二手汽车 老柳教车

埃德蒙顿华人社区-Edmonton China

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初级五号牌 driver examination checklist

鲜花(21) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2011-6-20 18:51 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 朝阳 于 2011-6-20 19:52 编辑 , n: w/ i/ w& p% [1 V5 |1 s
2 I' R; [: f' s' m
0 Z/ W$ B) L, |! D& i+ J  G$ Y8 @& x6 @
A. CONTROLS% @8 D& b% e9 J1 g4 O1 c
   1. Knowledge and /or use of equipment     5
) j, I6 y# W6 U2 E   2. One handed steering-hand position       5, t2 K) y$ N, S5 P2 Q9 b
   3. Steering control-wanders/recovery       ! N- q" r, U/ r0 d9 B" ^+ |
   4. Shifts too soon/late/lugs                5
5 _) v6 n' E3 l, M3 _   5. Improper use of gears /grinds            
6 C" v: K4 l3 g1 o3 ?8 K4 j3 ]( u   6. Improper use of clutch/stalls/coasts        
2 |, c0 T: G4 T: v% B: V1 X. K   7. Improper use of brake/park brake         
' s7 ^1 S2 h9 ?- \; ~& V( B0 [   8. Improper use of accelerator              
5 Z7 u7 s4 d) q% h# v5 {5 ]8 U6 V/ h   9. Signals-too soon/late                    53 X& i: U/ s8 [( F; @7 R
   10. Signals-Improper/not cancelled/none      
" S! T4 F1 \- a/ xB. PARKING/STARTING/BACKING  S' \8 B+ C* p5 ?6 r
   1. Fails to set brake/gear                    5/ U: P1 i, U$ \# u
   2. Observation-backing/starting  J4 `1 L: i3 U- I1 e
   3. Judgment-vehicle/wheels/angle
! y4 ]3 T' Y; p" A3 r2 Q   4. Hits curb hard
1 F, p$ C2 o  A   5. Rolls back8 A  t! v' s% x( K: @5 m9 E5 I
   6. Unsure/too slow, J0 ?& a8 U/ }. Q; I
   1. Fails to check mirror
; q" W& l) T" V& ~! y) u   2. Fails to check blind spot/late
3 e4 S$ s+ P; }   3. Uncertain/hesitant                       5
1 t& q  l6 s8 u8 n: z" E0 `- T0 l4 Q   4. Road position
( X2 f4 n- x5 W8 x3 I- q   5. Too close/far-stop/pass/follow
( S# D( M+ [2 I! f( i   6. Improper lane change/late/slows
! P" ~# C3 I6 Y* s  ?   7. Fails to observe signs/conditions7 o/ Q2 a  \/ }% J2 Q
5 m$ r$ M( g7 ^- N7 s+ X1 _/ o   1. Blocks xwalk/intersection/stopline. E: [6 t4 P! h7 [* b5 L* ]' p
   2. Stops too far back
" V1 P/ Z3 c0 S   3. Unnecessary stop
  c  C. w( Q/ i: |; x   4. Fails to stop leaving parking lot
5 g- w4 U" }8 X7 Y1 z   5. Fails to observe conditions/late" }( b+ l8 t% ]- R0 M0 Y& r0 M
   6. Left turn-cuts corner/turns wide          5% D" H& F) [- R2 G4 G! t
   7. Left turn-wrong lane-before/after
( p, h2 t( b' s) }/ ~   8. Right turn-cuts corner/turns wide         5$ S' ~) m/ S' b( p7 f9 S1 X* `
   9. Right turn-wrong lane-before/afer. o9 L0 K; d) D9 ~
   10. Incorrect position-vehicle/wheels$ o& p8 z1 P7 O. q7 `' u# c
   11.Too fast-before/during% e2 L+ D. e9 A+ [5 q* J3 C/ {
   12.Too slow-before/during
- b7 X# w7 t+ }  R, tE. TRAFFIC LIGHTS/SIGNS" z2 z* Y7 z6 h/ I  [
   1. Fails to anticipate/observe               59 s5 ]  b7 v. U
   2. Judgment-green/amber/red4 u* X1 U: O2 K0 [- A, I% Q
   3. Judgment-stop/yield/other9 z0 D( p. `, p/ `
F. RIGHT-OF-WAY% b7 Z2 N6 C$ t5 r' d  e4 [( ~& @1 E
   1. Uncertain/hesitant                      5
/ Y& C1 S4 A/ [$ [: ~+ x1 k   2. Fails to assume own right of way
- y7 \& \7 ]. w8 W0 j5 c   3. Aggressive/Judgment# F0 h/ {( O0 j
9 H/ g9 q6 g! `& P* Y6 A; z   1. Too fast for condition
2 m& _3 R4 I) _   2. Too slow for conditions1 a/ c6 W/ |* q1 F

) H! v7 l3 c( q+ ]7 AH,I,J, and K are about other classes.+ @3 b1 |- U* n2 B; H$ R) x

3 G2 L, S- ^6 I2 |+ b; d8 tL. ROAD TEST DISQUALIFICTIONS( r/ N5 v* k4 |+ j& t& F
See the back of this form for a detailed explanation of codes0 A; ]- S" R0 d8 z/ O! S
1.        Accumulated points* z: H5 {2 ~' ^# G7 h  K- h8 S
2.        Right of way violation-vehicle/pedestrian: D* H. ]5 Q7 k
3.        Traffic light violation( L3 x% |  U/ X9 e7 X
4.        Stop sign violation0 h* @, ~+ O4 _, M
5.        Speeding violation
9 a7 F7 h( {  w6.        Other violation
9 k" y. N7 M8 F* i9 W% X3 h/ O7.        Climbs over curb) n7 I4 {, T; i; V0 s) @
8.        Lacks caution at uncontrolled intersection5 M! z7 W3 B  ^* P8 r" j/ @( U
9.        Obstructs traffic+ \6 a" j" o, E# \4 i0 E
10.        Unable to perform skill maneuver
6 f0 \5 u& L1 Y: d, N% a11.        Hits vehicle/object# e- r+ ]5 a* }3 @2 o0 ~
12.        lacks skill and control
" K$ i6 C5 L: |13.        Unsafe action
# X' G" V# p  S9 W1 d14.        Commercial vehicle pre-trip failure (other classes)
0 h7 `) ]. k0 {: c(Once you violate any of above, failed)./ f. ?6 E2 X: P
# \, O% B# }( |; W$ `
The rules without 5 behind are 10 points each, and any violation can be deducted three times at most (the second half is my guessing, hope people who know it can explain ).
- e7 a6 ?+ W& [0 J9 x
( N, G; W: z. s
8 |; a  `' e1 `2 P1 nDetailed explanation of codes on the road test disqualifications section (the back of the checklist). S2 g* R% H: ~" I4 f; q
A.        By failing to yield as required another vehicle or pedestrian was affected4 Q2 T) D& V5 G
B.        A traffic light violation was committed by
8 F0 Q+ q( E( }/ w8 [8 O; `5 oFailing to stop for r red light or0 f2 B8 c: n3 B9 i" [
Failing to stop for a yellow light when able to do so (it is the driver’s responsibility to anticipate that the light may change and adjust speed accordingly) or2 _2 Q6 w$ b$ R# L% f
Failing to stop completely prior to turning right on a red light0 E1 M. H7 f* w9 s: |1 R
C.        A complete stop must be made for a stop sign, regardless of the presence of pedestrians or other traffic
! }$ @& k) j  E  w  RD.        The speed limit was exceeded  K5 H. t% `% s1 m
E.        See the “comments ” section on the front of this form  ^0 @8 P3 C7 f! A! H
F.        Climbed over a curb during the road test
9 x4 B  X: f4 z- P7 s, o# `7 [$ dG.        At an uncontrolled intersection, where there are no traffic lights, stop signs, or yield signs, the driver must yield to vehicles on the right (including “T” intersections). Check for traffic and reduce speed to the point where a stop can be made, if necessary. Speed is determined by road conditions and visibility obstructions (eg. Hedges, trees, parked vehicles, etc).
% [, ^. m) d9 w* W! s0 K( PH.        Traffic was obstructed by 8 n3 N5 n. I  k; C! c+ j
Driving too slowly; or% `8 J; @" q, a
Failing to proceed as required; or
! d  Y( u4 s' L) l/ k8 TOtherwise obstructing traffic unnecessarily; M# l" }; P% A9 o9 {" I
I.        A required skill maneuver was not successfully completed within three attempts) D6 A& u/ _! J2 L
J.        Contact was made with another vehicle or object.       
( i+ N# ?3 }2 h2 K- KK.        A disqualification was recorded during a pre-trip component (Classes 1, 2, 3). Please refer to the Commercial Vehicle Supplemental Checklist form for details.
- \) b0 y1 g4 O' ]2 v0 m+ I9 v) F9 q7 _  T7 }! |
& X/ x& l) P) f% y, F
NOTE: It is the responsibility of the driver to observe weather, road, and traffic conditions and drive accordingly.
鲜花(9) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2011-6-20 21:31 | 显示全部楼层
& {2 x, x$ \1 `: h# ~Thanks
鲜花(1) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2011-6-20 21:34 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(154) 鸡蛋(1)
发表于 2011-6-24 22:16 | 显示全部楼层
老杨团队 追求完美
1# 朝阳
1 {7 Z1 g2 u* E  A! h
. D& C, N# q; g: K# z3 V, X: H$ S
7 i! A( w  C& G! w# a% Z2 e$ [% hGood,Thanks
鲜花(21) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2011-6-27 19:53 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(23) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2011-6-27 22:29 | 显示全部楼层
楼上各位,不用谢。学车顺利,开车平安。永远安全第一。) O( F, f' c; {
朝阳 发表于 2011-6-27 20:53
  z9 P% ]" G4 {! G7 u3 B
& U" `! E7 d: `3 f% F. Y, |
鲜花(21) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2011-6-29 20:08 | 显示全部楼层
. O) P2 U& W. a4 z4 {5 e

6 I- i3 r3 l; \2 Dmaple521 发表于 2011-6-27 23:29

2 |6 x: j0 v2 @1 E4 c; l/ [: w: V
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2011-7-3 17:20 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(79) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2011-7-3 20:03 | 显示全部楼层
7 D2 j: Z) ]9 f( Z% a+ t' a6 RDHL 发表于 2011-7-3 18:20
4 Z/ f+ S& C+ b8 R
6 t8 Q% N9 B) I, `
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2011-7-11 14:18 | 显示全部楼层
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