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发表于 2015-7-3 13:56 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 夭夭灼灼蓁蓁 于 2015-7-3 14:58 编辑
$ \8 u7 e/ a; \" }8 M
8 G9 l% ]3 e$ ~$ H) S地处 810 Saddleback Road 的ASSIST 西南办公室将从7月23日到7月31日举办一系列求职培训相关的讲座及活动,欢迎参加。具体详情如下:! d! t$ L) E8 j) S: P9 T
: J; a* w9 e: n6 q, l7 G
# A# F8 T9 R3 u6 ]) Z: ~' c

! ~) \7 l% z5 Y3 b' {4 PTelephone: 780 429 3119 / hazel.benson@assistcsc.org   
% R' C7 ?0 j* h8 p7 Q8 XLocation: Unit 2, 810 Saddleback Road' U& m* N$ Y' Q4 d8 e; q8 s6 K
- K) r8 @; i( G- j- e" v
Please bring your permanent resident card or landing document to register/ k3 X4 x! ]: z9 u& q- t' F
% W4 P1 n8 t1 M/ I

( @. t: {- F, s! h7 }Employment Events Coordinated/Facilitated by:   Accredited Settlement and Career Development Practitioner% w9 U4 `' W+ {6 S$ c

, n# v1 E* J5 K) fEmployment Readiness Checklist?
: k( w) J, @; m+ T3 K: Q5 Z( q
•        Labour Market / Bridging Programs
3 T; j8 u' R8 J4 u2 d, P0 m% C•        Employment Standards / Human Rights 8 O' R1 E# p* Q* v" `& r/ q! g
•        How to achieve Canadian work experience
* n* s# L4 ], F! o( u/ D+ R' Q' Z  D: _/ k6 e/ s8 |2 R8 z: }
Date: Thurs. July 23, 2015
% a2 J+ g5 U% |. B4 ?/ VTime: 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.       
3 u- z% k. h) J' b0 D( p: B& h/ l3 f& t/ \5 [! E: {9 L
  l2 U4 ?1 z; |5 S0 U! s
Job Search Class  ( 3 morning sessions )
7 ^& b6 ?/ E2 x- E8 F
•        My skills / employability skills / Companies9 i; N( v) b( n0 K
•        My accomplishments / Portfolio / Resume ; z$ c# j) P4 T8 o( Q- i
•        Networking / Information Interviewing8 |7 e4 ~3 s3 p

! ]$ w- R$ _' Q' ~) F/ e% x5 _. x$ eDates: July 27, 28, and 30! @& G, {# q# f) M+ O: Q
Time: 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
) U$ }: D2 ~8 A  I+ g
3 i" h+ w$ w' w3 L& W! E, D: c! t( j( a$ ]1 u
Resume Writing Mastery
3 Y6 b. W; J5 i% a: B1 r
•        Tips and strategies to create a Master Resume$ [$ P* N+ n  ?! `
•        Job Advertisements / Postings your guide
; e6 G3 I0 t& D4 ?3 r•        Targeted and tailored resumes to promote you " p. d( @- ]8 o
4 P' P8 R, `0 H+ x
Date: Mon. July 27, 2015  ' D$ a. w. {! O; G& S
Time: 1:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.        
- e0 W( Q2 ^! Y$ f. g8 N! ?- i: C8 g( n
% f( \1 |9 L- ?+ [" \, l, N4 D# \" u
Canadian Workplace Culture# |& K0 S9 J( ~& g: r& k
•        Social Customs in Canada
3 N: [& r5 q1 N/ g5 ]6 z  ~•        Maintaining Employment
3 k# z2 \4 P* o! i( M, `  c7 m: s•        Idioms / Challenges / Coping with Change
& M' n0 _: t2 k1 N: X" u) }
! s' d9 v! n% M* j! _) b" C  _Date: Tues. July 28, 2015   
, L* g0 }7 c7 y+ H; i+ y3 _( {" a" c4 [Time: 1:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m.0 Z$ T0 s: A1 E$ B3 I/ c
4 ]6 K4 K' I1 t8 R9 ^4 [/ ~
  v  ^5 W- O* C
Interview Preparation Strategy
! ~) @3 B9 J2 V% L•        Getting  ready for an interview" @. k+ v% h: A  J
•        Verbal and non-verbal communication
9 ^$ \3 S- V* `" h# z3 N& L•        During the interview / After the Interview  A' I! e& \# D3 J& D, L& D: Y# K- ]
, [3 j* \7 \  t, K8 k9 Y% p0 \
Date: Wed. July 29, 2015
$ n! `0 z* A2 g! {: q5 CTime: 1:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.       
2 s: g/ z% A. v- l1 k
+ U( s2 }1 j0 \; U: G1 e% q
- g; n1 a) F$ x. W! Q4 M, cJob & Career Fair Preparation
& |  e* w& Z+ j& ~- q2 u) q•        How to find Job Fairs / Career Fairs
  L! Z& ]! X1 N, x•        What to do at the Job / Career Fair
6 r, h' v0 ?% \' j% q# Z•        After the Job/Career Fair! ^- h! o( g8 {7 T% L# W
4 Z8 k% i: f* ~8 ~  \2 G
Date: Fri. July 31, 2015  
  _/ `; S0 Y4 }# C& N& v6 DTime: 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.  X' T! Q7 s4 w* C

' r3 a0 |. x, ^$ z0 B4 l8 s6 Y“MEET THE EMPLOYERS” –  JOB FAIR9 Y2 Q* B) y/ K% F$ v& [0 ~* k% l
Date: Friday July 31, 2015      
$ _5 h# K* v! }' F7 @Time: 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.- A% K0 \0 s; `1 w9 S. O
" `' J6 {. t, A' r4 g5 a

( @4 }/ \" @: y, F5 U& [& FContact Hazel for more information Hazel.benson@assistcsc.org / 780 429 3119
$ C+ `( L3 A) ]& n  U9 }2 W. `
- }2 P1 T7 H0 i6 p
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