埃德蒙顿华人社区-Edmonton China

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楼主: julia.ganesh

Letter to Angel without wings - Royal Alex

鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2009-5-10 18:38 | 显示全部楼层
Happy Mother's Day to all!
6 r0 e+ F( P  S5 d6 u" B% V* \
9 W  ~+ C$ V( r) c, hTo 今夜无眠, 西子妈妈, 善行无辙 and many others ; Besides thanks, I don't know what to say! I will be happy to join you.  I live in the west side and my email: jqiu084@gmail.com! By the way, I consider myself a newcomer in Edmonton; I lived most of my time in Ottawa and Toronto. I only moved here last year but seldom going out. So... I guess I am not qualified to show anyone around; but will try my best ...* N0 g- w( J1 `2 y
4 p. B8 A1 Q9 P" `
My daughter is doing much better these days. Besides her routine doctor visits, we recently started her physio at Glennrose Hospital.  My husband and I enjoy our daughter's every little body movement, sound, facial expression; to us, there is little difference as long as she is alive.
. u: O0 F9 h9 g6 ~6 b1 K! T
. `3 P- @1 a( A6 h# `' ^0 C3 S; kIn terms of me, I am only struggling with my every-changing stomach and never-end workload.  It seems there never be enough time to get everything done and make everyone happy. Still trying though... I believe all the mums know exactly what I am talking about!1 A. U0 n  a, E; C7 H6 \

% q, k8 j( l8 M/ _; p9 ~Best wishes to all the mums!
鲜花(5) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-5-10 19:13 | 显示全部楼层
也同样祝你母亲节快乐! 既然我们都是NEWCOMER, 那这个城市一定会带给我们新奇和惊喜。我这两周是夜班, 傍晚有时间。 随时你可以约我去散步。
鲜花(43) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-5-10 20:58 | 显示全部楼层
也同样祝你母亲节快乐! 既然我们都是NEWCOMER, 那这个城市一定会带给我们新奇和惊喜。我这两周是夜班, 傍晚有时间。 随时你可以约我去散步。
! e2 n2 F5 U' t, V6 e今夜无眠 发表于 2009-5-10 20:13
7 Q) w! y2 f0 ~* i- \
叫上我把 ,我就住西贸附近
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-5-14 22:04 | 显示全部楼层
老杨团队 追求完美
24# julia.ganesh + z' H5 X* L! E- ?; _$ P
3 c; M0 E( V; x' UPeople in my situation do pray a lot; but I am pretty much a non-religious person. I recently found out that coming here and writing down a few sentences makes my day lighter; especially after reading you and others' encouragement. 埃德蒙顿华人社区-Edmonton China; h! h  M% U- d- X1 V2 _

; b) J1 y! ]! \  l% \( k* A9 F3 T  C  n% _  W1 x! j% o
I know you might not believe in GOD, however, why not try to trust him and see how he can magically change your life. He can wipe your tears and give you hopes. If you were in U.S, you might see so many slang like this "with man this is impossible, but with GOD all things are possible", check those videos:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mu9FPb-TZuk
9 \- d6 O: |" q2 c; Z: _) l; uhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VJMbk9dtpdY/ Y0 D( w: }, x  B8 Q/ E
# I. m& E0 K8 R
我也是刚生宝宝两个多月,初尝为人母的经历。在北美读书,苦苦的追求职业。 直到怀孕有了这个/ H% e1 y2 J8 @  [9 u* i9 Q6 V
小宝宝,才真正体会到人生的价值,所谓的好职业,好生活和这个宝宝比,都是那么不重要。所以不要因父母的不理解而不开心,在北美,职业工作什么时候都可以再开始,但是孩子的童年只有一个。3 l) W8 G3 i9 d0 F! ~- c
看到你的经历真的很伤心。大家都想好好的安慰你,但是人的安慰是有限的,短暂的,你还要自己独自面对生活的难处,试一试让上帝带领你走过这段幽谷,好吗?我是一个经历上帝恩典的人,他曾经擦干了我的眼泪,带领我走出阴霾。我也看到了上帝在好多人身上奇妙的作为,为什么不试一试哪,这剂药是没有副作用的。福音堂是个好教会,虽然我不去那个教会,但强烈建议你去看看。% ]# Y$ u, ^. U- l
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2009-6-1 16:08 | 显示全部楼层
今夜无眠 and 西子妈妈, sorry for not getting in touch with you lately. My daughter recently developed new and more frequently seizure activities.  She is having 3-4 seizures per day now; and the current medication can only help control her conditions to a certain degree.  The new medicine doctors are trying to put her on has 30% of permenant side-effect on her vision. Given 1 in million odds, my husband and I had experienced with our daughter, we really don't have faith in our luck. My challenge is not about taking care her 24/7; it's about not knowing what my daughter is facing every day. It's quite helpless sometime and it takes a while to gather strengths and move on.
7 C' {7 f$ a: ?  d! r& J. |5 O# y$ b2 M% U7 a' f
Do I really believe God or mircale? I don't know. Do I believe in myself or my husband? I am not certain. But I surely believe in my daughter. Since her well-being is fully depended on me and my husband, we certainly have no excuses to be weak.
* ~  }( Y; z: t- [
$ a. W  G9 o; |0 PEverytime running into neighbours, they will be delighted to meet her. "Cute baby! Helloooooo..." "What's that tube for? Are they going to take away that tube anytime soon?"- F2 }1 s  ]0 A4 e* w# H0 }

: i9 E1 F) {1 I1 E"She is per-mature. That's feeding tube, doctors will take it out one day! She is fine!" My husband always answers with a huge pride smile on the face.  I used to hate this false answer regarding to my daughter's condition; slowly I realized it is the best answer available. Today, I will answer with the same smile - "She is doing very well and she is a good baby!" What a wonderful world......
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-6-1 23:18 | 显示全部楼层
抱歉几天没有及时回复。。。今天上来,真为你骄傲你能这么说。。。我可以想象得到你所经受的一切挣扎与煎熬,无论是精神上的,抑或肉体上的。可是我是这么欣赏你所表现出来的——无法承受之重的表象下,你是这么的坚韧。信不信什么有什么要紧?做到现在这样一个勇敢的妈妈,你已经在创造奇迹。。。1 r/ J5 c8 q. u4 a5 H- o* \
7 u4 W9 l; n0 u无尽的祝福!
鲜花(5) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-6-2 20:54 | 显示全部楼层
很高兴又听到你的消息。也很理解你的心情。 生命就是这样的美好和脆弱, 人生又是这样的充满矛盾。我最近有两位同事,在交谈中我知道, 她的女儿有天生缺陷, 尽管已经三十多岁了, 仍然要依靠她的照顾生活。 可是若是她不说, 我从来不知道她生活的艰辛。 尽管她已经到了要退休的年龄, 她仍在努力的工作着, 并不是为钱, 而是为这份她热爱的工作。 我在更衣室会经常听到她唱歌。 她是个非常体贴的人, 也为这的网友朋友接生过宝宝, 她总是让人感觉很温暖。 在她讲述她女儿的时候, 她只是平静的说" 我的女儿让我成为一个BETTER PERSON". JULIA, 你的女儿已经让你成为天下最伟大的妈妈。。。
鲜花(43) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-6-3 06:35 | 显示全部楼层
给你发了邮件, 查收.
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2009-6-6 10:51 | 显示全部楼层
今夜无眠, 西子妈妈, 善行无辙, 9 @8 t7 S# h! n7 B* V3 I$ e" p- w

9 t/ u4 u; t% B8 k! g- pAlready sent emails to you all! Millions of thanks!
( W( }$ z2 n7 l& U$ r+ G1 c! M3 e9 X. r: ~' c& w* a8 r: X
I will be in Toronto for the coming week due to my husband's work schedule change. I will surely contact you once back!
' X3 B7 S5 K* [! U
$ t% Z( x7 _; @2 Z2 L+ }Enjoy your weekend!
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2009-6-6 17:08 | 显示全部楼层
Miller-Dicker - my daughter's illness!
$ Q. q' I+ r/ l. O8 X" U# A$ S6 N) L  l% v% w, t9 |+ |
This is the disease you might have never heard of & I wish no parents & no children will ever come cross! Here is the story from a boy with MDS. May peace forever with him and his family!  Z; x- x, |$ q8 n9 ?! b% s" K8 T

; D1 @3 d+ D' q- yhttp://liamsroom.com/liamsstory.aspx
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