埃德蒙顿华人社区-Edmonton China

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鲜花(7) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2010-2-20 12:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 第一名 于 2010-2-20 13:05 编辑
2 u& R" w" w% c
) e2 W! O- _  v1 _. R* z# jSURVEY
& A+ H& O; X3 G9 w) C+ K% {/ \6 t2 E, Y
                    Inheritance and Preservation of Traditional Chinese Culture
* I3 J7 M: z$ z7 @' Z8 C( x                                      in Chinese Immigrant Families
. i2 j5 y1 b8 k) ?

/ s% y( D9 [7 u' ?$ ~) i& zA. Why should children in Chinese immigrant families keep the Chinese culture?(Check all that apply 。 )
/ J% c1 H  \7 @. O7 z) C 6 T  w3 w, Y8 I) }8 }
1.()Communication with relatives
$ H: h) c+ Q, f  2.() Identity
! @5 O# n0 w6 c8 s4 D$ X( y) C  3.() Interest  in Chinese culture
% b& k3 K% S, b' r- r& }  4.() Interest  in the language8 N1 L0 ]/ o! S0 B4 |
  5.() Parents‘ desire- T' x" s3 m: x0 I
  6.() Opportunities due to economic boom in China
+ e# a- W+ G. @# o) d7 d0 v8 l* J% D5 o7 [+ Q# c6 a
B. How do children in Chinese immigrant families best preserve the Chinese culture? (Check all the apply。)
2 K: f9 e5 ]! T. M4 I3 a8 x
6 d+ o3 Y( {0 m' s5 l. T9 Q 1.() Taking part in some activities in Chinese! ]7 A  K" m3 _# q
2.()  Attending Chinese-English schools% q4 F* z& j3 C( h+ a7 `
3.()  Learning Chinese in training schools
0 U/ p# m( k  i7 h 4.() Learning more about Chinese culture or history
- _$ {, m; B; W! W: V2 b 5.() Visiting China frequently, q0 }. l, L; ]9 a8 A' B( a
6.() Reading in Chinese0 C* i; j; F& X* Y
7.()  Making Chinese friends
& ?. y& X/ l; h- E8 A& P 8.() Doing exchange programs
鲜花(7) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2010-2-20 12:56 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 第一名 于 2010-2-20 13:07 编辑
( g! }6 I) v  J; t- B7 \# W
* ^7 G. `  p- k0 b, a& p7 I这只是一次小survey, 目的是让孩子们了解中国文化并引以为荣,也想让来自其他文化背景的人们更深刻了解中国文化及中国传统,改变有些人对中国的不正确认识。
; s9 }/ c/ m/ `5 d, o) T9 u; u0 I如果你参与,请将孩子的年龄及选项写下,谢谢!
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2010-2-21 22:18 | 显示全部楼层
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