二手汽车 老柳教车

埃德蒙顿华人社区-Edmonton China

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鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-11-9 10:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1, 路口有STOP牌,应该距离STOP牌多远?% e3 G2 q% ?) }3 i
2, 路口有“让”牌,应该距离“让”牌多远?0 H$ ]: Q' H3 {# ], d
3, 路口没有STOP和“让”牌,应该距离路口多远,从路口的那个地方开始丈量?3 \, `; i+ J/ W1 c& Y$ H
4, 距离消防栓多远?
, A8 ?% @) \' k5, 距离不是上面所讲路口的小路口(比如两排House或公寓 背后之间小路)多远?
, N% b6 S0 h/ t) y' @& V; f6, “禁止停车”标志禁停方向上,找不到对应的下一个“禁止停车”的标识,那禁停的区域到哪里自动结束?到大路口结束(有交通标志牌,或者有数字或名字的马路),还是到上面“5”所讲的那种小路口就可以结束。
% l- s3 O9 F- ?# g
+ u, {. Y3 ~8 D  h8 Y0 z- w谢谢讨论!
鲜花(77) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-11-9 13:40 | 显示全部楼层
1, 路口有STOP牌,应该距离STOP牌多远? ---- 5 Meters) |& V- R* d9 K

$ P3 V0 r7 J" W" i4 E2 V2 \+ y) A- w5 l; f3 q
2, 路口有“让”牌,应该距离“让”牌多远?---- 5 Meters
3 A9 @; _9 x* q1 O( q' S
1 `% A+ \' M, L( f$ K3, 路口没有STOP和“让”牌,应该距离路口多远,从路口的那个地方开始丈量?---- 5 Meters
  A- l6 m/ W6 J) G' W5 X* x: M, E, ~9 r- N. D+ ~
4, 距离消防栓多远?---- 10 Meters  O9 p8 _4 W- V% a( N" Z# C! o
7 E! K& S. ?. z7 h- F6 k3 Z
5, 距离不是上面所讲路口的小路口(比如两排House或公寓 背后之间小路)多远?---- 5 Meters
- a( J; }7 L+ f1 B( G$ T' N! O3 I  L/ i! z
6, “禁止停车”标志禁停方向上,找不到对应的下一个“禁止停车”的标识,那禁停的区域到哪里自动结束?到大路口结束(有交通标志牌,或者有数字或名字的马路),还是到上面“5”所讲的那种小路口就可以结束。 ---- No Parking
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-11-9 14:13 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-11-9 15:39 | 显示全部楼层
老杨团队 追求完美
问题1~5在手册里都有详细说明。停车位置不是以停牌或让牌为参照,而是根据路口、斑马线或stop line的位置来确定。问题6很好,我也想知道。
鲜花(48) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-11-9 18:06 | 显示全部楼层
先明确停车是STOP还是PARKING? 两个概念完全不同.
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2008-11-9 21:10 | 显示全部楼层
本问题所讲的“停车”= “Parking”/ o0 `& w: G1 Y6 x" Y
1 t1 a. m; L% M9 M( N9 x+ S; @
鲜花(17) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-11-9 22:01 | 显示全部楼层
纠正一个:离消防栓5米。0 j! z0 a1 }- N# C% k2 N3 x- x
下面是driver handbook全部描述; i8 d" C# z' w; p; y
Do not park your vehicle:
% M/ M7 V$ w1 r9 E• on a sidewalk or boulevard7 k; F* E, G' E1 ?5 F1 h
• on a crosswalk or on any part of a crosswalk
. g3 n) M: i: t  m% w# v• within an intersection other than immediately next to the curb in a “T”6 P# o5 w7 y$ e: M7 D( D
  g0 z, ?% u3 f• within 1.5 metres of an access to a garage, private roadway or driveway8 k) Y5 k! {5 `. ~8 p( Y4 @: m3 e
• alongside or opposite any street excavation or obstruction when the' [9 I6 n" n6 G/ ^8 {' P, @7 d
stopping or parking would obstruct traffic# R8 p* c! |  ~9 f3 C
• on any bridge, underpass or their approaches3 l* R) r9 ?3 r1 ^8 K3 w
• at any other place where a traffic control device prohibits stopping or- v: ~8 i9 ^) C6 T; t' l; _
parking, during the times stopping or parking is prohibited' Y7 f  d, R7 Z3 k
• within five metres on the approach to a stop sign or yield sign+ R% F: }# H0 j& M8 r% I3 {
• within five metres of any fire hydrant, or when the hydrant is not located at; V; x5 |" a6 K
the curb, within five metres of the point on the curb nearest the hydrant% s# {3 k: W* k) W( G
• within five metres of the near side of a marked crosswalk7 u& X; E, {) R
• beside other vehicles where you may be double-parked3 q- A+ b) m% i8 `1 j
• at an intersection nearer than five metres to the projection of the corner
' u3 h8 h1 v9 [& W7 {property line immediately ahead or immediately to the rear, except when5 P* N& s# R; |% k( m2 v! d6 i
the driver’s vehicle is parked in a space where a parking meter or other9 k. T5 Q+ b: Y2 t! B4 z7 }/ V
traffic control device indicates parking is permitted5 {" x2 _. B4 H$ G' Q$ ~- k
• at or near the site of any fire, explosion, motor vehicle crash or other  e( N9 ^5 |3 c
incident, if stopping or parking would obstruct traffic or hinder police. s7 _2 b2 a6 e1 C! {
officers, firemen, ambulance drivers or assistants or rescue officers or" F( h, s% @! u9 U
volunteers9 }  r8 d! X; t
• on a roadway outside of an urban area:7 `, L+ k$ I8 s/ {
- unless there is a clear passage for other motor vehicles,
$ |: q) u0 M3 z- unless your vehicle may be seen for 60 metres along the roadway in; c1 U# V2 E7 c1 B& Z* p3 F! a9 Z$ |
both directions.4 c6 j; V& j" {# V+ c' ?
- no vehicle shall remain at a standstill for longer than one minute at any6 H$ L' K8 @" |5 w  u- R1 h$ N& k& o
place within 10 metres of the point of intersection of that highway with
; _) `$ ]6 T" U/ [any other highway
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