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宝宝快出生了, 带薪假期生之前用还是之后用?

鲜花(1) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-7-23 12:17 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
看产假的有关规定, 说到MI有两周的申请等待时间,又着重点出, 带薪假期有可能影响MI的申请. 我看的有些不明白, 有没有知道的?5 `4 u2 o1 ]& X  |7 J+ v
! S) ~2 |$ N! L& g& b$ b6 w
7 u' k/ n+ W2 ~! }" \8 k: w) aA 2-week waiting period to serve. t( N. Q1 S3 }' v9 x2 p
You must serve a 2-week unpaid waiting period before your EI benefits begin to be paid. Generally, this period is the first 2 weeks of your claim. This is like a deductible for any kind of insurance. On the other hand, if you reopen a claim for benefits in which you have already served a 2-week waiting period, you do not serve another 2-week waiting period.
( d: h7 c! E% K# O# v" a; S
5 g0 _: O' g' g! P( ]' IEarnings, for example,vacation pay, severance pay... made or allocated during the 2-week waiting period will be deducted in the first 3 weeks for which benefit is otherwise payable following the waiting period.& v8 d- F( G6 o8 ]
9 \5 r( C/ _5 |/ U$ }
In some instances, the 2-week waiting period may be waived or deferred, but only under certain circumstances, for examples: * s* S, }( k# b8 Y8 q( h) ~
If you get paid sick leave pay from your employer following your last day worked, the waiting period may be waived;  # Y2 p* K( o5 N* X
If parental benefits are being shared by the both parents, only one waiting period needs to be served. For example, if a 2-week waiting period has already been served for maternity benefits by the first parent, the second parent claiming parental benefits can have the waiting period deferred.  In the event the second parent subsequently claims regular or sickness benefits after parental benefits, the 2-week waiting period would then need to be served. & Y9 i' a; }! w% j
If you receive group insurance payments, you can serve the 2-week waiting period during the last two weeks that these insurance payments are being paid.
, h9 g% J9 b& l8 _; c
& b7 q8 ~% L  U/ ~: ~) e非常感谢.
鲜花(27) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-7-23 22:18 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(1) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2009-7-24 08:33 | 显示全部楼层
3 e* E) c' {8 ^) K. U我爱music 发表于 2009-7-23 23:18

5 |7 i  Q6 `2 K! p) N) h0 w4 E谢谢楼上回复. 您申请前多久用完的, 是不是按预产日期往前推算? 影响你拿MI了么?
: q4 A8 n: U! f; X申请MI,有两周等待期或者说不发钱期, 比如说我用带薪假期休息四周,在我开始休带薪假期的时候,就申请MI,四周后的第一个两周,政府不发钱,之后才开始MI发钱. 不知道我的理解对不对?
鲜花(27) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-7-24 13:52 | 显示全部楼层
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