鲜花( 0) 鸡蛋( 0)
In Summer, almost everyday, you can see 蓝 天 白 云, 环 境 污 染??? whice country would you like to compare with?? Summer is good, it isn't as hot as south of China. In the winter, it is cold, lot of snow, well go to Hawaii for 2 to 3 weeks in winter. Life is not that bore, if you join the Chinese society, will be surprise to see alot of chinese from the North of China. Most of my friends said that living is more relax here than China, 他 们 说 生 活 在 China very 累 人。 Yes! living standard is high, especial food & shelter. 商店、学校等便民设施齐全. Except fashion shop, not much, So save some money, fly to L.A. shop for brand name clothes in the Winter. Therefore, if you have nice body feature, 穿 什 么 都 好 看. Agreed??? |