埃德蒙顿华人社区-Edmonton China

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鲜花(42) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2010-9-9 12:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
继上一期中西方教育差异的讲座后(http://www.edmontonchina.cn/view ... hlight=%BD%CC%D3%FD),Miranda诚邀大家参加第二期的育儿讲座。& O, m& F" N: G7 v, F
1 R' B0 G- i% M  g! U讲座日期:9月15日-11月3日(周三晚上)2 A, U9 ?* l" l5 ?
讲座时间:6:30-8:00pm# _  x5 G# ^7 ]. X8 Q9 V
讲座地点:West Meadows Baptist Church  9333-199 street (南面开车过来大概15分钟)主讲人:Sean and Nancy Cullen ;Miranda Fung(2次)
- V$ M: M1 J7 z" T% R, @讲座费用:免费,每个家庭只需20元的书本材料费用。0 [1 m/ s# {' D! Q4 E9 {& R
报名电话: 780-451-3881 2 N2 `7 H' Q# @5 D% D6 U& P6 ~, r
讲座是只有英文讲解,但在Miranda负责的其中两次讲座中,有普通话讲解。主要观看由Drs Henry Cloud and John Townsend录制的DVD,给孩子立界限,告诉父母亲们在教养孩子的过程中让他(她)们为自己的行为、态度和情绪负责任。 八次的讲座将帮助已经出现此类问题的家庭重新回到有秩序的生活,并且让和谐的家庭更加的融洽。
6 }$ l  t) a4 `* K4 H/ {4 r. e& o7 n) U) r2 _7 h
以下是英文介绍:+ c" g& ?$ u) w
Dates: Sept 15 - Nov 3 ( Wednesday evenings)Time: 6:30 pm-8:00 pmLocation: foyer classroom at west Meadows Baptist Church9333-199 street (it takes only 15 minutes if you are coming from south side )Facilitated by Sean and Nancy Cullen (Miranda Fung for 2 sessions) (English only, some mandarin if Miranda is present at that class)Topics: Setting Boundaries with Kids (open to parents of all ages)It is taught via DVD by Drs Henry Cloud and John Townsend," Boundaries with Kids" gives parents the tools for raising their kids to take responsibility for their own actions, attitudes and emotions.The 8 sessions will help bring order to problematic family circumstances and guide even the most stable families into better ways of relating.Cost: $ 20 per family unit (for teaching material)Registration: 780-451-3881
鲜花(42) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2010-9-10 20:08 | 显示全部楼层
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