二手汽车 老柳教车

埃德蒙顿华人社区-Edmonton China

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继续免费帮查 Carfax 同时提供出租GPS

鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-6-21 12:17 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 炽阳 于 2009-6-21 13:23 编辑 6 W# [5 \) X4 u1 s5 ~
2 F, a+ d, [+ q: Q
1. 账号快过期了,最近买车的筒子们 需要帮查carfax的 尽快在此帖留言或发站内短信哦, 不过一天还是不能查太多,怕被封号(帮查原因,之前自己也在买车,最近买到了,这个carfax的账号当时买的是unlimited,所以就积点人品,免费 帮大家查了, 有需要的尽快哦,可以参照旧贴 http://www.edmontonchina.cn/view ... &extra=page%3D1
) {8 N* p' `. T7 C. i
$ C( v0 t  u9 s. [' p5 |+ g5 f7 q, h
2. 提供出租GPS的服务,4.3寸,真人发音,turn by turn 语音提示,含汽车连接线和悬挂架及吸盘。租金价格好商量(1天1刀左右?时间长的再便宜些) 有需要的请站内短信联系, 谢谢。
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2009-6-21 12:19 | 显示全部楼层
哎, 主要买了车,最近缺钱了,gps放那自己也不用,有需要的筒子和我站内短信联系 谢谢
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-6-21 14:20 | 显示全部楼层
- u$ y! z  g  E! U. g% qVIN: WAUCD64B64N060077,这厢有礼了。
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2009-6-21 19:50 | 显示全部楼层
老杨团队 追求完美
Vehicle History . |+ s4 ~. J& J# n
1 [( r0 A! d+ J: a Vehicle
0 Z0 ^9 J5 g0 fHighlights™1 D# Y( O) J$ u) O
Warranty % C- F( `0 ~3 V; s' a7 A' X
1 P0 [1 E( F3 p( Q: X( v; F Safety & Reliability
7 A9 |7 w9 [: s/ ~5 KRatings™0 L# C* d& b- y8 |5 z- i2 b
Buyback Guarantee™/ W4 l" k% m/ A$ }- `
Certificate- T( D4 t# C" N* U' @
Consumer Ratings % C  }4 p, Q" ]5 K
& Comments™
- r% K" P6 H% A8 I8 K For Personal Use Only    Print This Page •  Print All Pages  
  [' f% n* |5 H$ uLoading...$ I7 `- W) J$ e" d  k4 Q) Z( p
, N# J6 d0 k: H! H( ^
For Personal Use Only7 K' [9 ?% P3 a; G* H4 h
* q8 k! \8 K5 b$ E. L& L$ W
Rebuilt/Reconstructed Title! I  ?, A5 K0 i5 j3 e9 [) ?
A Rebuilt/Reconstructed vehicle is a salvage vehicle that has been repaired and restored to operation. These vehicles are often severely damaged before they are rebuilt and refurbished parts are typically used during reconstruction. In most states, an inspection of the vehicle is required before the vehicle is allowed to return to the road. Manufacturer Buyback or Lemon6 B$ s# v( o1 u9 Z; g
A DMV or a state agency marks an official document or issues a Manufacturer Buyback/Lemon title when a vehicle has been repurchased by the manufacturer. Not all states issue manufacturer buyback titles and the specific requirements for a lemon law vehicle varies by state. Odometer Rollback
4 i& O* ]3 u7 CIf a more recent odometer reading is less than an older reading, then the odometer may have been tampered with and "rolled back". Manufacturer Recall
% N) V, Y6 z9 ?# iAutomobile manufacturers issue recall notices to inform owners of car defects that have come to the manufacturer's attention. Recalls also suggest improvements that can be made to improve the safety of a particular vehicle. Most manufacturer recalls can be repaired at no cost to you. Basic Warranty
5 o: q" P4 \( s2 ?- ?+ e3 g: u% cMost manufacturers offer a basic warranty for new vehicles. These warranties vary by manufacturer and typically last for a certain amount of time and/or a set number of miles. Not Actual Mileage Title5 n0 J( J& l0 e8 t6 Z! b  r2 E
When the seller certifies, under the Federal Odometer Act, that the odometer reading does not reflect the vehicle's actual mileage. This may occur because the odometer was tampered with, broken, or replaced. Junk Title
- j: f1 F6 B; Q7 KA Junk Title is issued on a vehicle damaged to the extent that the cost of repairing the vehicle exceeds ~ 75% of its pre-damage value. This damage threshold may vary by state. The majority of states use this title to indicate that a vehicle is not road worthy and cannot be titled again. Some states treat Junk titles the same as Salvage. Loss Due To Fire Title% X+ |0 a. _: W* r! l5 x
The vehicle sustained major damage due to fire. In most states, fire damage titles are issued when the cost of repairing the vehicle for safe operation exceeds its fair market value. Exceeds Mechanical Limits
+ c1 G* l* `# DA vehicle with a 5-digit odometer cannot accurately track mileage after 99,999 miles because the odometer rolls over. This title is the result of a seller certifying under the Federal Odometer Act, that the odometer reading EXCEEDS MECHANICAL LIMITS of the odometer. Structural / Frame Damage
( O) t  ]" s2 b/ X' CIn most cases, a vehicle is inspected for structural or frame damage, depending on the body design, after an accident or other incident. All levels of accidents from minor to severe can cause structural / frame damage and in most cases it can be repaired. Airbag Deployment
9 V+ G1 ?4 V/ _3 `Occurs when the driver, passenger or side airbag has been used or deployed during a crash or other incident. If an airbag has been deployed, it must be replaced by a qualified technician. Have this car inspected by a mechanic prior to purchase. Salvage Title; B) I# ^0 Y4 c9 T$ L# H
A Salvage Title is issued on a vehicle damaged to the extent that the cost of repairing the vehicle exceeds ~ 75% of its pre-damage value. This damage threshold may vary by state. Some states treat Junk titles the same as Salvage but the majority use this title to indicate that a vehicle is not road worthy and cannot be titled again in that state. The following eleven States also use Salvage titles to identify stolen vehicles - AZ, FL, GA, IL, MD, MN, NJ, NM, NY, OK and OR. Total Loss
3 [/ B+ p8 r5 Y. m" aAn insurance or fleet company declares a vehicle a total loss when a claim exceeds ~ 75% of its pre-damage value or if the vehicle is stolen and not recovered. This damage threshold varies by company. These companies typically take possession and obtain the title. Not all total loss vehicles result in a DMV-reported branded title, like a Salvage or Junk title. See the glossary for more information. Accident / Damage Indicator  V: Y! e9 o  c9 i/ L3 L' _$ T
Various events could indicate an accident or damage in a vehicle's history, such as: salvage auction, fire damage, police-reported accident, crash test vehicle, damage disclosure, collision repair facility and automotive recycler records. See the glossary for more information. Hail Damage Title5 x9 k- `/ j5 u4 Q; D' h0 ~
The vehicle sustained major damage due to hail. In most states, hail damage titles are issued when the cost of repairing the vehicle for safe operation exceeds its fair market value. Flood Damage Title+ d3 M! X7 {; T1 q) S1 b
States issue flood titles when a vehicle has been in a flood or has received extensive water damage. Standard Equipment2 i0 J* F- h: ^1 A" D7 ~% N
Power Windows, Power Steering, Air Conditioning, AM / FM Cassette, Power Brakes, Tilt Wheel, 6-digit Odometer Safety Options
" I, A! L1 O: p1 o  e5 ~4 wheel ABS, Dual air bags front, head, and sides/active (manual) belts    v3 U' x. X/ U4 S* Z
Vehicle Information: , e8 p+ K7 x* n. o: R& l2 m* f
2004 AUDI A6 S LNE QUATTRO AWD , [$ x0 y7 w" m' V7 n5 _0 P
& _- d6 A& m9 P/ i6 @4 bSEDAN 4 DR 2.7L V6 DOHC 30V 8 [; |6 T, P: T6 I3 w8 ]( P. M
Standard Equipment | Safety Options
9 f+ B5 l9 ~/ D" TAudi Certified pre-owned - 05/13/2008
0 X% e( _* w; f4 s  gSearch for other 2004 AUDI A6 vehicles in Edmonton, AB    ! K* j" _0 Q& z8 ~  W3 w
  No accident / damage reported to CARFAX  
( c( K# W1 R' ]3 V  2 Service records available  0 Y  }& A! C! D% q7 X- x
  11 Detailed records available  5 ~& E0 `+ D! u. o; Q( _) D6 m
  29,465 Last reported odometer reading  
% k, Z) M* H. }& `2 e 7 g3 v7 p9 J1 b9 C% l4 U3 J1 R
    + _6 q9 t- _5 z% z. J
    : y: U8 b, ?0 J
: O5 [3 X4 g; q- B6 k2 b! A

2 p* ~6 v) I5 E
, [  P3 N6 C8 d: N5 C! l* {1 I" a- O$ N3 M9 u6 |9 w
A CARFAX Vehicle History Report is based only on information supplied to CARFAX. Other information about this vehicle, including problems, may not have been reported to CARFAX. Use this report as one important tool, along with a vehicle inspection and test drive, to make a better decision about your next used car.  , K$ v3 k  E' k9 I  {& O! ?
- r( N7 x0 }* }; p) `% }" @7 g0 ?   
; K7 r  H0 c2 P6 G+ {CARFAX guarantees the information in this section      a( D+ L/ l- q' T( Y9 u- ?
Salvage | Junk | Rebuilt  Guaranteed / N+ Q8 u- e, Z  V4 R
No Problem  , ~% f1 ?  ]$ J1 O  I- D
Fire/Flood | Hail Damage | Buyback/Lemon
# k/ L0 j: y" W: M1 N; x  A  Guaranteed
- [6 A; i4 d: i1 p* INo Problem  $ U! m- E3 \1 c# v7 O% |' o% q) K
Not Actual Mileage | Exceeds Mechanical Limits  Guaranteed . M. Z' w  d9 B+ L: I( ]' l
No Problem  , F9 p" s8 p; g9 w: m+ x
GUARANTEED - None of these major title problems were reported by a state Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV). If you find that any of these title problems were reported by a DMV and not included in this report, CARFAX will buy this vehicle back.         
  w. l1 M9 x+ W$ o3 g         Register | View Terms  - K" y' r* I1 h, m2 `2 C+ ^$ r

; Y6 t. T9 o- G1 e9 h  C    ) D6 N/ z9 G8 ]1 Y9 n
8 z" M, K7 ?0 ?/ m1 ~
  1 S% u" V% k5 A0 ~* r
8 P% ]8 }8 L) kNot all accidents or other issues are reported to CARFAX   
# R5 Q2 Z2 ?, a# I, P, BTotal Loss Check
( v+ U  F- Y& P" vNo total loss reported to CARFAX.  No Issues Reported % P' S5 Y5 q' A; ]  v* C. {: f
9 e3 [  [' k" x# {% K+ _0 ?2 z
Structural / Frame Damage Check
# Q, X5 r; R7 h2 L3 U: c! I0 qNo structural / frame damage reported to CARFAX.   No Issues Reported  $ Q; Q* X$ `3 p0 ?6 [
+ }" N/ x, A1 W. \
Airbag Deployment Check
; }, X$ L+ x* A( x2 ONo airbag deployment reported to CARFAX.   No Issues Reported  ( c1 |$ h- p) w9 c

( w/ S3 @2 S3 @* o' D9 X! f- ~Odometer Rollback Check
3 ^3 s8 g5 f* x+ ?$ M" yNo indication of an odometer rollback.  No Issues Indicated , b- m/ N; h9 V; b8 M7 A- b7 q

5 L7 A* w' l" c' b6 f2 Z8 z( IAccident / Damage Check
5 @# N- J) o9 p1 @) _No accidents or damage reported to CARFAX.  No Issues Reported 2 e. q  K  b+ n
3 h- j# D" h1 y! |9 w; C
Manufacturer Recall Check ' J* `2 r: J0 u/ m* p
Check with an authorized Audi dealer for any open recalls.  No Recalls Reported  # h  S# x! k& q8 @. ^& L0 w0 D* T2 f

' U9 e$ F3 G9 Z7 j0 K6 `& Y  X; OBasic Warranty Check ( A5 R& g2 c) r: X- C9 F
Original warranty estimated to have expired. View Info
" G' A* c# s' y7 M4 [8 O7 bInterested in an extended warranty? Warranty Expired  
# r; {- N" y& `. Y/ D( T* W  [6 ]2 m. P% T% z3 N0 H
                   5 d* U/ B' |/ ^, r7 M: [
; a3 Y4 q2 [* U8 C7 `* Y6 ?
8 X# o% [0 Q9 ]/ \3 }: `Tell us what you know about this vehicle  
* C  C2 U8 V) _: _1 e/ i+ [1 m3 b3 u! F7 R3 P+ J

. P& G- G. d* C0 l& p: R) x7 c
  D8 s, F0 n- a1 Z& d2 G  U6 m6 d  u
& B/ g  U, m% R1 X+ P* P: Q
Still looking? Find similar cars just listed for sale in your area. 8 i1 N4 J7 V% e; c* g* ?
% v# i6 I# @/ H% H) H7 `& eLet us do the work! Get daily updates of AUDI A6 vehicles for sale in your area.+ d: T: q* y; |5 }* d+ f

, q; I& V( c' a  t1 R2 \) Z5 t5 REmail:
0 @) d( j, N1 k: d. n! q! C2 Q 1 }  C, ]- \% o' e; M* [: d9 s
% `4 u: _, j8 ?& a/ B# p0 e5 w              3 C; D% `; j8 l. {7 m
# H) P( [- ]9 q: ^3 B2 k5 g& h * S& S4 m+ n: {1 Z2 R
  ' H, }. _7 Z  e9 @6 }7 U
2003 AUDI A6 4.2 QUATTRO AWD   
* J7 t! T& O/ p0 x# aBody Style: Sedan 4 DR
6 k, U1 g% T7 o* ZEngine Type: 4.2L V8 PFI DOHC 40V* M3 g8 j8 o, B
Free CARFAX Report    Southgate Audi ! M+ p1 C5 M8 `
Distance: 10.65 mi
8 I' w- [  N8 C/ w4 j2 q$ k$ ]Contact Dealer  
" `) j( k. w: w+ v + ?" i  p" f( Y* D2 m8 _5 N) z8 c

( M* S0 M/ ^" n5 G, A6 ^/ C2 C& ^/ m: Z) o

( c$ X$ S! W) s' o
  c/ b( G) h. Y% y2 u% V
* h7 s8 B; m( A* e  W. _* e
' h. ]! q$ _# S. T0 b9 B( C6 |. F- @' F2 z, n

, u9 [4 W4 T, b) B; P% J" Z6 v# z + L3 Q; G$ k3 |& D( Y  g/ y, n
A CARFAX Vehicle History Report is based only on information supplied to CARFAX. CARFAX checked over 6 billion vehicle history events and found 11 record(s) for this 2004 AUDI A6 S LNE QUATTRO AWD (WAUCD64B64N060077).
4 Q! _# N2 ~9 P  
: c& S  ], T' B) _+ w0 M: t) dDate: Mileage: Source: Comments:
! ?& o1 h2 J( D; s2 M/ O% JNot Reported       NICB    Vehicle manufactured2 c$ K: j5 p" A( E0 P* `3 C9 _
and shipped to original dealer  
/ y( _. K7 P0 _3 L3 D! ?! T$ w + z/ L% r0 U3 c1 _) w
04/27/2004    21    Service Facility    Vehicle serviced
4 f( I/ `7 n- b6 ^7 s1 OOdometer reported as 35 kilometers  
$ ?% B8 F5 \/ v/ ?( p/ ?- E/ C   P) p+ _: e/ M  H" \% ]
04/27/2004       Ontario
0 ~7 Q3 W: \* x6 v0 z6 D# cMinistry of Transportation    Registration issued or renewed, F+ U( e9 G4 e  j6 F" [, t
First owner reported
& k, S; n7 j9 ~. s( [; ^6 {Passed safety inspection
8 l- a9 E  I& i1 [( O  g% mVehicle color noted as Black  
- c" \& g$ u6 K4 B* ]; [: _) g
6 \6 b9 L9 N+ n. k8 W$ C. a11/29/2004    4,380    Service Facility    Tire(s) replaced
( z. f8 m7 {" Q1 u, i% x& y* HOil and filter changed chassis lubricated# X( U" F6 `3 W, I& \
Odometer reported as 7,050 kilometers  
- D6 ^% R9 k; Z; G7 F" q" r # ?. l8 O& b; Y
02/16/2005       Ontario
) \! y, P7 G" d7 AMinistry of Transportation    Registration issued or renewed2 U7 S/ x( |& g8 ^+ S
Registered as& `3 y' H- l& K2 h2 W
personal vehicle  , j* V" T6 `+ W

7 A7 X+ C. r  L/ U+ _4 s4 t% p0 p03/30/2006    13,794    Ontario
% p3 r! Q  |5 v& a0 Q) V) G+ X, wMinistry of Transportation    Registration issued or renewed
; a' G% T" s7 Z; `* A+ S( w4 tRegistered as' Q# p6 `8 L/ k
personal vehicle$ O- o2 Q6 _% {; w6 J
Odometer reported as 22,200 kilometers  / e6 j& m3 |" F

3 o$ a- f1 ~+ ]. ]1 L2 x, p+ S" a03/01/2007    22,369    Ontario( U1 b& g# e* d% G: c; a/ Y% J& x% i' Y
Ministry of Transportation    Registration issued or renewed' Z$ }6 W  P" Z, _$ F, I% R
Registered as/ M; ]7 @7 q, ?, u
personal vehicle
6 x1 M, H0 g- g! cOdometer reported as 36,000 kilometers( M  ^( N' C! n# S+ ~( F" W
& B% Q( T6 f% r6 A+ y! L) @
Perform an Ontario lien search  " @" b7 t  W0 _$ F

# P3 L- H7 @5 g0 n2 e' _, W9 z6 q04/09/2008    29,237    Auto Auction
$ g/ ]( G3 K' B  D2 E& T$ MNepean, ON    Vehicle offered for sale  3 \- u' \3 @) F4 M9 h7 l4 m
  7 s/ t/ W" L% s: q1 P
Dealers routinely buy and sell millions of used vehicles at auction each year.  
' F/ F2 \* S3 J+ W$ S9 V( l2 Q
- J, k8 N4 Q9 S6 x05/13/2008    29,241    Audi Certified Dealer
2 _2 [3 j6 h3 O5 L. f) t( b" p0 MEdmonton, AB    Offered for sale as an
$ j. L/ M1 I+ L; wAudi Certified pre-owned vehicle Odometer reported as 47,059 kilometers  
% Y+ T, F! g4 F5 f8 \5 y   k$ t, q) L* f5 ^5 x
11/10/2008    29,465    Dealer Inventory    Vehicle offered for sale
$ l! ?" r+ B" M) e8 a2 H4 x3 LOdometer reported as 47,420 kilometers  
" h6 }, c8 F4 c4 p8 g& `7 Y. P 1 m, o* G) K; B  R" p/ v
12/17/2008       Alberta
' \5 e9 W0 A+ k2 _5 F. @Motor Vehicle Dept.
( f) q+ w- ~' U- O7 R0 S! ~3 PEdmonton, AB    Registration issued or renewed
0 r6 K1 H- T8 a8 i0 u' ^Vehicle color noted as Black  
6 v* W' R8 m+ Y' x, w
& G% w; F/ m. ^6 u5 G. }- |" E Print this CARFAX Report and take it to your pre-purchase inspection . ( {. L3 a3 i8 \: n1 b6 u" u8 L
; O8 p( W& M- n( I! x

6 c! B7 |( G$ X9 o! ~. C( \* {9 @  o ! Q& U; i) }: e) O
Tell us what you know about this vehicle  
' g. k0 Y: J$ N
2 r( }$ }' r6 u  G8 R: ^
6 z4 t, C. \. N5 N/ r" q
7 M1 m. Z# a6 u$ H  ^5 J$ x) {: z% g$ r* e' L3 `! g4 P
Have Questions? Please visit our Help Center at www.carfax.com + s. A; c# q$ Y7 a2 f- g
+ h8 U1 ]( R) {! U
First Owner0 o7 V( R- V2 _
When the first owner(s) obtains a title from a Department of Motor Vehicles as proof of ownership. ! ?6 S$ U. ^' K9 d, N# n
! S5 [9 Q- ^, [0 j3 ^" Y  F
Ownership History: b( L2 j$ r6 m6 R% A
CARFAX defines an owner as an individual or business that possesses and uses a vehicle. Not all title transactions represent changes in ownership. To provide estimated number of owners, CARFAX proprietary technology analyzes all the events in a vehicle history. Estimated ownership is available for vehicles manufactured after 1994 and titled solely in the US including Puerto Rico. Dealers sometimes opt to take ownership of a vehicle and are required to in the following states: Maine, Massachusetts, New Jersey, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania and South Dakota. Please consider this as you review a vehicle's estimated ownership history. 9 C' p5 y) `/ o1 E/ b
# {! A. C7 O, @9 p
2 ?# y( D! ?$ j  y" I$ E0 V
6 }2 h$ F% C2 @/ v
; g$ X7 u" M" w, Q
/ ?+ e- \: i! E9 u1 R. y
- u" N( J. C$ i; f' P7 M  P
- P1 y4 E  x& }9 e

3 _( C/ r. w% C5 L/ {6 {- o1 H© 2009 CARFAX, Inc., an R.L. Polk & Co. company. All rights reserved. Patents pending. 21.Jun.2009 21:51:05) L; d! L/ ^' x% j# P3 N( I
; x. J: a3 ]3 p7 e) M% v/ R
2 m) v5 A: S3 _5 U  ^
! P; N$ K# K9 x( }0 G

3 }& ~, Z9 q. @' T ' j! g! o$ ^$ o
2004 Audi A6 S LNE Quattro AWD
+ w# `6 F3 Q. k3 Y' PVIN: WAUCD64B64N0600774 C/ n4 \1 z/ r  N! A3 H
Body Style: SEDAN 4 DR
& `% ^, X# G/ @. h% zEngine Size: 2.7L V6 DOHC 30V$ q7 s: V( }% a9 S" i4 ]
Drivetrain: All Wheel Drive
2 L5 [0 W, v( X% e8 _7 bCertified on 05/13/2008 , _) O: ~* k% i+ g6 U
+ ^0 z" N/ T- \2 C7 V) [Original Manufacturer's Warranty:
0 ^3 t6 h6 o' U: {- d$ GBasic Warranty Expired
) K' Y4 k7 B9 l3 A! o0 JPlease confirm remaining factory warranty and extended warranty options with your dealer! - C8 [+ Y# r; ?* B, |8 D  N
The original manufacturer's warranty includes: : O- o& c0 _! m* }8 ^# ]
48 months or 50,000 miles  6 \5 o) b0 Z. `- y
% S! I. @+ f% _; F( }% GInformation excerpted from the CARFAX Vehicle History Report and/or Safety & Reliability Ratings; see full reports for additional information, glossary of terms, source attributions,disclaimers & limitations. Go to carfax.com for complete Buyback Guarantee terms and conditions.
3 M5 ]* E/ O! ?# W# H( p ; `0 H2 G; N; G# _& [: E9 S1 C, C
0 A; f9 T3 n4 {- q' ?
   & m; t6 w. e% A+ [+ {1 n
8 m& s$ }3 G) X1 }- SLast owned in the following state/province:  Ontario " X! A; o9 a# z
Annual average mileage: 6,205
# \" [, \% o9 C7 L$ H  
9 r3 t4 N8 _# q2 F  V/ ]*Below industry annual average of 15,000 miles  . l2 |& U5 [" j# q2 n
  y  u; o9 M7 c
   6 c0 q. Y& }" g! @
None of these major title problems were reported by a state Department of Motor Vehicles:  
) a% u. U7 b: m; rSalvage, Junk, Rebuilt  Guaranteed
; R( `% [$ a$ R# m) g, qNo Problem  % o2 Z. N2 d3 d+ `# x
Fire / Flood, Hail damage, Buyback / Lemon Guaranteed9 K4 c2 }$ b+ e* y( P7 T
No Problem
7 R( h/ U9 G+ M/ N0 O6 lNot Actual Mileage,
( q7 D: P" D" V: NExceeds Mechanical Limits  Guaranteed
! l" J$ ?& U- R) \0 C- h! O+ ^No Problem 2 E0 P0 d3 V6 m; p
& e  |3 M* |% T7 j
   ; h! j) K$ [4 Y% N$ {! k
No issues reported to CARFAX on the following:  
1 h5 h- H2 z/ G  A) k- vTotal Loss   
+ o; o3 W3 f- q6 N* S* e7 M" \No Issues Reported
6 X2 V2 |5 A& A. o" G( u2 tStructural / Frame Damage   " M- n& q) x0 h
No Issues Reported
2 ]9 t5 A; [. v6 C& d" vAirbag Deployment   
% B2 l6 `+ u+ L' L5 a2 ?1 INo Issues Reported
1 [- t2 a6 g+ l/ FOdometer Rollback   ( h; g( M; c2 G
No Issues Reported
4 e3 o+ \2 T: ~Other Accidents / Damage  , q/ W! c  I1 Z& J  F& c, B
No Issues Reported 0 |6 W  `. r& s* W! m4 Q2 q
, y( S6 Z5 f6 y; v3 D

% }7 U( ~2 I7 G/ O4 U  C# S - M) g4 R0 ^2 `

( W6 m% i! I+ H0 `' }3 F$ {) e1 n: Q4 S# J# q
© 2009 CARFAX, Inc., an R.L. Polk & Co. company. All rights reserved. Patents pending. 21.Jun.2009 21:51:05% p/ h* }1 b+ ^+ ]1 |9 M

! e7 M7 Z- o; T; `0 Vhttp://www.carfax.com//warranty/ ... &tabbedVhr=true http://www.carfax.com/cfm/SRRDis ... 6&suppressWss=Y http://www.carfax.com/manifest/b ... rue&tabbed=true http://www.carfax.com/notes/vehi ... e&suppressWss=Y
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-6-21 20:41 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-6-22 18:04 | 显示全部楼层
请问一下炽阳朋友,这个CARFAX是不是在 REGISTRATION OFFICE 买的,在网上有没有可以用加元买的,感谢。
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2009-6-22 19:28 | 显示全部楼层
不是哦  是在 www.carfax.com 这个地方买的,美元结算,当时我这个花了40多刀吧, 后来买车前,听从翠花建议,花了60多刀又查了个carproof。
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-6-22 19:44 | 显示全部楼层
我也查了几个网站,都要用美元结算。Registeratio Office 可能是我记错了。
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-6-24 19:55 | 显示全部楼层
" F& b4 D5 y$ ~' P% e4 N这里先谢过了。
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-6-24 23:11 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(98) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-6-25 12:24 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2009-6-25 14:36 | 显示全部楼层
10# 草上飞
( S8 d6 f$ v+ l) k
" ^1 u, H: b8 Z3 w# p$ @
0 m8 N, J6 Y2 Y& E, {6 g" j) Q
' z" ]/ Q8 v8 X& {: v) H9 J/ o  Vehicle History
% o( Z" a/ m. gReport™8 b  h+ V2 O0 D4 N
  q% G( O7 i) o; O5 t& ^$ y0 oHighlights™9 W5 p  J+ |2 R/ x) t
Warranty ( R3 q5 F4 j" e; a
Check™/ }. Z' e+ ?  p( t9 ]& O
Safety & Reliability 6 m" z9 I# Q% _7 }, \
Ratings™* M  ^% b* n0 Y$ x
Buyback Guarantee™/ f$ z% n- Y0 w" ^
Certificate! Q# C5 t4 E; D+ U
Consumer Ratings 4 |+ ^8 y2 {6 {( J
& Comments™- o# g0 O" ^( j
For Personal Use Only    Print This Page •  Print All Pages  * D8 _, ^( W: I* |) _5 W
Loading...4 J2 {: q/ w; N4 A* e
* j1 G7 n8 S5 `' I
For Personal Use Only% g2 H3 [# P* a
' O; G! `- @- i3 P  L4 o" c+ |4 Y5 s
Rebuilt/Reconstructed Title7 @) {, y  Q# P% c: c- o/ j2 t5 i/ m2 k
A Rebuilt/Reconstructed vehicle is a salvage vehicle that has been repaired and restored to operation. These vehicles are often severely damaged before they are rebuilt and refurbished parts are typically used during reconstruction. In most states, an inspection of the vehicle is required before the vehicle is allowed to return to the road. Manufacturer Buyback or Lemon
& p5 c; W1 O# Z% pA DMV or a state agency marks an official document or issues a Manufacturer Buyback/Lemon title when a vehicle has been repurchased by the manufacturer. Not all states issue manufacturer buyback titles and the specific requirements for a lemon law vehicle varies by state. Odometer Rollback
: H) Q4 K! @1 {If a more recent odometer reading is less than an older reading, then the odometer may have been tampered with and "rolled back". Manufacturer Recall
6 M) \) V$ X$ F6 I/ zAutomobile manufacturers issue recall notices to inform owners of car defects that have come to the manufacturer's attention. Recalls also suggest improvements that can be made to improve the safety of a particular vehicle. Most manufacturer recalls can be repaired at no cost to you. Basic Warranty
. C2 y5 o6 D1 r+ }; z3 X  oMost manufacturers offer a basic warranty for new vehicles. These warranties vary by manufacturer and typically last for a certain amount of time and/or a set number of miles. Not Actual Mileage Title2 h. H) B! G! Q
When the seller certifies, under the Federal Odometer Act, that the odometer reading does not reflect the vehicle's actual mileage. This may occur because the odometer was tampered with, broken, or replaced. Junk Title
1 X9 B# B+ e* ~3 o7 t' o8 _1 v8 |1 VA Junk Title is issued on a vehicle damaged to the extent that the cost of repairing the vehicle exceeds ~ 75% of its pre-damage value. This damage threshold may vary by state. The majority of states use this title to indicate that a vehicle is not road worthy and cannot be titled again. Some states treat Junk titles the same as Salvage. Loss Due To Fire Title
; y2 c2 P) I  E2 u! S  s( bThe vehicle sustained major damage due to fire. In most states, fire damage titles are issued when the cost of repairing the vehicle for safe operation exceeds its fair market value. Exceeds Mechanical Limits
+ f& t: h/ [/ v$ Q4 [A vehicle with a 5-digit odometer cannot accurately track mileage after 99,999 miles because the odometer rolls over. This title is the result of a seller certifying under the Federal Odometer Act, that the odometer reading EXCEEDS MECHANICAL LIMITS of the odometer. Structural / Frame Damage
0 J  d. @) N7 ?. X6 o0 \: CIn most cases, a vehicle is inspected for structural or frame damage, depending on the body design, after an accident or other incident. All levels of accidents from minor to severe can cause structural / frame damage and in most cases it can be repaired. Airbag Deployment0 N3 q' b+ l9 U6 K$ |6 Q
Occurs when the driver, passenger or side airbag has been used or deployed during a crash or other incident. If an airbag has been deployed, it must be replaced by a qualified technician. Have this car inspected by a mechanic prior to purchase. Salvage Title2 [% a" r; J; y1 T% b+ l6 \% i* Q
A Salvage Title is issued on a vehicle damaged to the extent that the cost of repairing the vehicle exceeds ~ 75% of its pre-damage value. This damage threshold may vary by state. Some states treat Junk titles the same as Salvage but the majority use this title to indicate that a vehicle is not road worthy and cannot be titled again in that state. The following eleven States also use Salvage titles to identify stolen vehicles - AZ, FL, GA, IL, MD, MN, NJ, NM, NY, OK and OR. Total Loss! v9 O$ I+ r5 ]( X' F
An insurance or fleet company declares a vehicle a total loss when a claim exceeds ~ 75% of its pre-damage value or if the vehicle is stolen and not recovered. This damage threshold varies by company. These companies typically take possession and obtain the title. Not all total loss vehicles result in a DMV-reported branded title, like a Salvage or Junk title. See the glossary for more information. Accident / Damage Indicator: L  T1 @& f' K/ b
Various events could indicate an accident or damage in a vehicle's history, such as: salvage auction, fire damage, police-reported accident, crash test vehicle, damage disclosure, collision repair facility and automotive recycler records. See the glossary for more information. Hail Damage Title7 c/ V/ c8 @: _7 E/ J/ [8 m
The vehicle sustained major damage due to hail. In most states, hail damage titles are issued when the cost of repairing the vehicle for safe operation exceeds its fair market value. Flood Damage Title# ]$ \3 E5 d) r" R' D' T
States issue flood titles when a vehicle has been in a flood or has received extensive water damage. Standard Equipment9 }8 H. h2 ?4 V
Power Steering, AM / FM CD, Power Brakes, Tilt Wheel, 6-digit Odometer Safety Options! C7 Z: h; x( ]% Q& N8 F
4 wheel ABS, Dual air bags front, head, and sides/active (manual) belts  
+ ~; G3 K- ^& fVehicle Information: . G* p7 `- ]( O( h& ]
) e- s3 M5 ]4 |  e, LVIN: JM1BK32FX71675140 1 J! h# X& u6 k2 x( Z+ k/ t% h6 j
SEDAN 4 DR 2.0L L4 DOHC 16V " p; j' ]2 z8 l4 f$ T8 k
$ V, x8 y: r) c. L# O4 H3 ~Standard Equipment | Safety Options
2 k6 k' M- b$ L. g% a
* X# h3 z+ I& x; k1 K/ z( P  ]Search for other 2007 MAZDA MAZDA3 vehicles in Edmonton, AB    / `4 G* K7 j1 Q8 A
  Accident / Damage reported  
! w! b2 L7 q: p. G3 d  v% ~  CARFAX 1-Owner vehicle  
$ n' n2 t6 {+ l, G" L  ~2 F  Last owned in Alberta  
- M0 R/ n8 Z% n8 v- l( T  3 Detailed records available  
3 `3 C/ H6 C( x9 C) |' f   
; Y$ F# Q& d# z/ A; X4 S- l    % [) F3 O. k6 N5 |+ c
. d+ ]. C1 p+ v4 }- @, I6 N
" T2 y& g' k/ u* G
( m& Y: Q- ~$ {3 }. ~3 W

5 a7 F* W( A2 P- V( W- ~1 bA CARFAX Vehicle History Report is based only on information supplied to CARFAX. Other information about this vehicle, including problems, may not have been reported to CARFAX. Use this report as one important tool, along with a vehicle inspection and test drive, to make a better decision about your next used car.  
% V, H3 C" h/ |1 O    7 C# ^; e! N# G2 ]5 w
The number of owners is estimated   
7 S4 h4 ]; L  h% v$ H1 Y" @( zYear purchased 2007   # C0 }! ?% z8 Z. j( {& h
Type of owner ---  % J8 j4 B+ r0 S* E: q
Estimated length of ownership
' R  n+ p' P( m: Y8 C9 _  2 yrs. 4 mo.   9 k" ~3 z$ Z: e* {! p3 U8 Q4 p$ a" ~) X
Owned in the following states/provinces Alberta  
& E* i; a% H$ S, ~, r% REstimated miles driven per year ---  
+ D) F7 G3 ^- r   
$ W1 B+ p+ T) p1 r3 [( ^
6 k; X) C: D9 [% {2 E0 s  ; n- O( X% w# \6 i. y
   ; I3 q, X: I7 {) H
CARFAX guarantees the information in this section   
  K4 J/ w  x! v* jSalvage | Junk | Rebuilt  Guaranteed
* n3 e1 f" \4 H- B; C, Z4 [No Problem  
, m# U0 b- v, K0 IFire/Flood | Hail Damage | Buyback/Lemon
+ T: \) U- ]& G9 W: G  Guaranteed
0 O7 a3 G7 a8 c$ W! q/ `No Problem  
1 Y/ t. y, A" r3 JNot Actual Mileage | Exceeds Mechanical Limits  Guaranteed
9 N6 O" H! J& _$ m$ L$ jNo Problem  7 ^. R: U  v! Z2 a. u" {7 m/ ^
GUARANTEED - None of these major title problems were reported by a state Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV). If you find that any of these title problems were reported by a DMV and not included in this report, CARFAX will buy this vehicle back.         2 B. t' a/ }7 ?. Z# D; O. m- ]' {
         Register | View Terms  
, f; A! w7 l) W( k
# O' q  I. ]# U- E2 N# y    6 ^6 x" V2 t: _

* o% f% r3 [* [4 E7 P! {  
4 K" j$ q: O: w) U$ t6 G/ k  5 c( @6 t$ B" _5 C0 W, O
Not all accidents / issues are reported to CARFAX   
. d6 O/ H" T; k3 z" ^9 vTotal Loss Check   q! a$ I1 o1 V  l% d, C0 l2 M
No total loss reported to CARFAX.  No Issues Reported
& X0 w, g* H/ b# v+ t( X- i# {
* c3 V' J9 J1 G: v$ ]* L( N3 gStructural / Frame Damage Check : u6 U+ t( h) r# [" _
No structural / frame damage reported to CARFAX.   No Issues Reported  
: F4 V7 r! w! s7 M' ~+ |1 w' U. t 0 k; u' a7 E# S( v* I; N' j
Airbag Deployment Check 2 R: U9 U  Y4 `. Y1 d
No airbag deployment reported to CARFAX.   No Issues Reported  
' u  d9 w; }1 ?# `8 `
$ ~5 T+ q$ ]% g& vOdometer Rollback Check
; `) {* i, n7 P) n1 c" WNo indication of an odometer rollback.  No Issues Indicated
3 {8 c$ G; X, Y  w- i7 N  y4 W
# y% e. L5 O. L, i* W( e+ uAccident / Damage Check ; A6 V5 s- a1 s5 _- q3 i2 D. R
Damage reported on 01/18/2008. Damage Reported  
& l8 ]) r; f& i+ r" C
: K# X3 `$ _- g0 c' M+ B4 I7 lManufacturer Recall Check + X+ J* K8 Q9 w' M) o
Check with an authorized Mazda dealer for any open recalls.  No Recalls Reported  
. Z% x1 B6 e1 g9 ~/ Q3 x
. a" o1 p) g9 Z! [) S9 H7 MBasic Warranty Check
0 J% N1 u/ S0 B' D- pEstimated to have 8 months remaining. Recalculate warranty' [4 T9 E( v# K" E# C9 R
Interested in an extended warranty?  Warranty Active
% u6 d- L8 g1 ?! F$ @4 B% e8 d/ d! i4 D, ]9 b  @; x
, P- X5 J  k2 j6 B9 l2 H, H   
9 l8 T2 O$ C9 i. P# G 1 W- R" h, k* x. R; q
Tell us what you know about this vehicle  ' b- I6 l$ H. M  e% r6 p

# k% G1 d' a  b. }  o$ Z+ z
7 g$ i5 Y' L# A# U( {; ~
( O9 @) ^/ I  }5 y3 j# u: K2 |
. R, e; y1 Q# p1 M+ x  Y& e8 U
3 T. ?. L4 Z3 o6 `% ?9 KLooking for other 2007 MAZDA MAZDA3I vehicles like this one in your area? / p) E2 Z) ^9 V' F1 ]
Search CARFAX Hot Listings for an up-to-date list of vehicles in your area, all with the CARFAX Buyback Guarantee!  . i# |! y/ I' f
  % M! `, R# Y0 z! \+ z
* I7 A) c8 Z. {

5 Q8 u2 D7 Y: }  z8 ~+ R: q7 n6 K7 O3 D7 l0 P8 [

9 K: K3 {2 ^# ]' }0 w* D+ U8 s% Y( ~8 e; z* E  m+ `5 S* T" H

/ n) n$ D. C, j1 @( m/ T' t
+ G8 t) Y/ B+ V 2 q! T- X' D+ ^" D
A CARFAX Vehicle History Report is based only on information supplied to CARFAX. CARFAX checked over 6 billion vehicle history events and found 3 record(s) for this 2007 MAZDA MAZDA3I (JM1BK32FX71675140).
3 C6 l+ G, p5 G( V  v+ {  * y7 }7 T& b/ J- N. l8 r

4 Y7 y' @7 y; h' \
2 x4 Z! B* V, d. S  9 n) ~1 b" m1 }" f
Purchased: 2007 % V0 p7 D  a2 I8 S# u
Where: Alberta  9 g, R% C, i7 I, A  |/ S0 i: Z( l
Est. miles/year: --- 8 D- g) A( T& ]* |; B2 @9 \
Est. length owned: 1/26/07 - present
- Z+ [" Y  w2 `$ g0 Y) f  m$ f(2 yrs. 4 mo.)  
7 r3 o( I: I' `9 c
" n2 I: ?2 Y6 I7 `( | & z& B+ v5 Z" G: C  }: p

% k  V( j' B3 k CARFAX 1-Owner vehicle! These vehicles are often worth a higher price because they tend to be consistently driven and maintained.  
6 K. R- E4 p: z0 Y4 Z0 [6 J! M& J Date: Mileage: Source: Comments: $ A4 j! o: s$ S, |6 R) o, S
01/26/2007       Alberta" M+ j) h( y1 P6 A4 K! I' |
Motor Vehicle Dept.
. b* r$ f5 Z5 REdmonton, AB    Registration issued or renewed1 t0 B9 L+ ]: m5 N7 o& z& D$ V, t/ j' {0 M
First owner reported1 G+ o- X. |& ?
Vehicle color noted as White  8 p( [% t7 r6 p* f4 h3 T( q( o( s

* f3 R$ p& O0 _% ~, }01/18/2008       Damage Report6 d0 `" ^5 s( ~6 p9 ^
Alberta    Collision damage reported
6 v% d. w: P' ~# Q8 B( ]7 pDamage claim amount was C$9,898
7 Q, P4 R; b; V. n8 i/ j1 jClaim amount was updated on 03/21/2009. ( T. v; ?% k  O  w: b
CARFAX began reporting this information on 03/17/2009.
  A1 M4 }8 R) M0 t, }7 h. {) A2 D" g) x$ N

; `% w  G5 V* E
; D6 a) A* H  M& p( _2 _; D6 T06/26/2008       Alberta6 n  N8 M) R6 i: q' w( ~
Motor Vehicle Dept.
  Z0 C" U& N, d- G# vEdmonton, AB
0 X! P/ e) B8 e9 _1 ]) z3 d9 z& Q  Q- J1 b5 w

) ^$ i$ |+ k2 M* c( ]$ o7 \2 w! c! y2 ]. }5 f

* J  B% Y4 S7 S! Y+ S* z0 T3 G, s, p% N  W
   Registration issued or renewed9 f  K! W5 f$ I+ [' N& o. @" {1 v
Vehicle color noted as White  
) `9 `: D# q6 ]8 y# ]0 f) K ! X/ i! p' t4 \0 W  x; P
Print this CARFAX Report and take it to your pre-purchase inspection .
* ]8 \* }/ N( _0 w) a7 B6 l ( n8 [* m% A  `$ O0 \' o" e

2 P* j- N, @& U5 ~9 n" M
! C  }" A+ x1 d   Tell us what you know about this vehicle  , x: N/ B- r! @; s

( }! o: c! i3 W8 @; m" ^
4 d0 W% b. I+ A+ {' s3 F. I2 n4 j8 M6 g" ]- j9 M1 ~/ i

, ?/ H/ B  }/ f2 h; `  hHave Questions? Please visit our Help Center at www.carfax.com 3 Z9 p( s+ O: E+ K

5 U: s* f# [- ~9 v# ^8 RAccident / Damage Indicator
+ R1 L+ ^2 \1 T. gCARFAX receives information about accidents in all 50 states, the District of Columbia and Canada. Different information in a vehicle's history can indicate an accident or damage, such as: salvage auction, fire damage, police-reported accident, crash test vehicle, damage disclosure, collision repair facility and automotive recycler records. Not every accident or damage event is reported and not all reported are provided to CARFAX. Details about the accident or damage event when reported to CARFAX (e.g. severity, impact location, airbag deployment) are included on the Vehicle History Report. CARFAX recommends you obtain a vehicle inspection from your dealer or an independent mechanic. " z0 K: r# x& m+ \9 C" f
According to the National Safety Council, Injury Facts, 2007 edition, 7% of the 245 million registered vehicles in the U.S. were involved in an accident in 2005. Over 75% of these were considered minor or moderate. ' J* f' T+ {2 {( G
CARFAX depends on many sources for its accident / damage data. CARFAX can only report what is in our database on 25.Jun.2009 16:37:10. New data will result in a change to this report. $ W. [( t! y8 O# {9 A
) M0 {, ]: u1 L. e, `) H
, Q5 N; d# v; m+ d+ _, H/ x
Canadian Damage Report$ k) o4 G/ q* R9 L; R- x* C
CARFAX receives damage reports for many accidents occurring in the following Canadian Provinces: Ontario, Alberta, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, Newfoundland, Yukon territories, Northwest territories, and Nunavut. These reports may be completed following an accident or other incident. Some include a damage claim amount. This amount represents physical damage to the vehicle and depending on the accident, damage to other vehicles and/or property. It does not include expenses like towing, a rental car or any medical related items.
' U0 M1 f' {* P* v. S( ^$ @
; ^5 g$ w. o0 l/ p/ Z/ x* n, EFirst Owner
7 _2 N( D6 U3 m" _5 X4 `When the first owner(s) obtains a title from a Department of Motor Vehicles as proof of ownership. 4 _# g% M- K% R" k6 A/ A7 Y# d

& ?8 q2 E2 w/ W$ R0 p. j/ E- @2 POwnership History
: K5 X2 U7 y! X" i3 ^0 e, {# Q, uCARFAX defines an owner as an individual or business that possesses and uses a vehicle. Not all title transactions represent changes in ownership. To provide estimated number of owners, CARFAX proprietary technology analyzes all the events in a vehicle history. Estimated ownership is available for vehicles manufactured after 1994 and titled solely in the US including Puerto Rico. Dealers sometimes opt to take ownership of a vehicle and are required to in the following states: Maine, Massachusetts, New Jersey, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania and South Dakota. Please consider this as you review a vehicle's estimated ownership history.
& P) ]% O1 {- f% y- V6 W3 R0 h# H, K& n( @& Q" x

( k! a! a) u) ]0 |* T7 T& n2 h4 M" F1 @7 k  b( ]( ?  C; K. x

; y( f* T. J* k& {
% n) n0 i& B3 S9 `( Y. N: W# H& g, q' l% O
4 k! v" Y) c- _4 g! p7 N0 {. I
. Z3 W# G% ^' X
© 2009 CARFAX, Inc., an R.L. Polk & Co. company. All rights reserved. Patents pending. 25.Jun.2009 16:37:10
) Y/ n" z( |0 C) D) x: [) s
5 Y0 F% K3 H' D; F
9 d+ B0 Y$ G0 r* ?5 z4 h; L" J7 z! S) J- R$ m) w* ~

9 m; M3 X3 R/ _3 r+ b
4 q! r6 C0 A/ C8 E: x8 t! _2007 Mazda Mazda3I5 k4 V7 [& I) w4 _' @& c3 u& {& t
VIN: JM1BK32FX71675140  {9 T* o8 E5 k* j. E2 E8 C
Body Style: SEDAN 4 DR0 F7 R" |  \2 c1 q+ P. B; k( X
Engine Size: 2.0L L4 DOHC 16V
! X# Y' k0 v3 x3 i0 mDrivetrain: Front Wheel Drive " o8 p' R6 \1 J! D" P/ i

' R) o3 y) o  W( ?    ! x0 H1 D: L4 F; ]  e6 q
Original Manufacturer's Warranty: 7 t+ w6 p% b: A
Basic Warranty Active 8 T% Y# F5 a% q8 [. j
Please confirm remaining factory warranty and extended warranty options with your dealer!
! Z$ P, |2 l3 M$ Z, S2 UThe original manufacturer's warranty includes: - P9 L/ u9 I4 F, H% ]  r1 a2 \
36 months or 36,000 miles  
! k/ V% F! ~1 {" `  u3 L) \& L   
0 k& c. n: l. S" S4 q# \Information excerpted from the CARFAX Vehicle History Report and/or Safety & Reliability Ratings; see full reports for additional information, glossary of terms, source attributions,disclaimers & limitations. Go to carfax.com for complete Buyback Guarantee terms and conditions. ' s* h) X$ e7 }
& W' s3 K' q' b/ _3 s( `: t8 M

6 F) ]) M3 Y0 x) O3 p Number of Owners:    $ P  ~9 @0 p+ C2 o% V' @% ~
Last owned in the following state/province:  Alberta ; A. F( e" L& _8 f

9 u& [4 l9 O7 q$ `" }   ' [6 l9 U1 j2 J: E
None of these major title problems were reported by a state Department of Motor Vehicles:  ( y8 @& y. X3 m% F6 x& U4 q
Salvage, Junk, Rebuilt  Guaranteed/ K- o1 M  S) W  O
No Problem  / `2 _* n+ v5 z9 y( j3 x4 q. b
Fire / Flood, Hail damage, Buyback / Lemon Guaranteed/ A% ~8 B0 _7 Y3 C  ?4 \5 B' g
No Problem 9 n& t4 ?. {/ I6 t4 T2 j/ `
Not Actual Mileage,
; s& z  M) h, c" N! fExceeds Mechanical Limits  Guaranteed, X! r0 b2 |; U; [4 Y' H
No Problem ) O  r; N! c8 F# [7 U9 b4 g

( X* O1 {0 q" E+ k. G" r9 Y   . s+ Q" V4 v; s4 V
No issues reported to CARFAX on the following:  
1 {0 X0 M. |6 t$ g- y6 D* c; v% aTotal Loss   5 b4 W/ K8 [3 }/ \! K: P9 J! a, n
No Issues Reported
" ]7 f6 i' L7 x, j/ c; LStructural / Frame Damage   4 r4 q6 O# L0 C: o  q" d& i( C
No Issues Reported
8 L# e+ S' Z- d4 SAirbag Deployment   
  Z# q+ V; T+ a# \" _3 uNo Issues Reported
8 d$ a- X5 a6 `: j! SOdometer Rollback   
; b  p+ V' ^6 R1 ?) FNo Issues Reported 7 T) H( N$ G2 y: r( x
Damage reported on this vehicle. Please see the full CARFAX Vehicle History Report for more details.  
+ w9 S/ R3 t+ w9 y# q" w . e1 g) M) b7 b0 O

2 t/ j/ Q6 A7 q# j2 z
9 Z3 ?- V- B1 W" _' t/ Y4 N
3 d/ F' s. e; s$ S3 W0 @+ s+ J/ i( K& n! ?% |& z# r+ f, ]" c
© 2009 CARFAX, Inc., an R.L. Polk & Co. company. All rights reserved. Patents pending. 25.Jun.2009 16:37:10
3 ~$ u  H! F8 H3 I9 k' a! t
. j- S6 @* m1 e; d) d& ~http://www.carfax.com//warranty/ ... &tabbedVhr=true http://www.carfax.com/cfm/SRRDis ... 9&suppressWss=Y http://www.carfax.com/manifest/b ... rue&tabbed=true http://www.carfax.com/notes/vehi ... e&suppressWss=Y
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 楼主| 发表于 2009-6-25 14:38 | 显示全部楼层
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9# southgate : v) u9 {. ^9 R( s

* S6 m5 }% d" C: z* c& m$ p* L7 w- O8 c) Y$ j& m$ f4 J

! b( O- B% C* w  Vehicle History & Z( h2 t- L" G. L
Report™; c/ }9 Y7 W# f9 c0 N
- M* f5 q+ ?& V) D5 i3 b3 V% m* [Highlights™4 `( x5 e1 {8 Q5 x' o# s9 {- Q+ j
Warranty 3 [" o) z, P6 {' `" M
Check™! E9 O' \( r& d" Z2 c
Safety & Reliability
3 v2 |+ Y5 h) O5 Y" ^Ratings™& w/ X$ B9 z8 Z  K( I% T
Buyback Guarantee™
' e. X+ Y3 i) L+ Q) jCertificate
1 Q, X* c* z" O0 d: O8 m7 D Consumer Ratings , b4 l# W# K" U1 z# t
& Comments™
/ o5 u6 y& e# C1 V For Personal Use Only    Print This Page •  Print All Pages  
1 q" ]1 F  m- o4 ]6 f+ u/ f1 ~Loading...
' E9 b' ~4 ~8 v$ V* L. y- }
! ?. c4 n2 x" J" U: CFor Personal Use Only
1 W' D3 H0 l1 L/ D6 c# l. j6 A' T" E- d
7 V! E1 \3 W' w8 N8 s8 K1 W. K8 URebuilt/Reconstructed Title4 }. |* W0 I' H
A Rebuilt/Reconstructed vehicle is a salvage vehicle that has been repaired and restored to operation. These vehicles are often severely damaged before they are rebuilt and refurbished parts are typically used during reconstruction. In most states, an inspection of the vehicle is required before the vehicle is allowed to return to the road. Manufacturer Buyback or Lemon
/ c, [; u% b. x8 ^1 ?0 _( ^A DMV or a state agency marks an official document or issues a Manufacturer Buyback/Lemon title when a vehicle has been repurchased by the manufacturer. Not all states issue manufacturer buyback titles and the specific requirements for a lemon law vehicle varies by state. Odometer Rollback, h4 B6 F# l$ p4 Y0 w( O
If a more recent odometer reading is less than an older reading, then the odometer may have been tampered with and "rolled back". Manufacturer Recall
/ d/ V* X& H0 L" i4 X) `Automobile manufacturers issue recall notices to inform owners of car defects that have come to the manufacturer's attention. Recalls also suggest improvements that can be made to improve the safety of a particular vehicle. Most manufacturer recalls can be repaired at no cost to you. Basic Warranty
6 `- p4 z8 N6 F% cMost manufacturers offer a basic warranty for new vehicles. These warranties vary by manufacturer and typically last for a certain amount of time and/or a set number of miles. Not Actual Mileage Title
& {2 I0 U3 Z) g1 q& XWhen the seller certifies, under the Federal Odometer Act, that the odometer reading does not reflect the vehicle's actual mileage. This may occur because the odometer was tampered with, broken, or replaced. Junk Title
, q5 ]8 e% X5 EA Junk Title is issued on a vehicle damaged to the extent that the cost of repairing the vehicle exceeds ~ 75% of its pre-damage value. This damage threshold may vary by state. The majority of states use this title to indicate that a vehicle is not road worthy and cannot be titled again. Some states treat Junk titles the same as Salvage. Loss Due To Fire Title
9 ?2 b) q; l7 k0 K# o$ F: u5 cThe vehicle sustained major damage due to fire. In most states, fire damage titles are issued when the cost of repairing the vehicle for safe operation exceeds its fair market value. Exceeds Mechanical Limits. u! o3 F5 ]9 B+ f, L
A vehicle with a 5-digit odometer cannot accurately track mileage after 99,999 miles because the odometer rolls over. This title is the result of a seller certifying under the Federal Odometer Act, that the odometer reading EXCEEDS MECHANICAL LIMITS of the odometer. Structural / Frame Damage
( d+ Y/ f4 g2 P& o# P$ cIn most cases, a vehicle is inspected for structural or frame damage, depending on the body design, after an accident or other incident. All levels of accidents from minor to severe can cause structural / frame damage and in most cases it can be repaired. Airbag Deployment
2 ]% `+ J8 C  U+ C7 F5 kOccurs when the driver, passenger or side airbag has been used or deployed during a crash or other incident. If an airbag has been deployed, it must be replaced by a qualified technician. Have this car inspected by a mechanic prior to purchase. Salvage Title* o/ v/ |# `- d9 B# ~/ D0 j+ Z# y
A Salvage Title is issued on a vehicle damaged to the extent that the cost of repairing the vehicle exceeds ~ 75% of its pre-damage value. This damage threshold may vary by state. Some states treat Junk titles the same as Salvage but the majority use this title to indicate that a vehicle is not road worthy and cannot be titled again in that state. The following eleven States also use Salvage titles to identify stolen vehicles - AZ, FL, GA, IL, MD, MN, NJ, NM, NY, OK and OR. Total Loss
1 v9 H# Y. M1 [2 Z/ L. BAn insurance or fleet company declares a vehicle a total loss when a claim exceeds ~ 75% of its pre-damage value or if the vehicle is stolen and not recovered. This damage threshold varies by company. These companies typically take possession and obtain the title. Not all total loss vehicles result in a DMV-reported branded title, like a Salvage or Junk title. See the glossary for more information. Accident / Damage Indicator
! J$ ^3 e. |) F5 ^$ b4 E" AVarious events could indicate an accident or damage in a vehicle's history, such as: salvage auction, fire damage, police-reported accident, crash test vehicle, damage disclosure, collision repair facility and automotive recycler records. See the glossary for more information. Hail Damage Title1 M1 \; M; P2 Z2 q7 b
The vehicle sustained major damage due to hail. In most states, hail damage titles are issued when the cost of repairing the vehicle for safe operation exceeds its fair market value. Flood Damage Title
5 I- w; z3 A8 I0 l# CStates issue flood titles when a vehicle has been in a flood or has received extensive water damage. Standard Equipment
7 q) z% D- O# i6 W5 L# W2 {7 wPower Windows, Power Steering, Air Conditioning, AM / FM CD, Power Brakes, Tilt Wheel, 6-digit Odometer Safety Options5 N: [1 ]( ^4 m0 {
4 wheel ABS, Dual air bags front and sides/active (manual) belts/rear passenger side air bag  % s# I5 ]) G( F/ y& A+ Y- W
Vehicle Information:
5 ?  F0 ]/ J% u1 b) F2006 AUDI A4 2.0 TURBO ' _' s. m& X3 c( o7 e
VIN: WAUAF68E26A001138 ) K# m9 J7 U7 m: S' m
SEDAN 4 DR 2.0L L4 DIR DOHC 4 e" V+ a# Q. H" U6 ~- `
' Z% @: ~. l. p% s3 h, ~, CStandard Equipment | Safety Options
  d: ^' y. R$ S. J& Z" |& H4 @5 n3 R# _$ k* m& P% d
Search for other 2006 AUDI A4 vehicles in Edmonton, AB    + @" `. Q9 q! I4 {$ W
  No accident / damage reported to CARFAX  ( z' `1 u3 {& }: ~" k) Y( C
  CARFAX 1-Owner vehicle  
0 p+ y: a- j  Z3 w5 Y) p  Lease vehicle  
: A/ N2 |) X' r; `; _/ A% ]2 i  Last owned in Quebec  
% z/ e% f/ y+ \0 x8 `  4 Detailed records available  / `* u& K/ t+ S& v
  46,266 Last reported odometer reading  2 {8 M/ F& o( B7 [  ^% I
5 s3 d# f) M  ]  P5 g; G5 A
/ f, E) O3 \/ `/ g1 L, Y
' {( X  p7 j$ V9 G
- D- q. N- m8 ~, z

- u$ H$ H, Z, [' rA CARFAX Vehicle History Report is based only on information supplied to CARFAX. Other information about this vehicle, including problems, may not have been reported to CARFAX. Use this report as one important tool, along with a vehicle inspection and test drive, to make a better decision about your next used car.  
' P% F& u. k$ p9 y    " T: H- _  o$ \! K/ u- i4 i/ P
The number of owners is estimated    3 v4 z0 _1 h# z7 G( V+ D
Year purchased 2005   
3 C) j3 v; h! D% g/ e% L6 SType of owner Lease  
" ?# G& Y  s& O! ~5 y  d! vEstimated length of ownership 4 n2 E, C6 I7 G/ N
  3 yrs. 6 mo.   9 A9 S! c& t) r) _
Owned in the following states/provinces Quebec  1 \) w5 n, O5 v1 C! X
Estimated miles driven per year ---  : j. P( a+ M- H8 i# _
Last reported odometer reading 46,266   
! z5 l+ V' i" Q* _6 K   
2 p1 ~6 a' E' ]! Z$ I; ^1 t ( v. R8 b8 _! M/ ]; ?: g' m1 E/ A
% M" ?$ ]8 S! }   
) N3 m/ ], b8 v3 cCARFAX guarantees the information in this section   
' {0 U8 [  T0 Z+ I3 R' c5 Z+ [9 Y. [9 i. ~Salvage | Junk | Rebuilt  Guaranteed
4 u1 A0 D) |7 W) e: c2 CNo Problem  1 I3 K3 `" H, e: k6 [
Fire/Flood | Hail Damage | Buyback/Lemon & i3 {% X8 @1 a
  Guaranteed * C8 q" }8 u5 ~
No Problem  8 `0 @' S1 g; ]4 C/ D7 _
Not Actual Mileage | Exceeds Mechanical Limits  Guaranteed 3 L! Y+ Y$ l. D7 _
No Problem  $ {6 _6 D5 G; ^5 W+ ?: Z5 U) ^
GUARANTEED - None of these major title problems were reported by a state Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV). If you find that any of these title problems were reported by a DMV and not included in this report, CARFAX will buy this vehicle back.         
1 K* V" C# n7 y         Register | View Terms  " H* M7 X6 D2 l$ O9 [3 L  \

2 |2 T8 {9 b+ t) ?$ h" r( Z   
7 A: b% w9 R  p) N
' y" w2 r( T; Y' P" m. Y3 a; M  
5 o6 m* Y; d$ U8 O! s  
+ D# h9 X- I% S2 j# h- PNot all accidents / issues are reported to CARFAX   
* C" G9 u$ `+ |+ qTotal Loss Check   P. ?" A) T5 }; d- y/ Q
No total loss reported to CARFAX.  No Issues Reported
1 _* Q+ s$ ?7 N9 E$ J% b 9 U' j2 |& k9 l2 ^9 C1 B
Structural / Frame Damage Check
: y6 s& |; x5 n8 ANo structural / frame damage reported to CARFAX.   No Issues Reported  
. i; P+ f. _% |& B8 B5 u" s8 G  e% E
1 ]9 L- I! u7 V, _Airbag Deployment Check
& \: z4 G2 {! ~3 ^" hNo airbag deployment reported to CARFAX.   No Issues Reported  - R# p( s& R* y7 O9 E9 Q9 Q) n

& l2 R# s% P! {Odometer Rollback Check # \- r+ M3 q# D. [
No indication of an odometer rollback.  No Issues Indicated   g. o+ |/ g1 X- ^; a
  `+ E' i. Y2 L) u( y3 x
Accident / Damage Check
+ x! e( P7 O: `% ANo accidents or damage reported to CARFAX.  No Issues Reported
3 w& H; e3 D8 f, |+ l
% o% Z" o" y; @8 ^! k0 r& ^# Y) `5 {Manufacturer Recall Check
$ Q8 e* Z+ X( g+ Z( cCheck with an authorized Audi dealer for any open recalls.  No Recalls Reported  
! C! e1 y% ?, T: s4 b1 N % `+ O3 X& M( V5 b6 U1 \
Basic Warranty Check
5 Q' n7 K: I" Y% ^9 XEstimated to have 4 months or 3,734 miles remaining. Recalculate warranty
* F$ b# v( T9 N7 HInterested in an extended warranty?  Warranty Active * p" n- q, D" Y4 V% u5 \& r) c2 ]7 T
- r* F( [3 O' T& G/ n  Q& C
" [" `0 B6 W! S: A8 @& q) Y( N" E6 Z    / O, P5 k" H$ b" P& b; z  x

% j! G' m. S: A9 `Tell us what you know about this vehicle  
  j( m8 z% Y6 h3 B( a- A  q% s. n  f; [7 C6 ^( m7 D
5 J8 N6 ?8 P' G! @) K3 T
% r, Y; g2 w# ]" F! s

& G* ^, r3 ^' L+ s. Y9 z7 d- }1 x, {& D4 k
Still looking? Find similar cars just listed for sale in your area. / F4 {, O7 M- u
  " q9 ?( a- a# g" e' L2 e
Let us do the work! Get daily updates of AUDI A4 vehicles for sale in your area.. z+ _% r0 m. F9 r" x' B$ R

1 K- ]2 z7 c; F( U% ZEmail:
" T0 F- x# X, a) `3 G) t9 f! ~+ Z
, y) [9 s6 q5 S4 mZip:* r9 r" y& _# s! B
) F1 @+ Z8 V+ I* y9 E4 b  
( s9 @- r2 h& `. A5 p. T: a
0 B* k$ u/ D0 q" L2 |" ?/ z  
. T8 E7 Y' a% d& {  a( z 2006 AUDI A4 2.0T QUATTRO AWD  Listed 2 days ago  
, N8 T5 d3 L* P$ C2 p% U. K8 ]Body Style: Sedan 4 DR
: ^+ q; w1 E1 S" e3 D# DEngine Type: 2.0L L4 DIR DOHC9 M8 x& {! _& \6 H& p, Z+ ~6 J
Free CARFAX Report    Southgate VW Inc.
2 k4 S2 v4 q" s: k- u4 q  W9 EDistance: 1.71 mi
" X; P% t5 x- }$ G' q: w2 @0 n, dContact Dealer  - b( P; U: ~. A) F4 G9 S
' B* t# K  |  D
2005 AUDI A4 1.8 T/SPEC EDIT   0 n- t: p, L: z9 `9 y( @5 Y
Body Style: Sedan 4 DR9 H0 f6 ]; G9 {" f  y
Engine Type: 1.8L L4 FI 20V
/ S- D4 {' P  {4 u# DFree CARFAX Report    Southgate Audi
$ D* N5 L% @1 l+ iDistance: 10.65 mi
9 U! i2 R2 Q: M- e+ ]( G4 U+ pContact Dealer  
* v& I% q9 Y2 d* S
8 k& ?: M3 k( Q4 \) E6 S. l 2006 AUDI A4 2.0T AVNT QUATTRO AWD   
8 }7 J' j) k' o) `Audi Certified pre-owned
; X) M0 ]( J' A4 U) rBody Style: Station Wagon
3 b. G3 [5 o- H$ A5 D! ]: BEngine Type: 2.0L L4 DIR DOHC
! o( L& X% c6 ^  ~) E8 uFree CARFAX Report    Southgate Audi # @- t8 G3 g# M$ G" y2 t: t
Distance: 10.65 mi& V' J/ N+ G9 g( U7 @8 a, q+ z
Contact Dealer  
0 g" l' D+ z* l9 M
* e; ]4 Z- K/ ^1 @
% C2 m  C% D8 Q+ M. _) t
0 ~% r, l& L3 h) ^& ?
* p' A. ^8 d* i7 c- N+ P8 K9 X/ n3 Q
$ _) J9 T4 x$ _0 Y2 @* }

' z0 t, g( e9 G% M' S6 m% V9 M9 Z4 X" B; ?

* ^% N+ T+ S  R* x! K
; P2 z( X0 T- Z" }3 DA CARFAX Vehicle History Report is based only on information supplied to CARFAX. CARFAX checked over 6 billion vehicle history events and found 4 record(s) for this 2006 AUDI A4 2.0 TURBO (WAUAF68E26A001138). & D2 G+ P- f1 g+ p, A
  6 P4 H- N7 V- \* h
+ }( }9 O3 Y; q& u, Z

9 [7 X! H9 N- R0 z3 F& V0 |  
6 o" z2 D& y" w8 vPurchased: 2005 2 G6 X+ v) c" \$ d: \
Type: Lease  
  J. t) x+ \4 c# T& j5 j+ ~# W" ZWhere: Quebec    t0 R4 h2 L& J0 A& g7 x
Est. miles/year: --- ) T" p# Z- N3 T! m% t' s
Est. length owned: 9/28/05 - 4/3/09 8 ?* O+ Q1 D$ v3 ~6 Q/ J% K6 \
(3 yrs. 6 mo.)  
9 A4 H0 l# @! b9 |3 C1 @
8 q& v5 U$ \  C9 C0 J$ e " Y3 G' `& J) B

! u4 F# t3 ^9 \2 `5 K  D CARFAX 1-Owner vehicle! These vehicles are often worth a higher price because they tend to be consistently driven and maintained.  
+ Y' K/ _6 h& c) \ Date: Mileage: Source: Comments: 4 y/ T- ~4 Y  g* Z2 C7 I
Not Reported       NICB    Vehicle manufactured9 ~* ], H3 J/ k8 Y. j
and shipped to original dealer  1 {; Q* b7 f1 Z
: d! _& t0 L+ i  P/ O3 L+ X' X
09/05/2005    21    Sherlock
& R8 a! S( L2 ]- r& v8 T  ~% SAntitheft Marking4 A4 Y% z; Q# P4 R/ @
www.sherlock.ca    Vehicle equipped with
* ]  N! B3 g$ s0 }$ W* S# ^  ?Intensive Antitheft1 y/ M5 s; P0 C) B! x8 j' d
Marking system
* `3 J) W2 t2 m: t! S# KOdometer reported as 34 kilometers  * f; v6 s/ j) g% `5 _
. v$ g3 B3 A# {' Z  k3 p$ A
09/28/2005       Quebec, a4 {$ A& I( z* i
Motor Vehicle Dept.    Registration issued or renewed
! F+ l9 e1 ^8 U$ k( {: O# JFirst owner reported5 C4 V  X* F; s: W5 Y0 Q. g
Registered as
( u% L, w3 i  v4 f) u3 Opersonal vehicle/ B( B% b. g$ S
Registered as lease vehicle  ) m  m+ w( s% s$ |& H5 `( E4 A
7 V/ N( Z  M& X
04/03/2009    46,266    Auto Auction, Z. F/ d% Q" c& i& Q
Saint-Laurent, QC    Vehicle offered for sale  " ?; k, c( j* j0 ^/ F1 j4 l0 ]
  3 E$ L- H. A+ A! b7 N
Dealers routinely buy and sell millions of used vehicles at auction each year.  
2 [2 D9 ]# G: K7 a" Q 4 _- |3 k' \, ]' c
Print this CARFAX Report and take it to your pre-purchase inspection .
3 h. N4 {  ^; E 1 [. Q( y7 O+ n! m
9 ]! h# \( f- g, t- d6 A  Q7 c! s& s
* q6 k- X" z) V5 F% _% n
   Tell us what you know about this vehicle  
! k  ~9 S. H$ ^# F) f4 }+ t* @$ j3 B* @

3 w  C$ G! v: O* u; r! l; {1 y1 }
, H. ]  o6 j) n0 p" }7 Z
6 X0 i$ A# U( ~$ J" w5 L& s0 Z7 \9 WHave Questions? Please visit our Help Center at www.carfax.com
/ f3 g5 Z! x' I7 a2 M  a  o1 N* m2 I" y: t8 O
First Owner7 d# w4 j- F/ S5 e% M& u
When the first owner(s) obtains a title from a Department of Motor Vehicles as proof of ownership. , f3 O( G& @4 _; h; S7 g4 ~8 z# p
5 G) G+ d7 {: E- b$ G
Lease- @! w2 n, G2 L& m3 x, A1 v
When someone leases a car from a dealer, the dealer actually sells the vehicle to a leasing company. The leasing company then collects payments for the vehicle from the new owner for 24, 36, 48 or more months. A leasing company can be an independent car dealer or a car manufacturer. 3 o9 v! f+ A4 u+ Z! H8 p

* w" z7 Q/ B, W# @  x) |9 n# GOwnership History4 N  |- n# f. O, i
CARFAX defines an owner as an individual or business that possesses and uses a vehicle. Not all title transactions represent changes in ownership. To provide estimated number of owners, CARFAX proprietary technology analyzes all the events in a vehicle history. Estimated ownership is available for vehicles manufactured after 1994 and titled solely in the US including Puerto Rico. Dealers sometimes opt to take ownership of a vehicle and are required to in the following states: Maine, Massachusetts, New Jersey, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania and South Dakota. Please consider this as you review a vehicle's estimated ownership history.
6 p/ i! ?; F6 n; S% p# P3 s# A9 p# h
& z4 Y! B8 s5 M4 X0 s; Y% r( ?% j) j
5 U0 W" n" O( T$ _3 ~# b

1 ?& f0 x3 }4 E' A! @' P
1 @" U! M2 ^, ]- i+ }% c% H2 H' G: Q
! ?8 R" V- l0 z/ W ! L, e* a. ]& |

© 2009 CARFAX, Inc., an R.L. Polk & Co. company. All rights reserved. Patents pending. 25.Jun.2009 16:38:526 K; {4 X/ j- {5 v' K
5 E; ~) J8 [  P0 d( B9 C
7 P9 y- x, C' }7 V( }" J1 G

; M9 ?8 S8 S" S4 G
9 d5 d+ ?- a) D+ I2 h0 V% N
& _0 B  [4 u1 S9 b- g! P. `2006 Audi A4 2.0 Turbo
( |  U5 ?" V, x: B$ M! `VIN: WAUAF68E26A001138
5 y2 ^% H8 g' p* i, b3 T& JBody Style: SEDAN 4 DR" [0 r( b9 L- {' O: x
Engine Size: 2.0L L4 DIR DOHC
) u4 e; e2 w0 t5 ^1 W5 Q, dDrivetrain: Front Wheel Drive
, ]& q# q; ^- `$ {! S. l' D+ L, s( ]) U6 |, f# c
    ! e% N1 e5 E7 }# v5 p2 Z8 t
Original Manufacturer's Warranty:
2 t7 S& o  c+ ?3 W& O5 F* ZBasic Warranty Active 0 \+ j  p/ m' g- a6 a3 @" P( \# ~
Please confirm remaining factory warranty and extended warranty options with your dealer! / L# @. ~3 g; Y4 ?5 g+ v
The original manufacturer's warranty includes: # [9 l$ i( J1 ^
48 months or 50,000 miles  % m. G4 d9 p2 {
   ( v9 y6 O* e' Z- t3 b9 v: B
Information excerpted from the CARFAX Vehicle History Report and/or Safety & Reliability Ratings; see full reports for additional information, glossary of terms, source attributions,disclaimers & limitations. Go to carfax.com for complete Buyback Guarantee terms and conditions. 6 t( G4 y5 k* X" w/ A1 z$ F

- J" t' K' _7 K1 `5 X; z
5 s8 F" R0 r& b5 ~- e/ w+ S Number of Owners:    6 k0 T0 u. x+ d4 Z/ S- a% ?
Last owned in the following state/province:  Quebec
$ u8 |4 K$ |* Y! |Annual average mileage: 13,140 + {# J, J# @2 Y0 D2 P. `
  ( a+ f  c1 f7 s0 T) N: N: S6 _( m
*Below industry annual average of 15,000 miles  3 m; @( u, e! H$ I- [
: V( e; n& B5 y" j& K
" I: D6 ~5 r4 f# m) g% y# I0 Y7 ]6 z None of these major title problems were reported by a state Department of Motor Vehicles:  
+ N# x; s  ]' aSalvage, Junk, Rebuilt  Guaranteed! a9 Q6 L" P! T. p% J: I
No Problem  ; _' ?. t* o  g1 d4 w
Fire / Flood, Hail damage, Buyback / Lemon Guaranteed
0 t% Q4 h3 s) {% ^No Problem ( G! J3 t5 a6 a# V0 w2 ?3 _
Not Actual Mileage,
4 b  s, U- `! FExceeds Mechanical Limits  Guaranteed
/ ^4 j6 i5 X1 H5 P/ d# y1 ^) V; ^: @: I- ENo Problem
! K1 l1 A" \8 L; c& a
# }  z* l3 b# n   
) z. t  F- K1 v: J: x1 hNo issues reported to CARFAX on the following:  
* r6 O- W$ S9 dTotal Loss   
4 m" E6 R* f, U+ a7 E1 p! a2 yNo Issues Reported
9 {2 m' D: K9 p3 \% H) r' |4 SStructural / Frame Damage   ( N. M. l$ Y) I8 M9 D; [+ c
No Issues Reported
6 u% L* h+ m. K( M/ BAirbag Deployment   3 ]9 d& l2 U7 U* q$ `2 k! Q
No Issues Reported 1 N3 a8 U3 p. O2 }1 u0 f- A* ~
Odometer Rollback   8 `9 M* l3 d5 C
No Issues Reported
9 d7 c6 L8 J7 r! g2 c. hOther Accidents / Damage  
. P5 S3 h& Y% D$ SNo Issues Reported
! T' B* S% p$ a) U. c % B3 @. c9 R# {/ h8 v" O

$ h7 r5 p( w* A3 M6 C 6 U+ J( f  i) Q2 [+ j

& i; _* G: y6 s; |6 x
9 Z8 @; U! ]/ s2 J! o" L! o) A/ n© 2009 CARFAX, Inc., an R.L. Polk & Co. company. All rights reserved. Patents pending. 25.Jun.2009 16:38:52
, \5 O" d, l4 K3 n$ e5 V) A0 @ 3 B$ W$ f& Y/ p- P1 a$ q
http://www.carfax.com//warranty/ ... &tabbedVhr=true http://www.carfax.com/cfm/SRRDis ... 2&suppressWss=Y http://www.carfax.com/manifest/b ... rue&tabbed=true http://www.carfax.com/notes/vehi ... e&suppressWss=Y
鲜花(2) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-6-25 15:30 | 显示全部楼层
谢谢炽阳,请帮我查一下VIN:$ c5 o3 Z# j5 W' j# f! C8 [
6 W! e" f; c; d7 f" L我的:miller.m2007@gmail.com ; L7 @. B, Z) ]+ a! E9 E2 `+ j& V" o
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-6-25 16:27 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2009-6-25 18:41 | 显示全部楼层
14# 烽火大球场
( K3 w, K  d# W8 K4 l
7 A$ V0 L# A' S3 W3 ]
7 E3 y+ X/ ?4 j- J
7 Q8 `, y; e, b8 O# b  Vehicle History ' t; w* p3 i& O" @/ Z) z$ y3 p
' K. i1 P! i6 P& \4 Y Vehicle
( |8 ^. l% o& q, w. nHighlights™
; ?7 x: J& o/ p. R! r9 e Warranty 7 u; s0 q, S: R2 a4 [
Check™/ `0 Y( h# Y+ O6 F; @) R
Safety & Reliability
- R3 i' H; H$ z) ]( C" u& E4 DRatings™
* O# O3 W0 n/ G Buyback Guarantee™% x& S% S' }( t& C
8 K+ \- W6 \* d& @8 {/ s Consumer Ratings
# A7 r9 O4 }" W; ^8 J& Comments™
  E9 F* d9 c- d2 X  J3 [ For Personal Use Only    Print This Page •  Print All Pages  0 Z1 O% i$ a; `) v# X% e" M
3 i, a5 |1 \% a- e+ {0 X5 k 1 b' j/ i! _* `1 x0 f: [
For Personal Use Only7 w4 T* ?' l3 [# M

1 o* P/ w( }7 I5 e4 w+ VRebuilt/Reconstructed Title
6 G6 E3 P5 [9 z, @8 RA Rebuilt/Reconstructed vehicle is a salvage vehicle that has been repaired and restored to operation. These vehicles are often severely damaged before they are rebuilt and refurbished parts are typically used during reconstruction. In most states, an inspection of the vehicle is required before the vehicle is allowed to return to the road. Manufacturer Buyback or Lemon- @! ^; J* t$ M! ~2 A. q7 A
A DMV or a state agency marks an official document or issues a Manufacturer Buyback/Lemon title when a vehicle has been repurchased by the manufacturer. Not all states issue manufacturer buyback titles and the specific requirements for a lemon law vehicle varies by state. Odometer Rollback
3 z- {! C6 j% r8 D" @: b" H7 x3 ~$ kIf a more recent odometer reading is less than an older reading, then the odometer may have been tampered with and "rolled back". Manufacturer Recall" O7 q2 t& R9 E, d4 {$ K% r  a
Automobile manufacturers issue recall notices to inform owners of car defects that have come to the manufacturer's attention. Recalls also suggest improvements that can be made to improve the safety of a particular vehicle. Most manufacturer recalls can be repaired at no cost to you. Basic Warranty
& l) s' W5 T% A3 b5 PMost manufacturers offer a basic warranty for new vehicles. These warranties vary by manufacturer and typically last for a certain amount of time and/or a set number of miles. Not Actual Mileage Title
. [8 D0 g* ^- Y) T0 A: T' UWhen the seller certifies, under the Federal Odometer Act, that the odometer reading does not reflect the vehicle's actual mileage. This may occur because the odometer was tampered with, broken, or replaced. Junk Title1 m2 U( Y. ]9 ~" h
A Junk Title is issued on a vehicle damaged to the extent that the cost of repairing the vehicle exceeds ~ 75% of its pre-damage value. This damage threshold may vary by state. The majority of states use this title to indicate that a vehicle is not road worthy and cannot be titled again. Some states treat Junk titles the same as Salvage. Loss Due To Fire Title
7 ~5 A$ ?$ N" h1 s/ @The vehicle sustained major damage due to fire. In most states, fire damage titles are issued when the cost of repairing the vehicle for safe operation exceeds its fair market value. Exceeds Mechanical Limits4 ~' c/ G4 H9 ?
A vehicle with a 5-digit odometer cannot accurately track mileage after 99,999 miles because the odometer rolls over. This title is the result of a seller certifying under the Federal Odometer Act, that the odometer reading EXCEEDS MECHANICAL LIMITS of the odometer. Structural / Frame Damage" `3 G8 c7 A0 I6 }+ n  c
In most cases, a vehicle is inspected for structural or frame damage, depending on the body design, after an accident or other incident. All levels of accidents from minor to severe can cause structural / frame damage and in most cases it can be repaired. Airbag Deployment0 T5 j& ?3 f3 K- l$ ]
Occurs when the driver, passenger or side airbag has been used or deployed during a crash or other incident. If an airbag has been deployed, it must be replaced by a qualified technician. Have this car inspected by a mechanic prior to purchase. Salvage Title
' s0 [5 l/ G! n% cA Salvage Title is issued on a vehicle damaged to the extent that the cost of repairing the vehicle exceeds ~ 75% of its pre-damage value. This damage threshold may vary by state. Some states treat Junk titles the same as Salvage but the majority use this title to indicate that a vehicle is not road worthy and cannot be titled again in that state. The following eleven States also use Salvage titles to identify stolen vehicles - AZ, FL, GA, IL, MD, MN, NJ, NM, NY, OK and OR. Total Loss1 }( K/ t, A- H+ V% W% T
An insurance or fleet company declares a vehicle a total loss when a claim exceeds ~ 75% of its pre-damage value or if the vehicle is stolen and not recovered. This damage threshold varies by company. These companies typically take possession and obtain the title. Not all total loss vehicles result in a DMV-reported branded title, like a Salvage or Junk title. See the glossary for more information. Accident / Damage Indicator2 R) K- k8 P  V4 o
Various events could indicate an accident or damage in a vehicle's history, such as: salvage auction, fire damage, police-reported accident, crash test vehicle, damage disclosure, collision repair facility and automotive recycler records. See the glossary for more information. Hail Damage Title
. ], `% J3 @, m/ Q0 l8 I1 kThe vehicle sustained major damage due to hail. In most states, hail damage titles are issued when the cost of repairing the vehicle for safe operation exceeds its fair market value. Flood Damage Title
: D" _4 t" a4 P/ m# k' _3 aStates issue flood titles when a vehicle has been in a flood or has received extensive water damage. Standard Equipment
( g) C1 f6 S7 Q. l4 M4 A5 ]Power Windows, Power Steering, Air Conditioning, AM / FM CD, Power Brakes, Tilt Wheel, 6-digit Odometer Safety Options5 Y& S' i( B9 Z; K, p( S
4 wheel ABS, Running Lights, Dual front air bags/active (manual) belts  
: m3 v! ^5 q: nVehicle Information: - {- m/ s5 `; M* a5 W
2001 CHEVROLET MALIBU LS ; o# p. E) f# t- H- K; N$ _
VIN: 1G1NE52J516114982
% y0 F/ p% G2 ^, u1 ZSEDAN 4 DR 3.1L V6 SFI
( l/ F6 Z$ q( g& }: KFRONT WHEEL DRIVE 4 Q  N  p- T1 ~' G
Standard Equipment | Safety Options
, r' w! _- f4 b! W. B5 |
- {6 k$ t/ p- x' fSearch for other 2001 CHEVROLET MALIBU vehicles in Edmonton, AB    * y; q$ M4 X' Y3 D
  No accident / damage reported to CARFAX  
1 p% o  o9 Q4 u8 P7 W: i2 \  8 Service records available  6 J# J4 s2 H/ \) f8 D
  14 Detailed records available    @5 w6 B+ J( o5 J7 Q5 }0 e% M3 ?! f
  22,219 Last reported odometer reading  2 Z- p; r/ `: k2 G5 g" e

5 ~1 W) T* m, z3 j2 H    5 S5 X, @( l4 y7 L
    5 t& ]& N9 L9 P* X+ l
9 z4 r# o4 a* Z9 b

+ _# D4 |+ l7 }. c$ R  V% K3 _4 }- l4 l; p/ _/ K
8 _" E9 v0 q5 t8 J& U" ^
A CARFAX Vehicle History Report is based only on information supplied to CARFAX. Other information about this vehicle, including problems, may not have been reported to CARFAX. Use this report as one important tool, along with a vehicle inspection and test drive, to make a better decision about your next used car.  1 t' |# f+ R( {! f+ a: x
" ^1 H/ W* j  j% A1 V* S; E     n3 B1 J: Z6 K; F2 U; S5 P: K
CARFAX guarantees the information in this section   
% y( c' X% |9 v/ b& z7 {% n3 k& uSalvage | Junk | Rebuilt  Guaranteed   z) z7 ~# o0 i0 X
No Problem  5 B0 Q& Y' b8 G- A9 j  h' t) ?
Fire/Flood | Hail Damage | Buyback/Lemon 0 P( [9 k3 S* |8 d4 \/ B$ |
% p: H! q# n1 {! w# P+ ?No Problem  
, ?" u' E, ~5 S" M) \# s2 I* hNot Actual Mileage | Exceeds Mechanical Limits  Guaranteed 9 n2 d- I1 q; a% [
No Problem  
$ T0 [. c- D) vGUARANTEED - None of these major title problems were reported by a state Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV). If you find that any of these title problems were reported by a DMV and not included in this report, CARFAX will buy this vehicle back.         
2 q6 |& E% u: t' a, F         Register | View Terms  
: C8 A4 H4 E7 }, I1 y) o. v2 F ' {; h. s! _  b, E' L- ^
* L- F; |) [3 v* `; H2 c5 k9 Z- d
" ?3 p2 D  M: M' A  
7 y$ ]  E, Q8 _) `$ Y  - j. b# u, `0 o! v' ]0 ^. P
Not all accidents / issues are reported to CARFAX    * H, R9 w2 H: @2 b
Total Loss Check 1 B( O( ~2 W- o/ v0 [2 `
No total loss reported to CARFAX.  No Issues Reported - y- n1 o4 N6 C; s6 P
" B5 \, l2 p( @9 o- J  d+ t
Structural / Frame Damage Check # c. @; m( v; e3 V
No structural / frame damage reported to CARFAX.   No Issues Reported  
2 S  n3 s* A) i" S* w! V & Z. S4 Q2 ]! {0 y4 k5 i
Airbag Deployment Check 9 `( w- H. F! w) z
No airbag deployment reported to CARFAX.   No Issues Reported  0 k! K% P2 I( F2 q& J
9 A& r; X9 V/ u& j+ h
Odometer Rollback Check
0 U" Z5 A" ^' H, M6 I/ VNo indication of an odometer rollback.  No Issues Indicated
5 \# f& g6 D4 O. W- s
% S6 \* ~: ~7 R, uAccident / Damage Check 3 I1 b% n* [- c* _1 z
No accidents or damage reported to CARFAX.  No Issues Reported & |. {( k, H  C1 \! D& A# t
# ]; o! Y% M/ @4 y( ?/ g
Manufacturer Recall Check + o/ V( K9 C4 c
Check with an authorized Chevrolet dealer for any open recalls.  No Recalls Reported  * k0 ^$ s- I; W7 z

0 T; u# T- F1 V$ _0 c0 \, v/ TBasic Warranty Check " \2 c+ g; J$ ^0 q6 i
Original warranty estimated to have expired. View Info7 T! X1 E" G8 j" }, w  L- M# L
Interested in an extended warranty? Warranty Expired  
! N, L* D% J; u; r& Q4 O* A& S& V, G8 K) x
' b& T8 K' `5 V; j    0 w+ A# E. [8 v& _  ?

4 M- @( w1 D' z4 `8 r6 ?3 y2 qTell us what you know about this vehicle  
) N7 s' T! G) [9 G  h4 J+ j* b4 P
- W% Y7 D( ?- |# U. B  y# R: g
! d4 v" @- W  a! l0 ]* p2 H5 y! D
2 y/ @$ Z- p* Y2 Q, n3 K# B" g8 g
, C: k2 c7 c: \& [
, z( {7 q( B& q: x: |) T! }4 BLooking for other 2001 CHEVROLET MALIBU LS vehicles like this one in your area? / D* V3 G' j# z6 D) H  y
Search CARFAX Hot Listings for an up-to-date list of vehicles in your area, all with the CARFAX Buyback Guarantee!  
# l/ s9 l7 U/ y1 G6 i# i+ m    a8 B$ F; t$ ~8 X2 O* k9 j7 S

6 n2 R" q7 s, i3 l5 B/ P! C: y  [6 h; p8 N& i
' Z+ I+ f$ t& \9 Y) ~# w

  [6 u0 O% D, @6 d, \; l, a3 ]' S% k' Y7 U
6 \0 _2 ^! t2 q6 [$ n
9 R1 e0 e6 H. j, E, k7 M) L; g0 L: J

4 a, s  u. C$ JA CARFAX Vehicle History Report is based only on information supplied to CARFAX. CARFAX checked over 6 billion vehicle history events and found 14 record(s) for this 2001 CHEVROLET MALIBU LS (1G1NE52J516114982).
; a2 g9 ~2 c2 \  
0 Q0 [! a! W! f4 |( C1 mDate: Mileage: Source: Comments:
% M1 R3 c1 X' b4 |08/14/2000    3    Service Facility    Vehicle serviced
. d5 \+ b" t. n# M$ l  E" MOdometer reported as 6 kilometers  8 d3 i; v0 A5 u" I2 E. y' g

* n* L4 |2 a% w09/26/2000       Alberta  L8 ~% |# V, W7 ?$ R8 T& k  F
Motor Vehicle Dept.$ D# F+ x) U- B+ A" p  v0 C
Edmonton, AB    Registration issued or renewed
6 i! c/ g! ~! }: wFirst owner reported  ; @2 q) J) L# R) ^, Q/ D
. Z* _9 E4 A6 P& H
01/17/2001    2,273    Service Facility    Vehicle serviced, I& ^! g3 I9 V0 i3 J! e
Odometer reported as 3,659 kilometers  
' g: K1 V9 A! k
, Y4 P9 X  p/ u1 j3 U* q" e2 k7 B05/23/2001    6,173    Service Facility    Vehicle serviced
7 i7 D* D, |7 P4 r# m; yOdometer reported as 9,936 kilometers  
5 u' z# z& k9 O! z, t! |  e
8 H8 Q( r. g2 O5 P08/27/2001    8,438    Service Facility    Vehicle serviced+ E6 ~8 z2 h! X. g- S
Odometer reported as 13,580 kilometers  ; r: g3 R7 f( F5 r/ ^

4 V2 V8 d9 h. E5 j7 \08/15/2002    15,545    Service Facility    Vehicle serviced
6 K% \" r; D5 N1 i' \Odometer reported as 25,018 kilometers  
8 H" [( V' F) V; @) x& K- I
- @' s! I; j/ R) g; `10/28/2002    16,633    Service Facility    Vehicle serviced4 |  c% |$ B$ l: ?0 u" I
Odometer reported as 26,769 kilometers  
- t/ v0 ?! I5 [, J ; M5 {# v9 a1 |# g/ v" _$ k* P' u7 j
01/01/2003       Alberta
8 L" Z3 m" ^0 B: l4 q# I0 I, ]Motor Vehicle Dept.! A9 @  s- X2 r: w, x
St. Albert, AB    Registration issued or renewed  
+ [2 _  [1 _( o; U
, J' V+ ~( R; X  b# b- r8 P" r# Q04/30/2003    19,916    Service Facility    Vehicle serviced$ W+ H4 Y3 V' q! r
Odometer reported as 32,053 kilometers  / f' Z+ R) O" Z4 k1 J

2 W5 |- `7 V& R6 I+ s% R08/18/2003    22,219    Service Facility    Vehicle serviced1 \# n5 G( U  h. L$ v
Odometer reported as 35,759 kilometers  
) Z; U7 o" t5 w
# j: W/ S, `4 K6 E01/31/2007       Alberta, y- K0 R9 Z' |( X
Motor Vehicle Dept.
1 j: M: s3 f+ ~2 Q" G8 iSt Albert, AB    Registration issued or renewed
7 @7 R# _- U& ]- QVehicle color noted as Bronze  $ L7 j1 Y; j* [4 N4 y, N! i& }4 O

' U- y9 s' L! H02/06/2008       Alberta
& o& v; d+ \/ t, u  t1 ^Motor Vehicle Dept.
4 o7 D$ i0 m6 v! hSt Albert, AB    Registration issued or renewed
; I! w, h0 `7 v& w1 |Vehicle color noted as Bronze  
3 x: A/ c  _) \3 H
3 o/ z  u9 _) I0 \9 s& ]0 m$ N02/04/2009       Alberta; A+ v$ u$ Y+ B
Motor Vehicle Dept.7 e$ O- T/ a$ k  Z" |2 p6 X# k
St Albert, AB    Registration issued or renewed
5 m! h) q- g8 y% \! T7 C% @" YVehicle color noted as Bronze  
' W9 g3 y+ K7 S- i: S  Y/ ]
' [+ w3 {- [$ k& j4 k06/09/2009       Alberta1 F6 K; m* Z+ q3 j7 i$ b3 r
Motor Vehicle Dept.' _# g- {; I9 }; S2 x! r
Edmonton, AB    Registration issued or renewed6 _: T/ \+ b0 i, u/ k
Vehicle color noted as Bronze  
! P4 y) J% ^8 B- ?% H: a
; F$ q) n) t5 {) @" ` Print this CARFAX Report and take it to your pre-purchase inspection . 5 h% ]; P7 Q# p' C! V+ i9 j
* e+ H0 t3 ?* O8 d' O0 h
4 _( v8 t* B9 m3 p/ i# k$ D

+ Y* @" P( q7 u5 @- v( jTell us what you know about this vehicle  " l! I* C2 _: {$ r; j# v4 w7 B3 R
: p1 Y" s% \; |7 ]4 Z4 U( }

* y5 j. R# F0 d
, G. W" b% Q* r2 Q2 B" b' Y/ B8 \1 y  E& c$ o
Have Questions? Please visit our Help Center at www.carfax.com ; ?/ I* ?# s! n2 d0 {( F% k
+ v% U% Q6 }+ \% @. B7 w7 D
First Owner
* }1 h6 i) O$ B8 j; G0 k, _! H- LWhen the first owner(s) obtains a title from a Department of Motor Vehicles as proof of ownership. / E& j6 `% n$ F: x2 B

# X- Q) `; {8 y" W! uOwnership History
# h' }8 y) M3 {CARFAX defines an owner as an individual or business that possesses and uses a vehicle. Not all title transactions represent changes in ownership. To provide estimated number of owners, CARFAX proprietary technology analyzes all the events in a vehicle history. Estimated ownership is available for vehicles manufactured after 1994 and titled solely in the US including Puerto Rico. Dealers sometimes opt to take ownership of a vehicle and are required to in the following states: Maine, Massachusetts, New Jersey, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania and South Dakota. Please consider this as you review a vehicle's estimated ownership history. $ r1 A" s% }* w- Q

, X3 f7 u! x$ { 3 t. f6 O* V+ J

3 S& k5 U: L& w1 A9 i0 B& ?
! M4 V0 _+ X! ^4 x: a* {/ P* `" x$ H6 Q3 ?) p

7 t9 J0 B0 @0 `, e - e" N/ |9 ?; K! a& T4 ~

© 2009 CARFAX, Inc., an R.L. Polk & Co. company. All rights reserved. Patents pending. 25.Jun.2009 20:42:46- M6 E; v4 B, w" _
3 ?7 w5 B7 r; y
) e: v& |4 c$ t& k0 F# f, H. c4 {
* b0 `* `5 _3 Q" F) v$ H

; [. v. R3 ^8 @/ g8 N+ t- x , u) K3 i  F$ [% \1 O; w2 u$ ]$ O" o9 m
2001 Chevrolet Malibu LS
# C6 ~, B0 w8 q; s" PVIN: 1G1NE52J5161149823 J, R) ]. X. z' Q: _8 u6 T& l
Body Style: SEDAN 4 DR8 e/ q% g: Z$ J" C
Engine Size: 3.1L V6 SFI
9 ^, ~( Z: u& K+ [- X. rDrivetrain: Front Wheel Drive
8 }3 S6 S1 }, r! q: `' U6 h
$ [# K$ x6 q  ~' \) Q& V   
- A. P- H; u* [Original Manufacturer's Warranty: , P1 e: k* \0 t5 P( `  |" c
Basic Warranty Expired
' B6 S/ v; w* ?/ O8 F: n9 KPlease confirm remaining factory warranty and extended warranty options with your dealer! 7 g6 r- e) t8 s. G
The original manufacturer's warranty includes:
$ m4 ^& b3 \* e. U  a) [36 months or 36,000 miles  
7 O6 S. p  {8 d5 M   % c, p- L( [/ u5 ?
Information excerpted from the CARFAX Vehicle History Report and/or Safety & Reliability Ratings; see full reports for additional information, glossary of terms, source attributions,disclaimers & limitations. Go to carfax.com for complete Buyback Guarantee terms and conditions. ( f7 Q# Y$ b" n. H% G
& C1 [. u! m8 E( s% k2 K
4 w; c$ G, f/ ]4 E! t: @( }
   6 [  G3 g; W1 c6 N
9 X& k9 h! D1 e; C. aLast owned in the following state/province:  Alberta / B7 P6 }! A! f
: ^+ ]9 v' Y# p: ^: R! Y( I
   ; `. i" O% O- |$ o8 N
None of these major title problems were reported by a state Department of Motor Vehicles:  ! N! F' D4 j4 X( f) T
Salvage, Junk, Rebuilt  Guaranteed
1 h6 W! H" p' `5 X2 j# uNo Problem  " ?+ v; r! }* w- p0 k
Fire / Flood, Hail damage, Buyback / Lemon Guaranteed
8 O3 _  D/ t; b& q- B7 O. h8 PNo Problem
5 v# A) {. b0 A" e+ B! zNot Actual Mileage,# n* y1 F; U8 ~" S- z% G3 S9 m; e
Exceeds Mechanical Limits  Guaranteed
) x) y, f9 U# N! S/ C/ K  HNo Problem
! m: w% u: V  o: c # o3 V' n* i! G$ C0 E) z
% J5 S. u! X6 Z% ]* R9 r" xNo issues reported to CARFAX on the following:  # u1 G: S2 F9 I6 s6 R7 ~
Total Loss   
- n# y4 {/ M- i: INo Issues Reported ! j" Q; F* a6 I! Z) D' h$ E
Structural / Frame Damage   7 Q1 ^/ H' V& |/ o! O9 _- l: v' |
No Issues Reported
6 Z7 V0 I# h/ B1 i4 u0 ]Airbag Deployment   
1 _! T3 j/ V9 y# E, {No Issues Reported
5 m; |  P# X, }2 k0 |Odometer Rollback   
! v, c! C! ^) ~4 f. KNo Issues Reported
+ `( i% c% w! t0 ?. F8 x) \4 nOther Accidents / Damage  8 J' O9 B  f0 F8 o& J$ s% r  L, e
No Issues Reported
9 o% ~. [) I* R) {3 D/ ?  [2 x
1 u. f9 ]6 e' T4 [  g! I9 n4 h* ~
9 S' C, w) B7 A7 n0 G' G6 L0 }
) Q0 Z+ M. Y* F: k" F6 e2 a% j) f8 ]* i5 ^+ G" ?
; W- H4 K3 p: z: B. R% t+ z
© 2009 CARFAX, Inc., an R.L. Polk & Co. company. All rights reserved. Patents pending. 25.Jun.2009 20:42:46/ i' ?0 j, C; I: r4 V2 Y2 \

/ M, O1 _  C. l8 d' k& B6 Fhttp://www.carfax.com//warranty/ ... &tabbedVhr=true http://www.carfax.com/cfm/SRRDis ... 1&suppressWss=Y http://www.carfax.com/manifest/b ... rue&tabbed=true http://www.carfax.com/notes/vehi ... e&suppressWss=Y
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2009-6-25 18:42 | 显示全部楼层
同言同羽 置业良晨
15# 草上飞 3 {8 e6 S' ]- w) ]# K8 I- i1 A

0 }- l) o* t- _9 O) G( V恩恩 是要注意下 有些人不太诚实
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-6-25 19:38 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(4) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-6-25 20:40 | 显示全部楼层
1 c& E( ~* L- S% U# M# s+ [2G4WJ532551212451) Y! k5 m6 L' C3 A
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2009-6-25 21:06 | 显示全部楼层
19# 边城浪子
9 D/ s4 q5 w( [. x9 s% e9 @9 M; I9 d* b& ~; d- I) A
% w3 V% U) h1 z6 _5 L

$ q9 X, j1 Y- T! l% k. E  Vehicle History 0 A; `5 @- Q& S8 t
5 P  ~2 Y" a" V4 Z; `# P7 ^6 t Vehicle
- e) a" @& G6 W7 B' THighlights™
9 A! {  q+ n7 x3 l Warranty
' M1 W/ [( {' b$ fCheck™5 z- o) y" g* {* V
Safety & Reliability # F0 x6 N4 @9 N2 Y2 B, y& ?0 o& A
Ratings™4 n3 h6 l* Q7 ]* \% H8 }
Buyback Guarantee™+ w, E6 v" M" X' h2 H
( u0 S( o! [% M; s+ h* r7 g* O Consumer Ratings 0 r5 _: i3 T9 V* D" c
& Comments™
3 }1 |0 g, [+ P6 c% n For Personal Use Only    Print This Page •  Print All Pages  
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For Personal Use Only; T2 A/ f: g3 z& H$ P
$ U  f! I" D' D2 w$ Y: X: M
Rebuilt/Reconstructed Title5 t- e% ]$ \$ P1 V# K5 M6 y% Y0 C9 b
A Rebuilt/Reconstructed vehicle is a salvage vehicle that has been repaired and restored to operation. These vehicles are often severely damaged before they are rebuilt and refurbished parts are typically used during reconstruction. In most states, an inspection of the vehicle is required before the vehicle is allowed to return to the road. Manufacturer Buyback or Lemon* }% x4 B9 L) i) v* T; P
A DMV or a state agency marks an official document or issues a Manufacturer Buyback/Lemon title when a vehicle has been repurchased by the manufacturer. Not all states issue manufacturer buyback titles and the specific requirements for a lemon law vehicle varies by state. Odometer Rollback" j! P; c  M. Z7 c6 {% F( {
If a more recent odometer reading is less than an older reading, then the odometer may have been tampered with and "rolled back". Manufacturer Recall
  c. ^% k. |( k% J" [Automobile manufacturers issue recall notices to inform owners of car defects that have come to the manufacturer's attention. Recalls also suggest improvements that can be made to improve the safety of a particular vehicle. Most manufacturer recalls can be repaired at no cost to you. Basic Warranty" `5 a3 Q( d5 K
Most manufacturers offer a basic warranty for new vehicles. These warranties vary by manufacturer and typically last for a certain amount of time and/or a set number of miles. Not Actual Mileage Title3 `# `+ K9 y) K
When the seller certifies, under the Federal Odometer Act, that the odometer reading does not reflect the vehicle's actual mileage. This may occur because the odometer was tampered with, broken, or replaced. Junk Title) P* P& k, Q: ~9 P5 \4 \% k
A Junk Title is issued on a vehicle damaged to the extent that the cost of repairing the vehicle exceeds ~ 75% of its pre-damage value. This damage threshold may vary by state. The majority of states use this title to indicate that a vehicle is not road worthy and cannot be titled again. Some states treat Junk titles the same as Salvage. Loss Due To Fire Title. _( W( u" x3 W! e4 W' M
The vehicle sustained major damage due to fire. In most states, fire damage titles are issued when the cost of repairing the vehicle for safe operation exceeds its fair market value. Exceeds Mechanical Limits/ X( j8 j6 ]- M' p3 O# {4 D/ X0 A
A vehicle with a 5-digit odometer cannot accurately track mileage after 99,999 miles because the odometer rolls over. This title is the result of a seller certifying under the Federal Odometer Act, that the odometer reading EXCEEDS MECHANICAL LIMITS of the odometer. Structural / Frame Damage4 }0 ]' f9 k% R% P2 A4 O
In most cases, a vehicle is inspected for structural or frame damage, depending on the body design, after an accident or other incident. All levels of accidents from minor to severe can cause structural / frame damage and in most cases it can be repaired. Airbag Deployment
# n1 a& K- h! P. ]Occurs when the driver, passenger or side airbag has been used or deployed during a crash or other incident. If an airbag has been deployed, it must be replaced by a qualified technician. Have this car inspected by a mechanic prior to purchase. Salvage Title
; c) p; X% }0 D, Q( \A Salvage Title is issued on a vehicle damaged to the extent that the cost of repairing the vehicle exceeds ~ 75% of its pre-damage value. This damage threshold may vary by state. Some states treat Junk titles the same as Salvage but the majority use this title to indicate that a vehicle is not road worthy and cannot be titled again in that state. The following eleven States also use Salvage titles to identify stolen vehicles - AZ, FL, GA, IL, MD, MN, NJ, NM, NY, OK and OR. Total Loss9 g  J$ h8 Y  m) N
An insurance or fleet company declares a vehicle a total loss when a claim exceeds ~ 75% of its pre-damage value or if the vehicle is stolen and not recovered. This damage threshold varies by company. These companies typically take possession and obtain the title. Not all total loss vehicles result in a DMV-reported branded title, like a Salvage or Junk title. See the glossary for more information. Accident / Damage Indicator
. D9 V- C2 m, ~0 e& N% kVarious events could indicate an accident or damage in a vehicle's history, such as: salvage auction, fire damage, police-reported accident, crash test vehicle, damage disclosure, collision repair facility and automotive recycler records. See the glossary for more information. Hail Damage Title6 o2 e! O' M% O& W- [
The vehicle sustained major damage due to hail. In most states, hail damage titles are issued when the cost of repairing the vehicle for safe operation exceeds its fair market value. Flood Damage Title- x/ I+ r  [' s9 q( {0 [& P
States issue flood titles when a vehicle has been in a flood or has received extensive water damage. Standard Equipment
  \  T. u: H# i% `: r- [Power Windows, Power Steering, Air Conditioning, AM / FM CD, Power Brakes, Tilt Wheel, 6-digit Odometer Safety Options8 i% ?! F1 n- L' O+ h  u3 H5 l
4 Wheel ABS Optional, Running Lights  
4 r! y7 {% H) \3 Q: dVehicle Information:
# b; ^1 h! ]9 t; M- b2 S$ P- A7 {- j0 j$ d2005 BUICK ALLURE CXL 8 e7 p- x# i/ M) W" [
VIN: 2G4WJ532551212451 * N% p  @$ o6 i2 C& X6 |( B
5 a4 ^$ ?' A5 n. wFRONT WHEEL DRIVE
' K% v9 |3 d( C3 ?4 P( ^9 ~, ^Standard Equipment | Safety Options 5 x1 \4 N9 x/ |
3 g' Y  h5 E$ W9 n% R% ~
Search for other 2005 BUICK ALLURE vehicles in Edmonton, AB    # H' a4 d# e( i4 q# W
  No accident / damage reported to CARFAX    L: d! f0 O* M+ H1 D5 j  U- E
  CARFAX 1-Owner vehicle  
0 X8 r8 V8 X) {: a  Commercial vehicle  
& ~  Q0 E$ }; U# {; |  Last owned in Quebec  
& W' k) K; L. B4 B1 p  1 Detailed record available  
, i- e' R! B1 F' k, A+ q, c; s    ) a$ O! H3 r$ O* R

; C. H( O. ]8 x" n% h7 x- U2 R; z3 C$ I0 R4 J

) P" r2 J( [% [# M9 w/ e8 L9 |8 ~/ U  F7 ?0 s2 H3 O) I4 O& _
A CARFAX Vehicle History Report is based only on information supplied to CARFAX. Other information about this vehicle, including problems, may not have been reported to CARFAX. Use this report as one important tool, along with a vehicle inspection and test drive, to make a better decision about your next used car.  
$ n2 k8 W7 A8 T2 h& c7 \6 L   
4 d$ S; a1 v( i, i$ ^The number of owners is estimated   
5 G. R/ m) n9 u% D4 p! r  ~. kYear purchased 2004   + S$ i1 c+ ?5 w9 b0 k0 M# \" h: \
Type of owner Commercial  0 Q6 h1 Z3 m- I& m; s
Estimated length of ownership
: ~' X$ U4 y$ p: s% {) D5 W0 q$ q' a9 \  4 yrs. 6 mo.   ; _+ j+ m0 {8 I6 R' r  w
Owned in the following states/provinces Quebec  
4 s" i8 u- t1 sEstimated miles driven per year ---  
% `2 l; L4 |  l   
3 a. c' O/ x2 D$ F 4 |4 ~$ ]3 m  E" K% r; ~
1 C1 `8 k2 |( \% n* k   
. W3 Z: w7 ^  w7 n) ~CARFAX guarantees the information in this section    0 C7 ~" q4 x8 w- o
Salvage | Junk | Rebuilt  Guaranteed 8 F* n* r; w" {+ X) e- Y0 f: u
No Problem  5 s1 K" Z0 x4 V
Fire/Flood | Hail Damage | Buyback/Lemon - t# d) |% \- ]& s
  Guaranteed ! J4 n/ n  i7 E5 u
No Problem  5 H4 `: K0 @& K2 b- k
Not Actual Mileage | Exceeds Mechanical Limits  Guaranteed
) c% m: V& d3 ?' P; ]  ?7 s' JNo Problem  ; H4 J5 R) B/ K$ ?4 j. t+ |% D  O
GUARANTEED - None of these major title problems were reported by a state Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV). If you find that any of these title problems were reported by a DMV and not included in this report, CARFAX will buy this vehicle back.         
6 f7 B2 x6 ]4 A3 A, S2 _1 Q, }         Register | View Terms  & U5 |8 {, U# X) b( D
5 p5 \% z  L, N! \( m
    , J1 Z5 Z4 B% T

3 i7 Y$ \! v6 a" U& S) X3 l  6 l" H2 R4 x3 f4 ?5 Q( a! a4 S1 @
( K, h: I, j+ x2 V1 WNot all accidents / issues are reported to CARFAX    ; y, v' h1 F3 m, [8 u$ @' m
Total Loss Check
3 K; B8 C2 a- k% o' i5 @No total loss reported to CARFAX.  No Issues Reported 1 t+ H8 q& V( d, E/ F
5 @. V$ O* y7 H: x
Structural / Frame Damage Check ' _& H, y, i& f9 d/ v
No structural / frame damage reported to CARFAX.   No Issues Reported  ) e/ `6 i+ m+ {6 g3 y
" o9 }, w6 o8 Q8 J5 t) |. _
Airbag Deployment Check
; u9 [) i9 c2 X0 K. X6 U7 D- vNo airbag deployment reported to CARFAX.   No Issues Reported  9 x% e* F" [) K$ m1 {) R
; A7 D+ l3 W) G, w! O
Odometer Rollback Check 7 _9 \" l7 V! V0 w! Q1 e; k, P5 T
No indication of an odometer rollback.  No Issues Indicated
8 ?$ l; F/ ?( e# ~0 a$ x) z. \5 v
% g9 t$ S( W! Q& c- w/ `Accident / Damage Check
0 R* E, q" P8 o  |0 f; b' rNo accidents or damage reported to CARFAX.  No Issues Reported 0 J. c6 z2 `3 Y2 y. B  W7 q( ?

/ F; w" R9 b2 c" [, H$ Q2 yManufacturer Recall Check
2 m6 L, [( C. b8 P; LCheck with an authorized Buick dealer for any open recalls.  No Recalls Reported  
' Q+ ~5 F6 ^- y8 M% c ( C9 [% C3 Z2 U7 q$ [1 P/ k
Basic Warranty Check
7 s- C6 @, Z: M9 i& n7 \Original warranty estimated to have expired. View Info6 v2 a( ^9 \- y" S. f9 R& O2 B
Interested in an extended warranty? Warranty Expired  + J& V' M* g& i- R8 X- z
9 P: j* h. l* m, ^
3 f. B$ _% A9 w; N* `2 p& X   
+ B- g$ o$ D8 J% d6 |5 }, v; P7 q
& y; r( f# a5 S3 Q( q5 O: pTell us what you know about this vehicle  
0 s) [; v, ~  U5 Y
0 l+ F* L# D7 E/ I) R8 q7 D, f  B" D3 Q5 [/ r. p* C8 e
2 k2 U! j! C( S7 I

  E6 `5 q1 o. Y8 N! f8 {) M) q
# }  a3 N( ~7 D; P) J4 uLooking for other 2005 BUICK ALLURE CXL vehicles like this one in your area?
2 f. e: k! {% s$ ]) i* ~6 aSearch CARFAX Hot Listings for an up-to-date list of vehicles in your area, all with the CARFAX Buyback Guarantee!  
, ?( J/ g  x0 m; x/ ~/ v  # U5 z% r/ E, s2 Q1 a7 |! v9 f' ~* ?

1 i. N2 N) M/ z. Y5 _0 q' z" S  K1 n
( L2 q0 f7 A$ \
) X0 U% v$ |% j% H

6 o$ o  m' a6 G5 v% F1 A  S+ i5 L, s% u5 }0 l

" t7 _8 A9 k/ t1 J* P7 p
% q9 @: m* Q. [# \A CARFAX Vehicle History Report is based only on information supplied to CARFAX. CARFAX checked over 6 billion vehicle history events and found 1 record(s) for this 2005 BUICK ALLURE CXL (2G4WJ532551212451).
' Z% b1 G( b9 m4 u! b. o+ X  
! \. n, b! B4 J8 y, R: P6 T" v% z: G; ?: N: c7 P

5 ]$ \0 h: t% F: d8 n3 T  
+ w/ r8 c" o$ c: a- _Purchased: 2004 , ]6 G% ?% e+ A* |- O5 B9 |
Type: Commercial  
3 c  A, S( w- }6 O; U, q- N8 GWhere: Quebec  
5 `5 _3 c6 U1 i$ V' T. j2 o9 h! ~$ \Est. miles/year: --- " l  z# X1 o3 l2 r
Est. length owned: 11/30/04 - present   G5 o/ F/ \2 r1 R4 a4 ~9 a; ?. f
(4 yrs. 6 mo.)  
: \' t$ L8 m6 u/ q! A) B, X/ [" q/ \( W; z# r4 b2 K" }
& M& |8 U# s, E' N

) l; i' j. L8 W9 V4 ` Date: Mileage: Source: Comments: 3 D4 |& O- [* f* L* s- O- f2 M
11/30/2004       Quebec$ H6 }2 {7 I) }) T
Motor Vehicle Dept.    Registration issued or renewed
' P( d: T0 ^7 _; F1 OFirst owner reported& C2 M$ O1 W% V: ?( S1 Z% `
Registered as
5 i" c! r* d3 n: Icommercial lease vehicle  
8 y% S$ y+ k8 g/ P
% M" {$ k& P$ M- I8 M0 ?( l0 m ) z" G! y$ V- ]3 j2 ^- P
CARFAX 1-Owner vehicle! These vehicles are often worth a higher price because they tend to be consistently driven and maintained. 8 @$ `) U9 G' n" k
The last record reported to CARFAX is from November 2004. While there haven't been any DMV-reported problems, check with the seller to see if they have any service and repair records before you buy. * p* q0 w1 e* m7 Z$ {$ p

* D% V+ v! s' P" J% n
- I7 L  [- d" j Print this CARFAX Report and take it to your pre-purchase inspection .
! _6 C3 z) N$ q% M4 ?" |, i
0 [' z5 h$ b$ j8 ] 0 s& t" W) h3 \9 \

6 D- H1 X) \: L3 F$ N5 S  W) S! C   Tell us what you know about this vehicle  
# L( [! t6 T5 d0 H& B" m
) R9 V4 ~- C! x6 V6 ~: e6 q6 S7 L3 f% a! s& W% J) F; Z7 b
0 |+ F  x* [6 V4 P" @
) {) I7 w1 o9 \, e- D. K% @
Have Questions? Please visit our Help Center at www.carfax.com 6 M  g" i8 D9 m! k9 X! V; }4 e

6 }2 f1 O( {8 P* b$ q0 LCommercial
- Q* j. G$ Q5 g0 \; v8 P0 TVehicle was registered for business purposes.   o( D$ ^$ s3 r- t* _
7 P+ a  `$ V0 o' o
First Owner- k# |# Q' {% [5 l5 f! \  c
When the first owner(s) obtains a title from a Department of Motor Vehicles as proof of ownership. ; |% _2 Q8 Z! m: E; F
) g$ O3 q# q  r# d
* R0 f: I. f$ I' {When someone leases a car from a dealer, the dealer actually sells the vehicle to a leasing company. The leasing company then collects payments for the vehicle from the new owner for 24, 36, 48 or more months. A leasing company can be an independent car dealer or a car manufacturer. 3 y" a/ j3 i1 y6 f; L' k
9 \! _6 o! P9 m$ ?, d) M4 s
Ownership History
/ x' a4 }, o9 h- ]1 e8 ICARFAX defines an owner as an individual or business that possesses and uses a vehicle. Not all title transactions represent changes in ownership. To provide estimated number of owners, CARFAX proprietary technology analyzes all the events in a vehicle history. Estimated ownership is available for vehicles manufactured after 1994 and titled solely in the US including Puerto Rico. Dealers sometimes opt to take ownership of a vehicle and are required to in the following states: Maine, Massachusetts, New Jersey, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania and South Dakota. Please consider this as you review a vehicle's estimated ownership history.
& J5 R$ G  o( J3 }8 K
  _# c4 |1 h5 p7 \7 O6 P
% r  {4 {4 M7 \7 \! Y. m' A) b% C) ^5 q- j9 c0 S; M

6 f$ d6 @, [: V  Y6 D( s
( `. k6 s' \5 x7 c8 T# i6 _9 Y" ^- R

% |: [7 s# g$ f" S: k( f* u2 B8 w* A& D0 t. X' I2 d
© 2009 CARFAX, Inc., an R.L. Polk & Co. company. All rights reserved. Patents pending. 25.Jun.2009 23:07:48
3 a$ u; c8 `) u0 p8 o! i1 B8 l 5 Z2 b( s9 n+ H! T, U  L* j+ c% ^$ r
2 P9 Z! i! f. Z: t# U5 r

* f3 I' j) o, k. x. J% g + d2 n" F, i+ R9 e

4 N2 g  O. n' y9 _$ c$ K' o2005 Buick Allure CXL
5 }5 t) v  B, LVIN: 2G4WJ532551212451
) C9 p2 W1 @5 B) f7 Y# iBody Style: SEDAN 4 DR) ^9 ~* h/ p$ d9 J6 R. z4 v
Engine Size: 3.8L V6 SFI
. Z7 ~2 E4 H7 ]3 ZDrivetrain: Front Wheel Drive
& ]3 s+ ~2 y3 a3 f, K/ m* p8 v  k- w" Z) h  `. {) U! [, Q
    1 M/ X8 b+ u! ^, h, D& v8 D2 ~3 A3 ^
Original Manufacturer's Warranty: / X7 N# K1 b+ @7 h2 j
Basic Warranty Expired % K" k) B. Q- ~
Please confirm remaining factory warranty and extended warranty options with your dealer! / ]2 ~( N2 f$ B; ]! d6 A
The original manufacturer's warranty includes: # U1 s4 `4 F$ [# w% M# l4 }6 G  g
36 months or 36,000 miles  
: f. V; [: Y5 ~- [   
  Z. d! e( l* Q, I  ]4 vInformation excerpted from the CARFAX Vehicle History Report and/or Safety & Reliability Ratings; see full reports for additional information, glossary of terms, source attributions,disclaimers & limitations. Go to carfax.com for complete Buyback Guarantee terms and conditions.
/ x+ q' k) b+ G0 v4 [, y - M5 U0 l7 I( a+ d

% P+ `% ~  W' I" F/ a0 c Number of Owners:   
4 L. ~7 i1 f+ I1 G# Z0 C" fLast owned in the following state/province:  Quebec . U* ~5 X; O: I) X
/ s4 e! s* b1 ~9 P( a5 W$ C. A$ C
% U9 O7 {" G$ \2 y9 r None of these major title problems were reported by a state Department of Motor Vehicles:  
$ _9 v. \* ]- I" PSalvage, Junk, Rebuilt  Guaranteed
" t& p8 n& ?) I" n  I0 H6 TNo Problem  ; Y0 G, n6 e1 ]. e
Fire / Flood, Hail damage, Buyback / Lemon Guaranteed1 Y4 H& g9 T9 C
No Problem 2 P8 S# {2 @1 m- J6 ]5 z/ s
Not Actual Mileage,
8 S1 N5 s* z# @* t8 M; J9 u2 q4 `4 vExceeds Mechanical Limits  Guaranteed
% h& {. L4 V7 I+ l; lNo Problem # m5 Z% I( C: O
' ~/ K6 A( t# G
: R/ |4 a( P  e4 v. l5 yNo issues reported to CARFAX on the following:  ) h+ w6 Y& J+ P# j+ K+ a
Total Loss   9 h1 g. _( g& ]5 Y. J! C
No Issues Reported
: U9 h6 h9 ]8 L5 v& A5 ^& CStructural / Frame Damage   
# x# H; ^) B! u) U2 I7 QNo Issues Reported
$ l0 P/ `0 o+ h( L: i' nAirbag Deployment   
: F' q3 |8 p  ?; `  g' i. p8 kNo Issues Reported
" h; g+ [+ G. f7 ^Odometer Rollback   " H; M! M8 M7 C* p) j4 }
No Issues Reported 3 \7 n% z" p+ g# Z2 h( O& @$ d
Other Accidents / Damage  0 v' }2 ?* W8 f2 T9 `, c8 f9 a7 c7 Z
No Issues Reported ' U) r; E% \$ B" e/ P, L' z% q3 P

$ A+ t- |5 W, x) v
' s3 T: z7 @' X- _/ n. v& A
4 @; |3 i; r' q. ^, R: q8 `) }% b: ?. P& t8 F

- O' C$ B2 W( Z1 X© 2009 CARFAX, Inc., an R.L. Polk & Co. company. All rights reserved. Patents pending. 25.Jun.2009 23:07:48
! o; j# [2 e- P) k3 s - k2 L6 T; d, q4 b0 \' F
http://www.carfax.com//warranty/ ... &tabbedVhr=true http://www.carfax.com/cfm/SRRDis ... 8&suppressWss=Y http://www.carfax.com/manifest/b ... rue&tabbed=true http://www.carfax.com/notes/vehi ... e&suppressWss=Y
鲜花(4) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-6-26 12:15 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 边城浪子 于 2009-6-26 13:16 编辑 + e4 J0 C$ {# g3 }. r' p( k
0 |) O: U* e' g  M7 F$ L3 b" F
鲜花(2) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-6-26 15:43 | 显示全部楼层
同言同羽 置业良晨
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2009-6-26 16:03 | 显示全部楼层
同言同羽 置业良晨
哈哈 大家客气了哈 希望能帮上些忙 不过感觉carfax还是只是一方面哦 车还是好好查查inspection那些的 ~~
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-6-26 22:07 | 显示全部楼层
麻烦楼主查个VIN#2HGES16661H904841,非常感谢!; {# J( u0 q' u, ^5 Z+ h
可email: xh316@hotmail.com
鲜花(48) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-6-27 12:01 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(1) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-6-28 11:19 | 显示全部楼层
; k% S5 L6 c/ |; d  {$ ~3 K9 C4 L请寄zy718@msn.com" P  D" A: b; B) d7 }9 \
鲜花(3) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-6-28 20:32 | 显示全部楼层
烦热心的楼主方便时帮忙给查一下 1FAFP34302W304267, 多谢。
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-6-29 08:42 | 显示全部楼层
3 p$ U, x) A2 Y! h2 S1G8AZ52F33Z106963
4 d9 w6 ]7 }- q& w- X谢谢啦!( N3 |% G* G, N2 {/ D. G0 z
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2009-6-29 12:56 | 显示全部楼层
24# DreamBig ( c+ ^1 M; z. P7 A! D& t- u: S0 s
: o6 o( O8 ^- I- i
( Y% ]- m) n! x( }0 e
/ z& h' i1 \- q
  Vehicle History / Z: @# V; g/ ?4 }! F, q
Report™3 x) J; i4 Q. ^$ f: _  X' i
+ T& f$ h/ e* F' a5 H, Y$ tCheck™0 D% u8 S. k, ?7 T. ?4 H
Safety & Reliability / z% N$ `3 B. h" A" u6 {2 ^/ }
! P# j( }+ M8 a: M1 v Consumer Ratings
& J% ?) G7 M/ [6 A& Comments™
) E7 W' V3 _6 I For Personal Use Only    Print This Page •  Print All Pages  + n7 c+ S) _9 q% L; o
Loading..., b1 Q* r. d" f; |! P
( F8 Z* X) X2 E) `- p1 _
For Personal Use Only; \' y( r  m. ^5 J) C5 A4 T5 z
1 V" \& s* d( i3 N' H2 f# _  e& {
Rebuilt/Reconstructed Title3 D, ?' s- @4 p. Q3 ?3 u
A Rebuilt/Reconstructed vehicle is a salvage vehicle that has been repaired and restored to operation. These vehicles are often severely damaged before they are rebuilt and refurbished parts are typically used during reconstruction. In most states, an inspection of the vehicle is required before the vehicle is allowed to return to the road. Manufacturer Buyback or Lemon
0 U9 Y' L( |/ d' r8 uA DMV or a state agency marks an official document or issues a Manufacturer Buyback/Lemon title when a vehicle has been repurchased by the manufacturer. Not all states issue manufacturer buyback titles and the specific requirements for a lemon law vehicle varies by state. Odometer Rollback# ?9 v) [1 K- E
If a more recent odometer reading is less than an older reading, then the odometer may have been tampered with and "rolled back". Manufacturer Recall+ o( N) c/ _/ _+ j' |# Q% S# b
Automobile manufacturers issue recall notices to inform owners of car defects that have come to the manufacturer's attention. Recalls also suggest improvements that can be made to improve the safety of a particular vehicle. Most manufacturer recalls can be repaired at no cost to you. Basic Warranty
0 r  w0 f; W- C; fMost manufacturers offer a basic warranty for new vehicles. These warranties vary by manufacturer and typically last for a certain amount of time and/or a set number of miles. Not Actual Mileage Title& r! X" W  ]+ X- i
When the seller certifies, under the Federal Odometer Act, that the odometer reading does not reflect the vehicle's actual mileage. This may occur because the odometer was tampered with, broken, or replaced. Junk Title' @; ?& t, u2 Q! v6 N
A Junk Title is issued on a vehicle damaged to the extent that the cost of repairing the vehicle exceeds ~ 75% of its pre-damage value. This damage threshold may vary by state. The majority of states use this title to indicate that a vehicle is not road worthy and cannot be titled again. Some states treat Junk titles the same as Salvage. Loss Due To Fire Title
' w$ {3 g2 {3 o8 y- f- Y4 p% KThe vehicle sustained major damage due to fire. In most states, fire damage titles are issued when the cost of repairing the vehicle for safe operation exceeds its fair market value. Exceeds Mechanical Limits7 ]1 x3 N- D( u
A vehicle with a 5-digit odometer cannot accurately track mileage after 99,999 miles because the odometer rolls over. This title is the result of a seller certifying under the Federal Odometer Act, that the odometer reading EXCEEDS MECHANICAL LIMITS of the odometer. Structural / Frame Damage
3 h: c0 H: d* k, hIn most cases, a vehicle is inspected for structural or frame damage, depending on the body design, after an accident or other incident. All levels of accidents from minor to severe can cause structural / frame damage and in most cases it can be repaired. Airbag Deployment3 K  [0 H. ]9 k5 ^$ B( ~
Occurs when the driver, passenger or side airbag has been used or deployed during a crash or other incident. If an airbag has been deployed, it must be replaced by a qualified technician. Have this car inspected by a mechanic prior to purchase. Salvage Title$ M* p/ G' x* Z8 q* U8 i5 D% e
A Salvage Title is issued on a vehicle damaged to the extent that the cost of repairing the vehicle exceeds ~ 75% of its pre-damage value. This damage threshold may vary by state. Some states treat Junk titles the same as Salvage but the majority use this title to indicate that a vehicle is not road worthy and cannot be titled again in that state. The following eleven States also use Salvage titles to identify stolen vehicles - AZ, FL, GA, IL, MD, MN, NJ, NM, NY, OK and OR. Total Loss$ m7 S! p7 R5 n3 o4 p5 L
An insurance or fleet company declares a vehicle a total loss when a claim exceeds ~ 75% of its pre-damage value or if the vehicle is stolen and not recovered. This damage threshold varies by company. These companies typically take possession and obtain the title. Not all total loss vehicles result in a DMV-reported branded title, like a Salvage or Junk title. See the glossary for more information. Accident / Damage Indicator. h. H) @1 t- `! O& j1 w, X
Various events could indicate an accident or damage in a vehicle's history, such as: salvage auction, fire damage, police-reported accident, crash test vehicle, damage disclosure, collision repair facility and automotive recycler records. See the glossary for more information. Hail Damage Title+ q6 ?! \) m( }! W" d" b, m7 Q# B
The vehicle sustained major damage due to hail. In most states, hail damage titles are issued when the cost of repairing the vehicle for safe operation exceeds its fair market value. Flood Damage Title; `: y* ~7 O# ?0 c: h$ C+ q
States issue flood titles when a vehicle has been in a flood or has received extensive water damage. Standard Equipment8 ^. l$ p8 L* [8 q
6-digit Odometer Safety Options/ |4 R1 `/ K8 R. d+ s2 V: a9 U
Dual front air bags/active (manual) belts  8 ~$ J: i' ?& E: |. X5 f6 n, _
Vehicle Information: 7 v# V$ g3 }% w9 M- t* K
- \+ F+ A" ?0 e5 L: q7 }" j- mVIN: 2HGES16661H904841 4 G/ h8 n& f; f# ^1 g4 ~. i
. h# I) S( p. y1 ]+ W/ n2 TFRONT WHEEL DRIVE
1 l3 P/ W' f' C, p! VStandard Equipment | Safety Options
$ X4 `  N+ w. ^. C' u% ?! ~% ]1 K& O
Search for other 2001 HONDA CIVIC vehicles in Edmonton, AB    5 `, w! V1 [7 G
  Branded Title: Rebuilt4 h/ e! n) V8 y0 m& M
1 z' }' E& W1 P3 h8 ^  5 Service records available  
% e, K( d4 g$ z  11 Detailed records available  0 b7 M0 o( s5 ?% ~/ O+ Q
  72,218 Last reported odometer reading  3 x. q/ {* O- h# m- \

1 V' J( K8 D7 q3 W) t    3 H+ Y0 m: n. F/ O- @2 C0 M3 L
    0 ?4 P6 N/ l% H- p7 D8 x8 ~0 \
# Z4 r. w/ o! O  P4 N6 A
2 @  X: J, n  S' l6 Q+ K7 U% w1 O

2 \2 O4 x7 K# g+ l
5 r  \. R8 X- J. t5 d" S: N2 }A CARFAX Vehicle History Report is based only on information supplied to CARFAX. Other information about this vehicle, including problems, may not have been reported to CARFAX. Use this report as one important tool, along with a vehicle inspection and test drive, to make a better decision about your next used car.  
: Y3 I# u/ H, Z' O% j  
: ^& V% n5 \2 Q) O; m& B   
% j7 b9 Z9 B7 c* k6 X, f0 r) w1 H; WCARFAX guarantees the information in this section    8 K' Z" O- n( C" c3 L- G
Salvage | Junk | Rebuilt
) ~& f9 M+ d  i  Alert!% t% f+ z5 _3 b# b3 Y9 |- K& C/ r
Problem Found  + z' t4 i  J; x- U8 ^
Fire/Flood | Hail Damage | Buyback/Lemon  No Problem  3 ]$ Z% V+ E- f, P$ \2 Y, H
Not Actual Mileage | Exceeds Mechanical Limits  No Problem  
- n1 K) }8 Q5 D4 W7 ^Alert! Severe problems were reported by a state Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV). This vehicle does not qualify for the CARFAX Buyback Guarantee.  9 @( _) q7 F, A; ^! z7 f
5 M: ?2 ]. T2 Y% U; _
: s' ~, u% J2 M5 [3 ~; } 3 t" g. h, C+ `6 Q% q$ I
7 ?0 P4 g; u4 M& v  0 ]9 N8 D2 K5 c* M6 U% e' P
Not all accidents / issues are reported to CARFAX    / A4 @7 G$ z$ a8 ]( l! s
Total Loss Check : o; j3 z2 C- k% p; s* b" }7 P. n: t
No total loss reported to CARFAX.  No Issues Reported & `  {6 S4 q' k  T+ s( K0 B2 z

, l+ K/ n6 @5 QStructural / Frame Damage Check
2 _5 t9 _: R4 p4 u: WNo structural / frame damage reported to CARFAX.   No Issues Reported  3 q" z" q; ~6 r0 ?6 ^5 r
! _/ q3 _0 v5 \
Airbag Deployment Check
8 }/ Q9 W+ M' [No airbag deployment reported to CARFAX.   No Issues Reported  
2 G/ t% }* V6 C$ m( z- y3 @
+ B! ^* F! c6 C* R& u1 vOdometer Rollback Check
  F7 `) w9 i  u5 b6 v0 e$ ]3 t. vNo indication of an odometer rollback.  No Issues Indicated / j4 A! o. ^3 T0 n: l# q7 v

/ J2 t: j* {. _+ Q: H: _Accident / Damage Check
/ u% s. I8 v+ \* HSee State DMV-reported Title Problems above. Alert!9 x) s1 @4 j( j1 w0 Q7 D( J
Problem Found
7 ^( z4 y- k3 u" S: F1 G 6 w( l) P4 i# a) j) ~3 s8 `* D
Manufacturer Recall Check
1 H, g; t6 M* w5 F8 u  E( yCheck with an authorized Honda dealer for any open recalls.  No Recalls Reported  
) D, @) g5 g. y. _2 R4 t   _2 [- O, O; C' M5 y+ V
Basic Warranty Check 7 W+ g  p  @6 h/ `) Q, i* T6 \
Original manufacturer warranty likely voided by manufacturer after vehicle was severely damaged. Warranty Voided  2 ^9 t3 x) F6 L' N& b5 w2 O
) f. Y  i+ H7 p; i- K8 y8 p
0 u4 v- ^3 H5 L6 E: k    . F- I$ @$ K" B$ {! m8 R' u

) |$ e& [5 K0 x: c, ?Tell us what you know about this vehicle  3 ?4 @' K& i4 `6 w9 f; s
4 @/ r" {3 W- Z+ F6 c2 w
* Z& m7 H; i& v, H4 t  {. y

* C, r; R; R  N5 `( ^' V, @0 ^
9 ?+ H+ ]& H4 l( d4 z/ G: K: I9 ~' Q) t. F! I
Still looking? Find similar cars just listed for sale in your area. 4 A( ~# M* M8 l9 @% x
% J! O, ?) r3 `' K* g( s( DLet us do the work! Get daily updates of HONDA CIVIC vehicles for sale in your area.
  s8 Q6 T! _) a% X/ d- |' x$ V
( H- k- ^, J3 Y) |4 [Email:
) p0 r7 L$ n; i& h# P 7 v3 d9 ]$ c) \0 p0 K: \
6 {1 z/ b4 Y0 |5 f3 x              
: k* A$ l9 b* R# L  ) V& x  ]  p* a8 ]% _$ |
( J6 c8 c- a$ ?. H+ w% [* p, Z. w" X
, f, H! r6 F# f+ y1 ? 2002 HONDA CIVIC DX  Listed 23 hours ago  
& d/ p5 i- B! U* NBody Style: Sedan 4 DR
* @9 d7 V, W# b! E" {! s/ T# REngine Type: 1.7L L4 PFI SOHC 16V
- |! m# R% S5 U; C3 JFree CARFAX Report    Millwoods Suzuki 4 o) D. e, l  k
Distance: 3.2 mi
% d, K% Q. c' e) s0 U: T8 MContact Dealer  
: y$ M& b1 Q% R% x
* L+ y8 r3 m) W4 w# U5 S7 |  O& o- C2002 HONDA CIVIC LX  Listed 3 days ago  
% J* \, T9 s( |: U3 l% M1 }! IBody Style: Sedan 4 DR
" B& e1 ^! w* Q1 g: k3 iEngine Type: 1.7L L4 PFI SOHC 16V8 t4 w+ k# `" m8 L) ^
Free CARFAX Report    Millwoods Suzuki
& {2 i+ o% q8 C1 u  H1 CDistance: 3.2 mi" f$ t* I9 G2 F6 q8 v
Contact Dealer  
( }3 b% U0 v0 i
1 V! u' L; @& J5 e# k& p! A2002 HONDA CIVIC LX   8 {& }' y3 i3 {# o4 w4 X
Body Style: Sedan 4 DR  g4 K# ?7 _# r& f% w$ T+ j
Engine Type: 1.7L L4 PFI SOHC 16V
, t) A' U; t7 ?Free CARFAX Report    Millwoods Suzuki - G- J( z' ^, s
Distance: 3.2 mi
* Q+ ^! u1 }- x! K) U; u! ]8 UContact Dealer    \, Z& d! K- h; n6 J2 o5 O. s
! y5 J; T+ G! e
, _: z6 N+ R: Y& ~0 ]( M
/ @6 o& t2 ]$ S# H2 j$ J" P

# z. g5 m: ]) r7 ~+ {7 q4 z- S) F; P; Z+ _8 r  `, @0 j
8 `8 f' H" |( f) X
( @' H- q1 r# W4 U- @% e7 [

/ {1 L* V  d4 z6 V
4 L8 T" ?  l0 J: C: ^; R% b% E& _ 4 k2 b4 \( e3 O8 Q8 O9 q3 E" o
A CARFAX Vehicle History Report is based only on information supplied to CARFAX. CARFAX checked over 6 billion vehicle history events and found 11 record(s) for this 2001 HONDA CIVIC LX (2HGES16661H904841). 5 I; c# \, O' R( d5 L6 T5 X
& @0 P) A# a: {7 ?; gDate: Mileage: Source: Comments: : h7 T; X6 d. C4 q2 ~" ]
10/23/2000       Alberta
2 D# l9 v/ U1 Y9 o# N* BMotor Vehicle Dept.
6 z7 K6 `* S! s6 {1 X" [Calgary, AB    Registration issued or renewed2 t+ s5 |. c. F3 h1 `, Z- G
First owner reported  
  I& V: C& ~7 N5 b8 C8 j7 H ) K7 }/ A' e, N  w4 t
10/07/2001       Manitoba4 ?* r/ ?! E: s( L8 b) ^5 b
Motor Vehicle Dept.
$ X* V9 x% H6 U% U0 \9 P5 WSouris, MB    Registration issued or renewed  : A3 s1 l5 ]7 w. p* E1 t

3 D" ~7 b( S5 p5 n$ `# }" G10/07/2002       Alberta# T( u! G; X3 |0 x  y: ]% P
Motor Vehicle Dept.
+ g! S. l6 w. g; YCalgary, AB    Registration issued or renewed  
' H2 Y# T1 I/ B/ s. [
) h, B% s. L$ z7 W01/31/2003    28,629    Service Facility    Engine/powertrain computer/module checked
+ z4 @" {# |% I4 {& L9 X, MOdometer reported as 46,074 kilometers  + ~, `+ P3 O! G: s4 ^0 y1 x! P

# ]* H! X5 c4 D1 Z( J% Z" ^04/03/2003    29,544    Service Facility    Vehicle serviced
" \2 e" ]2 @* A& _Odometer reported as 47,548 kilometers  6 z" M9 @+ u9 v- ]

# l9 ], a  W0 D, T0 ~: X) n* J/ p, r06/23/2003    30,903    Service Facility    Vehicle serviced
) t. a# P# Z" uOdometer reported as 49,735 kilometers  
. ^' ^; }( P) M 9 o$ o; d$ d2 d0 [8 y
10/23/2003    36,486    Service Facility    Vehicle serviced4 `# H1 m4 B8 K5 s
Odometer reported as 58,720 kilometers  3 {" t9 ~# i* h' J& E
4 A4 w$ _5 l( R' \7 E3 I5 h" X
06/28/2004    41,441    Service Facility    Vehicle serviced
: z$ T0 \/ g& O! O4 b( sOdometer reported as 66,694 kilometers  " o6 P5 J. u/ ]' P7 N4 W
( @5 m3 c; c9 ~; I& r& U
12/08/2006    72,218    Alberta+ i" n+ H8 q& l1 f6 p7 }
Motor Vehicle Dept.    Odometer reading reported8 X& ]+ t$ x9 ]- ?5 I" i1 {( V
Odometer reported as 116,224 kilometers  
' r' Y0 x6 q# f
' j9 J  L% ^1 M05/28/2007       Alberta3 E7 r" O; p/ [) W, ]
Motor Vehicle Dept.
0 g/ N" ]6 [! P( MEdmonton, AB    REBUILT TITLE ISSUED8 J8 X: Y2 w( p% L( s0 L( V
Vehicle color noted as Cream  7 E$ h8 l5 u/ f" M' S/ p# _

4 C& g( k, Q" T' A0 ^0 r5 Q, n& q! e2 h# X11/17/2008       Alberta3 b% J, F9 E  a8 v' ~! `
Motor Vehicle Dept.1 q% c2 {2 l2 }. L
Edmonton, AB    REBUILT TITLE ISSUED: O" {$ c/ X" J% W
Vehicle color noted as Cream  7 Y  n+ ]- e% ~& b# G
6 A4 `  ]( Z- G$ w& o
Print this CARFAX Report and take it to your pre-purchase inspection .
7 _7 S# t* J; E* k $ u( l" ]# U0 d: X# b: f

: Z$ @1 v  Y3 Q
8 J$ Y; E9 s( [, `; LTell us what you know about this vehicle  
$ n5 R* c, d* J( `( c7 @/ @3 c$ p; B; i' Q# t! \" W' g# Y
% a1 ^# A3 q3 e  @. a. G& v

) z/ D' J) m# s5 I7 b7 u; [- _$ S1 A5 A/ @3 t$ }" o; G
Have Questions? Please visit our Help Center at www.carfax.com
) ^8 j, X% n0 s( i" \! }: y6 [
) J8 o! r$ H4 v% ]Accident / Damage Indicator
* j, n- y' o; h2 ACARFAX receives information about accidents in all 50 states, the District of Columbia and Canada. Different information in a vehicle's history can indicate an accident or damage, such as: salvage auction, fire damage, police-reported accident, crash test vehicle, damage disclosure, collision repair facility and automotive recycler records. Not every accident or damage event is reported and not all reported are provided to CARFAX. Details about the accident or damage event when reported to CARFAX (e.g. severity, impact location, airbag deployment) are included on the Vehicle History Report. CARFAX recommends you obtain a vehicle inspection from your dealer or an independent mechanic.
. o7 j0 D. _' [- CAccording to the National Safety Council, Injury Facts, 2007 edition, 7% of the 245 million registered vehicles in the U.S. were involved in an accident in 2005. Over 75% of these were considered minor or moderate. 7 `! P/ m( o5 y/ h% l2 {2 w" E
CARFAX depends on many sources for its accident / damage data. CARFAX can only report what is in our database on 29.Jun.2009 14:57:32. New data will result in a change to this report.
: D  C1 O1 v; h( n+ J% z: C7 P9 B* k5 J# ]0 u
# ?; C. i. D2 R; U4 V
First Owner! q; E9 U& B, w' E
When the first owner(s) obtains a title from a Department of Motor Vehicles as proof of ownership. , g; o) {8 z# e$ j# l/ _0 i
0 J% J2 m! Y, O( Y4 Q( C
Ownership History  d, A; k. @3 o1 u9 b* Y
CARFAX defines an owner as an individual or business that possesses and uses a vehicle. Not all title transactions represent changes in ownership. To provide estimated number of owners, CARFAX proprietary technology analyzes all the events in a vehicle history. Estimated ownership is available for vehicles manufactured after 1994 and titled solely in the US including Puerto Rico. Dealers sometimes opt to take ownership of a vehicle and are required to in the following states: Maine, Massachusetts, New Jersey, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania and South Dakota. Please consider this as you review a vehicle's estimated ownership history.
. B) i( ?  n7 f* ]! Y
# u" U, A$ w+ z+ k- K  O, jRebuilt/Reconstructed Title
5 A/ E  b1 j1 eA Rebuilt/Reconstructed vehicle is a salvage vehicle that has been repaired and restored to operation. These vehicles are often severely damaged before they are rebuilt and refurbished parts are typically used during reconstruction. In most states, an inspection of the vehicle is required before the vehicle is allowed to return to the road. 4 {& s" \  F; ]0 i. W2 ~. X
. y7 X8 I" L% Z" h( f
, x- w5 W1 B3 W4 ^/ {

! }0 j4 h1 n( x  A9 a+ _" \, l% l% o* M3 R) n

. g/ @( a9 f* N' F8 S' o. k* {
; L& `+ @- s. J! I
' y# g& y9 _+ Y$ _5 i5 o2 t4 U7 I+ G! l% S
$ l+ t& h; I0 M. M# S/ u' p" L© 2009 CARFAX, Inc., an R.L. Polk & Co. company. All rights reserved. Patents pending. 29.Jun.2009 14:57:326 i* D# G+ ~+ I$ M" c

" L$ C8 h1 a8 p$ m2 ~* I( K( z# a* B) T  {
8 @5 q5 v- c0 L5 ^9 L
: q3 d( @' t. _( {0 u
http://www.carfax.com//warranty/ ... &tabbedVhr=true http://www.carfax.com/cfm/SRRDis ... 8&suppressWss=Y http://www.carfax.com/notes/vehi ... e&suppressWss=Y
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2009-6-29 12:56 | 显示全部楼层
26# zy718 % j  D" H: k# Q3 P# {. q& |, R2 J6 t

& f3 G9 M3 {' P; v8 ]9 u& Y+ }) V7 Z

2 Y9 \8 E9 Q+ T  Vehicle History
. {5 o% r3 j# O4 Q# w+ iReport™' B/ y" ]( s! P/ J
Vehicle / U+ f" G* d# d' N* s
Highlights™/ P4 p6 l2 I3 k+ m; W# @
Warranty / b. P$ v4 Q" U0 k! W
Check™& `: k5 S4 f6 t/ Y
Safety & Reliability ( m- A( Q: [& m0 X8 J0 ]3 ]7 ]
Ratings™4 N) K0 K) u1 T3 b3 a/ Y" B% K9 F
Buyback Guarantee™
# T, @* ~$ C) zCertificate* n. I% [7 X8 z% B: S, V( B8 @
Consumer Ratings
( ]9 o2 o; q3 t! n& Comments™
3 o& h  M9 R& \9 g; C/ h- K, y4 a For Personal Use Only    Print This Page •  Print All Pages  
7 \7 B; u. K" o% t9 Y! z4 H+ iLoading...6 |' ?) [% V/ J# ~3 `0 F6 I

4 r, d: T3 z! C$ e. ^) iFor Personal Use Only1 m1 W4 C6 [7 a$ N

) |) C5 n& _0 U$ U5 h% |: CRebuilt/Reconstructed Title" A% P5 c% N" K# t- u
A Rebuilt/Reconstructed vehicle is a salvage vehicle that has been repaired and restored to operation. These vehicles are often severely damaged before they are rebuilt and refurbished parts are typically used during reconstruction. In most states, an inspection of the vehicle is required before the vehicle is allowed to return to the road. Manufacturer Buyback or Lemon
0 S9 Q/ s& \, r$ J2 S3 D# `. x, VA DMV or a state agency marks an official document or issues a Manufacturer Buyback/Lemon title when a vehicle has been repurchased by the manufacturer. Not all states issue manufacturer buyback titles and the specific requirements for a lemon law vehicle varies by state. Odometer Rollback
' u, [% x8 C# D) `7 X: {' ]If a more recent odometer reading is less than an older reading, then the odometer may have been tampered with and "rolled back". Manufacturer Recall% R" j6 E8 U7 c0 d2 g
Automobile manufacturers issue recall notices to inform owners of car defects that have come to the manufacturer's attention. Recalls also suggest improvements that can be made to improve the safety of a particular vehicle. Most manufacturer recalls can be repaired at no cost to you. Basic Warranty9 f( l2 R$ W/ n
Most manufacturers offer a basic warranty for new vehicles. These warranties vary by manufacturer and typically last for a certain amount of time and/or a set number of miles. Not Actual Mileage Title* |2 i2 ?; R3 u. t' Y1 K" ^
When the seller certifies, under the Federal Odometer Act, that the odometer reading does not reflect the vehicle's actual mileage. This may occur because the odometer was tampered with, broken, or replaced. Junk Title
" w% R) f" o0 [. i; Q- _9 DA Junk Title is issued on a vehicle damaged to the extent that the cost of repairing the vehicle exceeds ~ 75% of its pre-damage value. This damage threshold may vary by state. The majority of states use this title to indicate that a vehicle is not road worthy and cannot be titled again. Some states treat Junk titles the same as Salvage. Loss Due To Fire Title) B) V4 I9 C$ A5 j3 A/ f/ ?( ]+ K
The vehicle sustained major damage due to fire. In most states, fire damage titles are issued when the cost of repairing the vehicle for safe operation exceeds its fair market value. Exceeds Mechanical Limits
4 h4 a9 {% v6 l1 h- P  N+ IA vehicle with a 5-digit odometer cannot accurately track mileage after 99,999 miles because the odometer rolls over. This title is the result of a seller certifying under the Federal Odometer Act, that the odometer reading EXCEEDS MECHANICAL LIMITS of the odometer. Structural / Frame Damage
. V3 I" `# h* a0 R0 T2 V" K% L* qIn most cases, a vehicle is inspected for structural or frame damage, depending on the body design, after an accident or other incident. All levels of accidents from minor to severe can cause structural / frame damage and in most cases it can be repaired. Airbag Deployment, [) s$ n8 p, g1 C. p
Occurs when the driver, passenger or side airbag has been used or deployed during a crash or other incident. If an airbag has been deployed, it must be replaced by a qualified technician. Have this car inspected by a mechanic prior to purchase. Salvage Title
; I4 O" I, c* @# P  u7 eA Salvage Title is issued on a vehicle damaged to the extent that the cost of repairing the vehicle exceeds ~ 75% of its pre-damage value. This damage threshold may vary by state. Some states treat Junk titles the same as Salvage but the majority use this title to indicate that a vehicle is not road worthy and cannot be titled again in that state. The following eleven States also use Salvage titles to identify stolen vehicles - AZ, FL, GA, IL, MD, MN, NJ, NM, NY, OK and OR. Total Loss
' ~/ |( U+ d* aAn insurance or fleet company declares a vehicle a total loss when a claim exceeds ~ 75% of its pre-damage value or if the vehicle is stolen and not recovered. This damage threshold varies by company. These companies typically take possession and obtain the title. Not all total loss vehicles result in a DMV-reported branded title, like a Salvage or Junk title. See the glossary for more information. Accident / Damage Indicator
. k* R! M6 G. i+ [+ bVarious events could indicate an accident or damage in a vehicle's history, such as: salvage auction, fire damage, police-reported accident, crash test vehicle, damage disclosure, collision repair facility and automotive recycler records. See the glossary for more information. Hail Damage Title
- e  q4 N* v7 {# D0 c; PThe vehicle sustained major damage due to hail. In most states, hail damage titles are issued when the cost of repairing the vehicle for safe operation exceeds its fair market value. Flood Damage Title
# U' N$ n* z2 zStates issue flood titles when a vehicle has been in a flood or has received extensive water damage. Standard Equipment. c2 ^9 c& G: c6 m* w
Power Steering, Air Conditioning, AM / FM Cassette, Power Brakes, 6-digit Odometer Safety Options
7 u& g' b0 ^4 o7 VABS Optional, Running Lights Optional, Dual front air bags/active (manual) belts  & C0 Y0 s# L7 B1 M% M! Z
Vehicle Information: . `: T  r; L8 |+ O: k1 [
: d, Y' }8 q( RVIN: 1FAFP3634YW251921 0 i( N) p& B: T" N/ B# Y! I
8 W* {2 w$ o/ [4 o  e; i4 o9 u, o7 E6 pFRONT WHEEL DRIVE
2 M( N* T3 L; |1 H& {Standard Equipment | Safety Options # \6 p' R6 {! u3 z" N  s
: I) m+ H0 T! _3 r
Search for other 2000 FORD FOCUS vehicles in Edmonton, AB   
( z: C' \- h2 l' B( y/ S  No accident / damage reported to CARFAX  
, ^) C8 j/ g2 z7 m5 {! ?  14 Detailed records available  $ b& l  i  s6 O3 A* l0 C# [2 X6 |" o
  80,547 Last reported odometer reading  2 C" G/ k1 v  f! I8 U% o% \

$ v' o4 S4 c- @7 M; o) g( x, L) j    3 s) g0 M- Q0 d7 S
    ' R' i) }# C$ S6 ~) g( {
- _: R' f% j% x0 t# R9 s% q  t7 Q6 n
+ `/ z4 N) E9 g3 r
/ T$ C; |8 S* @" V3 x0 s0 j7 I2 E( G, N, `

$ N0 n* e" }$ F5 l( Z2 _; @A CARFAX Vehicle History Report is based only on information supplied to CARFAX. Other information about this vehicle, including problems, may not have been reported to CARFAX. Use this report as one important tool, along with a vehicle inspection and test drive, to make a better decision about your next used car.  / F  Q5 d" m- C
  . w- u7 f/ i, W7 `
3 w: X3 t( U) QCARFAX guarantees the information in this section   
, p* \" t/ {$ @; X: v/ BSalvage | Junk | Rebuilt  Guaranteed : I+ e4 t$ x( g5 X" H0 t
No Problem  
# @, ]+ w+ n; _Fire/Flood | Hail Damage | Buyback/Lemon ' G7 c$ I. ~6 S. G
  J, \) o1 w7 R9 ^4 Y% w# `5 `No Problem  
2 e8 }' e% B  _; Z/ l' {  nNot Actual Mileage | Exceeds Mechanical Limits  Guaranteed
6 R3 a# e# p' t3 @( H1 k9 q9 ^6 mNo Problem  ) P. {; j" Y0 I- S8 c
GUARANTEED - None of these major title problems were reported by a state Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV). If you find that any of these title problems were reported by a DMV and not included in this report, CARFAX will buy this vehicle back.         9 W7 U7 X1 ?* K* S1 I2 N
         Register | View Terms  2 ~7 ~3 s/ p/ N( E* G! C8 |

3 j7 D0 @  }6 Y7 f    " j9 y3 ^3 \5 H2 C9 \

0 ^( x9 D* P3 r, r( W. t6 b/ |# _  - x2 Y, G, T; `3 D' x9 V1 X
5 L. ]  h0 T* T( |Not all accidents / issues are reported to CARFAX    % V) c$ s+ k; s+ A4 _
Total Loss Check
& J) ~( J  B( V# y. x, ~: s3 g; w- l8 iNo total loss reported to CARFAX.  No Issues Reported
% x4 |9 z0 @: C: w , [8 L7 J2 V$ I6 h( c. C
Structural / Frame Damage Check
- \3 g: F% Q) R2 i% ^8 F$ RNo structural / frame damage reported to CARFAX.   No Issues Reported  + C, M8 _: ^: `/ l
8 b$ v3 z; l7 x7 X3 @
Airbag Deployment Check
9 F) @6 x: y$ e+ oNo airbag deployment reported to CARFAX.   No Issues Reported  3 H; i0 h: o3 P3 }

; j6 v# A3 W1 c5 o9 z$ F! S  d6 J) kOdometer Rollback Check
' r0 V4 C) n: R( W* u1 n" sNo indication of an odometer rollback.  No Issues Indicated ) Q% g& {7 |  W

3 j3 p( {) E$ u$ a/ P) hAccident / Damage Check 4 L- i$ E' e1 l' t) y; ~
No accidents or damage reported to CARFAX.  No Issues Reported
+ l, r- ~" V. O3 B
# J* e& Z  S% H/ ?" G  uManufacturer Recall Check
- ]: |( r1 M5 e& R7 |- pA current list of recalls is available at FORD MOTOR COMPANY  No Recalls Reported  
' ~9 J3 s5 `# `5 E
1 @0 Q8 T( M; Z1 @8 b' V, dBasic Warranty Check 2 P7 P7 p. p6 \2 F( Z
Original warranty estimated to have expired. View Info5 v% p, s( _0 W' x/ n6 O$ c& c
Interested in an extended warranty? Warranty Expired  
' Y+ C# j; J' L8 a; x6 Q1 ^$ x$ H6 z4 R, b6 `1 c( [
                   ' h+ q1 n* O! u7 c7 s* k' {: }
    1 `. x3 o) ?6 [4 t
9 X! m& D: T. |+ l
Tell us what you know about this vehicle  
3 p( U8 h) {! M+ D# T! }$ v- _& ^2 [0 C/ D% a7 R

- u1 p  {% t5 _( c& M4 y2 `
) [) Y0 F. X" ~7 O' a5 [% u, V2 @) m- ^' d
  P0 @' E2 i& |) D
Looking for other 2000 FORD FOCUS SE vehicles like this one in your area? / ~. w/ r$ V( D, O9 K9 P
Search CARFAX Hot Listings for an up-to-date list of vehicles in your area, all with the CARFAX Buyback Guarantee!  4 J0 a5 |2 A4 ~# u) {. J
; B# |" J' V& Z+ N  p5 O1 J6 U" y0 l/ T) d3 j6 l
5 C9 ^, j9 l( U% K

; w+ f; c3 ^7 {6 l/ y# j
) M! Q6 U7 x3 j9 K2 _- Y5 n' V$ y6 M/ G9 g8 K  `9 v

7 Y3 O' _, q- g. e6 P; ], W6 t' H3 v: e' c: w. F9 i1 o

6 Z5 K* K0 d& E0 wA CARFAX Vehicle History Report is based only on information supplied to CARFAX. CARFAX checked over 6 billion vehicle history events and found 14 record(s) for this 2000 FORD FOCUS SE (1FAFP3634YW251921). 8 f+ v5 {) ]# s2 V
  & a  ]7 P6 p) N5 ~1 ^( ^" J
Date: Mileage: Source: Comments:
# I+ C" A: N- A. v& V5 D02/21/2000       NICB    Vehicle manufactured; m- k7 ]' s( Y
and shipped to original dealer  
( D- C5 J+ p9 F% @+ r) E7 ] ( C$ t2 A7 H# U; \  r
03/10/2000       Ontario4 _4 J7 g6 k7 S4 G% ~9 J
Ministry of Transportation    Registration issued or renewed
2 ]9 o& B, M: W' pFirst owner reported
0 D  X2 o: G. J2 E$ ]Passed safety inspection
0 h  {- f2 A$ _* {; UVehicle color noted as Gray  
3 i4 `% T- Q6 ^7 s+ h8 |* a
# R. r1 z9 Y( p. b) \) j$ ^7 D10/22/2002       Ontario* e! L3 `: p+ n6 y" s; |& K2 D, c
Ministry of Transportation; y# q9 b' u9 S
Eastern Ontario    Registration issued or renewed  1 y7 `9 f7 x6 E8 {" B- E. A
# e1 Y1 H, m. W6 I  @
10/22/2003       Ontario7 ?5 K: H" k3 F2 m$ H/ V# w) [
Ministry of Transportation
, i' D' K  h# JEastern Ontario    Registration issued or renewed  + i1 E' }- J! d" U; h
1 U1 z, T% N  x7 D0 N- ]0 c& {  _
04/22/2004    28,874    Ontario
$ b* c$ S( V4 n, m% J1 t$ @- YMinistry of Transportation# N% |% e; y: w" [+ P0 f+ L
Greater Toronto Area    Registration issued or renewed3 f) W1 F" S+ ?' }
New owner reported6 I( {- B0 z6 Z, [. Y, z" {) O
Registered as
% ?1 p4 d! L/ m7 w2 K+ F  `" upersonal vehicle
' J1 \3 Z# d" k# m- u1 a& y' qOdometer reported as 46,469 kilometers  ! F# R* H3 ~7 f
, b  K7 A3 J. f4 c2 C1 M
07/14/2005    47,707    Ontario
3 W' b+ H+ O! j% D# l( ]Ministry of Transportation    Odometer reading reported9 U, `5 ^. G: x
Odometer reported as 76,778 kilometers  
; b9 w+ A- Y" h' R; q) W6 z0 M
( W: w# {: Y% p8 c08/18/2005       Ontario4 X* `0 k& I3 A* s) f' x# }
Ministry of Transportation
! L! D2 b8 n0 G7 [Greater Toronto Area    Registration issued or renewed
8 U. Y5 p6 u% S/ D6 ?- ^Registered as" j( ^+ q+ Q7 \* J( F+ U
personal vehicle  
, l) g4 a$ s, s5 t; Z6 B
" k8 o$ b; f* U1 U5 D08/09/2006    64,504    Ontario+ ^+ }! T9 D+ ]$ K9 H7 i6 |
Ministry of Transportation    Odometer reading reported
; t0 E$ w* p+ S6 MOdometer reported as 103,810 kilometers  & u4 e' _% q  u
7 p# P& Z3 d4 R7 [0 ]1 U6 g( n/ T  `: @
08/18/2006       Ontario, G8 f5 _6 \1 C! C5 X( ~- q. q, t
Ministry of Transportation
; {& c* L9 e- ]% w# v- dGreater Toronto Area    Registration issued or renewed/ s8 {8 I4 f6 n8 }* A
Registered as' r# p; K% U/ T" F$ j; B7 H) h/ e
personal vehicle  
9 _9 B6 F; f9 e, G' v
% N2 v5 V2 d: F+ V6 r: `/ B2 ]08/08/2007    67,170    Ontario% \. c" H5 S, [& z: w
Ministry of Transportation    Odometer reading reported5 E, O/ J% i% c
Odometer reported as 108,100 kilometers  3 ^7 @. r7 W* }! l/ C! r1 l

0 p: C) s5 f/ ]0 T, @8 {# ]" X3 P08/18/2007       Ontario
5 k$ c- @- S8 ]% l8 j3 A" p" q3 ^Ministry of Transportation
- I' U( `' E$ o3 {  L! x. QGreater Toronto Area    Registration issued or renewed
2 {' {6 m! a" v5 n- Q# ~, C3 cRegistered as
! l3 S/ R* C# v% [0 A4 i9 b* vpersonal vehicle  
3 m0 x/ E9 c$ r) ^# t3 \+ i+ @: K# _: P1 K
( F# S9 F" K3 z/ Y03/12/2008    73,505    Ontario
/ Y- I' O/ s3 X# i; [" Y2 vMinistry of Transportation    Registration issued or renewed
; v! F- G9 R4 X/ pNew owner reported) _" }6 Q* x' m2 R
Registered as! S( o& u1 E& ?6 C
personal vehicle
" e5 n/ Z" S; aOdometer reported as 118,295 kilometers
; j/ [9 Y8 U, W% S
1 K9 d2 k7 K: j9 _7 w8 ZPerform an Ontario lien search  
, X1 m  t3 F! M3 P; j' s, D
. y. m' c* S* b" n* z' s11/24/2008    80,547    Alberta( q1 A8 B; b. e
Motor Vehicle Dept.    Odometer reading reported
0 r% P4 o! I6 a, a; B3 F- EOdometer reported as 129,628 kilometers  $ K, ?  a4 E, U& l! s! |
3 \! m4 z1 U$ i5 g" j' e6 q
11/27/2008       Alberta8 \9 N5 a/ c' a! E9 a, p* D8 \! z2 ~0 x
Motor Vehicle Dept.
# k3 y7 }  G8 TEdmonton, AB    Registration issued or renewed
* L! f8 j- C  l* sVehicle color noted as Medium Grey  % S: k3 ]- ~  e% t6 U0 W9 W" O
9 V, L% b3 `* y- g$ S1 C4 Q* g; w
Print this CARFAX Report and take it to your pre-purchase inspection . $ f) k9 N6 N3 {1 `8 {9 }6 N" M5 Q) g
5 c$ ?2 R6 @7 `& s. _
) g0 h- X" N- j/ F4 E$ W8 R
& A9 A5 i) `# s, f% Z
Tell us what you know about this vehicle  
2 W2 M3 p7 w+ V8 e3 b
, b" Z! E% K# v! G& w$ |9 s
! L. E) a% y2 Q6 V2 j% ]# |; a8 v  {  c0 V4 p3 w6 H

5 ?9 h* _& ]2 ~8 \& |( P; tHave Questions? Please visit our Help Center at www.carfax.com + a3 M$ k4 j" z& T, O8 ?

7 j% O- J) }. o) d  C: y8 rFirst Owner
3 Y6 b; r7 @  z: B1 {When the first owner(s) obtains a title from a Department of Motor Vehicles as proof of ownership. " I& B! v/ t  d9 v) ~

0 }6 I5 z4 c6 W% MFord or Lincoln Mercury Recall5 b0 f2 u9 e/ Z+ Z& d" p
The Ford Motor Company provides Carfax with recall information regarding safety, compliance and emissions programs announced since 2000 for a specific vehicle. For complete information regarding programs or concerns about this vehicle, please contact a local Ford or Lincoln Mercury Dealer.
( V% |$ z2 L7 _6 b1 r, C5 q) w3 E; }
New Owner Reported
- \' [1 M, e+ @. D) j% @, o* g8 @When a vehicle is sold to a new owner, the Title must be transferred to the new owner(s) at a Department of Motor Vehicles.
6 l1 N# R& K, E! b; {! o9 b: y- a, \" X# P- y! W8 U, L4 w
Ownership History
/ u, ?1 \! B3 W+ e9 ^& B* M' JCARFAX defines an owner as an individual or business that possesses and uses a vehicle. Not all title transactions represent changes in ownership. To provide estimated number of owners, CARFAX proprietary technology analyzes all the events in a vehicle history. Estimated ownership is available for vehicles manufactured after 1994 and titled solely in the US including Puerto Rico. Dealers sometimes opt to take ownership of a vehicle and are required to in the following states: Maine, Massachusetts, New Jersey, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania and South Dakota. Please consider this as you review a vehicle's estimated ownership history.
3 N8 B4 ~& Z* J& I1 [3 d) p$ K* M3 U6 z& q& h( M
* N. [& G$ d! W4 `/ Y. Z) K

% p) k  Q  W9 |1 P/ e
$ [, L. N7 b4 U1 }) N; c
/ ~" F9 ?+ |  E9 U) y
$ G6 i* f( y3 g+ c4 Q. `9 K - B9 ]; x7 _1 y8 |5 m

© 2009 CARFAX, Inc., an R.L. Polk & Co. company. All rights reserved. Patents pending. 29.Jun.2009 14:58:05
, {3 `/ u( n8 r. l2 F. V) q ! U  y. ~" z% V% J: N4 s
- {2 |# L2 d  N/ {/ X; A5 R) s

+ f: l9 w5 ?% p
8 N$ t( u) O. D8 `
2 {" I! D1 @) W) P- t" N2000 Ford Focus SE
3 Q7 [5 g9 a: W" w) D; kVIN: 1FAFP3634YW251921! f3 V4 L2 {9 j" m
Body Style: STATION WAGON9 ]; i) q3 p2 }) G7 u
Engine Size: 2.0L L4 SFI DOHC
- ?1 n! X: V0 i# y! T% F4 r# ^. xDrivetrain: Front Wheel Drive
8 e5 t! I* F: X5 a. P2 P! p- {8 T; u# c  q! u
   7 A' O# k0 o) l& j
Original Manufacturer's Warranty: . z5 }9 D/ n, h0 y& X0 U- D3 d: Z
Basic Warranty Expired
6 v+ H$ m( S& NPlease confirm remaining factory warranty and extended warranty options with your dealer! ! ^* |7 X& l& r% o& U1 w
The original manufacturer's warranty includes: ! F, J/ r0 k, U
36 months or 36,000 miles  
1 b  T' S; u3 P% V1 ]# C$ I' s   
. M/ k# i  o" x  e1 SInformation excerpted from the CARFAX Vehicle History Report and/or Safety & Reliability Ratings; see full reports for additional information, glossary of terms, source attributions,disclaimers & limitations. Go to carfax.com for complete Buyback Guarantee terms and conditions.
' g- ~6 G* Z8 E  s0 x$ |2 f ; D1 {7 G/ U* p1 n& z
( S9 u, N: O' b1 ?' p$ O" ~% P2 }
   4 E5 Q  H7 W% ~+ Z4 s/ M
  ( d& z0 t" N' p6 F) I3 O
Last owned in the following state/province:  Ontario
8 I; d8 L0 |6 T; r  F* W; ?Annual average mileage: 9,125
5 }' N4 K9 L" M. t, u' R  " Q4 I1 U) D: s6 M( H0 I! w* i- k
*Below industry annual average of 15,000 miles  
/ g0 L( M( e5 b* N! B# H8 Y* g$ a
7 K# m1 p) ]1 b7 L# {8 M   
3 F9 q: x) U3 d3 p1 l9 g' G$ P None of these major title problems were reported by a state Department of Motor Vehicles:  + V( F, r& l) w6 E* }( k
Salvage, Junk, Rebuilt  Guaranteed
% i* }& n6 X- w% W% ~) l* ONo Problem  # y& U! |; ]) }" t* R& B
Fire / Flood, Hail damage, Buyback / Lemon Guaranteed
$ Y0 v9 b# [- ]1 n9 t+ INo Problem
4 l$ I/ f4 F1 j; ANot Actual Mileage,
2 C! e$ y  H: H& [8 }0 ]Exceeds Mechanical Limits  Guaranteed
, }" |; t* h' j' F0 NNo Problem 8 x" k  ?& m; d; Z" r
. d* S' T" a: j% [4 z
   ' r9 p4 E# h2 S7 u3 {& s+ |" M( ^2 ~
No issues reported to CARFAX on the following:  : F. J; P: d+ R$ h, Q9 b- k
Total Loss   
4 o- a6 |( j' @# g6 B  g' oNo Issues Reported
4 Q% I$ N* A, ~4 n* U$ M5 d  sStructural / Frame Damage   
3 d+ h- q. t% V* q% QNo Issues Reported 0 V- Z$ d1 \8 Z" C
Airbag Deployment   
' v9 q+ Z6 e( n' N  x6 g. YNo Issues Reported
: `  r. g5 _. a" z5 g7 h3 ]+ v: ?+ \/ dOdometer Rollback   5 [( K1 W2 Q8 V. j! [
No Issues Reported
5 c1 w0 Y2 s' y) J6 z8 u, w# FOther Accidents / Damage  
- ~; {7 a5 I: ]+ @No Issues Reported 0 R) G: M9 P9 l$ ]* Y, A

9 J. s4 L( _' m  I
  G( r% h0 h0 r $ G* @" D$ J+ P7 @* Z3 f' H1 `' J4 k

3 ?7 ~8 Z7 c5 a- p2 Q9 L" X0 D/ F3 U3 r
© 2009 CARFAX, Inc., an R.L. Polk & Co. company. All rights reserved. Patents pending. 29.Jun.2009 14:58:05
8 ?  h0 [8 h! P5 r2 \& f 3 W$ Q. L- p, C3 Z  t4 m
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