二手汽车 老柳教车

埃德蒙顿华人社区-Edmonton China

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City Center 停车

鲜花(7) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2011-11-13 10:27 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
问一下,city center的那个地下停车场的入口在哪儿啊?
3 I, ~% M- q4 B另:city center的停车多少钱阿?
鲜花(47) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2011-11-13 14:15 | 显示全部楼层
CITY CENTRE 边上好像有个叫EAST PARKDALE的停车场,巨大。 周六是3块钱全天,周日还不用钱。。。
鲜花(2) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2011-11-13 16:29 | 显示全部楼层
CITY CENTRE 边上好像有个叫EAST PARKDALE的停车场,巨大。 周六是3块钱全天,周日还不用钱。。。
; l' @( A$ a! g6 W4 a7 _iamnini 发表于 2011-11-13 14:15
& @; N: |' U" G" u/ [+ f$ B
鲜花(73) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2011-11-13 21:24 | 显示全部楼层
老杨团队 追求完美
Edmonton City Centre East Parkade (or ECCE Parkade)。
+ c* @2 I# |7 J% h1 ZEntrance on the north side of 102A Ave., between 100 St. & 101 St.
2 {4 W7 V! \4 M' OAddress: 10020 - 102 A Avenue! }/ C7 Z5 i1 Z2 ]- b  b

% U6 V& s3 o" l% I2 s! ]( ZHourly Rates:
9 O) `0 ?+ u, WWeekdays:
/ L( {+ M, I, w, d! n7 CPer ½ hour: $ 2.50 (charged during the 6 am - 6 pm time period): {7 y7 T8 z6 u  {( q9 ^
Early Bird: $12.00 (enter between 4 am & 9 am; rate good until 6 pm)
: S* ?9 K- i8 cDaily Max: $14.00 (enter after 9 am; rate good until 6 pm)
* u- w* C7 H- s$ ^5 Y1 [. }Evening Rate: $ 3.00 (additional charge for any use during the 6 pm - 6 am time period). ?7 u; V/ _2 s  G7 _8 v/ _
Weekends & Statutory Holidays:
; f+ j' c% f$ w, P1st ½ hour: $ 2.50 (charged during the 6 am - 6 pm time period)8 g2 g+ Q. V/ x: d9 J
Daily Max: $ 3.00 (charged during the 6 am - 6 pm time period)
; a$ c! Q* ]( t  F# ^Evening Rate: $ 3.00 (additional charge for any use during the 6 pm - 6 am time period)
鲜花(73) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2011-11-13 21:25 | 显示全部楼层
Edmonton City Centre West Parkade (or ECCW Parkade)% @1 u. Z1 S, [7 R" J+ C# h
Entrance on the west side of 102 St. just south of 103 Ave.7 J4 P/ Z) b+ b: m8 E
Address: 10231 - 103 Street
; m: x3 ]. N2 N5 {. c
0 `' C! v* z9 g2 aHourly Rates:$ m0 f- }8 ^9 g: Z
! [" A" Y; K7 X; v) Y7 [Per ½ hour: $ 2.50 (charged during the 6 am - 6 pm time period), C6 g; R3 _! u: O
Early Bird: $12.00 (enter between 6 am & 9 am; rate good until 6 pm); H5 E) C9 |0 g% b, h. f6 T% K
Daily Max: $14.00 (enter after 9 am; rate good until 6 pm)
2 x1 _9 E3 c! D4 K- dEvening Rate: $ 3.00 (additional charge for any use during the 6 pm - 1 am time period)0 F' a. w+ }  b/ [) F
Overnight Rate: $ 1.00 (additional charge for any use during the 1 am - 6 am time period)
! r3 c$ e  X2 n- V+ gWeekends & Statutory Holidays:
) r3 L* f) T, |  H% W1st ½ hour: $ 2.50 (charged during the 6 am - 6 pm time period)  T" S" O' }2 \4 \  g6 F' }( X0 w5 y
Daily Max: $ 3.00 (charged during the 6 am - 6 pm time period). h* x' u3 @) d6 i6 e* n0 c
Evening Rate: $ 3.00 (additional charge for any use during the 6 pm - 1 am time period)
9 k4 Q6 R# K& P( U* [& ]Overnight Rate: $ 1.00 (additional charge for any use during the 1 am -
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