二手汽车 老柳教车

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鲜花(1181) 鸡蛋(48)
发表于 2010-3-8 23:34 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 小黄 于 2010-3-8 23:37 编辑 3 m+ J$ i% g" i

, Y9 I" r' F4 u( s那位展示丰田油门卡住的教授居然受雇于一批正在起诉丰田的律师。工资是$1800再加每小时$150。+ j; D, d8 x  P+ k- L6 ?1 [
6 M0 e8 ^  X" D( o2 }$ u) X! u
8 d1 ~$ i7 s* n, u! ?6 h% [5 {% q0 m! q6 u3 ]% x& ~
http://www.latimes.com/business/ ... r09,0,5500476.story- n# f  o3 Y9 p: J4 S9 O9 w
Toyota attacks claim of defect found in electronics
" Z: D8 w1 n) P; m4 R2 w
' M% n& h9 Q$ \& `8 ^" s4 GThe automaker brings out a panel of experts at its Torrance facility to debunk the findings of a professor trying to determine the cause of unintended acceleration.1 T( C& ?5 L! l' m$ s# w5 s

! {7 B) I6 m  R& @- |Months into its recall crisis, Toyota Motor Corp. launched a counterattack Monday, bringing out a panel of experts to debunk the claims of an academic who says he has found an electronic defect in its vehicles related to sudden acceleration.
& q+ M7 `7 \# g  a5 z6 g1 \) k
3 N* M9 o0 s* r9 Q# Q" X$ fIn a presentation at the company's Torrance operations center, five engineers disputed the findings of Southern Illinois University Carbondale professor David Gilbert, who claims he can produce an electrical fault in Toyota vehicles without its being detected by the vehicles' diagnostic system.8 y0 z! g& x1 O" K1 W' }
. }0 Z# \) P# e: ^* F+ R# o
Gilbert's findings, if true, could bolster claims by some Toyota motorists that they experienced sudden acceleration without triggering a trouble code on the vehicles' computers./ B$ I1 o5 t& i$ M

. W9 i6 u/ I" ^" P5 I3 \5 cChris Gerdes, director of the Center for Automotive Research at Stanford University, said the findings by Gilbert contain "no evidence of any real-world malfunction that the Toyota system can't detect." And Matthew Schwall, one of three engineers called in from testing firm Exponent Inc., called Gilbert's tests an "unrealistic manipulation."
. y5 S' L6 N3 E& m% ]! M
5 c4 g& [- t" RGilbert said through a university spokesman that he stands by his research and that he intends to visit facilities of Exponent next week to discuss its review of his research.6 s/ u/ p* ~1 ?4 y
/ m& A( |5 s0 n1 d  X0 e
Until recently, Toyota has been largely on the defensive as allegations of sudden acceleration in its vehicles have prompted millions of recalls, congressional hearings and federal investigations. On Monday, the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, in response to a Times article, asked Toyota to produce a copy of a memo from company employees that Toyota allegedly was risking safety in order to cut costs.
0 H. a8 `! T* s  B0 E7 m4 P2 S& u' t
* X+ \) l7 ?. W* k: s* XThrough the first two months of the year, Toyota's U.S. sales were down 12.4%, while its stock price has declined 13%since the company recalled 2.3 million cars for a sticking pedal problem Jan. 21.5 m/ o8 k$ V7 a& M' G
1 V: C  O& u4 _2 c. g
And although the new strategy could help the beleaguered automaker vindicate itself from what it has characterized as unfair attacks, it also could open it up to further scrutiny, experts in crisis management said.
/ ~: G. q% D4 k, e' P* @
7 {  K, Z* ^/ g5 T  q" w"It brings up the question with the consumer of whether to believe Toyota or not," said Olivier Rubel, a professor at UC Davis' Graduate School of Management who specializes in corporate decision making. "You don't want to be in a communications war."( [8 D5 O8 f5 _) {4 Z% @0 u

% `8 c) J3 E8 W- V* {On Feb. 22, Gilbert told ABC News that by connecting two wires in the electronic throttle system of a Toyota Avalon, then creating a small short, he was able to produce unintended acceleration without producing an error code in the car's computer system or triggering a fail-safe mode.
' \1 {+ W% k, r2 ~  W
1 R( y- t& a+ N+ g8 GThe following day, he testified to Congress that his research raised questions about "the integrity and consistency" of Toyota's electronic throttle control.
0 x  x. B" ~" s3 r
1 _' K; Q; {" c7 F; XIn response, Toyota asked Stanford's Gerdes to re-create the testing on his own, had its own engineers prepare a report and paid Exponent to produce a 43-page study rebutting Gilbert's findings. Toyota spokesman Mike Michels also pointed out that Gilbert's research was "paid for by someone who is an advocate for trial lawyers."
# ?% D" `; v7 A% j9 h) P, Q
& {8 W( r1 f$ U7 IThat statement was based on the fact that Gilbert had been commissioned, for $1,800 upfront and $150 an hour, to do the study by Sean Kane, president of Safety Research & Strategies. Last month, Kane acknowledged to Congress that he received financial support from five trial lawyers with pending litigation against Toyota.: g5 s* [; D: |9 w* a$ U2 C: N
5 K* M& }  k5 g* S9 F+ }6 C. }
The firm Toyota hired to study its electronic throttle system, however, also receives money for litigation work. Exponent receives millions of dollars a year from automakers for research used in litigation defense. Toyota has declined to state how much it is paying Exponent for its work.
6 ?4 T8 [# S0 }# \6 p- J) L" n7 r* a; D
Gerdes said Toyota did not pay for the research he presented Monday. But the Center for Automotive Research, which he directs, gets funding from Toyota and other automakers; these companies must pay at least $50,000 to be named affiliates and their logos are featured on its website.
鲜花(7) 鸡蛋(1)
发表于 2010-3-9 08:00 | 显示全部楼层
请人搞研究哪里有不付钱的?no body should work for free. ) a9 I+ m! s% Q( o% q& m# K
鲜花(1181) 鸡蛋(48)
 楼主| 发表于 2010-3-9 08:57 | 显示全部楼层
请人搞研究哪里有不付钱的?no body should work for free. 0 y- X! P5 D* {: l  c$ K& ~. k
+ W$ T" D8 r9 b# O: Q/ jshark27 发表于 2010-3-9 08:00

4 C, V5 f* V5 I" h3 P# D$ g付钱也看谁付钱。如果这个教授的经费来自大学,大学的钱来自州税收,那当然无可厚非。
5 L) m$ d! {0 y6 _  [# N% w0 q1 S) ~* E1 D/ N" T' V
但这位教授的钱直接来自起诉丰田的律师团,而在ABC新闻里没有披露,这就是操守问题了。! ]$ A- F& F* A% D2 T

9 T9 k# ]$ ]# H+ L. z" e( }* [你点进链接,里面还有更多信息,包括丰田人员在宝马车上复制情况的图片。
鲜花(7) 鸡蛋(1)
发表于 2010-3-9 19:26 | 显示全部楼层
老杨团队 追求完美
; `9 z& g1 h6 t, ]! J# d
( V% b8 o4 h" ~9 V9 [$ N5 [但这位教授的钱直接来自起诉丰田的律师团,而在ABC新闻里没有披露,这就是操守问题了。
  |% a: t& v8 G* x0 g$ y# Q$ A( u( \% z$ R
你点进链接,里面还有更多信息, ...3 L/ p2 ~! F# v3 i# z! U
小黄 发表于 2010-3-9 08:57

9 O, a  z1 t+ G1 Y, d5 j! `" l4 q; e+ ?5 C
那个大学的研究经费纯粹来源于税收? 你上过大学么?
鲜花(7) 鸡蛋(1)
发表于 2010-3-9 19:29 | 显示全部楼层
付钱也看谁付钱。如果这个教授的经费来自大学,大学的钱来自州税收,那当然无可厚非。/ p1 @- ^5 ~7 H- m- ~: F! A& X7 Z
1 o  C, L1 n  Z, n# r: u
" B- A6 w6 y4 ]0 d; J
% @  L" X3 p( z4 b4 r/ C8 c你点进链接,里面还有更多信息, ...
( S/ m( G2 u* x  P; D( x9 A+ I小黄 发表于 2010-3-9 08:57

& D# F, W0 @/ V) `& x# v6 T" z: k& X4 ~  A! w; c9 ?; ~
一个照片能说明什么? 丰田敢当着民众,媒体和政要的面,从bmw dealer现提一部车出来当面做实验?
鲜花(1181) 鸡蛋(48)
 楼主| 发表于 2010-3-9 19:58 | 显示全部楼层
一个照片能说明什么? 丰田敢当着民众,媒体和政要的面,从bmw dealer现提一部车出来当面做实验?; H7 M0 l0 I  X. Q9 e( K* q( N' z
shark27 发表于 2010-3-9 19:29
* b! ]( ~/ s+ e' g! a
鲜花(7) 鸡蛋(1)
发表于 2010-3-10 21:55 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 shark27 于 2010-3-10 22:00 编辑
7 P# U& ?! Q: d
, G8 z9 j* t; t, _0 X丰田敢当着民众,媒体和政要的面,从bmw dealer现提一部车出来当面做实验1 o6 a7 R% g  n/ P& @& ^/ O
- [# r/ j, c  @6 ~! _( F# W* x$ J- T
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2010-3-12 20:57 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(87) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2010-3-13 01:28 | 显示全部楼层
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