埃德蒙顿华人社区-Edmonton China

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[招聘信息] Live-in Motel Managers (Couple only)

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发表于 2023-6-16 23:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 MATT168 于 2023-6-17 00:18 编辑 9 n* T$ f6 A; v, U1 K9 |

$ a: p- O! Z+ \2 J; E$ J& pWe are currently seeking a responsible couple to fill a unique role as Motel Managers of Rundle Inn & Suites (NW Edmonton), N2 R1 }; @$ h1 _1 W
; Z+ Q7 y/ \) N0 l+ o+ z0 J
% w% O9 S1 A# a# K1) Manage Front Office operations, and oversee operations of the Motel
; Q  A, d: C" y* u
; t1 N0 ~  p$ H! q2) High degree of attention to detail and professionalism  Y1 P  C- ~' F4 `, D$ N$ s. A
7 j6 U3 Q( x" Q0 t" W7 O4 N
3) Demonstrated commitment to finding new and better ways of working by applying learning, feedback and experience( F3 M: ~" x6 r7 D" T# f
8 b" M6 x/ U" _. o* q+ D+ R' U
4) Results oriented with the ability to be flexible* B4 f2 Q: _4 }2 s
; b4 m% Z8 s# j6 d, [+ c* Z
5) Energetic, enthusiastic and self-motivated and prepared to exceed our guest and employee expectations
/ R' i: S1 x& Y7 d  D8 _
, K- g" ^9 F! ^$ k& H/ M1 _6) Knowledge of Microsoft excel/ word8 a$ `# H/ u+ f- c
7 g) V8 Q( H- p) d6 }, t
7) Conduct DAILY room inspections for cleanliness and maintenance: P- C* ~/ o1 w- z1 D
: a9 V# O1 L) d; j0 x) C
8) English communication skills
( w$ |$ G$ E. y- |" c& E4 L6 e: f$ q& t2 w5 \8 t1 _1 E# k
9) General know how of plumbing, electric, heating.  j2 V/ X& b+ K1 ^) h
/ S! H9 q% N- D  W) G
10) Acts as a representative for the Hotel with our key business partners, developing new partnerships and maintaining relationships for best business outcomes and community relations
) k3 G5 l3 f, w
' a* R' B* {( Y- R/ h1 X7 u11) Ability to work under high pressure and meet deadlines
$ e% W0 q1 ?- m. h6 h$ I5 f3 |/ U: ?$ g1 h1 o
Criminal background checks and reference list are required# C" c+ g; _9 J  T" z& A" s- p. t

& E  i5 w% u8 n: ^' dJob Type: Permanent
  G. t+ A! ]9 E9 Y( A8 {! R* K! l" N+ y9 C( q0 `3 w+ h
Compensation:' F$ `) d9 f: a$ Z# }) G7 G) L
Salary: $60,000.00 Per year plus performance-based bonuses." S, Z/ G7 \. ?0 u% A
Free accommodation with paid utilities.4 P) @& Z: M3 T7 w  |0 ?
Email: rundleinnsuites@gmail.com
. U$ J% r/ l  j0 hPhone: 780-444-7946
- @) S5 P6 S0 w
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