二手汽车 老柳教车

埃德蒙顿华人社区-Edmonton China

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鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2012-9-24 10:22 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
鲜花(2) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2012-9-25 13:20 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(48) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2012-9-25 17:54 | 显示全部楼层
1 本省车辆和驾驶注册法规规定,如果不是永久居民或工作签证、学生签证的人士可以持原居住地驾照驾驶,事件不超过12个月,所以你可以开车一年而不是3个月,3个月是指有i资格和必须更换本地驾照的人士。
- D0 f3 g% R9 o0 w2 除非你有永久居民或工作签证、学生签证,你都不可以申请本地驾照。
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2012-9-27 09:37 | 显示全部楼层
老杨团队 追求完美
十分感谢楼上两位提供的信息!8 a+ _3 P# [- _  t3 C; C/ y( r

$ G4 j, b. y: ~, V7 I8 w3 D: B, ^关于驾照说法很多,一直难找到详尽确认,也有朋友提醒游客身份可否申请当地驾照。不得已给本省政府某部门写信,得到回复粗略如下:, c' p% B' J, ]+ d

' r4 P9 m0 D. z1 W1 h( R8 [, z  @1、持非本省驾照,可获许在本省驾驶同级或同类车辆,有效期90天。! b- b7 x5 T- O! V% F. T" V- f# ]
0 J% w& F* p5 Q& o0 ?, r- a5 [3、因阿省与中国无某种协约,所以中国游客申领本省驾照必须通过考核。4 K, \+ P, {$ K1 p* M% d
4、持非本省驾照并开始定居于此,需90天内申办本省驾照。/ q7 d% g8 @% u2 z& q
7 l, B2 u) g, k, r* Y, s/ ?6、获本省驾照,本人须亲自前往注册代理处。如年龄达75岁或本人医疗史证明有必要,本人将接受体检和视力检测。(vision screening,配镜?)
; I* t( Q8 `7 R7、路考和笔试是必须的。
) o6 p# w* x8 D/ l$ X# s8、可证明居住的文件有:租房协议、雇主信、个人税单、有本人姓名和本地住址的水气电话单等。外国人需出示签证。
9 U# w! r* J! _; G2 E- l! R: \2 N/ U& \. v) y$ w
大致如此,原信附后,请大家积极讨论指正以完善信息的准确度  @5 \& V& H6 ]- }! z

$ |7 l- E$ t& F7 s关于国际驾照,也大致说两句。因想省事,曾考虑在国内办国际驾照。后了解到,中国并未加入 Convention on International Road Traffic 这么个协定,所以在大陆是没办法真正申领的。香港由于特殊背景可以申领,不过听说只广东驾照可委托中介在香港申领港照后再进而申领国际驾照。也是经过这个打问过程才知道国际驾照要和原驾照同时使用出示的。不知这些情况确切否。
$ o% T' X: y/ N3 U% |+ E/ `1 h: B" U6 C9 h8 A
Tourists or visitors to Alberta who hold a valid
8 g4 k$ J: W& l8 R) r. Goperator’s licence from another province, territory- n7 P8 I8 Y7 }# W) ^
or country are permitted to, operate the same type
0 q$ ^! o" B0 `5 f% B' uor class of motor vehicle in Alberta as authorized by" y' J4 c) S& Q2 C5 s( Y4 c  y5 r
their home jurisdiction for a period of 90 days. Clients & R6 g- @* X6 Z  Y& h
who hold an International Driver’s Licence/Permit may. J7 T0 r2 N5 P6 h+ I
drive in Alberta for up to12 consecutive months or until
$ Y! A4 B# `* G5 \; k) a1 mtheir home jurisdiction operator’s licence expires.
- v* q7 q+ j. D* e8 ^1 V3 d; U5 U* ~& V3 \
Alberta Registries does not have an agreement with the# h- ?5 s5 H; {! h  [
country from which your licence is issued, that would. F& i& T/ ~( @6 `1 \
allow you to be issued with an Alberta driver's licence9 ]5 d; Z% ~/ r: e  W
without full testing.  You will be required to proceed
, S1 H7 H. R: Gwith the Alberta testing process to obtain an Alberta
  J) {) V5 [6 d% l( c8 Loperator licence.
4 P6 c" R7 A1 g2 b: ]: a
: J* p: g  S1 e, e4 O& PA holder of a valid operator's licence issued anywhere
( |: c- `' L; O) X3 ^* Uoutside Alberta is required by legislation to apply for
  @$ P+ \- {! L. h9 X. x  `; {an Alberta driver licence within 90 days of becoming a 9 w3 w& U# ~/ a1 W- Y
a resident in Alberta.  ( g- k- y5 K+ W! m1 q/ s, @

. X- d8 e% J' ]1 G2 [7 SValid licences from another country are recognized for  R  M- i1 J" i( A4 H+ T
the first 90 days. Application must be made for an
: s+ F7 v. B; F/ k& ZAlberta licence and the licence from outside of Canada , t+ K( X9 i+ v. N8 Q/ K2 N5 p# T
must be surrendered before this time period is up. + C  c# A: a9 u. V% A8 T% N
For more information please refer to our websitettp://servicealberta.ca/Drivers_Licence.cfm/ T4 X4 `, i) X3 L2 \; P/ |6 _
To obtain an Alberta licence, you will be required
* F1 u. R% f& V. ~& I1 mto personally attend any one of the Registry Agent
: q/ t+ q! E8 ^6 O2 O3 g! Coffices.  A medical examination and vision screening
0 y8 K# K3 C  f( j4 Y) Cmay be required if:/ o! h4 Z% b0 \0 ]
- your medical history indicates that such is warranted, or
# h# o. O$ O" Y1 d  R- when a person reaches age 75.  
% \. r- n: H8 w* Z. C( A3 P2 X* B$ {2 p1 a) b/ U* L7 r
Dependent on your particular circumstances, testing may
% h, Z+ c5 G0 ]2 A4 ^* \' nalso be required.  To obtain a commercial licence, $ T# `9 p  W3 c4 d. C8 i
testing is mandatory (Road and Knowledge testing).  8 ?- t  U7 u+ R, y7 o$ {
! D. V+ m- @; i2 r# F9 z/ f0 ]
Acceptable identification and proof of Alberta residency
* [' [; h9 x5 Z- ^* H. Aare required.  You may review some examples of acceptable ) E1 Z. R# `% i* P1 V$ M& d) c
identification at the following webpage:  ! }% S7 w2 I" ]& T0 w8 T1 A0 t/ [' h
8 L1 \& E$ p3 V3 Q8 j, ^# k
ttp://servicealberta.ca/1305.cfm: Y, O9 v6 ?( W2 z3 j
9 q# C! ^3 D) t; V# a/ s
Some examples of proof of residency include:  
0 L* C9 H& U6 _' I) I: a& R4 U! }Alberta Rental or Mortgage Agreement; Letter from your 9 e8 ?4 q/ K% a) Q2 X1 ?/ [
employer; Proof of personal taxes filed in Alberta; ( o# G  i7 L) [- s
Utility, telephone, or gas bill in applicant’s name/ g' L* N* z0 y6 |% I
and with Alberta address on them.  
2 m6 |) e9 I- ~8 k6 ~
) K& o( Z" j& W2 B) b! D: k, XApplicants originating from outside Canada must present
8 k& G8 T$ V1 \7 ]4 [immigration documents in addition to identification.  * g  a+ ]0 [6 ~6 y( a8 |

7 l& f$ v+ u& E* W1 kFor information on Registry Agents, please contact:
# V5 `  f5 P" z6 b3 K$ n; Q" h* P8 ]; y, N4 Q- |: Q6 }  o
Edmonton                    427-7013! u5 q2 _6 a0 J( G6 J! m
Other Areas (Alberta only)  310-0000 then enter (780) 427-7013; ^# {/ [/ E0 B! B4 e
Alberta Yellow Pages        under License and Registry Services9 ^2 ~9 G, C9 V. U: k: C' Q6 }
& X) k+ ~8 h/ T# d- l3 iIf you have any further questions please contact:
8 v) G9 W' P* x0 h2 I* TMinistry of Service Alberta
% |- _, `+ T* wBox 3140
6 g* z& }/ R& N2 ~& ]Edmonton AB T5J 2G7
1 ~: N1 ?/ t+ m! U8 vPhone:  (780) 427-7013
, T, \: `8 I" }. _9 S' b) OFor toll-free access within Alberta first dial 310-00007 o3 n% U; I3 O9 F, l4 N- _
Email:  mv@gov.ab.ca* B% ]2 _1 _/ B3 S0 T- M
! Q6 F% \9 e$ }# A, F0 z8 v5 }
Visit our website atww.servicealberta.cafor comprehensive registries and consumer information and 3 ^: I# g; O8 y4 F* |6 }
鲜花(48) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2012-9-27 09:56 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2012-9-27 10:04 | 显示全部楼层
% I4 c+ {3 e( V9 Z% P9 P
  Z" z0 c5 O; ^: N“1949年9月19日,联合国为在国外的驾车者们制订了国际驾驶执照,用若干种语言印制--联合国官方语言(英语、法语、西班牙语、俄语和中文)还有德语、阿拉伯语。为驾车者和警察克服了因语言障碍而带来的困难。该执照使人们有权在其他国家驾车。
1 F' Q6 R( u5 E8 L0 h) l  国际驾驶执照容易申请,也不用参加驾驶考试。! w  H  D$ G3 j; t+ c
鲜花(2) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2012-9-27 17:46 | 显示全部楼层
看来要亲自到registration office问一下了。
鲜花(2) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2012-9-28 09:28 | 显示全部楼层
刚才问了registry agent,不给visitor发驾照。这下问题麻烦了。
鲜花(16) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2012-9-30 08:10 | 显示全部楼层
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