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Which eggs are better for babies?

鲜花(17) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2007-5-30 13:41 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Omega 3 or eggs from farms? 8 _# ^$ O' Z' j' `. f  S) s
Inviting all experienced moms discuss.
鲜花(17) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2007-5-31 07:58 | 显示全部楼层
没人关心??? 失望。
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鲜花(634) 鸡蛋(5)
发表于 2007-5-31 08:48 | 显示全部楼层
Designer eggs: Best way to get your omega-3 fatty acids?6 k  O( T; m) ^" F2 |2 W
. y6 C. o+ a+ d2 L, H
8 {( R+ \8 M) I

( k' w1 ?2 ^( F6 TLabel check Gold Circle Farms Cage Free’s DHA claims are accurate, but it’s a steep price to pay for a little fortification.+ L$ |' k7 a2 n" P- D
# z3 q2 \; e5 t! B+ o$ f( d6 R

* M5 G& |6 X  U/ a8 P ) |2 T8 Y9 ^; C: e
) v" v' D  x7 y. D5 M
“Vital for a healthy heart” and “particularly important for a healthy pregnancy” are among the marketing claims made by Gold Circle Farms Cage Free fortified eggs. Magazine ads and the labels on the widely available product, one of the specialty egg brands on the market, claim the eggs deliver 150 milligrams of docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), an important omega-3 fatty acid, plus extra vitamin E.
2 g  k# a% p# q7 h) x) G/ i5 d: G( @2 k; }# G* G3 M( w! O
Do these eggs supply the right types and amounts of omega-3 fatty acids? Are they worth almost twice the price of conventional eggs? 9 u3 ~. A9 B- E) X
2 j! a! y) }; k0 [- \7 E7 N0 j" J
We tested the amounts of DHA and vitamin E in three lots each of large conventional and Gold Circle Farms Cage Free eggs. The amounts of nutrients were similar to those claimed. The company gives its hens special feed containing vitamin E and marine algae, which is naturally high in DHA. The nutrients are absorbed by the egg yolks.
4 J) E7 G7 ]: U5 b" k
" h* \" b8 l8 [! I  A/ u, {3 \Longer pregnancy. DHA “may increase birth weight and promote full-term birth,” the company claims. It cited a clinical trial, published in the March 2003 medical journal Obstetrics & Gynecology, that followed 291 women from their third trimester of pregnancy until delivery. One group ate about seven Gold Circle Farms’ DHA eggs a week and the other group ate about seven ordinary eggs. 6 Y6 J0 W' D( K: {
1 A* p" q# S; O- K
Those who consumed high-DHA eggs had a six-day longer pregnancy, on average, than those who ate regular eggs. The researchers theorize that DHA may affect levels of prostaglandin, a hormone-like substance required for labor and delivery. 3 Y: l2 U" d1 v2 U  i

% i* e6 J. Y5 r* K& @5 @1 \Experts we consulted say that the findings seem to support the advertised claim, but one questions their significance. “What’s the benefit of six days if you’re already at term?” asks Laura Riley, M.D., maternal-fetal medicine specialist at Massachusetts General Hospital and chairwoman of the obstetrics practice committee of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. The group has not found evidence compelling enough to recommend omega-3 fatty acids during pregnancy, even for women with a history of premature deliveries.
7 }$ x" f3 B! G8 B! I( F2 c! [  N( u) a- j
Healthier heart. A combination of two omega-3 fatty acids, DHA and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), is recommended by the American Heart Association for healthy people and those with, or at high risk of, cardiovascular disease. That’s the combination supported by a January 2000 review article published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, which was among those that Hidden Villa Ranch, Golden Circle Farms’ parent company, submitted to support its claim that “DHA is vital for a healthy heart.” . |% {3 f9 a9 b7 s  O" ]

, ~# m/ [1 X6 R: P) Q/ cGold Circle Farms’ high-DHA eggs do not have EPA. Moreover, you’d have to eat more than a dozen of these eggs a week to get the amount of DHA usually found in two 3-ounce servings of farmed Atlantic salmon (about 2.2 grams). & `* ?: o" w( \+ R6 p/ K9 w
( b1 o" b0 G! N0 E  Z
Fish is the only food that directly supplies large amounts of DHA and EPA. To reduce the risk of heart disease, the heart association recommends eating a variety of fatty fish, such as salmon, at least twice a week, or taking fish oil pills. ( r( M# N, F( p5 `1 m7 R' u

# ^* H" l9 z3 _  L  YBecause certain types of fish, such as shark and swordfish, can be contaminated with mercury, women who may become pregnant, pregnant and nursing women, and young children should eat only low-mercury seafood, such as shrimp and tilapia (see our July 2004 report on fish safety). Women can also consider supplements. Our 2003 tests of fish oil pills (see our July 2003 fish oil pills report) found no significant mercury, PCB, or dioxin contamination or quality problems, so we recommend buying by price.
5 X9 l4 L9 y+ f+ P; X8 i# ~( T3 O8 B
Choose a variety of sources. Besides fish and fish oil pills, you can get both DHA and EPA indirectly from vegetable oils rich in a third omega-3 fatty acid, alpha-linolenic acid, which the body converts to EPA and DHA. Flaxseed oil contains the most alpha-linolenic acid; canola, olive, soybean, and walnut oil contain moderate amounts.   g8 [' O% \( L9 V/ t# p: `

7 u) ]  n, X* m: n  u* LIf your goal is more omega-3 fatty acids, fish oil pills are much cheaper than Gold Circle Farms’ Cage Free DHA eggs. William Connor, M.D., a professor of clinical nutrition at Oregon Health & Science University in Portland and an expert on omega-3 fatty acids, says there is no proven advantage to getting DHA from eggs rather than pills.
" s7 Z- I6 Y0 f# I$ s; V$ @' }% J! P7 y" P

' }4 R) K( _3 p6 S
- S6 N0 _) d  x8 ~% R7 h' L4 ?7 @7 DWhat’s in the Yolks2 i: m; z% A) B* Z& p9 w
$ _% v  F" Q3 Y% x8 u; ^
( s( R) [  i' _9 `+ y5 I
Large eggs; k, l! f) Z+ t; m6 w. H
Per egg
9 H7 q0 ^$ E$ ~+ K * q2 t+ y. p: N$ d

' i1 V! f; u; f- N5 p1 C. [ " z$ T3 e" y+ ~/ x: Z3 ]
. p" w5 Z; o2 w: v/ w
: i- m. S8 e' `
2 @5 W* g) w1 _3 Z( C0 {1 p& b

: `% z/ q# i* k# ~+ G9 F$ t# k
; f: K# G) F# l+ ^2 g) y  G) T ) \  V9 a8 M( z: {: Z- H. X
1 s+ n1 A5 {7 T" }( C; g

; B# @2 ~/ T' c) l" g3 U1 x8 c* E5 |
7 p9 ^* f9 v8 u( `5 ^
Gold Circle Farms' DHA Omega-3 Cage Free% B, F0 r; B, h* Y/ B- h
33¢ 140 8.0 6 1.5
2 P, p9 W$ l$ e* j( ?- W: aRegular6 y. L8 V; L& J( i% c6 W) }% P
19 20 0.5 5 1.5 / Y- Z# |6 R+ W2 X, i3 T( g
Minor differences from product label are not meaningful.2 T1 k9 y. x1 S4 R5 E5 c
Based on average retail price paid in New York.
# K0 I! \8 R0 W Daily value: vitamin E 30 IU; fat 65 g; saturated fat 20 g per3 k) C5 m0 b; g5 H
2,000-calorie diet.
鲜花(17) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2007-6-1 14:06 | 显示全部楼层
老杨团队 追求完美
本来要翻一下, 太长了。
1 }( p+ v# ~% T4 `& D+ t7 [" b) `1 @4 _2 R; m
把读后感总结一下:Omega-3鸡蛋没有什么特殊的。除了价钱。完毕。& c7 e! R- o9 I5 c
9 v  g* j# |" X
鲜花(21) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2007-6-1 16:31 | 显示全部楼层
* A+ k: h4 d1 g3 d5 Z3 J5 I  Z. [" E% p! t' L4 z
总感觉Omega-3鸡蛋 就象过去化妆品讲抗“自由基”, 就是个噱头。
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