埃德蒙顿华人社区-Edmonton China

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鲜花(2) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-5-12 19:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
5 I/ u7 W. k  K! D. V
1 B$ p! d' A. a. BThis service is for women from a foreign country who want to learn and/or  talk more about:
" N1 a+ M. `0 `* K/ p% S0 V; K8 a6 n) |
        Birth Control
0 K- d# U/ Y) G4 m! D         Fertility% I: U" P0 d8 Y* x$ X8 o! K
        Sexually Transmitted Infections% L5 F) w5 d& }; @) D
        Sexual and reproductive rights in Canada
+ v9 _! [$ T+ t0 f0 h, W         Accessing to sexual health information and services
. I9 Y, u& @  e, @; B& s# s         Other sexual health issues
* Y8 Y; ^# H; x" E( U: u1 B. M# m  R9 L) }

" ]6 [* E$ ~$ OOur one-on-one consultation is free of charge and provided by a         professional social worker in a respectful, non-judgmental environment.   o& r) O2 ?( D. j+ P8 K0 o

( u* N' d0 K3 I% A2 J( l
  b& \  l8 f! l$ [+ y# n1 N4 a This service is absolutely confidential and private.
4 b/ \2 d1 _2 p& n( |% h( k4 H* y8 ]& Q- ?' C* L

) q. d+ u7 I. V         We can respond to your needs at an English level appropriate to each ; C6 x: L$ _1 u4 W0 t$ B
         situation.& M- C7 u0 }1 q: `) C( E. `, f
* i4 K2 r" k8 u  `9 r6 D
! R4 O8 n/ _/ ?' M3 ~1 J
         No immigrant status in Canada is required to access this service.( o: L* G: T+ O8 N/ K

! T6 }3 t1 g( A# A" V3 r________________________
. [9 R% c8 \' A, y  _+ h
. j2 ^5 P0 O3 k. _/ `
/ M. ]- ?3 |* {) j* Z) CCONTACT:* x% M4 w1 v3 I7 w2 P
( M5 k! l/ ]. `
* Q* S8 c% \9 R, L1 `
3 h+ m! X$ V3 v- ]$ ?, C7 }8 E, l8 ETelephone: (780) 423-3737   ext: 211
; c. z' a1 I5 p6 |$ z# t9 v, b2 j. ~8 I
鲜花(2) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2009-5-12 19:40 | 显示全部楼层
# ^  J, h1 C4 b' M: s% w' w% J* p; x: e

  G* D4 p% S/ WThis is a peer group training where women will learn more about Birth Control Methods and Fertility, for your own knowledge or to pass on to peers in the community.9 ?, }4 e- i4 L- L" j

& _2 `! D3 H/ Z* C- M! kThese small groups (5-8 women) consist of 3 sessions, 2 hours per session.  These groups can take place at an agency you may already be connected with or at the OPTIONS office.  
9 l( _3 B; A! a/ ~- h7 j     
8 F( @! H  O1 r1 w9 \ Topics covered include:
6 u' \1 H& K: W7 y        Natural Birth Control Methods* e) M9 G  Y  _
   Barrier Methods/ @6 F. H- Q) b" `& @- S: V
   Hormonal Methods
; B1 x1 b/ [% O4 g                IUD & IUS  and  Surgical Methods1 e; U$ \% s9 Y% E
                Community Resources and Sexual and Reproductive Rights in7 p5 u' w+ l& H- B; v/ n5 c9 ?  ~( Y+ ~
# _+ A: j1 A- I: J. T+ l& f
4 z" E7 O( C9 S        These service is free and no immigrant or refugee status is necessary.
& H4 \$ V" v" q% J6 o4 H. ]      
4 P# W2 M0 ]  D! K/ I% d  g$ Z9 B5 o7 i7 M1 N
( s! Y  w$ P0 b
_____________________2 U/ P* L- e5 K3 @5 J. l

+ ?  ~8 v1 R9 g- ~9 y  F$ N1 z% W8 j$ d, \, z! I
: F& w9 M+ F! ]8 H# V, S' {! v4 ^6 K6 z) v; N
0 O: E' f% N9 p+ l' y: r( F% j# }# {" A
Telephone: (780) 423-3737   ext: 211/ r  I# x% g# T4 ~5 ^$ W0 |

. A/ V: x$ L, O% n( Q1 N% |/ P0 Jfatima@optionssexualhealth.ca
鲜花(2) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2009-5-12 19:43 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(2) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2009-5-13 13:26 | 显示全部楼层
老杨团队 追求完美
In May: 8 U$ ?- @& R3 x$ U
May 25, 27 and 29  from 10h00 am  to 12h00 pm, 2 hours each.
) a% M/ ~8 t" I# I. _) s& q9912  -  106 Street
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