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埃德蒙顿华人社区-Edmonton China

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Fort mac 的几个小问题

鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-1-19 16:04 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
. e' E2 {* V1 F! a% L6 X, c) N* R* O- Z5 c) ^. N
1.这中国人大概有多少啊?平时找个人玩玩能找到不?* c) _1 t8 G, k. T: E
; d1 O1 E8 D+ ~( V. c/ J3.有没有有经验的人提供下对那边房价目前及将来走势的个人看法啊?
3 J1 D8 _8 K+ ^9 Z( D4 ?4.听说生活很无聊。我平时也就锻炼锻炼打打球逛逛街看点电影,那边对中国人来说,生活到底无聊到什么程度啊?( v- r7 o* M+ G- V& E# l0 X. k1 U

" F9 Q3 n8 |- L' p0 Z0 e. F
  u% @8 q; W2 k% B; ^- B请各位过来人指教!再次特意感谢您了!
鲜花(2) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-1-19 18:27 | 显示全部楼层
$ b5 J8 i! k3 v& f4 I6 B     中国人是有的,但是一般不跟你玩,都忙着挣钱。需要你自己去找合适的朋友。
& n. o1 E. j0 \2 q4 n    这里只有一个COLLEGE有LINK你可以念,免费,ESL可以上交钱很贵。
! S+ C2 M% N4 [3 L6 o    房价太贵,有点离谱,考虑买房有点过了!!!
& e4 I$ u: s) e4 d4 \- s  无聊是没有什么好玩的,其实享受自己的生活也很好!!
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-1-19 18:53 | 显示全部楼层


鲜花(25) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-1-19 20:51 | 显示全部楼层
老杨团队 追求完美
如果挣钱高于一切,还是来吧。。。2 V7 U6 w! g  w. p! b1 k/ i1 I

; ?2 _1 {$ N/ Y- j3 i; ?* T4 B电影院没进去过,我问过小老外咋样,小法国人说:嘘,贼拉小' G8 w) J7 L8 z) R; i

+ R$ Q" P% V& A5 j" c; s! G  Q我曾经问过单位的女秘书,我问这儿有电影院吗?她说有;我问:屏幕大吗?她说:你想多大?我说:3层楼那么大,她说:Fuck!。。。没有!
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-1-19 21:58 | 显示全部楼层


" g( w& H4 x# u* ?$ s4 p8 x' ?- `) h+ U% Z3 ?7 N4 p' G
1.这中国人大概有多少啊?平时找个人玩玩能找到不?- e& N! H( Y/ ]7 y9 D+ K% O
搞活动有东西吃的时候人多,没东西吃的时候人少。你要是年轻女生,只要长得不太难看,平时多的是人排着队请你吃饭找你玩。你要男的,人家找你玩什么?- o5 s' w. j/ F+ \" S7 a5 w

' v' c3 N( k9 L" O* N: ^+ C2.这边college提供移民学英语服务吗?有人在那上过不?) L3 w6 l$ |. W3 K7 E
有。莫有。有也是家属。否则脑有病才在这里光学英语。  e# i& X4 z) V  y! ]( o  B
* }8 p' Q1 s7 l( e9 Q
3.有没有有经验的人提供下对那边房价目前及将来走势 ...
3 ]5 C: [  _1 C  k9 E/ s房价肯定是要够淫荡; y% ~; ~9 C0 f! m) C: p

) ~% D) Y2 w4 B% n4.听说生活很无聊。我平时也就锻炼锻炼打打球逛逛街看点电影,那边对中国人来说,生活到底无聊到什么程度啊?0 w* p! o; U& u. I+ D0 c, d  Y
- J' W2 ^! B" v; c" n8 X/ X- T8 N* A0 ]3 Y
那边对中国人来说,生活到底无聊到什么程度啊?有老婆的就下班回去该造人的就造人,不造人的就交公粮。没老婆的就死命加班赚钱,赚不到钱的可以去唯一的一个很次的赌场,也可以去看跳脱衣舞,或者休息了去埃德蒙顿放放风。街上晚上都是卖大麻的,你要喜欢这口,也可以去买点。要不然你说能干嘛?对于For Mac的中国人来说,最高有聊标准就是“老婆孩子热炕头”。如果没一项和你沾边,那确实很无聊很无聊。8 p4 n$ `) R- Z' {6 _
! C0 \/ s1 W( t; A1 F
[ 本帖最后由 PEW 于 2009-1-19 22:01 编辑 ]
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2009-1-20 10:21 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-1-20 12:01 | 显示全部楼层
It is not that bad. We have friends coming to our place every weekend. We play cards or majiang, share cooking skills. We never feel boring in this town, So all depend on your personality. Also, we join the badminton club here and play twice a week.
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-1-20 14:34 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 lilian 于 2009-1-20 12:01 发表
+ ]+ r& ]) j3 `, u. @4 f! yIt is not that bad. We have friends coming to our place every weekend. We play cards or majiang, share cooking skills. We never feel boring in this town, So all depend on your personality. Also, we jo ...

: i# I5 h! W  X2 nit sounds good , I do like playing majiang too.
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-1-20 14:36 | 显示全部楼层
Looks all those guys lead you to a whole negative wonderland. Not that bad. To be little fair, I think you need also some positive view-I put those good things only. Sorry I could not Type Chinese.1 w. U3 I" x$ y, \/ p

( W0 K1 W0 _1 ]* V6 \% W8 Y6 e) sCopied, 有可能要去那边工作,但是还有点犹豫,想请教下:www.edmontonchina.cn# s9 c% e$ j5 }; m, e) v
1 M8 T2 s5 |. ^% g: u! l埃德蒙顿华人社区-Edmonton China  z# `6 J0 B2 z1 N: m( t4 N( R2 T$ \8 p; o
1.这中国人大概有多少啊?rough more than 500 I guess. 平时找个人玩玩能找到不 Badminton club, Ping Pong club, Volleyball club, Soccer club and not pretty sure skiing etc?rough Rough) d/ B% @0 L+ q, R; Q) b- [; e
2.这边college提供移民学英语服务吗?YES. 有人在那上过不?Yes, My friends were there before. Not sure now.埃德蒙顿,Edmonton8 H' Q# y$ V" h% V4 Z9 D
! U; U: m6 H* p7 R9 z3.有没有有经验的人提供下对那边房价目前及将来走势的个人看法啊?400k condo, 600k house average. looks going stay or down little bit at current economic downturn. most people new here can not afford to buy a house and rent currently from $700-1500 a room.埃 at now
. N# _5 {5 t9 e4 t8 d! P) J4.听说生活很无聊。Agree, if you are tied with work. 我平时也就锻炼锻炼打打球逛逛街看点电影,那边对中国人来说,生活到底无聊到什么程度啊? 2电影院, 1 wal-mart, 1 canadian tire, 1 staple 1 superstore, 2 safeway, 2 IGA, 2 SHOPPERS 1 extrafood, 4-5 chinese restaurant, ETC....or so6 s* ^" a3 Y2 B0 S, `" u2 g5 p

) X# {+ |2 e4 z& d- iOf course a little city can not compare with those things in Edmonton/Calgary or Vancouver, if you work in FMM and living in Edmonton, Or fly in and out any big city in north America (shift work). That will be wonderful with high income and higher qulity of life as well....ECT....德, 1 canadian tire蒙顿,Edmonton. I4 Y( Z/ p; Z( S' [(
2 I/ Y  V6 u6 U9 _# d, Z$ r
3 q5 p! t# a/ H$ i$ i# p% O# ]http://www.fortmcmurraytoday.com/
- t; @& {4 O, u4 S" o  S/ k7 ^http://www.woodbuffalo.ab.ca/: y0 @+ p, H! F2 f! q2 V9 W( M1 k
http://www.suncor.com/Default.aspx?cid=844&lang=1) A3 c% Y* O# |; i  c) u0 j% n5 f
, S6 ?9 y; f; {4 x6 W3 Whttp://www.cnrl.com/horizon/about_horizon/view_horizon_videos.html#; f0 c& l% f4 ^9 ?) }1 ~* ?* ~% l1 Q

5 E9 c" v, @4 p6 v8 ^6 dFort McMurray, Alberta, is located about 435 kilometres northeast of Edmonton, nestled in the boreal forest at the confluence of the Athabasca and Clearwater rivers. What attracts people to the community are the rewarding jobs created by the oil sands industry. What convinces people to stay is the sense of close-knit community, abundance of natural beauty and excellent quality of life.
# b& D( V6 b: `) tPeople
& w) Y& y4 a  b8 ?& p$ h' _% c# p9 EAlthough the average age of Fort McMurray's 65,000 residents is fairly young – about 30 years of age – most are not new to the community. Most residents have been living in the community for more than 10 years; almost 25% of residents have lived in the community for 25 years or more.
1 b0 Z( y7 D( C( A/ x! p+ sFort McMurray is a multicultural community, represented by groups that include
1 x$ k/ F2 I( N' x
  • McMurray Newfoundlanders Club
  • L’Association canadienne-française de l’Alberta
  • Chinese Canadian Culture Association
  • Filipino Canadian Association
  • Nistawoyou Association Friendship Centre
  • Métis Nation, with six local councils.
8 T. v$ ~7 a6 W; Z" v, n' w; J7 I  K: oThe public and Catholic school systems offer a wide range of education choices for students: elementary, junior high, high school, French immersion, English as a second language, special needs and Aboriginal programs.
6 I6 z0 E: R. h0 N9 `' }. dKeyano College is a post-secondary institution that offers courses and programs for university accreditation, careers related to the oil sands industry, business, computers, technology, health services, and visual and performing arts.' @) g* h! F! a  \' v% y# d
Having fun% l! d7 y9 S% i: a8 q8 p
Fort McMurray offers unbeatable canoeing, fly-in fishing, wildlife viewing and nature trails. There is an extensive pathway system for runners and walkers.
+ S# P& F! a$ z: P8 n" ?Winter activities include downhill and cross-country skiing, snowboarding, snowmobiling and tubing while, in the summer, there are three 18-hole golf courses, sports fields and a skateboarding park. There are fitness and training facilities, a public library, community music and arts festivals, nightclubs with live entertainment, performances at the local Keyano Theatre, bowling, bingo and casino
: X5 D( n5 q! s1 B; \
% ]1 r6 w/ P/ K  K
29th Fort McMurray Chinese New Year Banquet!!
2009 OX Year Banquet!.JPG DSC01942.JPG FMM.jpg FtMc_aerialview.JPG
Another year over, the new one has just begun. In Fort McMurray Feb 7th/2009, the 29th Banquet of Chinese Society in this town of Fort McMurray. Lion Dance, Chinese Folk Dances, Kids dance, Ballroom dances, Free gifts (100%) and prize draws (more than 10% of the tickets number, may be you get a free trip to somewhere or lovely China Plate). Or if you are single, even meet the handsome or beautiful one you expecting so long in Fort Mac. Good luck and have a Wonderful Evening.
Not sure who or your friends are interested in joining the annual event but have not got a ticket. There will be roughly 400-500 people 20% Chinese and 80% non-Chinese people in the Banquet. Please contact any person/place in the poster attached or let me know if you or your friends need tickets.
There are 4-5 times Chinese gatherings/activities/parties around each year (potluck, dumpling party, sports, Banquet, kalaok, Chinese school activities etc..,.100-150 Chinese people each time.)$ s8 T7 U# w6 ^, q4 o
If any one stay in Ft Mac that nignt, Just come to enjoy the pleasant event !
9 `, e& a% M- S  C
- A% k& Y* K8 G# g
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-1-20 21:23 | 显示全部楼层
; M. v8 _9 J- u$ j但是哪里都一样,如果你想使你的生活丰富多彩,那么你自己需要花心思去琢磨,好多人还是感觉生活在这里也有乐趣的.% D: S8 F/ w. I. a$ x  q$ i4 D' u
我就是感觉自己很忙碌的. 朋友聚会,社区活动,体育运动,总想在周末睡一天可总是没那个机会呢.
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2009-1-26 12:33 | 显示全部楼层
看来还是能找点乐子的啊,感谢各位的回复!0 V" j2 G. }5 M

+ M0 D% _/ ]" I0 {6 C$ g: l我现在还不知道怎么定,我是去suncor,fulltime的工程师方面活。现在油砂形式不妙,suncor亏损,好像裁了不少contractor,不知道对fulltime的员工现在怎么弄?有没有人有消息或者判断啊?
# ?) C% `- ~# Y2 h  Q3 ?9 p
3 P4 K5 ~3 I! ]) Y  F顺便祝各位牛年大发!也要身体健康!呵呵。
: H* s' V1 ]5 m: p+ I2 i9 S  h+ i. x
[ 本帖最后由 allenxuzy 于 2009-1-26 12:35 编辑 ]
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-1-26 18:59 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 allenxuzy 于 2009-1-26 12:33 发表 + O% ?' m2 n: k! |
* U1 i" {( n  I7 T
& U' s# ^: z* e5 g1 p我现在还不知道怎么定,我是去suncor,fulltime的工程师方面活。现在油砂形式不妙,suncor亏损,好像裁了不少contractor,不知道对fulltime的员工现在怎么弄?有没有人 ...

/ ?& U. C" L+ K, g
  h9 J# q7 D, x" HDid you get the offer in your hand? I know suncor doesn't hire outside people from last week. so if you have the offer in your hand, that make sense, otherwise ......% b- y* k, n( _, P" y
fulltime employee is no problem so far, but nobody knows future.
鲜花(30) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-1-26 20:32 | 显示全部楼层
同言同羽 置业良晨
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-1-27 00:24 | 显示全部楼层


原帖由 allenxuzy 于 2009-1-26 12:33 发表
# A7 i5 L  B/ `9 F+ O( G! v看来还是能找点乐子的啊,感谢各位的回复!
, H8 _$ Z# O; t1 @/ c" x  \
* r# v( q+ L/ A9 V5 L我现在还不知道怎么定,我是去suncor,fulltime的工程师方面活。现在油砂形式不妙,suncor亏损,好像裁了不少contractor,不知道对fulltime的员工现在怎么弄?有没有人 ...
  h- j  ]9 v, p9 l+ _
8 z. @& x9 }4 D* D% T  @5 A1 b, [" e
3 b8 S4 t, f% d. T5 e2 |' O
8 g! u6 {  O+ J. k7 |: `[ 本帖最后由 PEW 于 2009-1-27 00:25 编辑 ]
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2009-1-27 07:51 | 显示全部楼层

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