {  a
Hmmm...hard to tell whether this reading represents an odometer rollback or a clerical error. Confirm the mileage with your dealer or qualified mechanic.  
8 F  R/ U' R& G; }, _9 K# D ( n, [8 M% m' d3 N; i
08/23/2006       Ontario
7 S; l9 I, |/ i! F6 w, gMinistry of Transportation    Registration issued or renewed
# [( J; y" z3 V3 qRegistered as 4 c3 S5 m  C' Q+ e. j
personal vehicle - ^" d; M& a; t) p& v! S

7 ?$ a9 z) ?5 L9 i) M7 qPerform an Ontario lien search  
( V( ]2 D, B! \& s1 m7 ]
) u3 R4 T; n0 p- ^06/16/2007    145,964    Alberta
4 o% |/ j' k/ yMotor Vehicle Dept. # A8 c" v* m! C. P% x/ z. G
Edmonton, AB    Registration issued or renewed ( [+ v7 J4 E. M# K# ^
Odometer reading reported : C+ X, p% T! m% |
Vehicle color noted as Medium Blue 4 z: O' O$ m8 g: r- @
Odometer reported as 234,907 kilometers  - @( w% f. G" G& s7 ]+ \$ \5 ^

, l6 c% n! {5 X" \% O02/01/2008       Alberta   c( h7 X9 N: p3 ?& C# x/ [2 x7 t' _- |
Motor Vehicle Dept. + z6 G3 g% ?6 c+ X
Edmonton, AB    Registration issued or renewed $ K0 g) J! i5 b* ~
Vehicle color noted as Medium Blue" R, g$ E7 p9 h9 [9 u' K# r
) t5 {' S' e; v5 a4 W7 A
[ 本帖最后由 榆木鱼 于 2008-4-1 21:30 编辑 ]
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2008-4-1 20:29 | 显示全部楼层


4 w0 H! N- P3 o2 v; c  C& J1G1JC524127381014 5 w$ t! O* `$ w; I
5 A  Y. u- F, ?2.2L L4 MPI OHV 8V / FRONT WHEEL DRIVE3 w6 @. M' ]; Q& w) B2 f
, a- L, d6 b! H  A0 U* T
Salvage | Junk | Rebuilt  Guaranteed
5 ^; l- }, P0 g1 g. CNo Problem  
( D! N' U% b" H% L, t2 z8 i* }Fire/Flood | Hail Damage | Buyback/Lemon ' D7 T5 F6 h2 G* m" [5 w
No Problem  4 N! H3 \. z6 M% r+ o
Not Actual Mileage | Exceeds Mechanical Limits  Guaranteed
7 |3 n% L* I, m( xNo Problem  
/ H6 [9 V( C7 p' k  G! S8 @# F* \: H0 m1 X* `6 _8 m
Total Loss Check
* U, x8 H* V9 c- q! wNo total loss reported to CARFAX.   No Issues Reported
# ~! u6 H0 u+ x9 v, H
  }' f1 r2 O+ o7 P( i/ m) w! QStructural / Frame Damage Check2 X5 X1 A  y/ d( f( _. d
No structural / frame damage reported to CARFAX.   No Issues Reported
. x+ M* z6 H4 l! j- ?4 s7 B
$ h7 e/ D4 c5 ~3 }0 d: UAirbag Deployment Check) Z* \* |9 l5 q& N. b0 Y' G  S
No airbag deployment reported to CARFAX.   No Issues Reported
& y0 F- o% U# w0 o) u) h* z9 w. b
3 X) R' T+ M) |! N. Y/ [; D7 }Odometer Rollback Check
, P+ x" `* T, g6 t! C: pNo indication of an odometer rollback.  No Issues Indicated ( y8 s0 ?" g$ `! U& f
' \/ Q& p0 t) X
Accident Check
' Y  ?* b" N' NNo accidents reported to CARFAX.   No Issues Reported : E0 ?5 {9 ?% {- y
/ F' z& I& j$ Z% U( L) O
Manufacturer Recall Check/ `0 b' ?+ l! x) l
Check with an authorized Chevrolet dealer for any open recalls.   No Recalls Reported , p1 z0 ]  z1 a; O( }2 m

* p/ g9 k+ e6 F2 C7 T) y07/04/2002       Alberta : f0 A1 Q1 I% l
Motor Vehicle Dept. ; p" V# m) \! c
Edmonton, AB    Registration issued or renewed & R' E# `8 w% O. n
First owner reported  * ~) h! X9 M, W4 n. m$ p: v; c0 |7 w
. X! b" w! ^1 |! c+ f4 p
12/29/2003       Alberta
/ R- Z3 x9 V2 b. @* D. n; n+ fMotor Vehicle Dept.
( D4 W. R0 D4 f: L0 k  W0 wEdmonton, AB    Registration issued or renewed  
: s" m6 e+ y0 ?' O4 p4 g' N; ]" P 1 F; D# I$ ~! F& J- f* R" T& j
12/08/2006       Alberta 7 H& L( a8 m( C1 p- w
Motor Vehicle Dept. # ?0 X  e9 ^; A* D: _1 E
Edmonton, AB    Registration issued or renewed + `4 o( J# x% i/ D8 R
Vehicle color noted as Silver  
1 t2 |& W8 @- |8 }4 l# a
% ]) q5 w: ^1 i& H' Y: N12/14/2007       Alberta
3 V1 Y; |0 |3 X* zMotor Vehicle Dept. . @$ [- r4 e- t
Edmonton, AB    Registration issued or renewed . j. _# z/ u. s3 j  F/ ?0 y
Vehicle color noted as Silver
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2008-4-1 20:31 | 显示全部楼层


鲜花(48) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-4-1 21:03 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 榆木鱼 于 2008-4-1 21:25 发表 4 M. v' R$ r0 T' Y, b
) Q+ p7 I) {) }( w- [, W3G2JB1243TS862828
5 i  v; v7 Y6 `# J2 `COUPE
1 K# f0 l# W8 T8 g' w' A- g2.2L L4 FI SOHC 8V / FRONT WHEEL DRIVE
' f- N4 q4 }: o2 E
( A- F  q( c& I* ?) b5 \, LSalvage | Junk | Rebuilt  Guaranteed
: n0 U2 Q) u# I, z- r. e( d" gNo Problem  
0 K8 U" d' M4 T, x  L7 M1 C* bFire/Flood | Hail Damage | Buyback/Lemon , r+ a+ [/ a. a5 a) x/ |
No Proble ...

1 P$ c3 ~% ^4 Y7 l* K0 ^ 9 D8 q/ [. f% j; {1 L* ?/ w
明白! 多谢!
鲜花(3) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-4-1 21:15 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 榆木鱼 于 2008-4-1 21:25 发表 ; q& z; k! h2 u, ?
  I* s8 C; M7 o2 o3G2JB1243TS862828 6 f& ~2 R: F% \: T  p
COUPE2 n7 b/ G$ M4 h, @3 T
- e8 K+ }: ~9 l6 o4 o# z! A7 t8 u2 ~, r8 M, P
Salvage | Junk | Rebuilt  Guaranteed
4 i7 H; a* W7 N; [5 D9 eNo Problem  ' |6 `" C/ ~4 G0 x/ n2 e
Fire/Flood | Hail Damage | Buyback/Lemon
* G7 v. z$ ~1 M  }8 f' _# S, X! K+ V% f: @No Proble ...

3 v  i- K6 r- ~: [. F" f# J; \9 p- n: V% G1 L7 P

& ?7 ]. e6 N6 L  请问是怎么从vin看车有没有出国事故的啊 谢谢
鲜花(3) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-4-1 21:18 | 显示全部楼层
同言同羽 置业良晨
7 `) ~+ s* N' D8 ^% w
' I# P" }3 W5 S, _3 k, O2HGES16611H939593! D% w: k' N4 |4 K, y- @" Z- U% @
- z* L* z! S" a( ~- N
鲜花(48) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-4-1 22:09 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 legendcx 于 2008-4-1 22:15 发表
6 S# [1 B9 k- U( Z& r6 I1 T$ s# h
* h( L2 z+ I$ i/ d8 x" J
% c* Y$ c8 X, v( U$ |
4 j+ z* _# A) ^, I8 d" n  请问是怎么从vin看车有没有出国事故的啊 谢谢

2 \: K. U% w/ J/ J8 R
/ f; k9 w$ {* N& u4 U 从这个记录看没出过报废的事故,但是里程表被回调过.所以实际里程高于车内显示的里程了.
  w1 B# ~+ P  T
( z* l# y4 R% t' ~+ Y里程表ROLL BACK在加拿大是严重违法的.
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2008-4-2 21:16 | 显示全部楼层


2 s  J5 @7 I9 U4 E  J' R2HGES16611H939593
: w& X2 b- l  ^: F0 iSEDAN 4 DR" s4 S+ `8 N8 S: x( ~8 _
1.7L L4 PFI SOHC 16V / FRONT WHEEL DRIVE: `/ S( l5 O$ m2 F6 \

8 r" J# g9 K0 ~7 H$ D+ G7 x
) J9 g9 H$ u$ [9 |" L' I/ W- vSalvage | Junk | Rebuilt  Guaranteed
3 F0 s! k5 u. JNo Problem  # J* ]# i4 N+ n
Fire/Flood | Hail Damage | Buyback/Lemon
* `% o0 {$ A/ ?% \7 u  `5 s7 n/ cNo Problem  ) i% b3 e0 c2 t8 D* S
Not Actual Mileage | Exceeds Mechanical Limits  Guaranteed 8 V2 y2 m$ I* o, h9 [
No Problem  
) k  C: l8 h7 g/ a) x/ ]0 l6 y+ ?. t" S) K5 K
Total Loss Check' P9 o( a6 Q( P9 s7 V& d
No total loss reported to CARFAX.   No Issues Reported - ~0 d3 j7 W: v- I# H
( s4 T- Y& d4 u* z
Structural / Frame Damage Check! |3 @: Y# F) J2 a% N* {& R. w
No structural / frame damage reported to CARFAX.   No Issues Reported
6 l* n+ s9 f0 [
* O8 @1 J7 C; I. ]' Q$ NAirbag Deployment Check
* p7 O/ I2 q' D2 `No airbag deployment reported to CARFAX.   No Issues Reported 7 i+ q* P# r) Y4 C- h

3 f# g& O, v9 X/ H# |. ]* sOdometer Rollback Check8 C/ L" V+ A- T
No indication of an odometer rollback.  No Issues Indicated
1 Z, ?# Y. k" t: [/ {# T# p" `/ B
) N% h- D. {7 q+ d0 F- p, W; hAccident Check
5 Q1 s9 f7 P" PNo accidents reported to CARFAX.   No Issues Reported + ~$ y% R6 J6 {# R7 J

' }" M# m! {( {' T& I* t2 G9 jManufacturer Recall Check
- [1 F" |( H. u1 L6 QCheck with an authorized Honda dealer for any open recalls.
4 I0 y7 a# ?4 a7 f, _  No Recalls Reported
5 k& _! X6 Q1 _3 v+ w/ r( L                 
- b. s" j5 g# b& `) ZBasic Warranty Check' m8 b- [! `+ O6 Q' u7 B# @
Original warranty estimated to have expired.  Warranty Expired / H- k: c: m, {) l$ E

0 ~- @4 E# L/ N. \  _$ X: ~8 `& P/ D; t  c; o: }" Z4 i# B4 x* _
08/03/2001    6    Service Facility    Vehicle serviced
7 f& v) I) J: E1 y! ^" jMiscellaneous service performed + K4 g" y# c$ Q+ z2 p2 s  x
Odometer reported as 10 kilometers  3 ^6 C2 O7 M3 |2 [, u( }

$ A9 a" o. S: {6 m/ ^0 e) T08/04/2001       Alberta
, P- R8 q  n4 E1 E# ]0 yMotor Vehicle Dept.
0 e: J& V% `' x+ L( S- mEdmonton, AB    Registration issued or renewed
! r2 u" k  o( a" J' Y- VFirst owner reported  
& N4 G- t8 `6 ?5 a 6 f. e1 w$ Y, ?) y* p
01/03/2002    5,183    Service Facility    Vehicle serviced
$ g) o; J7 t0 n* U9 ZElectrical system serviced ) a8 N. z. ^& ^, k5 C6 R: f
Brakes serviced
6 o, P0 }( F5 P2 WSuspension system serviced
. X5 X" I$ W  i3 s1 ]; P; `Miscellaneous service performed
& X3 ]. Q- e- _. j/ `( pOdometer reported as 8,342 kilometers  ) j# ]( k; a* f2 f& o

# c# H' s* N+ @07/12/2002    10,401    Service Facility    Vehicle serviced
; c- F" f* X& l. Z% ]$ v1 mSuspension system serviced 2 H/ O; j$ e' a: ~
Electrical system serviced 1 O1 K4 J  y3 s" @) W; g4 }  I
Miscellaneous service performed ' q7 v) F" J9 _' U' y
Odometer reported as 16,739 kilometers  8 R& Y  `# ~8 `, J5 j3 t' W
% @6 H, d3 \; U1 T& t
01/14/2003    15,621    Service Facility    Vehicle serviced ! `+ b" l5 H& [. d
Engine serviced
9 n6 C$ v3 C  I. p$ U$ f* IMiscellaneous service performed : @( |9 a0 s; ?& q- b
Odometer reported as 25,140 kilometers  
3 x& t4 c* q; c+ R" w. z6 V# T2 g* O 5 {6 L+ U* ^' t
03/28/2003    17,497    Service Facility    Vehicle serviced
/ q$ K# q, J) f) SOdometer reported as 28,159 kilometers  
* C7 l% `' a# i4 C2 O, K % \. k% B6 ~; _8 _" q" U
06/17/2003    20,063    Service Facility    Vehicle serviced
# N, T1 k' c1 ^( I. XOdometer reported as 32,289 kilometers  0 H) X( _7 @, D% F
  g; d" m8 R$ X7 h: u
06/05/2006       Alberta - w8 e, t' W) v5 r% k6 c2 m/ x
Motor Vehicle Dept.
5 A  b9 l+ u, s! C) ~Edmonton, AB    Registration issued or renewed
) u0 m2 y; u) c* f3 w' NVehicle color noted as Gold  # P) D+ D: f  F- y: W: T

* Y6 {& l  o+ Y2 @05/14/2007       Alberta + o2 F- a# H$ Z/ ?- y- D
Motor Vehicle Dept. , M- H  q  F0 w  I3 f6 [" k
Edmonton, AB    Registration issued or renewed
, }- r) {5 Z; `0 bVehicle color noted as Gold
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2008-4-2 21:21 | 显示全部楼层


5 ]/ `7 i$ k" P! Q+ L3 a, q' a我也是才买的车,在加算是个新手。这两天开车,动不动就超速。心里那叫一个烦。以前在国内到处都是车,想超都超不起来。到了这儿倒好。脚底下还没使劲呢,就70了。这还是我的那辆车沉,油门深。真得好好习惯一阵子。
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-4-3 08:18 | 显示全部楼层
同言同羽 置业良晨
能否帮忙查一下这辆车 非常谢谢!!!% @7 U. j5 S- Q% w& g0 k6 s3 B% I. z5 p( v
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2008-4-3 20:37 | 显示全部楼层


2 |  |/ [% N8 G9 `, Q4 F1N4BU31D8SC113556
0 n8 M- F8 m) j( y, ?* OSEDAN 4 DR( \/ x& w; E$ v5 w2 r) d
2.4L L4 FI / FRONT WHEEL DRIVE/ \3 K2 v8 d$ u
( |: ?- Q  h" U
Salvage | Junk | Rebuilt  Guaranteed - G; ^* i5 |1 l! d# |, j
No Problem  
1 }2 s8 {& r' N# _( eFire/Flood | Hail Damage | Buyback/Lemon
' r6 [" Y, k8 X& L- d5 vNo Problem  
* q; C$ X$ t- d7 _; Y4 K, hNot Actual Mileage | Exceeds Mechanical Limits  Guaranteed
4 d8 P8 y6 z! ]  G: g3 R+ P/ NNo Problem  : a6 d# }6 o$ y6 p# u* U# g2 H) @5 |; h

: V$ J% b; h. M1 ^; x  ?- C* o7 zTotal Loss Check
( m# V! ~# {' E3 A: R4 ^4 oNo total loss reported to CARFAX.   No Issues Reported
$ S! K3 Q  _$ Y+ @, C" o0 R * L4 R' `- s9 J0 b
Structural / Frame Damage Check, _* r  O; w. b) {3 X" }
No structural / frame damage reported to CARFAX.   No Issues Reported
* T2 \0 d& @" a/ T2 p8 i1 Z) e6 F
: ]8 b. a6 S3 AAirbag Deployment Check
2 g+ v' D& e5 r: U2 x. [0 W3 ^6 PNo airbag deployment reported to CARFAX.   No Issues Reported
9 ~3 ?" w2 a% t/ ? ; Y5 g/ x+ d* E$ E& x
Odometer Rollback Check- S5 r- [. V5 w0 S/ I( m+ S3 h
No indication of an odometer rollback.  No Issues Indicated
! k* M5 y0 b0 C% w3 h4 R 0 z( m$ c5 v/ }0 H& v1 w2 N" Q
Accident Check* @9 U- Z+ H% m* @
No accidents reported to CARFAX.   No Issues Reported 1 I$ `2 T' e8 _# n

5 L. a+ {% U+ B4 M( I% \) @; H, N; T' O( JManufacturer Recall Check6 ^, r% o- d3 O# W4 t9 W
Check with an authorized Nissan dealer for any open recalls.   
" B9 u, p6 [- y& V1 f, NNo Recalls Reported " _' Y9 D# e" n: x9 {0 u

1 J5 R5 @7 c+ R% Q3 I- p7 J+ l3 L                 
, }/ [+ f9 ?* E' Q! FBasic Warranty Check2 [+ B% H8 h) W3 e9 q! t
No data reported to CARFAX. % R$ J+ [( Z# N1 a( V9 n
No Data Reported
- u, Z! H) {3 B5 q# u# Q7 {$ Z9 R " \2 u* p6 p9 |- x
: \( F% {' K7 L- }4 ^+ S4 _

: E/ O+ L( h. ~* N/ r. Z10/18/1994       NICB    Vehicle manufactured
  L0 [) c% Z, n# n- Fand shipped to original dealer  
" e: J0 W) v; |4 U6 E 7 ^) T8 ]3 w/ S' E4 G
10/21/1994       Ontario
4 u6 k! y$ ~, W# A4 s  j- zMinistry of Transportation    Registration issued or renewed
( K. O3 }% J, }- S% i1 P. EFirst owner reported
) t8 b9 Y- C+ _+ t, v" |Passed safety inspection
: c  f, v; b. b& ~3 f' KVehicle color noted as Green
; l" ~, Y2 E: v* i2 a5 R& G: g+ l2 r7 Y( q6 r* }$ \6 {
Perform an Ontario lien search  
3 Q" D9 z' F9 f 0 J/ `7 }4 w! `: n, B5 z
12/24/1995       British Columbia
  V! {" R7 l* y7 R1 O2 gMotor Vehicle Dept.    Registration issued or renewed  0 h( {) H  F. X$ G' Z7 o/ i
  Z  C7 V  @3 {7 E' |* v
12/24/1997       British Columbia 4 L6 i' h9 a* X$ c+ S/ v! Q4 u( v/ A
Motor Vehicle Dept.    Registration issued or renewed  / ~$ n3 K/ ~+ A/ s( V$ k
% I/ A* Z1 j# ~& h: {
12/24/1998       British Columbia
5 K3 c0 E- V/ n# \1 @2 YMotor Vehicle Dept.    Registration issued or renewed  
( f% p4 F" ?6 V. F4 H& u
9 v3 m# Y2 T$ J05/10/1999    32,088    Service Facility    Vehicle serviced
; _, ~2 \7 E( ]. G) ?1 MMiscellaneous service performed
1 u( o1 Q; J: ]1 N) y9 BSuspension system serviced ( h( h- k& t- y
Brakes serviced + ^0 ^" v2 y, n5 x
Odometer reported as 51,641 kilometers  7 N5 d: c2 Z0 [  W+ {. U

# O( x, i. Z. z% R  f" E+ i12/24/1999       British Columbia 2 X0 z) T) H) z: D; j
Motor Vehicle Dept.    Registration issued or renewed  
4 U  o! C  p. ~5 b4 H
/ \7 d( D! g' _6 ^! _0 S11/24/2000    34,248    Service Facility    Vehicle serviced ) o  v5 T6 A, ]6 L
Odometer reported as 55,117 kilometers  
( \0 O( s! N. X% ~/ d 3 R: o* W, i0 _* e0 X+ @
12/24/2000       British Columbia 5 ~1 G; J9 p+ S4 B; C; O+ b  k0 l
Motor Vehicle Dept.    Registration issued or renewed  
# \+ b4 @8 o& M9 @* J
3 `% y: V7 J7 p) q; u- j# T06/28/2001    36,081    Service Facility    Vehicle serviced ' T$ w0 S( `4 m2 Z
Exhaust system serviced 5 U) p( y6 S2 h9 F
Odometer reported as 58,067 kilometers  
4 z3 A" ^; _( d, W
( X  p9 d* t/ E4 U5 v2 e  h) a05/11/2002       British Columbia
5 Q; M9 q( e. `1 j5 yMinistry of Transportation    Registration issued or renewed  
4 h1 b+ R; ]' ` 4 P8 f- a5 u9 Z  G( ]5 ]
05/11/2003       British Columbia : }* _* J" A: B/ y- v# F; K
Motor Vehicle Dept.    Registration issued or renewed  4 e, o- |  n* h0 \. h9 b

9 _6 X7 `/ |5 E/ H8 c05/11/2004       British Columbia 2 |- O' E: w  y2 i9 e
Motor Vehicle Dept.    Registration issued or renewed  
( M' M( |5 g& V7 E$ f# K * J) a2 P- w: ^& T5 K
03/19/2005       British Columbia * z3 l$ Q5 I) v: T& q8 _
Motor Vehicle Dept.    Registration issued or renewed  # F9 @& \- ]  H3 B& e
3 U- _, d3 Q! i' ]: |* a
05/06/2005       Dealer Inventory    Vehicle offered for sale  
; n- C) S7 u! ~9 o; i) `7 v 4 g  R. s$ Q$ Z8 r) A# d4 B
04/27/2006    92,449    Alberta ; m$ B* l; V! c( S" I6 Y* q# r
Motor Vehicle Dept.    Odometer reading reported
2 J9 X0 B, J6 _6 d/ W4 U/ jOdometer reported as 148,783 kilometers  
# m7 G% U9 q5 }% ^' e
. [3 @3 T5 ^: Z0 D% y& x+ t7 I9 C/ L05/04/2006       Alberta 0 b- |3 s! V, }* r" u1 |3 |
Motor Vehicle Dept.
# s1 U% `2 Q4 D  f$ v! d# WEdmonton, AB    Registration issued or renewed ) _" Y! K$ v+ @+ u
New owner reported
5 x9 W' a4 }* `. ~Vehicle color noted as Light Blue  
8 Q0 w" A% w- @6 c4 ^' K9 Q4 b5 X ' Z0 M; e! z# }' S) o
01/16/2008       Alberta
; @$ P- p. t3 i5 j  V# J, w+ zMotor Vehicle Dept. 2 R; Z! O- {: M) \( R" y
Edmonton, AB    Registration issued or renewed
' C6 O6 Y( }' h: i$ n# {7 qVehicle color noted as Light Blue
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-4-4 09:41 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-4-4 16:09 | 显示全部楼层
帮忙查一下这辆车 非常谢谢!!!3 y( e1 D' @, L4 o' i
鲜花(48) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-4-4 18:48 | 显示全部楼层
# z5 ~4 W$ {- e' A$ i
, l. q/ K. M9 F+ C# o1P3ES42C3WD559655
; j+ r4 c2 a% a" k. L3 l# E/ r
3 X$ u! W( [: T2 o( \9 m# O" N多谢多谢
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2008-4-4 20:09 | 显示全部楼层


同言同羽 置业良晨
2005 DODGE NEON SX 2.0 8 L+ V+ Z/ X9 Q" h. p4 |
2 t' A- ~! j2 K' F& G% WSEDAN 4 DR
0 o  |. [: [& G1 }5 F+ Q5 _) ~2.0L L4 SFI SOHC 16V / FRONT WHEEL DRIVE
' I7 c4 i: d3 S+ L6 }
6 Q" U. N; l7 b$ Q1 \' [" R$ fSalvage | Junk | Rebuilt  Guaranteed
2 q5 r% r4 A+ T! H: q( iNo Problem  7 ~$ k, Y+ z* R
Fire/Flood | Hail Damage | Buyback/Lemon 6 ?4 `% n% b$ `. ~+ [6 V
No Problem  
: T% p  p# f( m* F9 r0 F4 p' jNot Actual Mileage | Exceeds Mechanical Limits  Guaranteed 5 [2 i' C7 }7 F9 H5 p  A
No Problem  
( g: d! S- d9 Y; |- I8 M/ W# U" _1 F: j5 K. R$ T( [
Total Loss Check
/ E- H- l3 l2 z# J2 g& E3 [8 _# oNo total loss reported to CARFAX.   No Issues Reported
* o$ S% t$ S8 f) u7 H& I 4 C5 n. I; F4 j: o+ P
Structural / Frame Damage Check6 F8 y% N6 S1 G, }
No structural / frame damage reported to CARFAX.   No Issues Reported % ~3 v4 h( Q' p
# ~6 B/ t% ?2 q2 m' P; M! I
Airbag Deployment Check. D/ X3 M" \4 A: W1 V
No airbag deployment reported to CARFAX.   No Issues Reported
8 |7 o3 k, c' g/ e+ F; R9 s
/ J! O5 B+ a8 l0 j" q- i$ ?* POdometer Rollback Check6 e- Z( X7 h4 E- ^
No indication of an odometer rollback.  No Issues Indicated
) q( E, Y' l5 ` 8 y. F  r) B9 g% {- \, O* _
Accident Check
  v/ ]( a5 T" T% d( bNo accidents reported to CARFAX.   No Issues Reported
9 H2 R. M0 Z/ ]+ u! o# F 5 p4 y4 Y6 Q/ y2 L9 p7 I
Manufacturer Recall Check& t7 r& b( v- D  c; r" J6 }
No open recalls reported to CARFAX.   No Recalls Reported
) F8 ^$ B' T2 w$ t
) z3 a* t) N8 X$ Y/ m3 m                 4 o8 @" P. {+ ~$ M- m& g, J4 C: W
Basic Warranty Check
8 S& z9 ^3 K3 D' v( q: X/ ^Estimated to have 6 months remaining. Recalculate warranty" u/ _8 y: B1 E/ q' [0 t& W4 @
Interested in an extended warranty?
) r5 K) @3 E% e0 G  Warranty Active
, u$ i/ m8 u7 N% Y/ ~
" Q8 i9 `/ G) z8 _; H; L
# @3 w0 R: l' G, u9 G- W09/21/2005       Alberta
+ E  u, x' F6 B& y! k8 w# T4 k; oMotor Vehicle Dept. 4 B% @; w  G8 I) X8 P  {, }) v. M
Wembley, AB    Registration issued or renewed : P  y& z8 K4 j# E& ?
First owner reported  * m9 e' m3 r. _- v4 w
( L% }; ^; }, s% o8 ^. X
04/28/2006       Alberta
, [4 q1 J9 `. w( Z. z) [7 Z* `Motor Vehicle Dept. # f* H$ ?8 k4 s" W$ {2 N! {8 {
Wembley, AB    Registration issued or renewed
4 m0 n  d3 O) ]6 P& Z" ~- fRegistered as lease vehicle
5 ?) S- {- R" F( {Vehicle color noted as Red  " t4 O- X3 S9 Z; V4 j2 G# O

* Z& D! S' I2 P: M+ i12/18/2007       Alberta
) R+ Y. o1 ?# |* v5 f  M) jMotor Vehicle Dept. 8 M. q2 Q8 O0 A; Z0 O" Q
Edmonton, AB    Registration issued or renewed
) p- U5 P1 W' @# w5 M9 oNew owner reported
0 k% k) R" x- T4 j; DVehicle color noted as Red
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2008-4-4 20:11 | 显示全部楼层


同言同羽 置业良晨
- X; F) w, }( }0 d2 m. p1P3ES42C3WD559655
+ u4 N5 T  X% l: v# ~PILLARD HARDTOP4 M- p1 D  S: q0 v' M
8 Z5 o* K- w6 ?9 Y- L& Z: p; v! U3 b3 l& D1 C, ?* x" R# K
Salvage | Junk | Rebuilt  Guaranteed
3 U' `! w" m# b4 N: P- F' lNo Problem  
) K& R0 g- i- C8 @0 A. N( w3 nFire/Flood | Hail Damage | Buyback/Lemon
% b& y/ ~3 \* pNo Problem  
- E: o' ?$ [7 r: NNot Actual Mileage | Exceeds Mechanical Limits  Guaranteed 9 a2 @: n6 ^( u7 i0 I  s) b* c
No Problem  
- d6 {6 t  ~/ f, k* ]5 Y% m( |7 l3 @  D
7 z7 g& G5 q' r- j7 _! s6 _
Total Loss Check! d+ c+ C, m1 ~) B/ q
No total loss reported to CARFAX.   No Issues Reported
( U3 J6 O+ Q) v2 T/ t9 J) Q 4 I; G% U/ G( o' M& [% l
Structural / Frame Damage Check
5 h. s# S3 s# h! p3 t# _$ {* vNo structural / frame damage reported to CARFAX.   No Issues Reported $ g1 X5 O8 ^9 d- Q7 s8 _

$ J( }; Q3 \# F/ Y  v  `Airbag Deployment Check
" H+ w$ \" r- H& qNo airbag deployment reported to CARFAX.   No Issues Reported
! T. ?6 t8 `, O: ^3 [
( d% I# w1 k, `7 m. D+ B( TOdometer Rollback Check
0 K: ~* C5 ^+ N6 d2 |* h5 B# GNo indication of an odometer rollback.  No Issues Indicated
4 E( b9 e3 t. x7 Y# i5 S
* f: [) _6 _: r$ ~( n+ hAccident Check2 {- u8 U/ }; X
No accidents reported to CARFAX.   No Issues Reported 5 ^8 ~: w6 ^  }7 ]  t

, r0 X$ \. G: P* S* n& t! x9 J. sManufacturer Recall Check8 B& X# g! U- V2 ?5 q, c
Check with an authorized Chrysler dealer for any open recalls.   No Recalls Reported
; d1 w5 y+ ]5 g9 r 5 \* d6 K( @2 U8 V2 I% I& V
                 , P( r3 U5 T: U+ b* u' [1 I
Basic Warranty Check: y' f7 x" ?5 V3 s1 g6 S
Original warranty estimated to have expired. View Info
6 A. @. d) `6 E+ s% Y' K: eInterested in an extended warranty? 6 c( G/ e4 J2 N5 G! a' `, Z8 n% ], Z: F$ ?
Warranty Expired
: f7 }1 E: u% L; b/ f 2 f) `$ w+ g% G& c) I4 D" O
10/30/1998       Alberta ; [; {8 R* G% M" N
Motor Vehicle Dept. 4 Y$ H% o+ M- M  V+ y" q1 K! p
Edmonton, AB    Registration issued or renewed
" o0 a) `1 n# |& R( rFirst owner reported  8 \( @4 R! k* r4 a

3 V! m% M+ x+ S+ x06/04/2001       Alberta 2 x( G8 @: b  o7 W: f
Motor Vehicle Dept.
$ o" t0 Q" I1 h- XHinton, AB    Registration issued or renewed  
) V5 I. i6 u1 W2 t/ ]6 O : [* K$ x' ~0 [
06/04/2001       Alberta
7 |8 {4 ]2 k3 yMotor Vehicle Dept. ! i$ F+ B% h8 g- d
Edmonton, AB    Registration issued or renewed  * K6 T. b7 j2 [( O

7 w+ }* @; y3 o07/18/2001    35,530    Service Facility    Vehicle serviced 5 d3 l, N: }3 [) k5 _3 [3 t% o* \
Engine serviced . F! o  J* c9 j2 A* }' W
Suspension system serviced 4 O: I4 g3 B% K4 I' _
Lubed oil and filter changed
' W3 v+ U9 y& m$ [- R4 F* y' DOdometer reported as 57,180 kilometers  / h0 v* L0 r3 [7 c

& c  c  s! X( D$ z+ O6 w04/04/2005       Alberta ; P( m- g1 _8 R9 m5 Q- G
Motor Vehicle Dept. . ^1 E% z) ^2 E- @+ Y+ m9 g; }
St Albert, AB    Registration issued or renewed  
# O2 L4 N# s) v% S7 Z9 T $ k8 e/ K- Y7 |% A/ L' d4 W
09/16/2005       Alberta 7 M5 j  Z4 t+ p" Y
Motor Vehicle Dept. ) }* l- _  K/ M% z: L; H
Edmonton, AB    Registration issued or renewed  
7 b% r2 Z. ~( W9 @  C2 p& H & Y5 g6 ~7 U+ q! |8 B6 m
08/31/2006       Alberta + N2 C: \7 q  [
Motor Vehicle Dept.
4 Y- b: h8 a( e. U* S8 dEdmonton, AB    Registration issued or renewed
- V' V/ i: p* N+ y$ |Vehicle color noted as Black  6 j  S7 d8 k  ~) d0 w% ]$ U

2 b, W; Q! m; d! Z08/31/2007       Alberta
1 |$ a$ q& p% U4 ^( h" ^" R# QMotor Vehicle Dept. 3 u! u- P, U/ Y' [5 P
Edmonton, AB    Registration issued or renewed ' m4 x7 Q, z6 D
Vehicle color noted as Black  
0 {: d% k# e' c0 Q2 x1 {0 @  z! ]. o 2 z8 E8 d7 k. `  ]$ {' D+ U5 C0 p
01/16/2008       Alberta
- t& d9 F" ^- |. qMotor Vehicle Dept.
2 ?4 I. i$ v! K' OSt Albert, AB    Registration issued or renewed
, K5 k$ S) i+ B+ iNew owner reported
8 P# |: w- b$ m& l4 V4 S8 t" ], z% p; qVehicle color noted as Black  
, r2 w5 a" _0 K& C
' z. h7 {1 `  ?6 E3 J& Q03/07/2008       Alberta
" ]% V) p/ [9 N( C7 M; f4 qMotor Vehicle Dept. 6 H7 o  P. u0 _  N
St Albert, AB    Registration issued or renewed
$ Y6 K/ E; \, d* p* s: X; ~. |Vehicle color noted as Black
鲜花(48) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-4-4 20:45 | 显示全部楼层
多谢鱼兄为我们花的时间! 希望以后多交流,我经常在2手车版混
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-4-4 21:33 | 显示全部楼层
+ u  q$ |- V  D) ^% \* d' _: A& F/ {% P
  T' E* ^, Z) b( p- C& G9 n& |( ?8 u/ {; C  e# J
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2008-4-5 07:28 | 显示全部楼层


鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2008-4-5 07:29 | 显示全部楼层


鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-4-5 15:32 | 显示全部楼层
please help7 b5 {6 E. z8 W% P
5 D3 M2 ^6 ]- d% T
1D4GP25R65B2423838 N4 F4 Q: R2 e3 d) a$ n' V0 t

( Y+ X3 c2 y: hpls sent email to : lesliejink@hotmail.com
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-4-6 05:55 | 显示全部楼层
还能帮查吗?VIN: 1FAFP10P5WW230976   谢谢!
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2008-4-6 09:12 | 显示全部楼层


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