二手汽车 老柳教车

埃德蒙顿华人社区-Edmonton China

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taxue 该用户已被删除
发表于 2006-1-7 11:32 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
刚考完7号牌。 我选了笔试,打分的 laday 很nice, 告诉我通过了,100%
" \) y7 H) a  v" e: e
, Y4 m- p( P: e" K关于考题,真的不难,而且全都在精华版的试题集里。 能把这些题都包括了,果然真精华。7 n( @6 m( G+ a( a, f* ?  D
4个道路标志 :学校区,直行或右转,不准左转。----忘了一个简单的Sample Text5 `, J1 ^; O. N/ [5 l1 ~8 U  `* W
5 e% \8 K1 E9 F
提醒大家戴一副清楚的眼镜去。我第一次验光,看不清第4行, 人家不给我办驾照。让我去找眼科医生验光,沮丧。  朋友告诉我医生验光就要60刀,还得预约, 决定算了。第二天一早,换了一幅朋友的眼镜,又去考试的地方验,一个老先生接待我,我一直看到第8行。好高兴,感觉自己是火眼金睛。通过。 昨天的那个lady 一直在对我笑,还问我,这幅眼镜好清楚啊? 0 ^* O# h+ N# M. B3 S0 w
' C9 }; [7 [& D0 L1 b
于是得到临时牌,我发现他们 把我的头发和眼睛定为brown, 就和他们讨论。
% x3 |1 @7 c; t最后老先生把我的头发定为黑色,眼睛定为brown ,很耐心的解释了原因。呵呵
- O+ b: H) e) b( P# G* t4 y" O" y3 q" Z, V
taxue 该用户已被删除
 楼主| 发表于 2006-1-8 12:16 | 显示全部楼层
我想起了一些题。 供参考。
& K. V+ g, b5 _: |) I5 \$ z; Y1.        When a school bus is displaying alternate flashing red lights , you should:  (Stop and do not pass
+ o) }6 T  \; O6 _4 r# ?: d2.        What is the basic maximum speed in a city, town or village?  (50km/h)) B) K* ?4 _, p% F/ r
3.        On school day, what is the maximum speed through school zones in the city, town or villages? (30km/h)# b; k! D% N2 C4 T' J
4.        A “shoulder check” when driving a vehicle is done by:  (Glancing over your shoulder in the direction you intend to move.)
+ B; a7 B' o% `4 K7 b* y5.        A solid line, together with a broken line on the centre of the highway means: (When the solid line is on your side. You cannot pass, when the broken line is on your side, you may pass if conditions permit)3 f0 ]5 q' ?6 L
6.        1Are you allowed to exceed the speed limit when overtaking and passing another vehicle?  (No)3 T# o7 D7 S' Y4 f# N" c% b! C. C7 V
7.        When entering a highway marked with a merge sign, you should:  (Signal and adjust your speed to merge safely)% W" N, c$ R; b  c; d" J
8.        When rounding a curve or turning, the driver should:  (Slow down, stay in the proper lane and accelerate after entering to maintain a safe speed)# v) x6 X, @1 a, u' v9 K
9.        On a multi-lane highway, when yield the right of way to an emergency vehicle sounding a siren. You must:  (Driver as close as possible to the nearest outside curb or edge of the road and stop). m  |/ v) w7 F" z7 D" ^. i$ G: a8 T
10.        Driving during heavy fog or a snowstorm, you should use: (Low beam): l8 g' f! n6 {8 g6 j5 F
11.        If you have any disease or disability that may affect your driving ability, (it is your responsibility to) inform the motor vehicle division9 \, i5 |% x. D
12.        Holder of a class 7 licence is not permitted to drive  (from 12:00 pm to 5:00 am): ~; F' m! d( x3 W9 e
13.        Flashing red light means  (Stop, Proceed only when it is safe to do so)
8 h/ d' g2 |1 r: }7 X* g5 F, K14.        Car parked parallel with the curb must have the curb side wheels within what distance from the curb? (50 centimetres)/ A$ F. E9 @$ Y. L
15.        Entering into a highway and approaching the acceleration lane, if there are other vehicles ahead or behind of you, you should:
) E; g5 T- Q! Y; x9 u1 H16.        Adjust the speed up or down to match that of the traffic flow. Continue to check traffic ahead and the gap you expect to merge into./ N4 m' I3 s0 f* w! ?6 i

/ t* E: ]2 k# ~4 V  ?! R建议多看些书。有些选择答案很具有迷惑性。
鲜花(4) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2006-6-14 10:04 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2006-6-19 12:17 | 显示全部楼层
老杨团队 追求完美
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2006-6-25 20:41 | 显示全部楼层
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