二手汽车 老柳教车

埃德蒙顿华人社区-Edmonton China

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鲜花(19) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-4-5 20:15 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
2007年8月購買# E1 v( }  z1 A* @$ O
6 Z# H. p+ E9 S; z- X
3.5L V6 SHOC 245HP 4x4
$ L1 {$ ]  u$ }6 x) w& g哩數:10,000 英里
( X8 g+ X5 u" N3 B% ~6 N; p6 f4 W! D0 N& B5 D" E+ K/ W! d8 c
% \, b0 y) q( N8 }, z! j" Y1.車體内飾安裝工藝良好,嚴寒氣候行駛無震動異響
) h2 J6 n7 v5 K& y9 X2.車載音響表現滿意顯示仍然缺少RDS (Radio Data System)  以及多行顯示 XM 收音機! w0 `2 }7 f/ g% p2 [0 ?: ~3 S
3.VTM-4 四輪驅動系統表現出衆,無論冰雪路面,干路面,均平順穩定,無一般4輪驅動轉彎時的震動wind-up - S5 p) ]" U8 E8 I& V3 x, \% o
4.懸挂系統良好,操控舒適性非常出衆,同高檔SUV很相似,無同級卡車的顛簸感覺 (GM canyon/Dodge Dakota); k3 h2 \/ v# c- ?8 [; p+ Z
/ B. \8 X0 V* B" O+ r) D6。鄒傢,旅行,運動皆宜。 三次滑雪,裝備,行李上下非常方便。
! a+ s& O) T+ D2 G8 M; K" I8 O9 F! y" ]
油耗: a.高速公路 10升/100km (速度 100-110km/h Edmonton-Calgary 多次準確實測)# I4 ]' @3 H! m- g1 r# f+ J
       b.高速公路 15升/100km (速度 130-150km/h Edmonton-Jasper HWY16 實測
6 P" G( ^1 Z5 e3 [       c.城市/高速 13-14升/100km (50-120km/h) " f6 W3 H& t& J* g* K; p8 t
4 f2 M8 O0 s% h0 S2 W
2 |* V' J2 l. f維護保養: 更換機油  (自購 Mobil 1 合成機油 56刀 油濾12刀 labor 20刀 包括前後對調輪胎)合計 88刀 (6000英里更換)
7 M; C# O- _6 E* n$ M2 _; V# l. m& R/ ]' z9 F& D& _
下次保養:18000英里 費用相同
" Y9 B- h* C& e: T* A" w
! t9 }5 h. D/ H% L+ _大保養:30000英里 更換4x4齒輪油(60刀) 60000英里 更換自動變速箱油 (120刀)! Q2 }. W; h: j! x8 @: C

) H& E; H/ F4 X( t/ v維護成本很低 2万公里換油間隔,比5000公里換油節省勞務和成本。
$ c8 m0 I5 z3 N7 m+ h5 R  @+ c, T5 [3 E: Y6 S% o
缺點: 實在找不出什麽缺點,唯一遺憾的是初段動力稍微不足(245馬力),最高速度只有185km/h (我自己開的最快速度,油門到底,沒有太大的空間了)! U3 n% B! e# V* |

) w4 k% W& n5 `, a* r* M: G[ 本帖最后由 HRU 于 2008-4-5 21:25 编辑 ]
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-4-6 11:14 | 显示全部楼层
The Ridgeline is the only car-based pickup in the United States and Canada.  I would not call this piece of crap "truck", even it pretend to be.
鲜花(19) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2008-4-7 09:10 | 显示全部楼层

A truck guy always talks like a pro

I am not sure what kind of truck you drive, but simply accredit a "unibody" or "body on frame" as a standard for a good truck is so unprofessional.4 y8 c7 |# F7 M' [2 W, ?+ }
  y* I# n) n& E, R
A truck is for real world life. Honda ridgeline is for city truck, not for rig or oil field tough job. That is very clear in this province there are so many red necks simply drive 1500-2500 truck like a passenger car, consuming or wasting our natural resources. 99% time of these gas galzzlers are on city's paved roads.
$ `  i; e: m% k- Y4 M! Y. \
% ~( G, I6 Y$ Y( j( BOn the other hand, mid size truck not too many to choose from: GM canyon/colorado, dodge dakota, they are really craps compared with Honda. Toyota Tacoma or Nissan frontier, they are overpriced and not bad.
' U! p& z) ]& {+ j9 y) z# ?; p# v5 a( J; g* x1 Q# v+ H
Maybe it is an offence to ask you what do you drive. If you are driving anything but a Nissan Tittan, you are actually driving a truck that under the mark.
& M1 J2 V7 ]0 s: ~6 _0 ~3 J2 \5 {" [
/ Q; v; E' X( o2 l. NTruck talk is not easy, any brand name has some die hard loyaltists.
4 v" ?' `1 ?% K( f' ?6 ~% X. G4 S; B7 t( c- B" o; A  \* g
In my opinion, Mid size truck, I recommand Honda Ridgeline6 Z. k3 S6 D. i( e
               Full Size truck, I recommand Nissan Tittan
% o+ Y. m( b1 [  }: \4 w0 Y               Full Size disel working horse: Dodge 3500 Diesel
, O* z1 k4 V6 T2 W$ l8 I
1 |8 o! q4 y. r. s6 R9 l, Q  _[ 本帖最后由 HRU 于 2008-4-7 10:12 编辑 ]
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-4-7 20:41 | 显示全部楼层
老杨团队 追求完美
Did I mention anything about Titan? No, I don't like Nissan truck, they are gas sucker.  Actually I have two vehicles, Impala for weekday commuting and an 12 years old 4Runner for weekend recreation.  Instead of buying a pickup, I prefer to tow a trailer with my old truck.  Honda is good at building high quality car, motorcycle and small motors, rather than real pickup truck, which is a rolling tribute to the working class people who form the backbone of our country– as defined by the musical stylings of John Cougar Mellencamp.  Whatever Honda announced, 5000-lb towing capacity!?  I would not recommend to tow anything more than 4500Ib just having some safety margin.  You are right, Ridgeline is a city pickup, that's all, it's not fair to expect her to handle any tough work which is what a TRUCK is all about.
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-4-7 22:08 | 显示全部楼层

Pickup truck talk 2

If you have any chance to drive a Honda Ridgeline, you will notice how good it is compared to newer Toyota 4runner.0 g# L9 Z7 D, }5 r) O3 R% V) M, H0 W

7 m: h% h& f' T# R. _& }% n7 WIf you go ski with your family and serveral friends, how can you tow a trailer just for those skis, boots,poles, luggages? The extra gas costs and unconvient parking will kill the pleasure for the whole trip.
* a+ n* E, `; r) x' }
6 u% r/ ?6 A) G3 qBut when you drive a pickup truck, it is so easy to haul people plus their gears. This does not mean you have to drive a big full size truck to o around. A city truck is perfect for this task.1 }; p- [/ q4 H( U

& E# s4 P4 P- H- r! AWhen you decide to buy some funiture, some reno materials, some dirt and even gabage bags that you forget to dump on the collecting day, there is more than happy time put your mid size honda truck in position.& T% P) K! A. {/ A& ~/ f! n
3 W& Z( g$ [9 r; b7 Z  n
On normal work days, simply make your truck a nomal SUV, turn on XM radio, enjoy your heated leather seats, open the sunroof, show off your summer rims....
# {) d3 D/ t  W6 N" N
! h8 m3 I+ s1 ]: y8 d7 D2 k  D, d; ?This is a 3-in-1 solution, A suv, A pickup, A minivan. There is not such a thing in market so far. (Chev Avan might be choice gas is so poor)8 B4 e0 m1 p4 t# g; P& }6 W
/ f+ t7 f* t6 ^( E' c: _$ ?9 b
Again, I am also a big fan of Tittan. There is no dout it is a bad boy for gas milage, but who is better in full size club? Tittan is 100% for the performance and handle, no one can stand out if it is not a Nissan Tittan.# p- Y1 b0 a1 V0 c$ n6 J8 K! q5 ]+ G
% `9 v, a9 r- Y- v
For car, I am a big fan of Accord. If you want to spoil yourself, drive a Mercedez Benz. All negative comments about MB is just half truth. It is good on gas (My is 4.2 V8 engine E420), it is supper on handle (RWD) , it is quite, it is fast (so easy to over 240km/h) it is simply an amazing car.
3 C: D3 i5 \6 p2 y( o  z% J9 |" s  d; d4 Y4 u* ?+ x4 J
[ 本帖最后由 美夜 于 2008-4-7 23:13 编辑 ]
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-4-17 00:29 | 显示全部楼层

people who know nothing about trucks dear to talk about trucks now

Honda dear to call those shitty "cars" as truck.  Ridgeline have no power, no torque, no reliable tansmission ( maybe we shall say "transaxel") suit for tow and hual, not even a real time 4wd system; doesn't have a strong enough suspention system to carry loads and damping shocks, don;t even have a strong engough chassic to hold all the mess, and fuel economy goes 15L/100Km on HW? what a joke !   Dodge Ram 1500 with 5.7 hemi engine 345hp/375ftlp only 14L/100km in city and 11L/100km on HW.; _$ i  C- a7 g: x% B+ Q

- n7 T" I6 p. g% l$ N6 BRidgeline just a "looks big" family car can tightly carry 5 slim adult and couple luggages, can not tow, can not haul, can not off road. It's not an TRUCK, not even SUV7 S/ o: I1 T. T( R  `- v) g- I

' |- p; h  Y6 {- }$ _Talk about Nissan Titan, another piece of shit, look big and nice though, but talk about design and reliability? 95% truck user will never choose titan because of low on capacity, hard on service,stuipd expensive price , tiny little oil filter and rear diff bring serius reliability problem.
% h9 y( T! |9 P% w5 I5 ?  i
, E3 h- ]. X9 H8 j9 UNo pro or expericed driver will choose "honda truck" or titan for THE WORKS SHOULD BE DONE BY A TRUCK.
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-4-17 07:58 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(19) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2008-4-19 11:32 | 显示全部楼层

WoW Die Hard Truck Guy is here

I was so surprise that a Chinese guy talking a truck like a real "Truck Guy"! w2 B1 a$ z1 A# j
3 K0 a) N6 R3 d' q
Since you've hailed so much bitter on Honda Truck, do you know anything about the comparable trucks about GMC/Chev corolado/canyon? Or imported duo Frontier/Tacoma?. b* s( C' R7 h0 y; D2 T! a4 q' W
+ Q$ J9 t! ^2 o- |. n/ V- q
Honda is one of the most capable truck among this section.  6 O7 y9 z% x. f
7 g& S, g0 P+ o
I said before, any nameplate truck has diehard fan, though I am not sure what brand name you are with.& f! [2 e% b% s5 S

- E8 Z$ p& f* o9 uBut I am professional sales of cars, Suvs, and trucks, I've been driving most trucks in the market. I do believe that all your comments about Honda Ridgeline are false.
+ ^6 \' m7 p! L; H- J
, p3 b( i$ [$ {  O9 I2 V, QGasmileage:
7 X( p  @" {- H* g9 tHonda Ridgeline is at 10L/100km when you drive normally (110km/h) My 15L/100km is high speed racing on Hwy 16 (most time 150km/h)4 G9 W/ ~1 J/ i+ ^

# S! K+ a% ~8 R- \* wYou mentioned Ram 1500 5.7Hemi MDS, it never gets better than 14L/100km on highway. In the city, you must cry when you really want to count: 19-22L/100km4 R/ u/ D0 q& `& X1 `
' X9 s5 q1 O9 X7 ~
Honda is doing a good job in this truck. It is not for oil rig or other braging tough jobs. It is a city truck with decent room, adequte power, reliability, and style. (at least very unique).
9 V7 j1 R" _, `$ l
# q& R- [3 i0 |2 p5 ^8 k; vMy opinion for this truck is 9 of 10. 1 W* N* P8 H3 O1 Y
The only complain about this truck is the heated seats are not as good as my mercedes benz. Too slow to heated up and too hot when it is in working.
1 Q: G( ~+ x5 E- }! A$ M9 N2 c0 u1 D/ O7 m: @) W( f7 T7 M/ r: [
About titian, I insist that it is the best truck in the market. All other truck drivers have same problems if they are unhappy. $ C2 _* Y" f/ ~$ n6 v9 y8 ~) M. _) U
5 K$ b; _+ \5 R( [* V0 f6 J$ |
If you drive any truck, talk your true experience, not from other people's mouth.
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-4-19 16:17 | 显示全部楼层
如果楼上各位会中文的话, 我建议大家输入中文. HRU 说的我同意一部分, 我仍然认为RIDGELINE只是外形像PICKUP的多用途车, 仅此而已. 不要认为华人谈卡车就好像外行, 这么说首先就不专业. 难道只有厨师才尝的出煎蛋味道的好坏, 而一个臭蛋也不必非得吃过才知道.  我凑巧认识几个你所说的"REAL TRUCK GUYS", 开了很多年的PICKUP (SILVERADO 或 F150), 他们甚至从没自己换过DIFFERENTIAL OIL 和TRANSFER OIL, 搞不清楚GL-4 和 GL-5 油的差别, 但他们开的很熟, 而且建议我买SILVERADO.  相比之下, 我高中没毕业就已经会熟练驾驶解放牌卡车, 但称不上TRUCK GUY, 我不知道什么样才算TRUCK GUY.
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-4-19 17:28 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 MingJ 于 2008-4-19 17:17 发表 5 C' J" m! K$ _
如果楼上各位会中文的话, 我建议大家输入中文. HRU 说的我同意一部分, 我仍然认为RIDGELINE只是外形像PICKUP的多用途车, 仅此而已. 不要认为华人谈卡车就好像外行, 这么说首先就不专业. 难道只有厨师才尝的出煎蛋味道 ...

  V% a( H. k! n- }8 h$ U
5 ^- j: I: k& c% k6 {8 N& q; Q) Y# k: z& b9 C% E
$ X. }9 r8 k7 f! |8 T; N2 Z+ F+ A' i
半吨皮卡几本就是silerado和RAM平分天下,Silverado强在配置丰富,变速箱和分动箱及其可靠又容易维护,标配LSD,避震和弹簧相当出色。从功率和扭矩输出上来说Vortec 5.3表现平平,而且聚合物制成的进气歧管和铸铁缸体之间的热膨胀系数相差很大,一段时间以后会撕裂密封垫片,造成真空泄露;而且配合四速变速箱以后,燃油经济性稍差一些。另外就是后桥和前桥的油封很容易泄露。# D1 C1 H; G, z. v) S. M" k; ~+ O
' l: j6 ~1 s( Q4 Q% z' q) h9 a, B
$ l" E3 ~8 b! b. l就个人观点而言,F150在设计和制造水准来说,不如silerado和ram, 维修保养比较复杂且间隔短,直接降低了可靠性,很多底盘上的零件容易锈蚀,甚至锈穿;引擎和变速箱以及分动箱的诟病太多。长出在于内饰设计比较时髦,而且总体来说,价钱也便宜一些。
鲜花(19) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2008-4-19 23:03 | 显示全部楼层


$ H0 c; L0 U0 N8 o, G7 K首先,各位在谈论卡车的时候,不要忘记是在谈论full size 皮卡 还是谈 mid-size 皮卡。  z4 N, A; {' A1 J% u! w

2 m' I6 f6 M+ U& V+ O1 M1 r: L误解1 卡车必须是body on frame, 也就是底盘和车体必须是分离的才是“真正的卡车”, H. W# w% s5 g. O! ~
1 H+ T9 j; Y1 g& ~$ B. G
实际上,当你把一辆丰田tacoma 拆开后,(或者是通用的colorado), 你会发现底盘和车厢的连接是如此的简单和粗糙(12个-14个12mm螺栓加上垫片)我敢保证,如果unibody 比这个结构便宜的的话,99%的中型皮卡会使用unibody 结构。在中型卡车里面,unibody structure 的成本比body on fame 要高。(unibody 要更精密的工装设备和更高级别的钢材toolings and steel grade) 本田是唯一愿意下血本生产unibody mid size pickup truck 的厂商,因为它想在这个圈子里分一杯羹,只能投入更多。 事实上本田的结构强度和抗扭系数都高于其竞争对手。 如果在full size 卡车里面谁能够生产出unibody 的话,成本一定高的惊人,没有商用价值,尽管结果是更舒适的驾驶和操控,更高的强度。所以,迄今没有unibody 的full size pickup truck .原因是经济上划不来。3 R5 h. R& {) }7 ?/ c1 H8 V
8 Z% \% N! }6 r- u" L$ N
2 差速器的误解 Locking diffrential/limited slippery diffrential: E6 F6 X# z$ \% I+ I# t
差速器实际上和转弯有关。现代汽车和轻型卡车都有差速器,保证转弯的时候内外轮的转速差不会造成wind-up 以及操控困难。但是,差速器的存解决了转弯的问题的同时又导致了车轮循迹 traction 的问题。 如果一侧车轮打滑,差速器会导致两侧同时减少扭矩输出,造成未打滑一侧扭矩损失,整体后果是车辆推进力下降。
& U' j4 `) Z, p* p( e; v
$ q+ A# v% Z# X8 Y为了解决这个问题,有些车辆设计了locking differential. 这种机械结构强制扭矩平衡输出,牺牲一侧的traction 来保证在良好路面一侧的轮子能够获得足够的扭矩摆脱困境。 # P" x; l" ~% A$ G0 U
" s5 Q3 Q1 Z$ }; S& ]9 K& N
如果是4轮驱动车辆,差速器可以有几个 (前差速器,后差速器,中桥)它们可以单独存在,也可以共同存在。
* \/ c' W& j4 Q* f9 `$ C9 b* J2 x0 o7 g$ P: G$ o
LSD 是折衷,利用有限的锁定来给两侧的车轮同时提供traction.
+ S* d5 m9 @4 {3 u( x, G% F3 q, X8 {9 p; w

0 k( ^$ E" W( E+ I1 z但是,差速器仅仅是解决问题的方法之一,并不是所有的4轮驱动系统都要有差速器介入才能解决traction 和扭矩的平衡输出的问题。 奔驰的越野车ML GL 以及轿车的 4matic 驱动就没有差速器,而采用电子离合实现真正的1+1+1+1 驱动,必要的时候一个轮子可以得到发动机90%的扭矩!(此时其它三个轮子可能都失去traction, 扭矩对它们没有意义)当然成本又一次阻挠了所有车辆去掉机械差速器的使用。 本田采用的是传统和电子的混合体,可以锁定,也可以实现4轮电子动态分配扭矩,比纯机械的4x4减轻了自重,但是需要换differential oil (大约24000km 更换第一次,然后96000公里更换,第三次是192000公里,本田的机油,变速箱油,差速器油均有传感器决定更换时机,每辆车的出现时间不同,工况决定)我不知道为什么gm silverado 不需要换differential oil. 但我知道gm 的变速箱油全密封,不需要更换。(奔驰也是如此)
5 B7 i6 R# z- b$ h" l" K& }2 K6 f3 K/ u1 Q+ Z! z+ b( {
3 payload, 扭矩,马力
; L; Y0 p2 C6 L& V: m- |
/ c) A% \* z0 |7 B# P这些完全是无意义的讨论,本田卡车不是为了卡车聊天生产的,它是纯粹的城市卡车。无论承认与否,ridgeline 100% 满足其设计需要。 谈到越野, 我可以邀请任何品牌的SUV 到位于Antony Hendy 和saskachewan river 交汇的桥下的公园(河南岸,桥下西侧)这是一系列挑战性的陡坡(超过25度),offroad, 从河堤下面开到田野里,然后向南开进农田,然后越过antony hendy 西侧的深沟回到antony hendy 高速的路肩上。 谈到装载能力,没有任何一款SUV 可以装载1500磅的行李。- Q" O( j' I4 Z

" f+ t  _' O" M关于拖斗, 我没有拖过任何东西。但是,我开过siverado 08 2500 HD 拖带2台雪地摩托去jasper. 油耗高的你想哭,(百公里超过22升高速120km/h) 不如租当地的摩托开呢。本田卡车不是working horse, 它代替的是suv 不能做的工作。
. d+ H, g! H: V- c8 r& d  m/ \4 {
doge ram 是沙场老将,尤其是便宜的价格零买家难以抗拒。 24月lease 0首付,每个月320元, 这可是1500 SXT crewcab. 4x4 loaded hemi MDS. 很值得购买。 比日本车titan 便宜350元每个月。 " a% C8 Z, o1 N

! Z: G5 ], |, f6 ]+ m  Z9 b但是,如果有心情和有银子,Titan 仍然是首选。 你可以找到很多快乐的GM Ford Dodge driver, 同时你很容易找到同样失望愤怒的三大品牌车主。 但是,titan 只有满意的车主,很少遇到失望愤怒的车主,在这一点上,同本田很相似。
鲜花(48) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-4-20 01:04 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-4-20 07:15 | 显示全部楼层
同言同羽 置业良晨
原帖由 HRU 于 2008-4-20 00:03 发表
% y' ^/ f4 q, n继续卡车话题-实用是最大的卖点$ \2 i8 r& }  U1 a! c
首先,各位在谈论卡车的时候,不要忘记是在谈论full size 皮卡 还是谈 mid-size 皮卡。
% r, l  g* U7 X% Z, G
' s4 w9 {  P( \* L* o7 N误解1 卡车必须是body on frame, 也就是底盘和车体必须是分离的才是“真正的卡车”
! O) I6 l! L  A( m8 K" U! t2 A8 U$ M% U7 F# m
实际 ...
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4 Y8 ]( I4 g/ Y* V3 o: e) e没有兴趣聊RIDGELINE, 不过我知道N多的SUV, 厂方宣称的PAYLOAD 都在1800磅以上. 对于三大车厂的SUV, 你可以放心地装载总重多50%以上的东西. 这我试过的, 而且超重75%以上, 还带爬长坡, 连续运了二十几趟石块做LANDSCAPE, 那FORD SUV啥事也没有.
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