二手汽车 老柳教车

埃德蒙顿华人社区-Edmonton China

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鲜花(67) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-6-20 23:03 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
! Z# B4 k7 g5 ?' X& j: ~7 S7 U' Q  f* x6 J
鲜花(7) 鸡蛋(1)
发表于 2009-6-21 19:05 | 显示全部楼层
汽油里的硫化物长期附着在邮箱液面感应器的电阻线圈上,造成信号不准却,所以油表显示也不准确。去GM的dealer买一种燃油清洁剂加到油箱里,能很快解决这个问题。明天我把燃油清洁剂的parts number发上来
鲜花(67) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2009-6-21 21:40 | 显示全部楼层
汽油里的硫化物长期附着在邮箱液面感应器的电阻线圈上,造成信号不准却,所以油表显示也不准确。去GM的dealer买一种燃油清洁剂加到油箱里,能很快解决这个问题。明天我把燃油清洁剂的parts number发上来. w/ y9 e' \3 \; w9 T
shark27 发表于 2009-6-21 20:05
+ j+ o6 x; r! F$ T6 {: a
9 A# L! J. r- m7 h+ J
非常感谢你的回复!我原来还以为是那个液面传感器坏了呢。先试试你的办法。那种燃油清洁剂在canadian tire能买到吗?
鲜花(7) 鸡蛋(1)
发表于 2009-6-22 17:07 | 显示全部楼层
老杨团队 追求完美
其他的清洁剂不知道是否是专门针对这个问题而开发的,但GM的这一个对清除硫化物沉积相当管用。用了以后有所好转的话,就多用一两次,能慢慢解决问题。如果不见好转的话,多数情况下是液面传感器和线路的问题了,也有极端的案例是纯粹仪表板指针线圈坏了的。- z& i1 H' U( ?9 T
. t; g# y' j" ?- U0 t
GM Fuel system treatment Plus:
0 I3 }' O: J, u" QGM Part number: 88861012
8 \! U3 N/ @  v( a
7 p" u) U1 a3 d价钱大概12-15刀
鲜花(7) 鸡蛋(1)
发表于 2009-6-22 17:10 | 显示全部楼层
GM Fuel System Treatment PLUS, Fuel Sending Unit Corrosion and Fuel System Deposits - (Feb 6, 2008)- e  l+ ^1 M$ q5 S0 |7 i+ d

0 G: _- j7 m* ]Subject:        GM Fuel System Treatment PLUS, Fuel Sending Unit Corrosion and Fuel System Deposits' w) x" \2 o/ P
6 j' r0 [( m$ A, @
Models:        2008 and Prior GM Passenger Cars and Trucks (including Saturn)
$ i; t9 B, ]6 r: N# \        2008 and Prior HUMMER H2, H39 n3 q  t0 i. ?, u8 w/ C6 i
        2005-2008 Saab 9-7X
: x" }0 }' o2 ^
4 e2 J9 w. ]5 ^4 F& j0 l+ g7 J& ^This bulletin is being revised to add model years. Please discard Corporate Bulletin Number 05-00-89-078A (Section 00 -- General Information).
+ R! F2 U6 k+ w* ?, o' v. n  f# k- w) t6 `
Important : The GM Fuel System Treatment PLUS is not recommended for use with diesel fuel. The GM Fuel System Treatment PLUS is specially formulated for use in gasoline and/or E85 fuels.9 P3 ?# l6 }0 w; }6 f9 l0 q
GM Fuel System Treatment PLUS
5 i% f! g2 h& C
, N1 I# ^% A3 I8 _GM Fuel System Treatment PLUS, P/N 88861011 (for U.S. ACDelco®, use 88861013) (in Canada, 88861012), is now available for use in gasoline engines.+ A- T4 l! e) D8 M0 m9 P/ S0 N+ U8 b
Added Benefits and Uses1 `* T+ l/ v! H( V0 r
) ]- g; \0 M% p) x. O& _# A4 D
The PLUS portion of GM Fuel System Treatment PLUS is the addition of a filmer additive that, when used regularly, can protect fuel system sending units from the corrosive effects of certain sulfur contaminants found in some of today's gasoline.# X2 K' J) A9 {% ?7 d
5 T; x3 G' G0 {, E$ m0 K! \( a* I
Sulfur contamination can disrupt electrical continuity of certain fuel sending units and lead to erratic or false fuel gauge readings. With scheduled usage, GM Fuel System Treatment PLUS protects against the effects of harmful sulfurs in gasoline.
! @" _6 |: N+ Z6 j/ F+ c* SThe Four Benefits+ q7 U! I1 Y+ l+ v: B! t2 Q- c' b

6 f$ |  ~0 f" b- R2 X7 A- q' cJust pour in one bottle of the GM Fuel System Treatment PLUS into the fuel tank when refueling around each oil change interval:
/ ]& W- w, e& l7 Y# }7 V    •         Cleans -- Sulfur corrosion from fuel gauge sending units.) c/ _$ T0 ^% G* t  `
    •         Prevents -- Harmful sulfur components from attacking sensitive fuel system electronics.
7 x( P3 M+ q7 k- ?0 S0 L5 |5 Q3 a" {    •         Protects -- By coating metallic surfaces of the fuel system.6 X# w- H* M  m
    •         Removes -- Engine deposits left from use of poor quality fuels.
  _- u* m* e! {  y, M! H( @Parts Information
+ w- L! p& H  u8 a' j
  |3 z2 h. ^: F6 Z' D* p5 |- OPart Number
/ V4 g! q9 \, ^( e5 }3 j4 X       
0 Z) _6 F6 i8 ~2 \+ F
6 V5 T( z+ d) v0 B# I1 T4 KDescription8 v# U/ c. Y) M- }( q( d8 |

( P, J# B; B$ C" x1 s88861011 (for U.S. ACDelco, use 88861013). o$ g9 h* c7 \. G$ `

2 m8 U# m" ^, K; u' V(in Canada, 88861012)
# n6 Y! E( C$ o       
  e& K" g& ^: O7 e1 _! T" z/ m! [1 f7 W2 z9 O! i1 H
GM Fuel System Treatment PLUS
鲜花(67) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2009-6-22 20:12 | 显示全部楼层
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