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An unruly bunch 不驯之众

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发表于 2009-11-4 19:13 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
How the church is faring in the world’s biggest Catholic country/ K5 _$ n" `% ]

$ i- f& y- O$ I3 r# a0 a6 FTHOUGH Pope Benedict’s tenure has not had much effect on Catholicism in Brazil so far, it has entrenched an old conflict. The previous pope’s reign saw a “decapitation of the progressive parts of the church in Latin America and particularly in Brazil,” says Antonio Pierucci of São Paulo University. This war against the progressives was promoted by Benedict when he was still Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger. Its price has been a loss of political influence for the church hierarchy, whereas the liberation theologians whom the bosses shunned continue to have the ear of President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva’s Workers’ Party. Pope John Paul’s charisma partly compensated for this loss of influence. Pope Benedict does not have that to fall back on.9 {! Z% R3 D  V. ^: f% b
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Even so, there is little evidence that problems at the top are affecting Catholic worship in Brazil. The census provides data on religious belief stretching back to 1872. The share of Brazilians who described themselves as Catholic fell from 99.7% in the first census to 73.9% in 2000. Almost two-thirds of this reduction happened in the 1980s and 1990s, when Catholics were apparently drawn away to new Pentecostal churches.

- l2 R9 i$ l' K( o; T2 ^尽管如此,却鲜有证据表明上层的问题正在对巴西的天主教崇拜产生影响。人口普查提供了前至1872年的宗教信仰数据:将自己描述为天主教徒的巴西人比例从第一次普查时的99.7%下降为2000年的73.9%,其中大约三分之二的降幅发生于上世纪八九十年代,当时明显有一批天主教徒转投新的圣灵降临派门下。% _/ i1 Z4 {7 N0 L
Yet since 2000 something strange has happened, says Marcelo Neri of Fundação Getulio Vargas, a think-tank and business school. Numbers taken from surveys of consumers (which include a question about religion) show the gradual decline levelling off in the early part of the Warhammer Online Gold decade. This turnaround seems to have come at the expense of those who describe themselves as being without religion. There is nothing to suggest that this trend has been interrupted.0 Q1 b! _4 R1 Q  ^' o' q
然而根据就职于盖图罗•瓦格斯基金会(一所智囊机构兼商学院)的马赛罗•内里的说法,从2000年起,奇怪的事情发生了:从对消费者进行的调查(其中包括一个关于宗教信仰的问题)中获取的数据显示,(天主教徒比例)逐步下降的趋势在这十年的早期开始企稳。这一转变的发生看似是以那些将自己描述为无信仰者(比例的下降)为代价的;没有证据表明这一趋势已被打断。" e% ^- d' h) J
The Catholicism being practised might, however, be considered by the Vatican to be of the wrong kind. One challenge to orthodoxy comes from charismatic priests who use pop-star tactics, and are taking on the upstart Pentecostals at their own game.
  p3 t1 C3 n. e. `4 d, ~不过也许在梵蒂冈方面看来,巴西所实践的天主教属于错误的类型。对正统教义的一大挑战来自于那些充满魅力的牧师,他们使用明星策略并且在自己的仪式中接纳宗教新贵——圣灵降临派教徒。9 ?, ^5 p# m; M" Q$ H
A second challenge comes from the popular Catholicism that tends to flourish best in those parts of rural Brazil where the Warhammer Gold church has little presence. In much of the north-east, Padre Cícero, a 19th-century priest who performed the odd miracle and seems to have been excommunicated as a result, has long been sanctified. In many places, children who die or people who suffer unpleasant deaths can be granted a kind of sainthood and asked to intervene on behalf of the living. The pope faces a struggle to steer this bunch in the direction of the orthodoxy he reveres.# H5 H# V6 R7 r/ e8 Q
$ g7 C7 c/ c7 E8 E# H1 V+ x0 O, c# a  c' j0 o! M
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