埃德蒙顿华人社区-Edmonton China

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鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2007-4-27 09:37 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Volunteer needed to teach Cantonese or language exchange
6 Q4 P8 t1 Z, n* z
7 w5 g4 U8 q2 a' l8 l- J! e# t5 i7 N& `9 Q2 z: \1 q( K$ B
1 s* E/ r8 }4 ~! ~+ S
Hi, everyone:5 s. S" K' @9 y' g+ I

: Q: b9 W4 I3 ]Sorry for trouble. I want to learn Cantonese very much not only because it has many beautiful songs but also because it is an important language in Canada.  However, I can’t go to SVCC to learn Cantonese because I am a mardarin teacher there and the mardarin and Cantonese are taught at the same time, so I can’t attend the Cantonese class and teach at the same time. & C) w+ \6 k/ _. g# D

  m" @$ M* D) d% r  p1 `So I am looking for volunteer kindly teaching  me Cantonese or language exchange(I speak mardarin). Anyone who could do me the favor or have any information about that please kindly reply to my email.' P# Y% G+ X; J0 d8 w
' Z! h8 ]6 |; u! W$ D7 ~
Thank you very much
. Z6 U% P* }% b' h* W  e* r& N
; a. k; s/ N8 v) i8 {  mChonggang Zhang
, z4 }5 [: ~: z. u
9 ?6 i+ p* W5 o8 J! K$ i' ]9 r" w
9 Q' j/ S, w" A- n7 z2 R2 l/ H4 ?想拜一个volunteer作老师学习粤语或者进行语言交换:2 V- X# ~( x& f
大家好:7 C8 z  g  Q/ w% c# y
抱歉打扰。我是U of A的一个学生。我对粤语非常感兴趣,因为很多粤语歌很好听并且是加拿大必需的语言之一,因此我非常想学习粤语。U of A 本来也有一个志愿者语言学校教粤语,但是每周只上一次课,练习的机会很少;并且,我在这个语言学校中教普通话,而普通话和粤语课是同时上的,所以我没有办法同时既教又学。
$ V% s3 p$ ]$ R; n0 `6 N; A因此我想找一个volunteer老师来学习粤语(我一定会很虚心努力的学习),或者有谁愿意完善自己普通话发音的可以跟我进行语言交换,相互学习(本人粗通大陆历史)。
7 s' H) _. c. X; V5 T$ z7 t希望有好心人能帮我这个忙,感激不尽!* p  ]7 k* b1 w$ c
我的联系方式:xiaodou_112255@hotmail.com , 2 a  |" O7 ~/ V  m" r2 p' l* |; a
492-0112 (我的办公室电话)
9 P% @! ?1 W( u0 S. v(中午12点到1点吃饭的时候在,其余时间在实验室干活)! k% K; n1 e% l- K" N
找 Henry(办公室人记不住我的中文名字,晕)
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2007-5-6 20:05 | 显示全部楼层
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