二手汽车 老柳教车

埃德蒙顿华人社区-Edmonton China

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鲜花(7) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2012-11-23 22:19 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 45678 于 2012-11-23 22:24 编辑
# q5 P4 X" M& W; ~' [  I9 p! ^
7 T2 ~, f3 ^5 R# g3 d早先写过一个贴子,题为“驾照过期一年多,警察开单二百三!"。
9 ~  r! }- i7 U4 t+ x4 T/ s, L+ B1 @1 |8 w
(http://www.edmontonchina.ca/foru ... read&tid=488192)
' t$ s5 ?6 D5 W/ k3 @7 Q
% H# z! N% G+ V! X4 w# g拿到罚单后,当时就准备上庭申述:控告政府不及时发通知让我去更新驾照;在通知年度车辆重新注册时,没有warning我驾照已经过期!
) v# P+ l$ X3 d% ?& B
  _; I# z& f% e, j3 k3 d当时承诺不管庭审结果如何,一定将结果如实公告,以提供各位一个案例分析,共同学习提高。
7 i  b1 y" D; g3 U' I- o
% C! e9 r" k: P; Q6 x今天庭审结束。现将出庭情况尽可能如实公布,但是当时法庭上的话只能按意思写个大概。另外,本人在法庭上的话用英文写出来,提供一种具体表达方式。鉴于确实本人水平有限,希望本贴能起抛砖引玉的作用。当然也准备挨几块板砖。
, p* h/ \1 M8 J; p( y% ]' Z3 R- D. R9 C7 |
9 C  o$ B9 W" H6 K' Z6 R  V$ E; R
8 I) N2 e* u+ d/ L3 L; S( C再次感谢各路高人各献高见。/ {4 E. k6 ?+ b7 X' d

" G5 ~' b, u$ j" L7 T" eTraffic Court Room里面坐了好多人。当叫到我的名字时,我走到房间前面的桌子前。法官好象是问你今天为什么来?我说:
/ A3 g3 Z0 s! y& U' ~
, E+ ]* Q) U' ]. j' ~/ [! L6 \, SMy driver’s license was found expired. However, I don’t think I should be penalized for it.
$ ]' T$ {! K9 K" W+ f0 U! Y5 ?3 x
法官听后没有马上开审,叫我回到座位。$ w' j+ t) U; @4 v" @, b

! P0 X* N  C6 o/ c- ]一会休庭。Crown Prosecutor 把我叫到入口处的会议室跟我交换了下意见,然后提议给减免50%, 并说这是对我的优待, 因为我拿了罚单后第三天就去renewed我的驾照。我拒绝了他的offer, 选择由法官裁决。
6 h1 [( {( _) b. L" I- p' P+ R. Z% O, H
重新开庭后,在我前面是一个小伙因为超速30而跟police officer 和Crown Prosecutor辩论,恰好给我一个观战学习的机会。小伙的辩论有点牵强。最后,法官判决小伙超速20,理由是警察承认测速仪有+/-5~6的误差。小伙高高兴兴地走掉了。7 W, a/ Z+ ]8 F' [2 l, n' M$ K
( i, g( Z+ |# S( N: F8 i
轮到我的case了,Crown Prosecutor先询问Police Officer. PO讲了当时的经过. 然后法官问我是否有问题问PO,我说没有,因为我想问的问题他已经回答,那就是:
0 v8 N2 Y+ _9 d* z6 j2 V4 j" p, ^! C, _  U! z2 J% T+ ?
How did you decide to pull me over in a traffic during morning rush hour?
& s# N: J$ x# e* a3 K0 J: Y6 n4 Y8 a" {) E
5 Y+ d0 m/ v+ b4 g7 l: i
* T6 j$ d- W) ]0 ZI followed the vehicle. I scanned the plate number in my computer and found the owner’s Operator’s License expired. I checked the driver and found he matched the record of the vehicle owner./ S1 b) e! K0 i! ^6 ^8 s1 u

2 ^1 {1 q/ {- f% ~轮到我到证人席上述说我的理由。以下大致是我的申述:
- k0 k9 [0 f- e9 d" i( t: N. D9 ~
+ x5 P6 P. s! aFirst, I would like to thank Mr. Police Officer for letting me know my driver’s license expired. It happened at a location not far away from my workplace so I could easily get help. It didn’t happen on highway or other place.9 h$ M2 l( U4 @4 @" T; X' @8 Y- j
' Q; r8 F$ ~$ v" U/ v! @8 i
(谢谢shark27指招。首先承认无法改变的事实。而且更进一步,感谢PO帮我避免了可能的更大的trouble.)$ u/ F' w  O2 w# y4 \' w3 I2 ?2 {
4 [5 U. J* Y7 a5 X/ V
However, I don’t think I shall be penalized for its expiry.
+ H% ]$ q" c) ?9 n! N" R9 v0 ]* S! I% c. Z
(明知在劫难逃,此时也只能如此说了。毕竟驾照过期, driver还是有责任的。)$ X( I; x! v+ l; X- q0 P! G  L
0 h# i! x4 y# k9 E: N* C
I renewed my vehicle’s registration and insurance policy on time. Whenever I received such a renewal letter, I would write a notice on the whiteboard in my kitchen and put the letter underneath my phone so I would not forget.
/ t3 k' j, \; z# x! ~& O% l6 P# W( }! Y% t% p' u
(先自我标榜一下,布好自己的防线。然后开始攻击政府的不妥。)) a$ a3 e7 b8 x  \! \
9 @6 ~( h0 F) H: u! T4 m0 H7 S
The government promised to send me renewal form before my driver's license expiry date. It sent letter to remind me to renew my vehicle registration. So I trusted its promise. However, I didn’t receive the renewal reminder letter for my driver’s license. . Y) G0 k9 X5 o  J

2 u2 I* t6 F( x4 }4 U& }(没说政府没发信,因为我没有证据可以证明这点。)
7 m/ {8 _$ g9 g# d* K% ]( x/ v. t' F6 x! L: p- @
Government employees are human being. They could make mistakes. The computers they used are human-made machines. They can make errors too. However, I don’t think the government has a procedure like a quality-control program in place to correct these possible mistakes. . S( ]* v9 u( S( E% Z  m! J

5 q4 g$ a4 u3 ?6 l3 N(看见法官虽然看着文件,但面有笑意,知道他对我的申诉有所欣赏。毕竟,法官也是人,整天听到的大都是近乎nonsense, 听到点新鲜的东西还是挺高兴的。)0 R+ {' ?3 l2 t4 M1 h0 t4 m6 R

' L; S* q7 |, Q2 k$ VAt least, there was one thing the government could possibly have done but failed to do so. My driver’s license info was used by police officer to issue the ticket. However, it didn’t seem to be shared by registration agencies. I renewed my vehicle’s registration in December but no one told me that my driver’s license expired at that time.
. f6 F8 d& E  ^- X$ t8 b% [2 K( @% R" Z  B
法官追问了一句: : r+ Y) q: W  ~7 O) X, o7 S
3 Y3 E/ _/ D0 @9 G; N5 U# o
You renewed your vehicle registration in December? 3 m9 ?+ z6 D& L. X$ t
$ h" F9 X7 Z0 p
5 R/ L* Z' i! z. n  P. R0 N9 r. T2 E& I$ d4 M
  [) A: {4 M2 g7 }/ M. B: G  y/ |7 e1 D+ o8 @
After I found my driver’s license expired, I stopped driving vehicle right away and asked people to drive me between my workplace and my living place and between City A and City B. I renewed my driver’s license on the following Saturday. Here is a witness letter written by Mr. H, who drove me around at that time. He is a Professional Engineer.
$ f  e' q7 c3 M# K0 W9 u% v% b0 ?. r& r9 @) g
; n2 @. X4 }: X0 A) _" ^( g
! p4 e' J- P/ S# Z9 @最后,我总结道:8 @$ N# c8 N  J  Y9 k
8 f% N6 S2 W4 i1 B# X- `# \
It’s not fair for me to pay the government for its own faults.
4 `% b. O7 }9 @# B/ f' m3 S: m" Y* \- Q5 y: m4 z; }* ^# O
我申述完毕。1 B3 g, v7 z! Y( n9 ^7 t6 r

  S& d0 h# E; t, V, k* hCrown Prosecutor 提问。他反复问我: * r8 D( M% ^' Q/ `! ]. j

' f/ H6 U3 t7 E/ EDid you look at your driver’s license? , [3 |5 {5 f$ v% V1 d

+ E/ }# f4 u0 {. F$ ~' t我如实回答: : y9 Y: J1 ], U6 p
6 M. X# c+ Z" _3 l$ Z8 P1 a
9 q/ P+ R2 o% d. ?2 W  p& g
& G& M+ \1 j: z) A' ~然后我回到前排席位上。, V! G6 @3 c: L) t, S& E6 S

6 C/ ~& d/ H; L9 a" _$ x: `! I接下来法官复诉双方观点。- i+ p, {( ]& ]& I

$ `- L& l7 Q: |% ^忘了怎么回事,Crown Prosecutor又站起来陈述,强调我没有看/检查自己的 driver’s license,另外暗示我有可能收到了renewal的信但没有去办。这第二点实际上我已经间接否定了。8 M- m# ^" a+ _
! w" g8 R, K1 H+ g( i' T( `
* d0 ~$ {: ?- j
2 J6 D7 Y2 @' Z( p% {- M1.        你在发现驾照过期后马上就去努力弥补改正。但是事后的弥补改正并不能完全抹去已犯的过错;
- s5 {+ t. I8 c! {5 n* H7 b
/ @9 ]. t5 w: i. `3 I2.        政府的renewal form letter仅仅是一种courtesy, 还是要你个人承担责任to renew your license。
4 c0 [! [- L5 h" L6 Z, q) r) n# |7 D" x' m5 K  q
3.        判罚$57,你看如何?1 J' y' S  J0 K( c5 W

* n% ^+ {) D7 t, ~' K  H这相当于75% off, 我讲可以。, g# O" ^: Q5 a& k5 ]: E+ n: A

% p& n) {& z8 s2 k然后交款走人, 去准备下一次出庭:Speed unreasonable rate。, O. w6 d- ?: Y$ ~* ?" ]( c( G4 N
鲜花(2) 鸡蛋(1)
发表于 2012-11-26 22:48 | 显示全部楼层
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