埃德蒙顿华人社区-Edmonton China

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After School Care Program

鲜花(13) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-8-12 19:10 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
New Licensed After School Care Program
4 C( F' [! Q( _8 m; m' ]5 `5 s# f9 k- r: Q, U- p9 q
Opening September 3rd
( A% X( U3 c- qAt 344 Reeves Way in Terwilleger Heights, Rhatigan Ridge
2 I1 [- n6 O7 H( `2 k; V+ y2 |2 p& x# |+ |; P& Q7 ~- E6 @5 u% I# i
& k3 |2 {9 `/ W: p/ f4 Y1 E7 g
  J. J4 ^; A& k9 R- K5 W" H, t
Directed and operated by a certified Chinese Language Teacher1 t" ]7 ^1 R8 l
/ D2 }6 d4 O# W* Y
---   There will be adult supervision walking from the schools to the after school care centre,
% G# ]6 m2 U0 }, z! q---   The program is located directly on the community path adjacent to the schools5 K1 @5 T/ \1 R& g) m1 `
----   Children will be met at dismissal times:/ X- f$ _, z' }
St.Mary's Catholic School         3:10/ L4 u5 D5 g1 K# x* Y% w! s7 R9 u

% x; K& ]" U& F* Q0 c4 ^6 cEarl Buxton Elementary School    3:30
9 _" |. z$ C- [$ ^4 \* U  e& v: V* [% ^: X2 w2 A

4 s0 ?, e& U4 ]5 w7 h: N/ i& ~% q! x0 _---   Program will run each day from school dismissal until 5:30" V% ^" D+ ^* N/ [" ?: r: R
---   Children will have a break after school to play.
, V; M# @- e. W& T- v% s) N0 F---   Program will include one hour of Chinese language instruction each day taught by a qualified professional Chinese school teach. Lessons will include listening, speaking, writing and reading. Students will experience Chinese culture and celebrations.
; }& A; U  @. B" P1 B# S8 C
! v2 @8 ^$ n: Z% _' b* r+ T8 k9 G
To register or for more information please call:" y7 q/ P$ ?& L$ p. D8 s* I. l
Wen0 K0 w& p- q1 }# a
: D  I0 ~5 U8 E5 u$ d% A8 P
0 L8 N7 |4 X0 L; M& Q7 J
3 @- w, y; ?% O9 v) h/ A% V
8 p6 X+ m$ I  I* E. l& C
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