埃德蒙顿华人社区-Edmonton China

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发表于 2006-9-13 12:23 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
9 e+ Y% r9 h- W$ l" ?; }# D邀请参加国语部成年人(50岁以上)团契发起大会6 L9 ~" p! `9 e' o: Z/ R
Proposed Mandarin Mature (50+) Person Fellowship# X4 l) ]6 E9 u0 Y) C
9 u& a8 q& Z4 d8 j2 u5 U7 K
第一次会议议事程序: Agenda - Ist Meeting  0 p. Z/ \; @  L' y/ _
# h$ f6 Z% ~) E0 G
二零零六年九月十六日下午一点半: 1:30pm, Saturday, September 16, 2006 6 @5 M( \( }% a
* v5 `3 a: R7 J/ X7 U$ N& f
程序主席 (Meeting Chairperson): Brother John king (张皇卿弟兄):. h6 i, s+ \* Z" N: S
1 r5 F9 W8 ]+ t/ |+ P1 J2 C
(1)        开始祈祷: Opening Prayer - Pastor Peter Hsieh (谢荣爵牧师)1 E+ p6 c* E3 Z# l' A

: D! t. m. I: }- L. ~! W(2)        团契目的: Purpose and Declaration  - Leading to Healthy Living with Spiritual Growth
$ B, @& c' @: J5 w4 B                                                 through Fellowship (灵信增长)
6 T' S6 P- }' `- Leading to Meaningful Living through
) Q! D, ]/ N1 b$ h/ A  Active Participation in Fellowship (完善生活)1 a5 c  A; c6 |( o- y1 N
- Leading to Gospel Spreading through
/ B! l5 f( o& J  t0 y  Fellowship with Community Members (带人信主) 8 q: f/ H. x, x0 ~- I' }
8 d% ~; G# _$ u
(3)        录选同工: Election and Selection - Positions and duties (职位与责任)
: A2 W5 R) n) j7 R( C# r8 o! f- ]8 X( F
* M% r5 j' u" o& u! B6 V. P(i)        团长 Chairperson (一位) - Leading and Envisioning (领导监督)
: M% F$ I& `& C/ U" j+ h9 E9 J0 f2 ?' {; \
(ii)        副团长 Vice-Chair (一位) - Planning and Operating (指挥筹备)
' T" N$ }" I0 p$ E0 ^( e4 Q2 c+ ~6 q/ K7 ]: {
(iii)        灵信导师 Spiritual Leader (一位) - Spiritual guidance and audit (灵信辅导)
; W/ G0 x( W" @3 `. D" G
7 |) g- U; T# Y6 I! F0 O(iv)        节目主管 Programs Coordinator (两位) - Programs & Activities (节目活动)8 t( A  _- z6 v3 D; o) f' p
(请参考附加资料), r8 T0 Z6 m$ D- S

! t; x/ i3 O2 N( H% p& K(v)        关怀主管 Caring Coordinator (两位) - Caring and Communication 主# V& \- C7 ]* d9 e
(关怀,联系,探访,接送....等等)4 ~0 V! l1 s8 d- B; I, E

. H9 y8 b( P. b0 ](vi)        秘书财政主管 Secretary-Treasurer (两位) - Records Keeping and Treasury
* P$ }/ }) j7 m- ^+ Z& A) w7 h, n                                      Functions (文书财政)
/ ]) j; }" a1 Z
( i4 g* r6 k& j: O& C0 [, a(vii) 接待人员 Reception Servers (两位) - Refreshments and Entertainments (Members Rotating) - (茶点招待: 弟兄姊妹轮流供应)
9 I, b' d: W( F, \
( `6 T: a& Z4 e% s(4)        结束祷告: Ending Prayer - Brother Yaw Fah Li (吕耀华弟兄)
3 l2 Q* u: ?- H3 d9 A0 o* g9 X  H/ B4 O" v( A7 V$ d, v

( Z! e$ o. l( x2 P6 `; H* ?会议地点 (Location) :  爱城华人宣道会 9120 - 146 Street, Edmonton. 联络电话: 444-1188
+ T* _5 k) x1 |1 D0 W  h5 K7 `" \1 w4 q( Q: J$ H: J3 }
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