埃德蒙顿华人社区-Edmonton China

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鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-5-24 13:32 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
8 Y: p: e: D, {- t; i, j
( ~; e6 u  S% N5 p  大概说一下,他们本来的计划是第一个团从EDM飞到HAMILTON,从那里租车继续前进,途径尼亚加拉瀑布,CN TOWER,多伦多的CHINATOWN,渥太华的国会山,Rideau Canal,蒙特利尔,魁北克市,大西洋三省,HARTLAND盖桥(不知道普通话怎么翻译的...这个是从另外一个旅游团的繁体字介绍上看来的),去PEI的Confederation Bridge ,绿屋的安妮里面的那个"绿屋",St. John的倒流瀑布,最后从HALIFAX飞回EDM.
, H* H8 F8 L! `5 o0 H! p* h1 y" O  然后第二个团从EDM飞HALIFAX,玩的路线与上面完全相反.这样他们租的车就开回HAMILTION了.
4 h  p; B% S( ]! E( Y/ t& p. U- j6 q" `" N
! A- n2 G4 C; i. ^* k5 S& L; e  我前年跟他们去了BC省的那个团,觉得很不错,这才还想跟他们去.这个团是UA的一个教堂办的,NON-PROFIT,带团的人都几乎不挣钱的.大多参加他们的有UA别的国家来的访问学者,UA学生,或者孩子没时间陪着玩的老人.我去那次一个团都是中国人,虽然带团的洋人说英文,但是会有VOLUNTEER翻译,所以老人不懂英语也没关系.
. T$ R+ ?; ^  P% y- G: V% J" C  带团的人说,如果有更多的人想去,WESTJET最近有个PROMOTION,机票会便宜些,但是要在5月31日之前定.
. n: Y9 q4 V) P# w3 E) W2 {+ y  如果实在凑不出两个团,他在考虑从EDM租个车,十个人,一路开过去.这样时间会从原来说的十天变成十六天,但是价格可能反而还会更低.他们的司机非常可靠,原来曾经开过很多长途.
5 i* c8 o4 _5 P1 Q9 c  
. |$ C/ k6 K- }/ C
" S; z: ~& d9 _' F

) l1 A2 Z* C: n) J! ~* Y: P! Y" F1 E2 }; c6 R, @& @8 O
' b! p! w& N4 }% {- o- N$ S0 d- c0 s3 zTEN DAY TOURS TO CANADA’S EAST COAST
- ~7 v2 h2 x1 l2 J$ g
& X9 ]+ v2 y! t5 a7 J1 lEastern Canada Tour I – August 6 to 15/08
* f) r  X) v7 t3 z) ^) N5 H5 CRegistration Deadline:  May 5th
% v- q8 q1 Z' F* }
6 S, \7 t; K8 \2 b! ~6 J! q4 [7 Q2 K5 d; _+ J& E
Eastern Canada Tour II – August 15 to 24/08
- |/ d1 W  z" _Registration Deadline:  May 5th
- D, b9 u/ O7 E
: A/ P. x( n) U" ?
  t" `3 _: S% R' V: \8 |4 wTen Day Tours to Eastern Canada. As a result of a requested tour to the Atlantic coast last summer, this tour proved so popular, that we are offering it again. Tour I will fly via Westjet to Hamilton, where we will rent a 15 passenger van, travel to spectacular Niagara Falls, a ride on the “Maid of the Mist”, on to Toronto, visit the CN Tower, the waterfront and Chinatown. In Ottawa we will visit the Parliament Buildings and walk along the famous Rideau Canal. A bus tour of Montreal’s business section and a walking tour of the walled old section of Quebec City will thrill you. There will be plenty of surprises as we continue our way through more of Quebec Province and on into the Maritimes. A replica of an early English town at King’s Landing, the world’s longest covered bridge at Hartland, the interesting old buildings in many of the cities in New Brunswick, the world’s largest lobster at Shediac, the13 km. long Confederation Bridge over to Prince Edward Island. Here we will visit “Green Gables”, the red sands and Atlantic Ocean at Cavendish, an optional Lobster feast and the place where Canada was founded at Charlottetown. An hour and a half ferry ride will bring us back to the mainland, with a visit to “Hopewell Rocks” with ten foot tides, reversing falls at St. John, a visit to “Peggy’s Cove”, a famous fishing village, and other sites, before returning to Edmonton via Halifax. It is almost impossible to describe this exciting tour. Just ask some of the people who attended last year. Tour II will be the reverse of Tour I from Halifax.) |8 L8 a0 J. W6 [
! f7 a, z1 r5 M2 Q" q- s
Cost and Minimum Number.  The shared cost for these trips is $1775.00 each with an included deposit of $900.00 each with your registration by the deadline date. The balance is due one week before departure. Your deposit is needed to purchase the airline tickets. Once we buy the tickets, we can’t get a refund, only a credit, so we would hope that if a problem arises and a cancellation is necessary, you would know of someone to take your place. We will also keep a waiting list once the ten places are filled. Cancellation deposits are available six weeks before departure date. If there is enough wanting to go on these tours, and we can get in on the seat sales, the fees will be correspondingly less. We are making every effort to do and see the most for the least cost. The shared cost for the tour includes travel, entrance fees to points of interest and accommodation but does not include meals.
  k" @$ Y: r- z  A8 K, k. u6 Q) E2 \
. U1 @2 ^* e/ l: O9 B[ 本帖最后由 晓晓晓晓 于 2008-5-24 14:40 编辑 ]
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2008-5-24 13:52 | 显示全部楼层
* d: [" F+ @' R% I带团的人的EMAIL.有任何疑问或者报名请用英文.; y& S/ f  ?5 {  b
' Y' b' n2 x" n: r" a3 q而且...我虽然是在做广告...但是不拿任何好处...我就是很想跟他们去啊,所以希望多找到些人.^^
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-5-25 09:16 | 显示全部楼层


我们之前探讨过, 也做过预算, 觉得还是太贵了. 后来都放弃了.; s1 u- S8 I; |. B& O2 ^$ f  Y( C
如果你真想去玩 ,建议先飞到多伦多,再参团, 这样要便宜很多.
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2008-5-25 19:43 | 显示全部楼层

回复 板凳 的帖子

老杨团队 追求完美
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-5-25 20:43 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2008-5-26 20:45 | 显示全部楼层

回复 5楼 的帖子

$1775.00 ,不包吃喝
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2008-6-5 21:22 | 显示全部楼层
再UPDATE一下,教堂决定August 9 to 24th一路开过去.价格可能稍微便宜.再有细节我再来贴.
( H/ m# @+ ]! j) oPS:我已经跟了别的团,因为教堂去的时间跟我上课冲突.谢谢大家关注~
鲜花(115) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-6-5 21:38 | 显示全部楼层
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