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埃德蒙顿华人社区-Edmonton China

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最新2012 Consumer Reports,供大家参考。

鲜花(4) 鸡蛋(4)
发表于 2012-3-2 13:17 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 tinysky 于 2012-3-2 13:47 编辑
5 R- R5 K( B& n% r
2 l7 l; [, _5 B最新2012 Consumer Reports,供大家参考,希望对准备买车的朋友有帮助。之前我发的“汽车可靠性调查”的帖子受到几位“专家”的热情“关照”,期待“专家们”对这个2012 consumer report的评论,如果又说什么作假的,请拿些参考资料供大家看看,谢谢。
- U& E+ R# m  z4 V' E: v- b' i" I+ ~& j
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------: }/ J1 q- \# n& t7 z

8 c$ E& ]- `: n4 W( M* l2 E' v原文地址:  N7 s% @+ S  q% d( E
http://news.consumerreports.org/ ... 2012-top-picks.html6 u( V4 Z; B! L' t  c# o  g2 c6 o
# e% Z+ ^  Y6 ?+ p
http://www.consumerreports.org/c ... 2012/top-picks.html7 c0 G) u" K" ~
3 J$ T; x' x9 b
( y9 ]" u0 L% q# C! h6 ?% ]) ]  y# OThe Top Picks by category:
9 B. ]: ?$ o- {3 i- aFamily sedan: Toyota Camry Hybrid ($29,052). " {" n3 w5 _$ q  A8 E" q
Sporty car: Ford Mustang ($28,880 to $43,880). " o2 K$ S) j6 O7 e) K/ S" H
Small SUV: Toyota RAV4 ($24,405 to $30,328).
8 T- _; X8 `. ~! ZAffordable family sedan: Hyundai Sonata ($21,800).
2 l! q" `  i  W" uFamily hauler: Toyota Sienna V6 ($35,810).
" U+ |6 M( r& x5 l8 g+ pSports sedan: Infiniti G ($34,225 to $37,225). 0 c0 }& I3 Q7 Q' h4 j
Green car: Toyota Prius ($26,750 to $28,217).
  A6 L% U' I1 B8 ?9 J" _: l5 lSmall car: Subaru Impreza ($21,345). 4 T  v1 r- g# n0 A) F# D/ A
Pickup truck: Chevrolet Avalanche ($47,435).
9 g1 E3 m. o4 T' tFamily SUV: Toyota Highlander ($38,578 to $47,255). ( t: \) B3 F/ w) o8 _
  q. Y& S0 _5 h; j0 _
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------0 \" J3 t3 |; V: T

' _- A) M. i& K' i& _9 c2 Z" b+ z+ ^还有Yahoo.com的一篇对于2012 consumer reports的回顾的文章,是yahoo自己的文章,里面也说了下最好的车和最坏的车:( N% p1 `+ h+ P( m8 v' u
http://ca.autos.yahoo.com/p/2433 ... ts-top-cars-of-2012$ n) ^. ?' e: o- P9 o  M
http://ca.autos.yahoo.com/p/2432 ... worst-cars-for-2012
$ [( Q0 N* O, Q% I" k
# ^/ U2 S8 n8 M7 ?, O+ x& b-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
/ E' f; K2 o$ [; D* G$ X( t
  d  O4 ?9 j4 `( |6 c! G' z  Z' AP.S.
# v: y# f; |! L4 _1 j" g" ?/ \我之前发的汽车可靠新调查的帖子,“专家们”的评论和说法都在里面,欢迎大家对比,真理还是掌握在群众手里,谁对谁错,自己判断:/ P& U5 ^" V& K4 @8 E
http://www.edmontonchina.cn/foru ... &extra=page%3D1
8 V. b7 ?$ J( s( S
2 {( }8 H5 l' G8 g( H- p5 ]8 h1 E9 c9 P+ |
最后还是那句话,买车要买自己喜欢的,适合自己需求的,自己去试驾,去体会,不要被“某几个人”蒙,也希望那“某几个人”不要蒙新手或者新买家  s" P& r% p, `. |

1 v; t7 f9 M) |( f补充内容 (2012-3-2 16:59):) L# D4 Z/ u! u* f+ a5 G0 l
2012 汽车可靠性调查原贴:' ~2 k- v+ B9 i
http://www.edmontonchina.cn/foru ... &extra=page%3D1
鲜花(4) 鸡蛋(4)
 楼主| 发表于 2012-3-2 13:22 | 显示全部楼层
2012 Annual Auto Issue: Consumer Reports names its 2012 Top Picks Feb 28, 2012 1:00 PM* W8 g9 @1 D" p$ p# ^3 ^

: Q7 Z: T+ Y) v2 `, b) nAs the competition grows stronger with each passing year, it has been increasingly difficult for a single automaker to dominate Consumer Reports’ annual Top Picks list. This year, Toyota is the first brand to earn half of the top 10 spots in nearly a decade. ) L5 L% K$ Z- T+ A& l

# s- w2 |5 k  B. o* m  kThe redesigned Toyota Camry Hybrid and Highlander edged out the competition to become Top Picks in Consumer Reports’ Family Sedan and Family SUV categories, respectively. The Camry Hybrid delivers a surprising 38 mpg overall fuel economy—the best in class and as good as some smaller and less versatile hybrids. 9 J3 r$ b* c/ ^% ^' T. \  G5 a' e7 y

0 s& e! t$ z% N- v7 I0 n% bThe two new Toyota additions join the incumbent Prius, RAV4, and Sienna as the best in their individual categories to secure the brand a starring role in this year’s list. The Toyota Prius was named CR’s Top Pick Green Car for the 11th time and the ninth consecutive year—both records claimed by no other model in the history of Consumer Reports’ Top Picks.
" J! D& r+ n1 |- @
7 l. K$ k9 n/ v; F0 v( z“Every year the competition grows tighter; in recent years as many as nine different brands have taken the top spots. Combined with the improved Camry, Toyota’s ability to maintain a competitive lead among hybrids and SUVs is a big factor in its strong presence on this year’s list,” said Rik Paul, Consumer Reports’ automotive editor.: P' u' C" ]! |; v

8 ^2 s' |1 h8 S3 ^1 d/ g6 E1 HThe last time a single brand held such a grip on Consumer Reports’ Top Picks was Honda in 2003. Historically a strong performing brand, this year there are no Honda models on the list for the second time in three years.
* f5 q) q4 w8 a) D; a
5 G* N5 _9 w! Q3 DThe Top Picks by category:  z8 U% e- R+ D- E

; d5 o! x" C/ r) U6 SFamily sedan: Toyota Camry Hybrid ($29,052). ) s# M: }0 p; ^
Sporty car: Ford Mustang ($28,880 to $43,880).
. P( a& x5 {5 r2 r, oSmall SUV: Toyota RAV4 ($24,405 to $30,328).
* X7 B5 u  x0 t% ?Affordable family sedan: Hyundai Sonata ($21,800). . T& z; d! ~, W( W) a% O: i- C
Family hauler: Toyota Sienna V6 ($35,810).
$ |8 _( H' y. S! S( H2 n3 ?" ?" N3 D# n1 `Sports sedan: Infiniti G ($34,225 to $37,225). 5 @& w& Q1 h5 I
Green car: Toyota Prius ($26,750 to $28,217).
3 H) Q  C- Q8 W3 J$ t7 {; \Small car: Subaru Impreza ($21,345).
- G( m0 w. F1 Q) n# N- ZPickup truck: Chevrolet Avalanche ($47,435). 6 c! z0 l1 k6 f: ~
Family SUV: Toyota Highlander ($38,578 to $47,255).
7 j* [2 x9 d9 t+ C5 y5 T
1 h3 m% s  H1 t: o5 G% K+ t& S5 CConsumer Reports’ Top Picks are the best all-around models in their categories, chosen from more than 275 vehicles the organization has recently tested. Top Pick models must meet CR’s stringent criteria in three areas: road test, reliability, and safety. They must rank at or near the top of their category on overall road test scores; they must have earned an average or better predicted-reliability Rating based on problems Consumer Reports subscribers reported on 1.3 million vehicles in the latest survey; and they must perform well if included in crash or rollover tests by the government or the insurance industry. & @6 o! H' d' j1 l. x- c9 o

/ [( e2 J1 |4 y8 W; t  ^' ?
鲜花(4) 鸡蛋(4)
 楼主| 发表于 2012-3-2 13:23 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 tinysky 于 2012-3-2 13:25 编辑 3 Q7 n. J" G9 }, p% K  K/ F

( y8 y. X& R7 {. o% a- t2012 Annual Auto Issue: Consumer Reports names its 2012 Top Picks Feb 28, 2012 1:00 PM
& t) `4 A  r% A1 J& {
; S5 o: G* K" l( y) q/ LA redesigned, significantly improved Camry Hybrid has helped Toyota capture five of the 10 spots on this year’s Top Picks list. The other Toyotas that made the cut are the Prius hybrid, the Highlander and RAV4 SUVs, and the Sienna minivan. This is the first time since 2003 that one brand has so dominated the list.
  q; j0 B; u. Z/ x5 F1 P4 X# }& S' ?) |6 k
In addition to the Camry and Highlander, two other new picks are the Hyundai Sonata and the redesigned Subaru Impreza. The other selections are returning models: the Chevrolet Avalanche, Ford Mustang, and Infiniti G.: E' e* b/ q* F, p* e3 l: h# `8 o
" u; j# s9 F$ Y* y; [0 C/ Z- }) }
Toyota’s ability to maintain its competitive lead among hybrids and SUVs is a big factor in its strong presence on this year’s list. But another factor is today’s weaker minivan field. The current Sienna scored lower in our tests than its predecessor, but the front-wheel-drive version is the only minivan that didn’t have below-average reliability in our latest survey. So it’s the only minivan we recommend.
( ^. R" t# {$ e, [" E
7 H2 \. L/ l* f1 l3 kOur Top Picks are the best all-around models in their categories, chosen from the more than 260 vehicles we’ve recently tested. For car shoppers, they are a great place to start. To find out how other models stack up, see our ratings in our model overviews.( b% t( B7 S, p2 n" L

1 n2 ^" D. k, j  p* STop Picks must meet our criteria in three areas:, W8 J# j& l3 i. m0 Z. C0 k8 e: Y
9 U* C4 N4 X1 f8 N2 X" ]. d: @5 Q
Road test. Each must rank at or near the top of its category in overall test score.# g# Y- Z9 M* U' Q/ k

- l' d1 G5 v9 Z9 JReliability. Each must have earned an average or better predicted-reliability Rating, based on the problems Consumer Reports subscribers reported on 1.3 million vehicles in our latest Annual Auto Survey.6 c' z" ~  d+ J& H2 W

! X- x8 O  o5 {! |. D. v" K! [Safety. Top Picks must perform well if included in crash or rollover tests conducted by the government or the insurance industry.* E: z0 X* p) ?

8 H( ~7 _' n7 }' wEach model’s report card shows its overall road-test and predicted-reliability Ratings, as well as its overall fuel economy in our tests. If multiple Ratings are displayed, they apply to different versions of a model. Prices reflect the sticker prices when we bought our test cars. You can find more details on all of the Top Picks in our vehicle ratings.# f  |0 F( u8 C: A: ]8 v( i& n( T* |
0 P: e5 ?, u* [- v
7 D) ?/ K' ?1 K3 R7 I) o& A$ O
--------------------------------------------------------7 I1 l% f+ I. B. `, @+ l
Family sedan
! Z/ T( |9 ?; ?3 J( g0 K Toyota Camry Hybrid
+ B) q# S" Q0 Q2 u0 N2 M) s9 ^
8 R2 W8 b% K7 c* b# iWith its 2012 redesign, the Camry Hybrid jumped to the top of the family-sedan category. One eye-opener for a car of this size is its impressive 38 mpg overall fuel economy, the best in class and even better than some smaller hybrids that lack the Camry’s performance. Other high points include a comfortable ride; a roomy, quiet cabin; fairly quick acceleration; and for 2012, a nicer interior and somewhat crisper handling (although the Camry is still no sports sedan).
6 s5 K( E" @' Q0 a8 h2 b1 S0 o$ R5 u
; U- }" V# N7 e8 DPrice: $29,052.
  K! k7 u# G) r( }# g7 J
& k! P& e6 P+ |; V/ Y
, e( ~! l& [; R7 [--------------------------------------------------------
/ a: V+ R& D4 r1 T$ {) }+ F, USporty car
8 _- e% F- T" N& Z( a" ~  S& w Ford Mustang
6 H- n2 a) v5 ^& U
3 D4 J' s" P% i7 v2 g6 L0 iThe heart of this iconic sports car has always been its strong acceleration and rumbling V8 power. And the 5.0-liter V8 in our GT coupe and convertible test cars doesn’t disappoint, providing scorching acceleration, a great exhaust sound, and good fuel economy for this class. Even the 3.7-liter V6 is punchy and refined, and it’s more fuel efficient than the V8. But now there’s more to the Mustang than power. Agile handling, a decent ride, comfortable front seats, and very good fit and finish make the current version an inviting package. The rear seat is tight but usable in a pinch.3 y$ O# x. ~3 e8 ~( d  l& m
& [) ~: ]* k$ m( n5 Y4 ]
Price: $28,880 to $43,880.& P. l; ?8 t. C& A' P# \! v

8 S4 o* X' O) X7 e. {
; x, S& ^6 Z. q" |! N( g--------------------------------------------------------
" i1 s  Z2 u0 I8 p0 eAffordable family sedan
  F, ~: t+ y& ]2 a, s Hyundai Sonata
; Z( W/ V( C' W" D3 u3 `2 I+ g" e7 j. J0 `/ y9 m
With last year’s family-sedan pick, the Nissan Altima, due for a redesign soon, we chose the four-cylinder Sonata as a more affordable alternative to the Camry Hybrid. For less than $22,000, the Sonata provides a roomy, well-equipped cabin, supple ride, nimble handling, and thrifty 27 mpg overall. And despite its swoopy, coupelike styling, the Sonata still provides decent rear-seat room and rear visibility, unlike many other cars today.
; u) i3 r, @* t( T3 ^; m; g8 r8 q% D! ~( e
Price: $21,800.
5 ~9 c- ^: g/ y
5 q, S0 b/ Z, x3 x
+ U  U: w" g  {0 S' c: [, Z--------------------------------------------------------: [3 B( i9 q# h. W
Small SUV+ M2 T; O, Y7 R3 B
Toyota RAV48 ~* c1 w8 M9 v- N0 Y4 x1 f; [

! W( B7 L5 w& j" b0 ^With its inviting blend of performance, fuel economy, and versatility, the RAV4 continues to set the pace among small SUVs. It also provides a roomy interior, comfortable ride, and responsive handling, as well as excellent reliability. With a four-cylinder engine, the RAV4 delivers some of the best gas mileage in its class. The spirited V6 version accelerates as quickly as many sports sedans and gets only 1 mpg less than the four-cylinder model. Its optional third-row seat is small but useful.# w! u0 c! J  S/ Y
( l9 Q$ s/ G2 y, Q7 y
A runner-up is the Subaru Forester. ; ]( N- D4 i7 O0 @

5 }1 S0 U( X2 r- \Price: $25,405 to $30,328.
# j/ N) T3 z3 B' r, z3 I1 A
) V3 `- ~. d2 l. |( X8 V, F
( _* t' ~% c% |, {" ?  l6 |--------------------------------------------------------* A' e6 L" Y1 E. N- ^) P: M# ~$ j
Family hauler# e) w) \" F+ I8 X8 A' Z
Toyota Sienna (V6)- p; l, z4 b7 M

2 D3 G1 o1 p" I1 C- |, R' |This versatile minivan fits the bill nicely for families looking for a comfortable, roomy interior, plenty of features, and the ability to carry up to eight people. Among its high points are lively performance, decent fuel economy, and a comfortable ride, although the handling is rather lackluster. The Sienna is the only minivan available with all-wheel drive. But that version has had below-average reliability, according to our latest survey, so we recommend only the front-wheel-drive version.
# p! H- R- c& t. @7 Z: ~! i
8 _8 p+ s- K5 `% w$ H2 l% n5 g1 `8 ~Price: $35,810.0 n# c" y2 v8 b( D

8 x2 V& W3 @/ m0 C
8 I. x& t% S' Z" O: M6 f$ o5 F--------------------------------------------------------
3 h1 b% A$ s" ^* P# \Sports sedan  n; a, @6 x7 d6 {7 |
Infiniti G
2 I& Q5 A/ z- e! P8 `9 C3 l+ R7 h0 L! o% m( R8 ^1 M% D. O! ^
With its inviting blend of luxury and driving fun, the G37 stands out from the crowd. Its agile handling, blistering acceleration, and comfortable, well-crafted interior make it one of our highest-scoring sedans and have earned the G a spot on this list for the sixth straight year. This sports sedan feels at home whether tackling a twisty back road or cruising on the highway. A snug cabin and small trunk are the only notable weaknesses. The less expensive G25 model isn’t as quick, but it shares much of the G37’s inviting package and provides 3 more mpg. Both are available with rear- or all-wheel drive.
" G% O6 ~7 r" r; T; Z9 k4 r1 |' m1 n5 C4 j
Price: $34,225 to $37,225.& w; H( j6 d9 O. X# E

' c4 h/ {* X1 j  w% T6 L- i( d) }9 v1 A4 N* {5 M; R
--------------------------------------------------------8 ~# v$ ?1 l+ [% j, z9 h
Green car
2 F+ T3 w: Q' m3 Y Toyota Prius
+ L+ n  r/ y% t- e) r
' {# U4 U3 r8 |. Q6 MIn this dawning age of automotive electrification, the Prius still sets the standard for its blend of fuel efficiency, practicality, and affordability. The 44 overall mpg we measured in the hatchback is still the highest of any five-passenger, non-plug-in vehicle we’ve tested, and the 41 mpg of the new Prius V wagon easily tops its class. Moreover, its roomy interior, comfortable ride, and hatchback versatility make it easy to live with. Crash-test results are excellent. New electric cars have gotten the energy equivalent of higher mpg figures, but they’re less practical and affordable. * s6 P/ Q' ^" b$ I# Y. F( Q- N
, Z- C# t6 v& \! Z1 z4 X
Price: $26,750 to $28,217.
- e7 P' F5 i& D  r" C5 J* {: E0 N8 z9 ~$ ]
" G2 L/ }0 O: r
--------------------------------------------------------% g+ a# e+ E' J
Small car1 B( s# U* K3 H( J
Subaru Impreza
0 |" e$ D' Q! l+ N3 T/ z
2 r. l2 |1 ~5 F4 nRedesigned for 2012, the all-wheel-drive Impreza is a well-rounded sedan with nimble handling and a compliant, absorbent ride that rivals some luxury sedans. Fuel economy of 27 mpg overall is impressive for an AWD car. The roomy interior includes a relatively spacious rear seat, simple controls, and refreshingly good visibility. The only real shortcoming is so-so noise isolation. Based on the previous Impreza, we expect above-average reliability. Last year’s pick, the Hyundai Elantra, remains an excellent alternative that costs several thousand dollars less and provides slightly better gas mileage but no AWD.
5 B3 f3 O8 A- Z
5 w' Q2 Q# a' o% R3 V" @  DPrice: $21,345.
1 ?) ~, h% i! d/ X' r# P4 p
0 F4 |" e( q, v0 W) f: ?% O& T/ U3 v/ n7 q9 a2 F/ ~  R
) L& e; [' n3 }. p% Q2 a$ T5 t& KPickup truck- u' g$ Y! @& J
Chevrolet Avalanche2 K; c' M) I# ^& A

5 n: H/ q4 i! r& l0 _The Avalanche provides the best combination of utility and versatility of any pickup we’ve tested. Its unified bed and cab help give it a steady, comfortable ride, and the cabin is quiet. The innovative partition in the rear of the cab can be folded down, so longer cargo can extend into the back of the cab. A three-piece bed cover provides a weather-tight and lockable cargo area. We recommend getting the optional backup camera to compensate for the large rear blind zone.
. V0 E" f0 E/ I$ S3 y$ \0 L! ]& S4 p
Price: $47,435.  z( B& G3 \! T, u) Q; x! T
3 S, E3 o, c& ]* L5 W
' b* I# F/ [/ H2 |; y$ L9 b$ E
--------------------------------------------------------7 V, d) U; @0 m# N3 N0 ?! H
Family SUV
' o* G8 _" J1 @7 P6 b; U2 u Toyota Highlander; d% Q" f. o6 m& }, |6 H9 |

8 L0 v+ m  f4 B4 PThe Highlander returns to our list after last year’s pick, the V6 Kia Sorento, dropped to below average in predicted reliability. This refined, comfortable, and quiet SUV has consistently ranked near the top of its class in our road-test scores and has had above-average reliability. Its interior is nicely finished and versatile, with a roomy second-row seat but a tight third row. The V6 version delivers a decent 18 mpg overall, and the hybrid model tops all SUVs at 27.8 j8 k8 q, x  |
- N( Y' H. b$ }  d& P5 ?
Price: $38,578 to $47,255.
& ?1 P( j( e" Y
鲜花(11) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2012-3-2 13:56 | 显示全部楼层
老杨团队 追求完美
本帖最后由 olddream 于 2012-3-2 13:57 编辑
7 C! l8 ~, H* o+ h% `' V& B4 R  s% Y+ o/ [, s6 |  @' p: L$ r) e
鲜花(1) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2012-3-2 14:08 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(4) 鸡蛋(4)
 楼主| 发表于 2012-3-2 14:13 | 显示全部楼层
三鲜小馄饨 发表于 2012-3-2 14:08
$ @9 G" Y' m9 [& x1 v# w# e) R又要开战了,躲进战壕观战。
" k* X$ z- j- @1 S% c; ^  |+ |
; b3 \. D# G9 e9 n" u9 B& t
鲜花(4) 鸡蛋(4)
 楼主| 发表于 2012-3-2 14:14 | 显示全部楼层
olddream 发表于 2012-3-2 13:56

* P' ?' S4 X+ q. R3 j% l欢迎!谢谢支持!
鲜花(59) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2012-3-2 14:16 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(7) 鸡蛋(1)
发表于 2012-3-2 14:37 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(5) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2012-3-2 14:44 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(128) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2012-3-2 15:12 | 显示全部楼层
这个CONSUMER REPORT 挺准确的 个人认为。。
鲜花(4) 鸡蛋(4)
 楼主| 发表于 2012-3-2 15:32 | 显示全部楼层
headshot2008 发表于 2012-3-2 14:37 ( j/ Y; i$ F2 J9 Q/ T; k3 ]

. I9 h& ]5 `, D( F$ }3 C) a是的,你说的一点都没错。
鲜花(4) 鸡蛋(4)
 楼主| 发表于 2012-3-2 15:38 | 显示全部楼层
同言同羽 置业良晨
anweica 发表于 2012-3-2 14:16
7 w3 M1 v# `1 p/ o; Q# i9 X0 e
鲜花(4) 鸡蛋(4)
 楼主| 发表于 2012-3-2 15:41 | 显示全部楼层
亮甲店 发表于 2012-3-2 15:12
9 B+ v6 A& P. b( \' n, i) w4 j8 f这个CONSUMER REPORT 挺准确的 个人认为。。
, u' |# D+ n9 C, C' h! b. r9 ]& S  V
鲜花(7) 鸡蛋(1)
发表于 2012-3-2 16:14 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(19) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2012-3-2 23:24 | 显示全部楼层
consumer report 不拿厂家赞助,也没有什么咨询服务,品味很大众,亲和力强。
6 y9 U& O! j% ^. B- n$ j5 |; W# p. u# {* C
我和shark 27以前讨论过hybrid,因为在国内和丰田中国有密切接触,了解丰田为了其synergy混合动力所付出的努力。他们团队不分昼夜,拼劲十足。总工程师每周工作超过80小时,直到累死在东京飞往芝加哥的飞机上。(他的老婆前年正在起诉丰田公司,估计现在庭外和解了)+ i2 q; {5 k  G2 _$ ^/ o

3 d$ h4 \& K" u  X$ C- n我印象中shark不太感冒丰田的混合动力技术,但市场上最成功的混合动力只有丰田的Synergy,其它的如日产的altima,本田的insight,civic,都不如丰田的稳定成熟。
* V9 G9 z$ u3 M  I/ F! ~! R9 P- }0 W# Y1 i% U- x
6 Y. s- Y! _' k% N' R$ c) L7 }( M. [" F8 v6 L7 Y, c
我曾经在夏天开prius西贸到downtown反复开出3.5/100km 的好成绩(真实油耗,插值法计算),共行驶了2百多公里。当时刻意采用节油法开车,滑行为主,尽量用电池驱动。
! Y! b. `5 Y  ^0 R8 g/ t6 S! ?! c7 e$ G; K+ v& R+ a+ a* B- z5 k
consumer report 我认为比JD power可信,更符合中产阶级口味。(中产阶级喜欢讨论汽车,对比汽车的性能价格比)。JD power因为有咨询业务,总要玩弄辞藻,搞一些术语出来。我始终也没有弄明白JDpower的Problem的定义是什么。不会操控某一项功能,又不喜欢阅读说明书,算不算问题呢?我不知道,但是在现实中很多顾客回到车行要求pair bluetooth, put navigation map north up or head up.... 0 `! I0 b& b4 Y# q
! S- N, u. e0 P! P! [" u( A# Z
这回consumer report没有疯狂推崇Honda,以前它可是Honda的最大fans
( H, Y# d5 W8 L5 m" d
3 n' ^+ C/ h6 u. _4 \2 z  N
鲜花(4) 鸡蛋(4)
 楼主| 发表于 2012-3-2 23:59 | 显示全部楼层
同言同羽 置业良晨
HRU 发表于 2012-3-2 23:24
% [4 w" k& v% p/ ~9 N  W* b+ vconsumer report 不拿厂家赞助,也没有什么咨询服务,品味很大众,亲和力强。
5 {3 [& o% ^) t$ L6 a0 _( T0 R4 U
# C" j8 F4 v8 w1 Z2 P$ U9 ?; B我和shark 27以前讨论过hy ...
3 ]. k' H. k7 \  w3 q( j* q
鲜花(7) 鸡蛋(1)
发表于 2012-3-3 00:11 | 显示全部楼层
tinysky 发表于 2012-3-2 23:59 3 v3 o! E) x2 V3 a+ e) n3 V
谢谢回复,你提到的一点很有意思,你原话:“我始终也没有弄明白JDpower的Problem的定义是什么”。我也想 ...
. q! q. F8 u* o. P9 o7 q
鲜花(7) 鸡蛋(1)
发表于 2012-3-3 00:36 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 shark27 于 2012-3-3 00:37 编辑
5 k0 a5 f9 x/ P0 [& q; Q3 E4 m" g
HRU 发表于 2012-3-2 23:24
1 u  u, r1 Q: zconsumer report 不拿厂家赞助,也没有什么咨询服务,品味很大众,亲和力强。
( o! _% c( A" R9 j$ ]6 i2 K2 v7 `2 A
我和shark 27以前讨论过hy ...
" Y3 w, w. ^4 j
$ T: f$ j, M: d3 ^! p8 C2 O! u" H
# |# W, z. y- w6 A9 E1,售价高。多花的钱是否抵消了省出来的燃料费,这还是有很多争议/ h9 `1 }7 R4 \
2,设计寿命短,长期维护成本高。任何一个hybrid组件(电机,行星齿轮组,交直流转换器,散热组件,线缆,电池,控制模块等等)出现问题之后都无法修复,只能更换,零件价格惊人而且耗时。一般交通事故如果伤及hybrid组件,车辆就有90%的可能性因为维修费用过高,或者出现无法诊断的故障而只能wirte off。
  z; [0 d! B$ ~" L4 Y3 o, p2 k3, 冬季性能极差。低温降低电池的寿命和输出,引擎的工作频率大大提高。而且只要打开heater,引擎就必须一直运转,燃油经济性也就直线下降,和普通车没有多大区别。用remote starter的话,油耗的情乱个情况会更加严重。还有就是prius的高压缩比引擎,室外长期低温存放的话,噪音和震动能跟工业柴油发电机媲美。
! h$ S6 A: k; i4, 是否真正环保,还是厂家利用人们的恐慌心理进行剥削,也存在很大争议。锂电池在生产,加工和运输登环节上已经对环境造成了不可挽回的重金属污染,而锂电池的回收还是个悬而未决的问题。 看看有一两百年历史的铅酸电池宰加拿大这种发达国家是怎么被回收的吧,你就能试想到锂电池还需要多少年才能正确,有效,安全的被回收。
  c. l$ ?5 L) b0 _$ ^& L
鲜花(19) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2012-3-4 23:22 | 显示全部楼层
7 Q7 ]7 R2 p8 T7 X- |. |: ?" ?7 F$ M. P4 o2 F( G+ C
丰田的工程师曾经说过(非常地傲慢地告诉中国同行),Synergy 的电池实际上是寿命无限的(10年以上),因为工况良好,无过度放电,加上他们自称的特殊工艺,电池组预计寿命非常长。我注意到Prius电池组问题车辆非常少,可能这是真的令日本人骄傲的部分。: f7 _$ `8 ~. T7 J8 k: X
% @9 `, [$ j! y$ S, L& g
冬季零下20多度仍可正常工作,油耗从未超过5升百公里,这是实际数据,普通车例如科罗拉油耗在冬天在10升以上吧。0 x4 V# L+ V+ N6 I( k

$ r) s- v, a. S% B+ ~  T环保的概念是转移污染概念的延伸。在使用者来看,该车是Ultra Low Emmission车辆,废电池到时候肯定出口到落后国家。6 v+ O! `3 W# u0 b3 u
! D, v2 ~' }: W5 l
实际上,丰田的混合动力油耗无人能敌,但是操控就悲剧了。减震唏哩哗啦,动力懈怠无力。和柴油车相比,操控云泥之间。令人感兴趣的是柴油车也很容易跑出4升左右的油耗(欧洲车型,小排量柴油机)* n* R' e. W5 R1 u
4 @7 @: g' U. C2 K# \! N4 P
如果柴油车科技继续进步,彻底打败日本混合动力概念为时不远。" B+ `% A2 y' e- a

. k* k5 K% {6 v, P但是现在,混合动力仍然以安静性,超低油耗在城市代步中领先。
0 p5 r/ b: `1 m* u( [5 h2 g; q& t
2 m/ }( r4 l5 b+ C9 o! d


urspace  在2012-3-4 23:39  送朵鲜花  并说:原来如此。。。。
鲜花(4) 鸡蛋(4)
 楼主| 发表于 2012-3-6 21:08 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(13) 鸡蛋(1)
发表于 2012-3-22 09:15 | 显示全部楼层
同言同羽 置业良晨
good to know
鲜花(242) 鸡蛋(8)
发表于 2012-3-22 19:34 | 显示全部楼层
同言同羽 置业良晨
本帖最后由 白马啸西枫 于 2012-3-22 20:38 编辑
) X* s$ Y8 M1 J# c( u) f* C8 K$ j" J
除了family car 及SUV以外,其余偶觉得都较靠铺。至少我觉得ford fusion hybrid 不弱于Prius, forester也绝不弱于RAV4,现在竞争这么激烈,汽车的技术又都很成熟,可以说产品之间相差无几。8 g. R0 M  e0 p' z9 j  A# e
恰好老白手头就有一本consumer reports
# {0 B: F, d6 O; ]另外IZ最后一句话说得有些那个啥,在这都是网友,没有谁要蒙谁,蒙别人也不会多长二两肉,至多只是对汽车比较熟悉比较热爱的网友说说自己的看法,大家要买什么车都还是自己拿主意。
鲜花(4) 鸡蛋(4)
 楼主| 发表于 2012-3-22 21:01 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(4) 鸡蛋(4)
 楼主| 发表于 2012-3-22 21:04 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(7) 鸡蛋(1)
发表于 2012-3-22 21:21 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(13) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2012-3-23 13:41 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(4) 鸡蛋(4)
 楼主| 发表于 2012-4-2 23:05 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(4) 鸡蛋(4)
 楼主| 发表于 2012-4-11 21:59 | 显示全部楼层
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