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鲜花(1010) 鸡蛋(1)
发表于 2014-2-28 16:29 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 秀色可餐 于 2014-2-28 16:34 编辑
7 d9 Y$ i3 X1 x. D- E
# l1 A0 y5 ?: ^7 N) Q4 v1 ~4 u% f# W8 M- @* D
# t0 s7 |& l) P
% l1 ~/ f/ b* H; c# }7 Y" c- V* w9 A0 _; e
' k4 ?4 ?9 h! m' \On Children
8 e1 ~2 {3 X+ A' i# z/ T Kahlil Gibran4 X6 g6 j5 p- {7 s
Your children are not your children.
) Q7 Q2 E$ @) P( rThey are the sons and daughters of Life's longing for itself.
" D# ^5 z6 L" wThey come through you but not from you,
  Y) w& }  |8 kAnd though they are with you yet they belong not to you.& V4 ?2 i' U& R# l$ V+ |: [
You may give them your love but not your thoughts,
5 w* [' Q: N9 E8 o; PFor they have their own thoughts.
1 Z8 D% U9 t# r" {  l6 i) dYou may house their bodies but not their souls,, H. Q: Y0 v; m$ D4 T& c: `9 z
For their souls dwell in the house of tomorrow,
3 L  r4 V; R( I- Wwhich you cannot visit, not even in your dreams.
6 m0 N* q9 P5 L" R8 VYou may strive to be like them,8 r5 c" p3 h0 q) Z& m1 K
but seek not to make them like you.
6 y; O+ D* t0 N& t% TFor life goes not backward nor tarries with yesterday.- g/ K  ]$ \+ V% C1 L
You are the bows from which your children
' c* q* P! g# T* ~8 uas living arrows are sent forth.
& P  {- @; A9 w$ XThe archer sees the mark upon the path of the infinite,7 T* |0 u3 r. E
and He bends you with His might
& N9 B+ x$ f! l3 uthat His arrows may go swift and far.
3 A/ i5 i, g9 w) q/ QLet your bending in the archer's hand be for gladness;
) Y( y- J# p3 Y0 uFor even as He loves the arrow that flies,& f2 j5 ~- n2 D+ D5 e
so He loves also the bow that is stable.
鲜花(1010) 鸡蛋(1)
 楼主| 发表于 2014-2-28 16:36 | 显示全部楼层
# R; H! _4 e3 b! y! @( O
) F6 m$ H' z* Y5 M8 S* b( o* R你的子女,其实不是你的子女。
1 N: R0 t- r9 h9 }' W他们是生命对于自身渴望而诞生的孩子。. Q4 l3 A8 C* @7 E8 C# k# q3 E4 ]
他们借助你来到这世界,却非因你而来。3 s- W! h- D7 O, s4 ^% V0 {/ o4 l
4 E0 X+ n1 i3 V' m8 N你可以给予他们的是你的爱,却不是你的思想,
8 a. N8 O1 s1 r- c) h因为他们有自己的思想。
# L; f; l/ @3 y你可以庇护的是他们的身体,却不是他们的灵魂,
% |. k2 F3 C$ ^+ h3 c因为他们的灵魂属于明天,属于你做梦都无法到达的明天,% J* \+ m2 |' B
你可以拚尽全力,变得像他们一样,9 [9 T, Q6 b9 K: o) }9 E5 R3 v
8 ~. p( U! D( |# G/ E8 h5 S因为生命不会后退,也不在过去停留。
; t# g- `9 H0 @4 N- m你是弓,儿女是从你那里射出的箭。
. x8 X) R% P0 C9 R6 \& a* @弓箭手望着未来之路上的箭靶,
. @: g! U; |6 Q6 \" w. d它用尽力气将你拉开,使他的箭射得又快又远。
8 q0 S% v9 a: p5 l' _/ L9 J5 Y6 c怀着快乐的心情,在弓箭手的手中弯曲吧,
! B( L4 A3 G4 E4 N因为他爱一路飞翔的箭,也爱无比稳定的弓。
鲜花(168) 鸡蛋(1)
发表于 2014-2-28 19:04 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(8) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2014-3-1 20:03 | 显示全部楼层
老杨团队 追求完美
鲜花(172) 鸡蛋(1)
发表于 2014-3-1 21:14 | 显示全部楼层
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