埃德蒙顿华人社区-Edmonton China

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lalala random quiz

鲜花(310) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-12-21 00:08 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
6 M8 J  x! [4 z" {+ d" ^6 \0 a" ?
-------------6 years ago----------# w  U$ O/ I, D

2 ?- w- }) v. }/ x) w# @1.) How old were you? 8
, b& W; s" _; W7 {) M+ I2.) Where did you go to school? China        ( X* }+ g5 \+ @/ h
3.) Where did you work? Too young; ?1 W- U( X/ k7 q, a+ u; ?
4.) Where did you live? Dalian, China
$ u9 e" w1 Q2 S0 v5.) Where did you hang out? my bff`s house' Y+ F  l5 A4 h8 S' v& W# T
6.) Did you wear glasses? no
# D7 ~$ x: I2 B7) Who was your best friend? Liu Xin Tong
% k' v) P3 g0 F: R- T" q' K: L: n$ X8.) How many tattoos did you have? 0
1 `! I1 g: J8 v7 G5 s9.) How many piercings did you have? 0
! r& q! X5 i$ f" x" S9 Q& O10.) What car did you drive? couldn't drive
8 o1 S( @; o8 ?/ n( ?( g! M+ W11.) Had you been to a real party? Never been to any
# v& a* Z, t4 p' _3 Z) G& I4 ~12.) Had You had your heart broken? no4 ^6 `. ?. v& I# u8 f1 ?. N
13.)Single/Taken/Married/Divorced? Single
0 B( w$ G5 P# l. V2 t( ^! q+ e- E# }1 z8 k  ^
-------------3 years ago----------
7 ~; U; }; L; r  _! M" v+ r+ x5 d9 |* w5 K
1.) How old were you?: 11% s) P5 ~7 l4 F" y! ^% r
2.) Where did you go to school? Greenview
1 e4 ^+ b6 j3 b. k0 d3.) Where did you work? Still too young
) [( v5 r8 v$ c4.) Where did you live?: Millwoods
3 S0 K$ A4 I' t, U6 x5.) Where did you hang out? My bff`s house 6 C6 T& w5 _. g! D! p' U1 L
6.) Did you wear glasses? Uh huh
  |9 B9 }# I9 M9 ?9 _& O; M7.) Who was your best friend? Courtney, Julia, bailee
( @" `3 ~' A6 \9.) How many tattoos did you have? 0) U5 V7 {1 C' c
10.) How many piercings did you have? 05 e* x& F$ g0 M" I" ?1 e5 |
11) What car did you drive? Too young
9 h6 B' |$ C8 R; V- M1 T1 ]1 A. u12) Had your heart broken? no  m  g& P3 Q  R5 j! ]+ M- M
13. Single/Taken/Married/Divorced? single9 |: A6 m( G+ J/ x" a

/ h3 }- X8 s" c  F--------------------Today--------------------
" `, {1 ^5 s9 @4 r
7 i/ S% h  Y5 z- ^/ \8 `. E1.) How old are you?: 14
# h: U' T2 F1 {+ @0 y" e2.) Where do you go to school? Grandview0 f/ ^9 Z8 l4 z
3.) Where do you work? At a church…
$ j, l* c; u7 X& P+ q4.) Where do you live? MacEwen
3 g2 c! r- {0 H+ W% Z5.) Where do you hang out? My house…& I# B9 V, x! R! K
7.) Who was your childhood best bud and still is your buddy? Well…. Not in Canada…% t" t- U1 Q4 P6 N& Q
9.) How many tattoos do you have? 0! |  h  [) f9 F, b
10.) How many piercings do you have? 0* ?9 v: v! p8 b3 s. p! d( R
11) What car do you drive? Don`t have licence
  w7 z3 Y3 v3 u( ?( p12) Had your heart broken? …. yes
" e3 w3 ~5 R. F: F9 j1 l7 _13. Single/Taken/Married/Divorced? single2 E- a4 l8 U- ^* F* _
7 L( S! z  d; P/ |

5 ^% \* t8 [, KWHAT WERE YOU DOING...
- @  a. T) Z0 N8 G, n' H1 MINUTE AGO: checking some posts on edmontonchina
' d# A% _6 o+ e. y' _/ ^1 HOUR AGO: reading novels
) f: N- _! f, v5 e( w7 H  G# b& T1 DAY AGO: 24hrs ago…? Um… waiting for some downloads to finish0 @5 ^$ _% ~& W% ^
1 YEAR AGO: who knows… doing hw
5 V; A" G, l( y; i4 @7 ~* m, V; }First piercing: ...don't have any# \6 j, _  Q. q( Z* f
First credit card: … I only have a BMO debit card...does that count??! t+ h8 G3 m- ~2 y4 e" }/ F% R/ V
Last big car ride: …dunno8 U* ]! D  G: x8 D$ I. ]& D8 p/ v
Last movie seen in theaters: She`s the Man…. =_=6 {6 Y2 `. ]5 i8 w! ]* M# A( J+ z! a6 a
Last food consumed: shrimp crackers thing
) J0 _* J+ K) z  a4 ?Last person you texted: don`t have cell…! v' K. k( A4 Z- ]
Last drink drank: water
5 |. b1 `1 e* F% f5 i3 W7 N; q4 h8 F7 M! S- [
SHORT ANSWER.; R' A6 }7 `' J( X- H, T
I AM: Mary Li; t( [, ]" ]7 Q+ j* }+ r6 \% D4 |
I HAVE: glasses
. t# F5 Y  r( p% J( n  A' j6 pI LIKE: reading novels and sleeping4 V' ]' Y& H( A* W/ C9 B
I WISH: i could go to someone's house to hang out right now
/ z4 u; [" H5 q- d. y2 Y) Y- B: @+ S* V) H
/ H, b" ^5 m8 Y: E: wNUMBER: 0,2,5$ F" |3 l( n7 f4 R' U! f
COLOUR: blue, purple, turquoise  E) b$ G: K5 t4 E
DAY(S): Wednesday (get to see somebody) and Friday nights (get 2 days off! Yes!)5 x1 K' r# a* x2 b+ h4 T/ V. ~
MONTH(S): hm… july and august (get to see someone again)
9 T7 O8 _2 |6 R6 wSEASON: autumn
( U+ C7 X0 z, ^4 P1 ADRINK: sprite
  t' O  }" M  B% Z" |& |. v% ^# s  \# a  b
IN THE LAST 2 DAYS, HAVE YOU...- t: i" r% T% d
CRIED? Yes, over a really touching novel6 K% D$ O% K  {6 ], Q
2 Z# ^7 V. p# E  T; N4 nGOTTEN SICK? no
  e; w7 H! j1 Y& x+ XGONE TO THE MOVIES?: nope" n& V% I5 k7 l+ b
SAID 'I love you'? =_________= no...
1 V6 V. X8 |# |0 j3 Q% {TALKED TO AN EX?: never had one…
4 C# ~: ?' Y7 D; \9 sWRITTEN IN A DIARY?: don`t write one
. c4 l& k$ l6 J7 F. [HAD A SERIOUS TALK?: maybe… depends on what is considered a serious talk+ @2 ~4 I7 J/ Q0 D
8 @4 _8 {: S' t2 S. w# S$ P
_______ Best ________
1 v# u/ P' D' o2 @; ^1. Female Friend: julianne        ; C; Y7 Z; j9 \
2. Best Age: uh….26 (that`s the year i`d finish school)
2 B' |( P' o5 \& \. c: Z1 [4 Z3. Best Memory: hehe… hehe7 S& E; v2 M$ @6 k8 z+ @7 P# \
1 a9 R; Q1 _% z& A5 |: x
_______ Worst ________; u; y; ^2 U" M4 i% I
1. Time Of Day: about 12 when I realize that I still haven`t started on my hw yet6 j3 x3 C$ [- K9 b" Q: S) I/ g
2. Day Of The Week: Sundays cuz I know I g2g2 school the next day
9 a7 V" D/ y# @. B6 l5 O9 e2 y( p: Z3. Food: a lot...
+ B! {. m7 A6 Z4. Memory: ...don't remember
% t" t( l" f5 s1 V$ K5 D! n
+ S( H' ]& t' |/ n_______ Last ________) h& C9 k9 t- X
1. Person you saw: my dad
  [0 l/ l! {0 P' }5 `4 n2. Phone call: a perverted guy named kevin... who's tagging along with my friends and i when we're gonna go shopping =_=! W' b+ w. i+ z. Z$ J9 L
_______ First ________- k0 f- n( p; F; U5 X- O1 k
1. Serious b/f or g/f: never had one
+ z; }# G# ?5 y/ P9 U! b6 p, V9 u2. Job: church
6 H) L% e0 i& u1 ^6 o. @
3 N9 ~9 P) E; N_______ Today ________
! s- R7 Z# g5 [& Y6 G! S1. What are you doing now: typing this….! U: W8 ^5 W1 F  ]4 V# C: Y
2. Tonight: dunno& d3 l6 E# F5 q* g& l% v, ^9 k! B. J
3. Wearing: a turtleneck sweater and jeans- S8 o9 d2 @7 m' e0 L2 \" o
4. What did you eat for lunch: uh....鸡蛋羔0 t$ J6 S4 c( q9 A# a
_______ Tomorrow ________- D( f) \9 e( I9 r! g2 _$ G! G
1. Is: sunday2 V! v1 s" F+ q8 @& {* \% g
2. Got any plans: going to work4 t! _0 ?* c$ H( o' [' G
3. Goal: make money so that i could have money to go shopping on monday
0 j) e: H" l' F5 ^7 `; z4. Dislikes about tomorrow: gotta get up early and it's already 12...1 H. M' P3 w% x# x. N
5. Likes about tomorrow: um... making money XD
5 z+ `3 ]/ |1 Y- V2 H# k/ O- z2 B8 f) I1 u- Y, v
And another!- U8 P" e% ~6 O9 W! o1 T
% a; ?- f" G! @* ~
1. Are you currently mad at someone? No
- O# H- j; {9 z3 @7 o4 t8 T- e0 M& n
2. Which family member has the worst temper? Depends…7 n$ M! h; `6 r& s( {
% B! S& ^# x: e( g, p' w; j
3. Have you ever thrown something at anyone's face? Not intentionally…
- q" x; o7 C1 |0 z  ]% B& t( B/ z- i) V5 u
4. Does your face turn red when you're angry? Yeah, my face turns red a lot cuz I get excited easily….. like maybe even talking about runescape =_______=………. I used to really like it…
0 ?# L6 y: i, V' X' a" c  ^' N
" x4 R3 D* S! `& f+ w7 d5. When you're mad do you prefer to stare angrily or yell? yell
+ _  d( O0 @) k4 ^  v% {
/ _. T0 B# t! h% S+ \EXCITEMENT
  ]1 @/ ]5 Q8 q/ p# x8 _# ^4 w1 u1. Has anyone ever thrown a surprise party for you? No…
5 A7 J2 y9 B$ y0 @6 p# N3. Which of your friends is most excitable? willa
* ~" w8 C0 E) T* |) A( b7 \* z  `/ e' Z% @& q( k1 _6 O
4. If you could have anything right now, what would it be? Hm…a time machine
% [( @2 I! v( U! o. H$ U( J* Z
+ c/ ]1 B2 q0 L* }YOU: J/ }( ]7 a( P. W( I  V; E$ K
1. Name: Mary Li0 U! j9 d2 \  j
& l/ |/ _  ^- D
2. Where were you born? Jilin, China9 `1 |. y% O. [- [( F
" z8 z% {; C+ ~) r& |
3. What's your main goal in life? To live happily ; e0 k) {. a: J% B

0 ^' ?% w' V+ {0 X6 V% _" {, O  X9 ^0 K2 y; h4. Do you want to have children? yeah
0 r' Y' E+ l& L/ Z! @. Q. |, n; Q- \
5. How do you want to die? Some needle shot or like overdosing like I dunno, 200 tylenol…. lol
* H5 w. r$ K- r
+ d7 l# I8 s; I, l% V3 D, uLOVE) ?2 `$ S' K) s5 w1 k) Z* E& D2 u
1. Do you have a crush? yeah  [+ K9 j7 ~0 U
$ d2 m6 S0 A; n& g3 Q& ]; |" j9 ^
2. Who is the best hugger that you know? Definitely willa  _; m, w+ U5 A
. \: J+ e% P; r
3. Do you believe in love at first sight? Uh... somewhat
' Q' E0 {( K/ M& h# ]. F$ P/ I1 h0 |5 v' T' U
LAST" w; [& l4 `* d" h  X+ N
1. Person you saw not in your family? Dude that gets off at the same stop as I do" ^' A' f8 E# K) W0 a

) m/ j% L6 K5 f8 N2. Person you hugged? Dunno….julianne+ [( J- E+ q! K
5 e0 U" g* V5 x) U& o2 y
3. Shared a bed with someone? Julianne… it was really hot man… (as in too much body heat == don't think off track... ever since i talk to andi, i think that i'm always thinking offtrack when there's a "strange" wording of a phraseor something)
9 S2 f* V2 i( z  Z  p8 Z2 y8 o0 [1 H) R
4. Tv Show watched? Um…. I watched the pv for white x-mas by kat-tun
- Q% G2 M6 ]2 }' h" y
- i' m: x$ P) H9 @) A5. Person to see you cry? Hm…dunno
- `8 L+ O) ?4 j/ b* o2 P
" j: s* f  ?( n, q+ a6. Song you listened to? Chinese song...1 ^4 y0 ~" |; h0 j
) X2 m. V  C5 P5 m) Y- N7 n
9 x5 j" s3 S* K7 W! r1. Bought something? Obviously…
: h. Y- L! Q  Q4 t  d
# h, c- f, ]( `2 ?+ b) i2. Gotten sick? yeah( Q, c+ K" p" y: D2 O# f6 _# L3 O

; B3 g" K8 w7 r( M3. Been hugged? yeah9 Q$ J! [. H0 X" v3 N; p

/ s( i4 N  r8 \4. Felt stupid? Of Course0 c" V1 G8 I9 A" q0 f- @6 b
% M0 {4 _% P2 q* b
5. Missed someone? yeah% e) k7 c# h% e: i3 p: m

0 z, k* W$ s0 s/ F( B0 K2 L6. Failed a test? Ha…ha…. Yes…. I SO SHOULDN`T HAVE BEEN SO STUPID AS TO GET THAT QUESTION WRONG!!! So I ended up getting 97 and got pwnd by Andrew ni
- q+ X+ C$ `2 H5 @* o# n( R
. h" ~7 X8 n2 S9 H- w* W7. Danced? no
, t2 @# {0 a3 o7 ^. S4 Y: t5 {: F9 ?: Y
1 h1 K0 n' {/ r+ _. u8 c$ y1. Said "I Love you"? Yeah...9 e1 w( z" I( M7 h

( j+ X+ H3 {$ ]& `2. Given money to a homeless person? yeah; W; \7 R  Z6 L% b: ]! \

9 F/ d6 @6 K' t5 D3. Smoked? Duh no
" E  X* T9 w+ k. g, Z5 p* S! f
4. Waited all night for a phone call? Not all night… but like maybe for like 1 week, from after school to bed time
% |  p* l" w3 n/ C1 _4 s& c/ S5 C% b
" @0 L- d9 o: r# \5. Snuck out? In what way
% P- d7 i+ I8 x0 j( P, O. @# O0 T; p" _% u. L! q+ Z$ v( K
6. Sat and looked at the stars? Yeah! When we go on survival camps at cadets, you can see so many stars!!! It`s like spilling rice onto the floor…. Ok, that was a very bad description for the scene… lol
0 l1 u1 G, N  U  @) ]! I. D4 U" q% }  j, A, {. B
7. Slept in a bed with the opposite sex? My dad when I was a baby….* b5 `3 l9 l# Q' O

$ b5 L3 l7 y$ z0 u: x) `9 d1 x8. Hooked up in the woods? What does that mean…..
( Q. E! x: L. `5 K+ H0 i( q; S( e# V, i$ n4 D" U
9. Spent more than $200 in one day on shopping? Nope, I don`t have that much money TOO spend even if I wanted to lol
; d; ~/ w- T, `
7 ]# W0 _4 b- D) W, _; ^& s10. Hooked up in the shower? ……………….what the hell….; a- t+ C1 j0 [9 k8 P' H. [
+ V1 I9 [- m% B& D5 E4 T; j- `
11. Been dumped? Well no…. but rejected yeah7 r2 T3 ~- a9 s8 s6 |
  X& J* }" y1 n, @* k8 N
12. Stolen money from a friend? Of course not, although I am still owing yirong a dollar for the SNAP, and AKHIL hasn`t given my dollar back yet! And he said he totally would when he borrowed it!!!
, h$ p. C: m  b1 B5 X+ R& c$ m+ u# k4 V! f7 ]3 n
why is there a skip of questions…& r+ ]5 ~, p+ Z7 I+ U
2 w" P: n6 ]$ K' l
16. Seen someone die? no; R4 |+ G) g9 S2 i4 R. A- ?

% [" [2 K# X6 C, @1 g. ]17. Been on an airplane? duh" b3 S' m6 E9 ]& v( t
% E' c# w+ I% S' A3 D. ]
18. Slept all day? Nope...
. Q1 k2 A5 N" ^  B: J3 q+ u- z9 b/ u( B: K% f
19. Missed someone so much it hurt? Yeah….
3 s3 }( v3 A7 p6 D4 \' C' X; g  ]
9 E" y) r# @" b0 D6 b5 d; h# l3 {20. Fallen asleep during school? Almost did…
) @3 p' {& \0 ]% p& ^$ s1 f  V' B8 c2 Q9 l
21. Been lonely? Uh huh5 e* u$ c4 i- G$ a1 X) s3 u, F

& V* _  ]5 Y  R# M* {" \3 b22. Cheated in a game? Haha yeah
: p: N8 y) y; s" L. ~) e( ?8 ]& W" f- g; n) v) ?
23. Been to the ER? What`s that…
" h$ D0 H5 w, c
4 w3 y: W8 W9 B" C24. Been in a car accident? Nope
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-12-21 11:01 | 显示全部楼层
2 long
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-12-21 21:59 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-12-24 11:04 | 显示全部楼层
老杨团队 追求完美
:ku: :chongbai: :qianzou: :qianzou: :qianzou: :renshu: :ku: :ku: :chongbai: :chongbai: :qianzou: :qianzou: :qianzou: :renshu: :renshu:
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-12-26 14:15 | 显示全部楼层

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