埃德蒙顿华人社区-Edmonton China

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八月份Borden park参加家庭请注意

鲜花(42) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2010-7-14 09:57 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 juanhhj 于 2010-7-14 11:06 编辑
( ]6 ~0 m* F* \, e; Z* ^7 R9 R7 S; }# j5 W* T( }3 t
八月七日在Borden Park 参加我们组织的Family Picnic, 和户外唱儿歌,游戏、手工的家庭请注意,上周我们在KINSMEN PARK由于下雨只有唱歌和做手工。希望八月七日是个好天气,大家能带孩子玩得尽兴一些。
; p) H2 v$ W8 m5 H9 A5 l+ A/ g
( Q. O9 _; R3 n+ J* ^5 \/ [但是可能有些家庭没有仔细看通知,我们活动只提供Snack(饼干,薯片水果)和儿童参加活动的小礼物, 参加家庭要自备午饭野餐及餐具。如果想烧烤的家庭自备木炭和和烧烤的食物。夏天天热的话,给孩子做好防晒防蚊虫叮咬的保护。如果要户外玩水,不要忘记带泳衣和多一套替换衣服,以免孩子着凉。
+ n5 H+ g# [# X; q' \" R0 U) a# F& Q0 I1 a4 R8 j- F' b; m
另外如果您有事那天不能出席,请Email : j_kon@shaw.ca告知。谢谢,祝您全家暑假愉快!!
鲜花(42) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2010-7-14 10:03 | 显示全部楼层
另外有帖子介绍有关活动,http://www.edmontonchina.cn/view ... &extra=page%3D2
鲜花(42) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2010-7-14 10:04 | 显示全部楼层
如果您不知道BORDEN PARK, 请见:http://www.edmonton.ca/attractio ... ey/borden-park.aspx
鲜花(42) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2010-7-15 10:38 | 显示全部楼层
老杨团队 追求完美
鲜花(2) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2010-7-15 16:55 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(634) 鸡蛋(5)
发表于 2010-7-16 12:57 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(3) 鸡蛋(1)
发表于 2010-7-22 14:55 | 显示全部楼层
哪位能帮我确定一下8月7号的活动到底是在Borden Park(102A,76ST)举行还是在10324-107.为什么我报名的时候写的是10324-107,可帖子上说的是在Borden Park。另外具体几点开始
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2010-7-23 20:10 | 显示全部楼层
We wanna go as well.
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2010-8-4 12:46 | 显示全部楼层
  ~; [* e/ w9 M$ M$ \9 T; E: }
+ y$ |+ W; t* p  y這次野餐活動是特別為了我們南面及市中心的家庭小組的參加者而設的。野餐地點是Borden Park, Site # 5.  自行到達 - August 7, 周六,10 - 2 p.m.。7 [% p* f) O# _/ `* f

5 A# I. ]" Q, m  U南面家庭小組在Ellerslie Road Baptist Church (10603 - Ellerslie Road-9 Ave. SW) - 逢星期五早上十時至十二時 (暫停, 九日十日重開), 市中心則在Mennonite Church, 10324 - 107 Ave. 逢星期二下午一時至三時 (八月二十四日及三十一日休息)。
$ b, T% w/ h. [1 E1 A; h. L! N) f% C. k( [' m* Q, w
家庭小組是為有0 - 5 歲家庭而設,沒參加過此家庭小組之朋友不知道此頂目的內容和目的。我們每次均有唱中英文兒歌和遊戲,除鼓勵父母与小孩增進感情外 (bonding),此活動能提高語言能力和幫助大動作發展 (literacy skills and gross motor skills)。有營養小點、分享、討論、兒童項目 (stories, arts and crafts for literacy and fine motor skills) 及不規則之講座和特別項目等 (Books for Babies, summer picnic, field site visit, Christmas party, Chinese New Year celebration and multicultural event, etc.)
1 S8 u7 |" {5 p9 S1 p* B# k+ x
& K3 P. j3 l/ @: ^/ W6 o  [6 g. Q6 l6 g5 T5 J
我不常上網,中文打字也不好。若有任何查詢,請電郵 j_kon@shaw.ca
7 b% r! a$ H/ J& j! ]& M$ G7 X* a+ J0 M4 \( t% \; M
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2010-8-4 13:02 | 显示全部楼层
% D" e) {4 O* ?9 X# }( P. V# s+ k  _
參加了八月七日在Borden Park, #5野餐的家庭請注意。
2 v$ C& b; t1 k  p2 |! @% [/ G. j
! ?4 x0 B  ?5 nPlease be reminded that the picnic is this Saturday.  Please see below for what you need to bring and the schedule for the day.  Looks like the weather will be nice and there will be more than 200 adults and 125 kids. We’d appreciate if you can come a bit early to help with set up and other tasks.  We particular need some of you who can help with the registration table and lead the games that you’d like to pass on to our kids (如丟手絹 (Duck Duck Goose)、老鷹抓小雞、二人三足、抬花轎、橡皮繩、狐狸先生幾點鐘等。)
6 e: P$ C8 R2 |9 ^  n8 x3 c9 _, D( `. l+ S; x# t
A few of us will be there from 9 ish.  We’ll start sign-in, waiver form, prize ticket, etc. right at 10:00 a.m. and “Rhymes that Bind” and games start at 10:30 till 12:00 p.m.  After that you can explore Borden Park and enjoy its facilities., M- U5 k/ O! r  I

  _5 I; e) i0 k; H  K2 XThere will be a few BBQ pits available for our use.   We have secured site #5 and #4 for this picnic.  Please bring your own charcoal, BBQ meat, tools and supplies if you want to team up with some families to do BBQ.  Don’t forget to bring other personal items for your comfort.  We will only bring snacks, games and small prizes.* ]: s2 M% ]* }
0 U/ S; N1 ]. o3 f& l
If you know you can’t make it this Saturday.  Please let me know now.; x: ~7 v6 k2 G. t6 I
( a$ [6 ?4 W" U* u6 O' B' E  D8 A
I look forward to having another fun day with you.
1 ]( f1 n0 o/ J9 c2 [1 Q1 p1 [" A$ g: L
, v( k6 o1 b8 U, T# A) Y) W0 E
2 k+ ~# e5 T7 e1 fChinese Parenting Group Family Picnic# `* t# E  z# ~  C6 ?8 L1 B1 l
(Downtown and Southside – Previous and Existing Participants)( V6 O4 m5 }5 \% r# O; z: s' E
Saturday, August 7, 2010, 10 – 2 p.m.
" ?: @; T' [9 k+ |  B  j
: W4 J! _  U1 B) X1 Z% v: Z5 {  YBorden Park, Site # 5 (near playground and wading pool)
! b+ c0 `( c  e" h0 V+ r7 Z
, \, |( [0 p# j3 HPlease refer to the link for the features and facilities: http://www.edmonton.ca/attractio ... ey/borden-park.aspx ' \: U& p9 i% U
7 D: x  g( \2 d3 W. K( O2 w
Things YOU need or want to bring:
! e1 H" ?6 [# r% W/ ~7 y" l; X" Y9 ~1 B3 x. M
- Your own food and drinks (pot luck/BBQ with some families if you’d like)
6 t( H5 ~7 q* }0 V- Utensils and supplies; l  p$ ~2 B$ S: S, b3 n$ o0 L5 [% a! C$ |
- Blankets/chairs
, @! k( |3 g" ~: Y7 E' C- Mosquito repellent, after-bite ointment6 m' [9 b, P# M" L
- Hats, sunscreen and umbrella
  I" `$ x6 k* K& R3 }- Towel, swimwear, and extra set(s) of clothing* z( \" }% U: j+ C7 O; I" \, O
- Toys (balls, frisbee, watergun, bubbles etc.)2 y1 Q0 M( _* A0 }! K
- Music
# C; z. D3 S4 d+ g; Q1 t7 u+ K3 f! ~% d4 z1 F) Y+ g

3 d- ]+ e0 h% {! L% dThings that the picnic committee will bring:
% c8 U- ]4 J' `1 ?2 L% z! F
2 \+ c8 b! ^0 D0 d" K+ z- Balloons* `0 P* o, x2 z
- Games and group activities
+ t" d5 p* s5 J0 k+ X- First aid kit( W* [" P/ T: a& e+ n3 i
- Snacks (chips, crackers, cookies, etc. – junk food)
7 g/ [) o; M, f. B6 h- Small prizes for games7 U' x" [6 l+ p! o5 @& p8 p0 G
- Lucky draw prizes* w1 R6 \0 l( H0 D6 e- W  x
- ?% E6 f! ]) a: R- F! {; x* X

; g& O! `; O4 U' C( j5 k9 k. h
9 O% t( s: |; `Chinese Community Family Picnic
/ @. P: k/ o  @; V  F' P+ wfor Downtown and Southside Parenting Groups Previous and Existing Participants
' w- K8 s% {+ N. {7 `Saturday, August 7, 2010, 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.; a* e; o$ S* z7 _& n' S  w
Borden Park, Site # 5 (near playground/wading pool)
1 @6 T) U# H) I' k; G0 j
- q% X) `9 @4 s7 B  s7 H8 X10:00 a.m.) m8 w2 j# G# \+ n8 U4 b; Q
- Registrations/ w+ J( |9 V* g8 U+ j6 D# ]
- Sign-in
' ]2 a: T5 r: G* d1 n7 a- Waiver/ w5 f; ?  _' \6 M$ o8 k
- Kid prize ticket (0 – 5)
2 e: ]& p" G5 ]( j) |- Family lucky draw ticket! R  V- A/ X* F- G, K7 X" s* H7 f

* H2 h7 F+ Z8 S' E10:30 a.m.3 b4 x* y- J  ]
- Rhymes that Bind
1 x' r, C& ?' X3 c- Games
, `! D$ I/ g* Y* t, D7 s9 _- Activities* V& A3 }6 t' C2 f: ^+ c8 |0 y- O
5 O, ]6 g. B1 D" J
11:30 a.m.
, ?* m& m7 v9 [2 c- Prizes for 0-5 years old, while supplies last (based on activity participants or show-up sequence)
$ v6 O. d/ F' ?: j/ D0 i# g- Door prizes for families
  X( D* l5 |8 V, X9 R
9 J0 G# h% @. m# ^! O12:00 p.m.  B. X4 q' Z$ \6 K
- Self-brought lunch/BBQ and free play- W8 l$ T! I4 [) S5 X
* e, i! t; J" B2 U- a
2:00 p.m.2 t5 V! q6 B' a, _0 l  j. E
- Family picnic is over, stay longer if you prefer
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2010-8-4 15:53 | 显示全部楼层
thanks for june
鲜花(6) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2010-8-4 15:54 | 显示全部楼层
thanks for june
thanks for june
3 j* V1 p& K+ J* z8 Syumening 发表于 2010-8-4 16:53
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