埃德蒙顿华人社区-Edmonton China

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鲜花(1) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2007-5-17 19:53 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
$ A5 L6 l% l. y; Z$ f% J11* K" i' S% Z# v4 L/ ^* j

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http://www.gov.ab.ca/acn/200705/ ... 615DA660A42F46.html
9 @! R6 n% X0 b3 q0 O0 e1 ?
0 X9 j/ x" t. {/ r% B1 gEnjoy free admission to Alberta's historic sites and museums - May 18
) p$ I% |0 b" v3 q  m( h: h
! U8 T  b+ t* l; _! l+ OEdmonton... In celebration of International Museum Day, many of Alberta's provincially operated historic sites and museums will be offering free general admission on Friday, May 18.
  I! i; n* ^# Z2 e" `( R' P; {9 y  H( V- Q
For the first time ever on International Museum Day, Albertans and visitors, young and old, will be able to visit various sites at no charge and have a great opportunity to learn more about the story of Alberta.% d0 s. J% Q: H, Q; _. B

/ R4 ^$ l1 L" D2 N& KOn May 18, Albertans can enjoy free access to 15 provincially owned historic sites and museums including:
/ N. Y7 l  ^' V: V4 d# ?3 `+ ]8 U2 p3 z2 u# w# `
Royal Alberta Museum
- k3 g6 U3 ]' @& {1 V8 G6 W# VFather Lacombe Chapel
; _( b0 w" h2 w
9 {- Q" U8 Z4 V4 Z$ g# dRoyal Tyrrell Museum
# d' _) Q( o7 E9 j& K+ s5 THead-Smashed-In Buffalo Jump
$ w. J$ b: P+ j8 G' e/ o& h0 N: q$ B4 q$ _& ^2 P( A
Oil Sands Discovery Centre* h4 P% z9 U  F1 u
Reynolds-Alberta Museum8 p  E1 Z( ~( D- C' L

6 j2 M8 j+ k& {+ [3 t; kHistoric Dunvegan# d' v1 Y, N& q! G3 i
Frank Slide Interpretive Centre
* k% X3 n2 D9 X4 h
, ?, u; I5 [; yRutherford House
2 I# s- V  n" @$ x; _Remington Carriage Museum
8 P' `" H  R% D0 q/ u  u
0 [- @+ ~, S. \+ c$ PStephansson House
1 ~  h; H& }: H: E0 SBrooks Aqueduct" C7 W5 C6 L3 ]3 U/ b+ y% ~0 X

0 H. y) Z9 V0 q1 J+ F; tVictoria Settlement  @. m9 N, g1 j
Leitch Collieries7 q; |2 j7 \9 T+ X# D
8 i/ [8 }- d9 l2 t
Fort George and Buckingham House: ?/ `# s* P' k8 x! z4 f, M  {
   * M' S, f9 _9 f* K1 z" @
/ x! U7 O  Q& d3 a# q! Y0 I
International Museum Day has been celebrated around the world since 1977 to raise awareness of the value of museums.  This year's theme, Museums and Universal Heritage, recognizes the role of museums in preserving and promoting our natural and cultural heritage.    1 x( w; R) ^3 l( L* U
8 U# ]; t. A: n* ?
For more information about International Museum Day at Alberta's historic sites and museums, visit www.tprc.gov.ab.ca and go to the museums and historic sites page or contact the participating facilities.
! e" V) g; h: ~! }) Y: W$ {+ r' N* h
, d4 A4 c/ w- t/ M8 z. Q$ L$ N- 30 -4 N- b/ Q( C6 O. U1 R7 L

, g' H; G8 P" {7 nMedia enquiries may be directed to:
: h1 |2 @  l. g# [1 \- k  j7 e/ T) Z0 Z* r/ @& F! t3 P* `8 @. F
Dan Huang, Communications
- v' v9 d8 o' i4 k; n0 C' HAlberta Tourism, Parks, Recreation and Culture
8 X8 V. g! \% }# l(780) 427-6530
$ q5 E  W) P8 V: ^# \$ H
' z) h8 Y7 o1 Y, z1 ETo call toll-free within Alberta dial 310-0000.
鲜花(53) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2007-5-17 20:47 | 显示全部楼层
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