二手汽车 老柳教车

埃德蒙顿华人社区-Edmonton China

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鲜花(19) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2010-8-31 10:05 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
3 K, F. ?6 P8 C, K1 S* J--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1 J; m) {1 c- p0 l- JPilot Driving School
; r+ _0 x0 c' v% n10708 97 ST NW, Edmonton, Alberta T5H 4R2
. P4 z8 e& s4 S$ f5 Q (780) 497-7374 () ; {. l& C4 ]! `0 M) j3 ~# `
1 review: h5 I7 y( a% F" G9 k# l, m
DirectionsSearch nearby
3 ~. J8 d; W% t2 h
4 h& q, s  b* ^* |/ M7 Y8 X6 d, J& E! }5 I
poor instructors‎‎5 S2 N8 g! \9 V' Z. U+ W' T) a
By joe - 2 Feb 2009
4 @; p( n; x8 F( `, ^2 B  y1 lI registered my son with this school because I thaught I was getting a good deal but the Instructor that came to my place couldn't speak proper english just kept saying sorry I'm late sorry I'm late. After the lesson when my son came home he told me the most of the time the instructor was on the phone talking in chinese and for the rest of the time he kept drawing pictures on how to drive. Please go somewhere else you will regret it if you pay them because you won't get your money back.
' M* a+ p2 q+ m: l--------------------------------------------------------------------------- i* M! J, A9 ]7 _5 C$ U

) d0 V9 x* M# R* bNorthstar Auto Driving3 I, [) M/ j" W1 ?3 h; Y1 s3 C; R; O
95 Street Northwest, Edmonton, AB T5G 1L28 F/ e4 O1 A8 k+ o# {/ n$ X, |
(780) 442-2010 () & A0 p3 r' P: ]
2 review/ q; n' h! ]' U' g/ K5 \3 y$ O
DirectionsSearch nearby0 o" B, Z& k* O- m# S/ G( F

+ M0 c! X7 f& B7 P$ G+ Arude receptionist‎‎
& @+ V* n! n( ~  ~+ ?, U By Lina - 29 Sep 2009& [& a% ^; B: I6 N
I've never even been here but there is no chance i ever will. The man who answered the phone sounded like i've interrupted his dinner or called his house phone for business. He gave me no info (just a "hello", didnt even speak) so i had to ask specific questions, including one to reassure myself that i've even called the right place; very unprofessional. To end this useless call, he abruptly answered one of my questions, said "ok bye" and hung up on me.
5 q3 b% J6 P& I4 x9 F# F; p# ^# k, L2 o- ]& n/ d/ h
Old car‎‎5 @7 o5 l" p. j) |' s
By bj.man - 29 Aug 2010
2 X) X; }" J, S, b! ]0 G1 kMy instructor Serge was patient and calm in the car when teaching me I did great experience and learn a lot.I was really happy with his teaching style, however the training car it's just a piece of junk, I drove 1991 Toyota Tercel very old, small and uncomfortable car with no A/C, so last couple lessons I felt like a Thanksgiving turkey in the oven.
3 m- ?' U* S: Y( {; R1 d4 @----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
' `& P6 g, H3 R+ m: c3 c% UDonovan's Driver Education Ltd9 _& A3 x- _( M0 a+ f* }9 [. Y+ M- T
12827 53 Street Northwest, Edmonton, AB T5A 4J67 l8 ?6 w1 U( i  n
(780) 473-4347 ()
$ Y6 M8 X. o9 L+ [! s/ Z' K/ idonovansdrivereducation.com
2 M2 i+ y- N+ Z2 reviews
. _" m$ T+ G5 V0 s% K( W1 dDirectionsSearch nearby7 J3 m/ d9 u. a  k
& O8 h8 q, s' E" E2 _/ {
Great Trck Driving School‎‎
4 P, S; x9 `. x' p3 _, d$ D By csogawa - 21 Dec 2009
, D8 W% Y& C1 G/ ISimply the best truck driving school in Edmonton. Instructors are great and they make the classes fun. If your looking for a career in truck driving you have to see these guys. Thank you for all your help‎
5 y, _# `+ i% r$ f2 F' v' t$ e
$ K& f9 i  i+ I4 r. tExcellent Truck Driving School‎‎" }8 L% _4 j- t8 W* D
By keithr - 26 Nov 2009
% N- g6 u" ?9 T: b$ [3 Z$ WI went to these guys for my truck driving lessons in Edmonton AB and their trainers were excellent. Fees for lessons were also reasonable.
$ k' J1 K# ]* L3 O1 A0 G---------------------------------------------------------------------------------# c! l; ^! I6 g+ ?3 n. L
northgate driving school
! N' \/ q- G7 K12231 Fort Road Northwest, edmonton, AB T5B 4H2' Y) c9 h$ K/ L
(780) 448-5882 ()
; R% d5 m& \+ U0 s! p8 l 6 reviews5 X' c5 o  h1 n; J3 a( j( G
DirectionsSearch nearby8 u/ }+ a" b% Z$ [

# U5 _6 V# T( Y. t; bGreat!‎‎! g' u5 @7 J+ O2 D
By angie.brotzel - 29 Apr 20109 h7 }! N7 F# U; _2 e& e( K
I decided on Glenn's for my driving school because my brother and several of my friends went there and liked it (plus it's $200 less than AMA). The classroom instruction was excellent and Hannah in the office is really helpful and nice! So far my in car training has been good - I have had 2 different instructors, Cec and Glen - who are both excellent. I think for my next lesson I may have a different instructor again. It would be nice if I had the same instructor for ALL of my in-car lessons, but at the same time I understand that they are short on instructors. As for Kellie's review - she may have had better luck getting lessons closer together had she booked earlier (I booked my in car lessons at the same time that I booked my classroom sessions). I have my last lesson on May 8th and my road test the same day, about an hour later... I feel like I'll be more than ready. Thanks Glenn's!‎+ {* F& X; u+ S7 m; R
( a! y0 k, J, S0 G: W3 g, ]
By azn_flipz8 - 18 Mar 2010
2 X# R- N; V9 @* Y* r, j- b! sI had recently finished the defensive course and felt that the service was geat. The instructor is polite and uses his common sense. The in-class sessions were very informative. I learned new things that weren't even in the book. During the in-car sessions, he brought me everywhere. I am now able to change lanes, merge onto the freeway, parallel park on the first try, and use the traffic circle correctly. I must say, I would recommend this school to anyone. Great School with a Great Price!‎
. _1 i" D4 h. Q* a* V8 k0 j$ O/ @0 b1 J# F9 u8 `
By Jamie - 17 Mar 20109 v: ?; k9 P, @
Yeah I agree the location is not the easiest to get to but if you planned ahead you can find it. (google map) I thought the training was excellent and the classroom was very well put together. It's probably the best bang for the buck your going to get when it comes to driving schools. I had friends pay a lot more and didn't get the service that northgate provided. If you want quality instruction and excellent service northgate is pretty fair. I guess you just have to show up on time.‎( ^8 p' Y! s. K' f

/ _9 @+ o. {" u) I- @- r" pThe best Driving school‎‎- C$ n, ^9 S4 p* `% v
By Keerti - 16 Mar 20102 J6 m+ {8 d$ i
The theory classes given on driving are really helpful. The Power Point slides and videos provide a lot of information on different traffic rules and their usefulness in driving. The instructor provides good realistic examples to clear the concepts and makes the class interesting. He is very knowledgeable and patient while giving practical lessons on driving. Made me feel confident about my driving. He gives best tips on parallel parking and makes it very easier which is considered to be the hardest thing in driving test. I will highly recommend his school. By Keerti‎
) b  L1 e; U  W+ |1 `. L; S
, g9 B0 k: t1 F% w7 _, P. _not what i expected‎‎! ^7 X& M% z4 K: H, g
By Kellie - 11 Mar 2010- ^4 }5 e$ u& m) ^# d# `' j
I heard about Glenns from my boss at work he said he went there for driving lessons about 10 years and said they were good so I thought ok I will try there I did my classroom which was the only good part when it came time to the in care every single time I had a differnt driver and sometimes my lessons would be so far part as In i couldnt get in for my next lesson for almost two months and Me not having anyone to give me practice outside of the school this was terrible because I wasnt learning anything and the fact that I had a differnt teacher each time was frustrating there was only two good teachers out of that place and i had about six one being Stacey the other one being an older gentlemen i forgot his name hes strict but hes good and actually teaches you things compaired to the other ones who are late/yell/ask u personal questions no pick up/ drop off ect
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2010-8-31 14:16 | 显示全部楼层
男人的谎言可以骗女人的一夜│ 女人的谎言可以骗男人的一生
/ s" B$ Z: Q# r4 E6 x/ P& [( t. `  _: K3 w  e, ~
前半句懂,后半句不懂。1 z0 E( @: Z  }# L  \* B4 U: s

; z$ v5 L7 k! B. Z! }; O+ X2 M楼主帮着解释一下?
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