二手汽车 老柳教车

埃德蒙顿华人社区-Edmonton China

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鲜花(173) 鸡蛋(1)
发表于 2009-4-1 07:32 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
很多時候,汽車發出不尋常的聲音,you might be able to sense some clue from it:
  K2 m( `5 s8 C; F" F1 u
$ O% A- n. l0 b' i- hTHUMPTHUMPTHUMPTHUMPTHUMPTHUMP& m9 T+ a6 A, i( ^' X
WHERE: From one or more tires./ t' Z8 Y1 o  [# R) s
WHEN: At low speeds, especially in the morning. Speeds up with car.& y3 P1 b/ P% _- D: t. v. `# @* Q
WHAT: Flat-spotted tire. As the tire rotates the flat spot thumps on the ground. Nylon-cord tires will flat-spot overnight and make this sound until they warm up. It's usually worse in colder weather. You can permanently flat-spot the tires by locking up the wheels, grinding massive amounts of rubber off the tread in one spot.
  l4 D; M+ D+ s% v% `) |  s, ^URGENCY: Nada.
% j: A( g/ h1 Y: S& l" M) O& t4 t9 uFIX: Replace your nylon tires with steel-belted tires. If you've ground down your tires like a pencil eraser, you can either live with the vibration until wear reduces the flat-spotting or buy a new tires.
/ X& S: r! n9 _" c) B3 P
4 q( U) F) U' T' @  t* [& ~" q  i! ^8 a# C/ H# g& ?5 M

; ?3 k, O5 C/ P6 L" QFFFFffff ttttFFFF ffff ttttFFFFffff tttt
( I8 p3 N2 j: |4 ZWHERE: Under the hood.
; m1 e3 ~+ z4 _5 n# f, VWHEN: Most noticeable at idle.$ t9 p6 t" b: b! u: T* B
WHAT: An exhaust manifold gasket has failed, venting hot exhaust gases to the air.  s/ j0 \- T7 I/ [; H: e# ]
URGENCY: It's not getting better on its own. The blowtorch of corrosive gases will eventually damage the manifold. Oh, by the way: Carbon monoxide from the leak may make you drowsy or dead.
- c  `9 i- a: B& P+ _2 u6 \6 JFIX: Replace the exhaust manifold gasket before the leak eats a hole in the manifold.
鲜花(173) 鸡蛋(1)
 楼主| 发表于 2009-4-1 07:34 | 显示全部楼层
Ticktickticktick4 T+ F. A3 W0 `0 M# d1 A
WHERE: Under the center of the car, toward the rear.
) |* _# t7 O/ r0 vWHEN: While in motion and varying with road speed.
. I& R) t  w+ S8 h) E  SWHAT: U-joint (rwd or 4wd only). A U-joint in your driveshaft has finally run out of grease, is getting loose and is about to fail.4 B2 L& [- g6 I/ y5 X4 n: W! R
URGENCY: That's really just an urban legend about cars pole-vaulting over broken drive shafts when U-joints fail at speed, right?7 k+ M* X4 {7 g( s1 ]
FIX: Replace all the U-joints and keep the new ones greased regularly.
9 l; u8 z4 a5 J* c& `8 G, g4 ?* g3 N( C. S8 H  @& O
- z$ L( D+ t: k* H4 O( b) t1 c
7 T7 T8 n& X' U6 A
EEEEEEEeeeee  ?' k/ o* C2 P: ~# k- \6 f. j
WHERE: Inside the wheels.( ^' [: l7 o3 p: R% r4 W- a, E
WHEN: Slowing down; it's sometimes worse on damp days.5 `" D- i( X4 b) B, N6 }# L1 B
WHAT: Your  brake pads are stroking the discs like a violin bow.
4 s$ |: W) n% t' c, |  [URGENCY: Sometimes they do that. Your brakes still work fine., Q5 c- ~# p) {# }6 h) `% C
FIX: Try new pads, adhesive to hold pads to the piston or shims to insulate the piston from the pads. Another option: earplugs. (Sometimes the sound is difficult to eliminate.)
鲜花(173) 鸡蛋(1)
 楼主| 发表于 2009-4-1 07:36 | 显示全部楼层
SSSSSSSSSSSS7 ]3 E6 x$ T. W2 S, N, [+ r) F
WHERE: Under the hood.$ i9 H8 n2 J2 J5 t" P7 x3 W7 y1 l) j
WHEN: Anytime the engine is running, but it's most noticeable at idle speed., L& E9 @9 [# X
WHAT: Vacuum leak. A rubber or plastic vacuum line or fitting has split or fallen apart.
7 ]. E7 v  B6 f6 NURGENCY: If you're wondering why your Check Engine light is on and why your car idles poorly, this is probably why.$ Y$ ^2 ^( B5 A3 P2 H( r9 n
FIX: Reconnect or replace the line., K9 d# |- ?* m2 n1 ?! s

+ T1 [# K+ ^8 y$ e0 W6 g* `, W6 g. H5 f
5 a/ e, v' L, ]* pWHERE: Under the center of the car or truck, near the middle.5 g& y- W" d' z- B+ [9 w/ g
WHEN: Starting off at traffic lights. Most often heard on pickups with automatic transmissions, not manuals.- O  W0 p  W& ?- U0 M/ ?1 {
WHAT: The splints that allow the driveshaft to change length where it connects to the tail shaft are binding as you slow down and then releasing when you start off.
3 n+ C% O3 V8 C3 C8 h, A+ S6 i8 L2 cURGENCY: Annoying, but They All Do That--or at least some of them do it some of the time.
# U- f  }( D5 B& h' ~2 c& K/ EFIX: Packing the splint area with special grease helps for a month or so. Or just sell the car or truck.
鲜花(173) 鸡蛋(1)
 楼主| 发表于 2009-4-1 07:37 | 显示全部楼层
老杨团队 追求完美
ThunkThunkThunk( Q) ^/ e! t4 C; M! T  X- o9 U( r
WHERE: One or both front corners of the vehicle.2 _" e' ]( w8 i. H* i
WHEN: Going around slow, sharp corners under light throttle.9 U0 Y4 H# U- h
WHAT: A CV joint that allows your front wheels to turn and still be powered is loose. The boot has failed and let out all the CV joint's grease, or maybe it's just time for it to wear out.5 L' t  P* |7 ?) q
URGENCY: Don't leave town. Don't use a lot of throttle around sharp turns. Your car will stop suddenly when the joint completely fails.' P! O- \4 |8 v4 m' D
FIX: Replace the entire off ending half-axle.1 Y& ]* r6 M& k
1 G; b' N' ?1 {4 i+ @
% N% G' z1 y/ B% h, y* k
: |0 c$ F$ B. ~- A" ?1 D4 eWHERE: Front end.! r) m9 C+ S' O. T
WHEN: Initially, when parking; eventually, over small bumps.
7 u( Z$ l1 \+ k: q  d4 ~6 U8 NWHAT: The ball joint that connects the suspension arm to the upright has lost its lubrication and the metal-to-metal contact is wearing it out.2 K5 i9 C0 o2 O+ ]. O) {
URGENCY: Make an appointment. Avoid bumpy roads, curbs and potholes., F8 h: p$ P% `" S7 B6 @
FIX: Replace the ball joint.
鲜花(173) 鸡蛋(1)
 楼主| 发表于 2009-4-1 07:38 | 显示全部楼层
GrumbleGrumble4 w9 [$ Z0 Y1 C! u6 T/ g
WHERE: Front of the car.
  J1 x/ |1 [# o( c! F5 lWHEN: At idle. (Check for weeping coolant at the bottom of the water pump, too.)
' ?5 _+ E" M( y* V6 i$ `WHAT: Water pump bearings.; Q- r  X8 |/ Q: ^5 F; J
URGENCY: When the bearings fail completely, the fan will pull forward and slice a nice big smile-shaped chunk out of the radiator, making it leak profusely.
, ]1 P8 x3 X( d0 }8 aFIX: You need a new pump.
% ]' z; W  k6 \9 s/ x
# T4 r7 U: d6 G: H
5 f/ B" v5 b& h' i; {8 u) G" bYyyyoooooowwwwrrrrrrr. `" V1 N1 h) K% l$ @8 O$ a; c
WHERE: Under the hood.   |" n- X( f! B4 q
WHEN: Whenever you rotate the steering wheel all the way to the left or right steering stop and hold it there.
, s8 c0 u: K: m7 v" mWHAT: The pressure relief valve inside the pump is dumping excess power-steering hydraulic fluid back into the reservoir. It's supposed to do that, although maybe a little more quietly.
" j  G/ g  L0 ^) w( x. ?: \. vURGENCY: No big deal.6 n7 A  d4 w. w9 K' G
FIX: It's normal. Actually, you should check the level of power steering fluid in the pump. Don't hold the wheel hard on the stop like that; it annoys pedestrians and is tough on the belt.
, i" l9 l2 r" m$ g
& n( f: n7 J$ U# r( e
8 {8 N- ?$ @1 s1 U2 `* g* @9 n) i6 t/ z, N7 C' w/ n) P: t% M
; V2 J3 x  i7 Y) j# i2 LWHERE: Under the hood.
6 w0 ?' `; z# o6 W3 M$ y' cWHEN: Right after start-up until you rev the throttle a couple of times and the rubber warms up.
7 e3 }; S8 I9 D8 N( j4 \WHAT: Belt squeal. A loose or glazed belt, bad tensioner or misaligned pulley.
/ Q" y) F* F2 ^5 OURGENCY: Make an appointment, and don't take a long trip. This won't go away on its own--until just before the belt fails.2 a/ G! Z3 E& v" m
FIX: Check belt tension and pulley alignment; replace the belt.
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-4-1 07:39 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-4-1 07:40 | 显示全部楼层
good morning~~~~~" I2 f) G; n5 \' V. l
thank you for your 101 flowers~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
鲜花(173) 鸡蛋(1)
 楼主| 发表于 2009-4-1 19:06 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 小美猪 于 2009-4-1 08:40 发表
  o; x* y9 o' q; x6 {0 I4 H- Kgood morning~~~~~
7 }. Y0 Y* g, x5 X! mthank you for your ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
) o, v! i4 D2 @' Z# B9 f6 }
% S* M+ }4 Z% r" E0 v
應該是這樣的聲音: Shhhhhhh........
* G3 A/ ?! t) E. O* S+ E( \7 c8 r: i( A4 K; H9 O+ E+ M

+ b$ _, H9 R7 o1 a$ m/ ?[ 本帖最后由 kingsnake 于 2009-4-1 20:18 编辑 ]
鲜花(152) 鸡蛋(1)
发表于 2010-6-7 10:27 | 显示全部楼层
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