埃德蒙顿华人社区-Edmonton China

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鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2005-1-7 19:18 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
中西合璧  开拓未来
; \  G6 F  r1 @3 ^, v% ?. H5 R. W  Y- m, I9 U0 e- s" C
9 C. a7 K2 B) N" Q. d' S9 ~! ?/ O6 o' W6 R5 M! q0 a
Give your child a world of opportunity
% E. d2 r# f) z) y4 Q2 i7 _( u

. H, n1 t7 d- B2 N0 uEnrol in Meyonohk School’s Chinese-English Bilingual Program9 R9 {! g1 L- Y3 f% @5 d

5 R' k6 t' S5 ]5 o& k& @. p$ N7 Q  WLearning Mandarin Chinese opens a whole new world for your children.  With two languages they will discover more literature, more people and more than one culture.
+ Y6 E, o' M4 W! I7 v
4 i9 v6 B- j% E$ L0 sMeyonohk School is the designated south side public school district site for the Chinese-English Bilingual Program.
  |+ v6 E% W0 ?9 O
# w- t3 J; F- wWe offer a range of opportunities for students including;
8 h2 w% p; L, a1 V/ m" X0 V! s•        Chinese (Mandarin) Bilingual K-6 programming
) W) b' ^: t5 I1 V; y•        Regular K-6 programming& C, C% N/ z3 o: h0 L5 O. f  z8 q1 j
•        Character education program for all students4 L" c) ?8 \9 }+ Y
•        Strong physical education program for all students" W$ \! Q3 n$ ]% y2 g
•        Orff based music instruction for all students6 S. F& z3 s% X, S
•        Wide range of extra-curricular activities such as intramurals, school choir, and cultural celebrations0 b+ ^5 [8 K9 a
. w8 {( h' u+ m+ A5 T
We also feature the following after school services:( _/ Z$ a$ S% @( C
•        Art lessons5 p8 G3 q( O8 s/ t3 v& E
•        Before and after school child care# w5 H2 {# ~6 _
•        Full-day pre-school Chinese-English bilingual daycare
6 v. V9 e! M; b1 E; z) ~4 M' ?: ?
  ?9 F8 [+ J" B; H. b) jStudents in the Chinese-English Bilingual Program study Alberta Curriculum in both English and Mandarin and by Grade, students are able to read and write in both languages.  No prior knowledge of Mandarin is required, and the program is open to all students registered in the district.  This program offers:) C. I' U  _# t5 h7 a0 ~6 Y
•        Subsidized bussing from most south side neighborhoods
. W  k: S9 p. t% r; n•        One of the city’s largest Chinese language libraries8 z* h) k3 @# L
•        Computer instruction using Chinese Windows
4 W( C: M6 b% L5 q1 G* z8 p7 a0 h•        More than 23 years of history with Edmonton Public Schools
+ l+ B/ g( L) n( A# Q6 N•        Over 70% of our student population is enrolled in the Chinese-English Bilingual Program# q# B0 z- G& z/ v$ _7 w2 W
* V1 I* ^- e; a: P7 @' X
Most parents of our Chinese-English Bilingual Program students do not speak Mandarin, creating an opportunity for parents and child to learn together.2 u) }6 K  U1 ]- B* y4 \, a/ U% v5 v

1 R4 x& P. _5 |: H: g) ]$ COur Super Academic Achievement Results( W( ]# ^( X( T

$ ]- z5 A% N( r' b8 dWe take great pride in our school’s achievement results.  All our Chinese-English Bilingual Program students have met and surpassed Provincial expectations.5 {; Y$ T$ ?! K
5 t: J6 D7 m; j3 ]5 I3 b
Meyonohk School  , {, i5 @- x. Q; d/ T- i7 ~: a
1850 Lakewood Road South T6K 3Y5 4 f/ j/ L' Z/ a0 S/ e
Phone: (780) 463-7627
% u7 ]( }/ c$ L, H3 N' q# LFax: (780) 450-3669
  K6 G9 U% T0 e& E- J1 P- wEmail: meyonohk@epsb.ca
- k4 l: }: [- [$ W( [5 S2 {2 ~; I" k6 F  c
3 ^2 c9 b5 @& l5 d7 I- k& G
9 I+ u' @+ W# ?) r! a
- n7 _$ z9 x+ c0 ]; t7 }; }+ m' R! t& I' q2 }; S9 B. G* Q( k& G
[ Last edited by victorw on 2005-1-14 at 10:24 AM ]
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2005-1-7 19:21 | 显示全部楼层
The English-Chinese Bilingual Program is provincially approved by Alberta Learning and is offered by the Edmonton Public School Board.  Students in this program study the provincially approved curriculum like students in an English-core program, except that instructional time compromises as close to 50% in Chinese as possible.
$ D9 _/ F( H) b4 J0 \1 Y  K, t% Z" F4 w' X
The development of social, physical, intellectual, and language skills are primary objectives in kindergarten.
7 ~! I3 R) |9 Z
! V/ u; u% n, K# m( IAt the elementary level (Grades 1 to 6), the subjects taught in English are: English Language Arts, Science, and Social Studies.  Subjects taught in Chinese are: Chinese Language Arts, Mathematics, Art, Health, and Physical Education.  Music may be taught in both languages.
+ ?  |( p: q* I# `9 {6 a) O5 Y
' l7 N* ~9 E  b3 |2 cChinese Language Arts is an optional course at the Junior High (Grades 7 to 9) and Senior High (Grades 10 to 12) levels designed to improve listening, speaking,  reading, and writing skills in Chinese with emphasis on conversational skills.  Studies include a variety of short stories, novels, plays, and poetry.  Art and cultural activities are also included.  Computer skills in Chinese word processing are practiced when possible.  Chinese Language Arts carries the same credits as other optional courses.6 P1 z+ G; z1 J* r
' u) d5 T2 i- \9 ~/ \, r. {6 B
Chinese Language Arts at the Senior High level meet the subsidiary level language requirements of the International Baccalaureate (I.B.) Program of studies.  Students who wish to write the I.B. Exam in Grade 12 will have that option.  This course may also be taken as an option for credit towards a High School Diploma and may be accepted for entrance requirements for post-secondary institutions.
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2005-1-7 19:23 | 显示全部楼层
爱城公立教育局中英双语学制* F0 f) m" \) J
5 ?5 Q+ {7 |! h6 \1 w6 a9 R
) v6 w0 {- B# b3 S* O6 E7 b- G( E• 所有学生都可以就读爱城公立教育局中英双语学制学校, 不需要具备任何有关中文的知识
( X, N; ?' H8 K, h2 C: t9 L! d/ M• 爱城公立教育局中英双语学制的教学强调不同文化的融会,接受和了解8 h4 A! s$ ^$ H
• 参加亚省全省学业水平统一考试,爱城公立教育局中英双语学制的学生成绩一直名列前茅4 x7 a5 P/ h4 x' B) }% n# c/ R# a

0 S, _9 @0 i0 R7 z; X爱城公立教育局中英双语学制的学生在英文及其他学科取得超卓成就的同时,也可以# M7 m, W$ g& M( [" i6 }2 {5 {
• 学习阅读,书写和讲说在世界上有四分之一人口操说的中国语言
7 D! d! [, L6 _( V5 a# Y; Y• 学习有关中国的文学,习俗和传统
0 j( ]( m$ A9 Y• 提高在加拿大和海外的就业机会" F( s2 j7 c2 K  J+ F) r
. Z2 m% b  g/ j$ x, u' c( W
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2005-1-7 19:25 | 显示全部楼层
老杨团队 追求完美
The Chinese-English Bilingual program in the Edmonton Public Schools! z' b3 u+ f. B" e# `% c

  @1 g0 L) S$ {2 j3 G* u3 ]The Chinese-English Bilingual program in the Edmonton Public Schools  s1 e) e# K: T# C3 `
• is open to all students; no prior knowledge of the language is necessary5 C' \& d2 |% N0 p/ T' W+ ^- ]
• emphasizes integration, acceptance and understanding
# B4 J& g! W  d! ]5 n• has students who consistently score above average on the grades 3, 6, and 9 Provincial Achievement Tests/ n/ t  @% t  c

; c* A2 J  {( S, G+ ]9 zStudents, in the Chinese-English Bilingual program in the Edmonton Public Schools, can excel academically and
' N0 m7 k( c9 G8 z) I• learn to read, write and speak a language common to one quarter of the earth’s population! j6 N! A# ]9 C, c# u6 U0 ]
• learn about Chinese literature, customs and traditions
; }( u, V0 e6 z& [2 Z7 Z6 E• enhance employment opportunities at home and abroad
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2005-1-7 19:28 | 显示全部楼层
The English-Chinese Bilingual program in the Edmonton Public Schools is a strong academic program.
$ R( n9 a( G% v) p+ |/ Y6 jVW
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2005-1-7 19:58 | 显示全部楼层


请问你们学校的校车能通到MacEwan West吗?另外上学和放学的时间是几点?听说MORNING STAR 在你们学校设有OUT OF SCHOOL PROGRAM,您能介绍一下这个PROGRAM的特点及费用吗?最后想知道今年9月份的GRADE ONE何时可以注册?多谢.
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2005-1-7 20:04 | 显示全部楼层
Originally posted by 呼吸 at 2005-1-7 19:58:
) E0 H  X  q% A( @- p3 {5 n2 {$ r请问你们学校的校车能通到MacEwan West吗?另外上学和放学的时间是几点?听说MORNING STAR 在你们学校设有OUT OF SCHOOL PROGRAM,您能介绍一下这个PROGRAM的特点及费用吗?最后想知道今年9月份的GRADE ONE何时可以注 ...

# H3 X( ~5 A# }, V" i( K' o, `4 z0 ~3 R& m  J! t( `7 [9 y0 E
. X* M; B0 g1 K% Z5 S( z
, H; y) N2 G  D4 A2 g. a4 e: g8 IMeyonohk School  4 C; O- C# r  U. u% U( a& Z: o
1850 Lakewood Road South T6K 3Y5 3 e( Y; ?1 S* P8 k  R' e& X  Z3 q
Phone: (780) 463-7627
, I. c8 d- O$ z$ e0 RFax: (780) 450-3669
) B) {+ R$ c, {& E: W; SEmail: meyonohk@epsb.ca
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2005-1-7 22:44 | 显示全部楼层
' N# a* n& j0 q* x8 [$ R( ^  C, R把握明天
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2005-1-8 10:55 | 显示全部楼层
住南边的小学生可考虑梅约纳小学.那里教学质量很高,CBC电视台今年曾向全加报导梅约那小学.   n' p1 c: L' y3 d
  T/ ^' @! C& \# d6 M; }2 ?+ J# v7 ]
著名的神童Harris Wang就在该校双语就读四年级.他出生北美.六岁时就出了CD.今年爱城百年大型庆祝纪念活动由他做开场荣誉主席.父母来自大陆.爸爸是亚省大学教授.妈妈在接受CBC电视采访时一再感谢爱城中英双语给Harris提供了在正规学校学习中文的机会,她讲他们在东部时只能送孩子上周末中文学校.而正规的学制,正规的师资,正规的管理才是系统培养孩子成为双语人才的有效途径.所以他们一来到爱城,便决定把孩子送进南区梅约那中英双语小学.她感到爱城的孩子真的很幸运.
& Z: q* m6 F  i5 H4 W7 t- N& f, r# |6 }
爱城的中英双语学制从幼儿园到十二年级一条龙.爱城有大约两千多名学生就读双语. "多伦多星报"(Toronto Star)今年九月二十九日发表文章"双语教室", 文章指出: 虽然爱城没有多伦多, 温哥华或蒙特利尔那么多元,但就第二语言教育而言,无疑走在加拿大最前列, 爱城的中英双语学制,更是加拿大此类学校涉及面最大,影响最广泛的实践."
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2005-1-12 10:14 | 显示全部楼层
梅约纳(Meyonohk School)中英双语高年级学生会参加今年世界华人小学生作文大赛,学生们正在认真准备,争取得到好成绩,为加拿大华人争光!!6 f8 _) B$ N* W0 A
5 p8 O- {9 r4 e, x) R0 E
VW+ w  I) l/ c. }7 B

- T8 S3 P0 z2 O6 h' v& Y7 {$ v" Q) T: k/ n) |6 a! O
( x) p9 K; w- `/ o; D海外征文启事
9 V5 ~0 G) B$ I! T, m* Q1 `3 h2 W/ ?- M( B* f6 K* z
  由《快乐作文》杂志社(原《21世纪小学生作文》杂志社)发起,与中国侨联、全国台联、人民日报海外版、中国国际广播电台、中央电视台共同主办,河北省侨联协办的“第六届世界华人小学生作文大赛”,于2004年11月1日开始征稿。本届大赛旨在促进海外华文教育和海内外文化交流,加强海内外中华儿女在学习、生活方面的交流与沟通,增进友谊,促进团结,活跃小学生课外学习生活,弘扬中华文化,展示华人小学生的精神风貌。有关事宜说明如下:8 ]8 _, S3 V7 T0 e* C, D8 I: ]
6 _. k$ e+ j8 z# ]) G2 K) q( C  海外各国中小学或中文学校华侨华人在校学生,年龄一般不超过15岁。
/ {; X8 x# h+ E  二、内容要求0 P! C" z1 [6 ]0 f6 ~# b+ C4 B
  本次大赛主题为:快乐学习,快乐生活。题材不限,体裁不限。用中文写作,题目自拟。# C" v! ^! a7 [4 L5 B& R
提倡写自己身边的人,写自己身边的事,写自己感兴趣的事;提倡说真话、抒真情,自由表达;提倡关爱自我,关爱社会,关爱世界,关爱自然,关注未来,充分展示自己丰富的观察力、想象力和创造力。3 f/ e# X( T2 c) a: ?% e
: z' F3 o( |& i. u1 l  参赛作文一律用稿纸誊写或用电脑打印,要求工整、规范。提倡写短文,一般不超过600字。  ~! q! \8 ^7 [' L& s: `
; l8 {$ M+ k# C2 M  1.图画作文:采用图画(漫画、卡通、摄影等)与文字相配合的形式来表达。
3 z! ^) d+ ^( X$ F  h  2.作文DV:有条件的同学,可将作文拍摄成DV录像,配上作文解说和文字(可配背景音乐),与作文同寄(DV制式不限,请在包装上注明学校和作者及DV制式)。获奖作品将在中国中央电视台少儿节目中播出。- l0 J. f+ N4 J5 H7 j9 s# `* T3 A
  四、参赛办法1 }) R3 V) G- B0 w* i# E
' a* \7 m" X" C  五、截稿日期:5 V% L1 w4 n! Q/ }/ K) i. c
9 O, x1 ]+ n- E' o9 l( @# p+ u1 J: {  六、奖励办法
+ j  D' S) {. |; Q" ?) Y  本届大赛设特等奖10名,一等奖300名,二等奖500名,三等奖1000名,并设组织奖(奖励组织参赛单位)100个。对所有获奖学生及辅导教师,均颁发荣誉证书,原文未注明辅导教师的,不再给教师补发证书。对特等奖获奖者颁发奖牌和证书。部分获奖作文将在《快乐作文》杂志及其他主办单位媒体上陆续发表,特等奖及其他部分作品将结集出版《第六届世界华人小学生作文大赛获奖作文选》,向国内外发行。另外,组委会将邀请部分获奖代表参加大赛主办单位举办的电视颁奖会、“东方儿童话天下”论坛(其内容在中国中央电视台“东方儿童”节目播出)及夏令营等活动。* n" j8 F1 l9 r' U) e
  七、几点说明  K  Y5 y2 @1 c9 G6 J. x# c- G; X
1 ]2 n4 d) b! v4 _. X  2.投稿地址:河北省石家庄市友谊北大街330号《快乐作文》杂志社 大赛组委会 邮编:050061 请在信封右上角和来稿上注明“作文大赛稿”字样,也可通过国际互联网投寄稿件,E--Mail:cespc@heinfo.net。联系电话:86311—7736236 7790874! `! A5 R' T, f, d. ^+ E
  3.参赛作文不得抄袭,如发现抄袭现象,将取消参赛资格。如在评奖后发现,将取消荣誉证书,向作者所在学校通报或在报刊上公开批评。3 U) }, S( J/ \/ r9 M- f/ t2 _
  4.参赛者须在作文标题下用正楷书写本人姓名、年龄、辅导教师及所在国、省(州)、市(县)、学校、班级,以及详细通信地址和家庭电话、电子信箱(有国内联系地址的请另注明)。( X# }3 U/ I1 y
2 `9 y8 ]% }1 o+ |- y! s  6.了解本活动和国内外媒体的相关报道,可通过互联网检索“世界华人小学生作文大赛”,或登陆《快乐作文》杂志社(www.klzw.net)等主办单位网站。; }! _! P' ^* q1 `; m- q* u5 Q

3 L, p$ X: S% W/ C) F  D' o  p; n3 S7 z6 \! V# u
                                  世界华人小学生作文大赛组委会. ^# b4 F4 E$ C. L9 W
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2005-1-12 18:05 | 显示全部楼层
For requirements for Teacher Certification in Alberta, please contact Alberta Education's Teacher Development and Certification (427-7219).
/ G- b7 B( S4 X3 j2 D5 ^: }7 N/ i! `5 A1 {
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2005-1-13 20:50 | 显示全部楼层
去年年底,北京市教育局的三位领导来我校参观。 他们说我校双语学生的汉语口头表达能力很强,发音标准,普通话比中国的南方人讲得好。  我们校长听了这些话很高兴, 买来巧克力送给老师。
% W# d* n, b1 b' {+ {0 r
4 N( k8 i( T- }0 s  U+ Qvw
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2005-1-13 23:01 | 显示全部楼层
同言同羽 置业良晨
The Rationale for Learning the Chinese Language (Mandarin) in the Province of Alberta
) q' h& F4 [9 b. T$ @: f$ T2 I* M
  x* a5 z, g7 l3 @( |$ n" y* p& w7 G1 xThe value for Canadian society as a whole of learning the Chinese language is significant and can be summarized as follows: - Y+ f: v# D+ c( R+ O% t) {/ Y  X
        •         increased awareness of and sensitivity to cultural and linguistic diversity ' t, v2 n5 H. J2 l, e. B7 F' T1 O
        •         improved potential in the Canadian and global marketplace and workplace 3 c0 n2 z0 x9 J# Q, v& a$ o. n$ a
        •         enhanced role in the international community. / U2 F5 J/ E5 t% j

' o0 s) e# c- z% {+ V- EApart from the common advantages related to the learning of an international language, the learning of Chinese permits an insight into the rich and varied cultures developed in the Chinese-speaking world and bestows more opportunity to communicate directly with its people.  The learning of Chinese, as any other language, develops awareness of and sensitivity to cultural and linguistic diversity.  In addition to preserving cultural identity, it is also a means of cultural enrichment and is the best means of fostering understanding and respect among peoples and countries. . Q5 f8 H! q) x; I, W6 {5 u% y+ i& b: M

. o5 H* d3 @$ d& K! C7 k+ P% LFurthermore, it gives the opportunity to identify, question and challenge one’s own cultural assumptions, values and perspectives and contribute positively to society. These are benefits that can be gained by all students of Chinese, regardless of their backgrounds or heritage.
! n2 T' K- H7 W8 Q) `2 e# I
8 _% q! }  x+ }5 X. O# eFor those students who already have some knowledge of the Chinese language or a family connection to the culture, learning Chinese offers an opportunity to renew contact with their language and culture.  For some, it may contribute to maintaining and developing literacy. - G; c: M# a3 {8 Z: {

- q8 N8 b$ K8 @$ p4 H) N; jThere is significant evidence to suggest that learning another language contributes to the development of first language skills and enhances cognitive functioning. Learning a second language increases the ability to conceptualize, to think abstractly, and it fosters more cognitive flexibility, greater divergent thinking, creativity and metalinguistic competence.
. f: B, i( G7 p7 Z4 I# M# w) {% w  F9 ]
In today’s global world, the knowledge of a second language and culture in general, and Chinese in particular, is an economic advantage for the individual, providing language skills that enable people to communicate and interact effectively in the global society.
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2005-1-14 21:17 | 显示全部楼层
一些大陆新移民的孩子刚进入加拿大英语小学时, 因英文不好且不了解西方学校文化,经常受到本地同学欺负和蔑视,自信心和自尊心常会受到很大的损害。进入中英双语学制情况会迥然不同,孩子马上可用汉语与同学交流结交新朋友,因校内中国语言文化学习的氛围,他们的文化背景和语言不会受到歧视。 在课程学习上,孩子会用自己的强势语言(汉语)来帮助他们克服自己弱势语言(英文)的障碍,这会使他们在短时间内掌握各学科知识。因双语学生上课听讲,好学上进,成绩优异,这也有利于孩子对英文和西方文化的学习和掌握,帮助孩子早日完成“过渡期”尽早融入本地学生不同的群体。
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2005-1-14 21:20 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2005-2-28 06:40 | 显示全部楼层
Originally posted by victorw at 2005-1-14 09:20 PM:: i6 N, I3 K1 l' t$ T- S

0 K' e& U2 [: f" R1 |; S% s/ v. q5 ~# p! R( u* }
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-10-26 20:33 | 显示全部楼层
同言同羽 置业良晨
鲜花(33) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-1-16 09:53 | 显示全部楼层
我们家千金在那上GRADE K, 班里好象只有她一个讲普通话的孩子(其他的都讲广东话), 总是抱怨没人和她玩. 这种状况要是持续下去, 我真得考虑给她转学了.
7 t( E& Q$ q9 @- X# h- Z5 t" {* Y! J& @3 i! l
[ 本帖最后由 毛蛋 于 2009-1-16 09:59 编辑 ]
鲜花(23) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-1-16 10:26 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 毛蛋 于 2009-1-16 09:53 发表 # b( }: b5 p: B9 R' r7 V* `
我们家千金在那上GRADE K, 班里好象只有她一个讲普通话的孩子(其他的都讲广东话), 总是抱怨没人和她玩. 这种状况要是持续下去, 我真得考虑给她转学了.

: u' p5 M8 z6 p/ h' Q' W; X5 @老師可以讓孩子們在學校盡量講普通話,留著粵語回家去說。
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-1-17 20:15 | 显示全部楼层
% U- J1 F( L% X8 E2 L8 R有没有教简体字和汉语拼音的?
鲜花(1) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-1-19 11:03 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-2-23 15:33 | 显示全部楼层

回复 21楼 的帖子

同言同羽 置业良晨
非也。但简体字是可以写的 -- 楼主,俺没瞎说吧。
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-2-23 15:40 | 显示全部楼层

回复 楼主 的帖子

同言同羽 置业良晨
“Most parents of our Chinese-English Bilingual Program students do not speak Mandarin“; B7 O3 ^$ |0 T$ w9 `" H
= Most parents who speak Mandarin do not send their kids to the Chinese-English Bilingual Program?
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