埃德蒙顿华人社区-Edmonton China

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鲜花(150) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2015-9-4 19:36 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
EPSA 2015/2016 Soccer registration starts! z; Q4 Q  H* Y
周五室内足球/篮球开始报名1 A) L  }2 |, `% i
首先非常感谢我们的教练贡献自己的时间和精力。如果一定要在这份感谢上加上次数,我希望不止是一万次- 没有义工教练的支持,我们不可能把周五的足球办下去。很多家长也在教练人手紧张的时候上场帮忙。
3 |8 y0 }& S% N  \6 a, b7 u随着孩子们的长大,有的教练会跟着孩子升到下一个班。因此我们随时欢迎有足球经验的家长加入我们,目前我们保证每班3到4个教练。作为一个非营利的足球活动,我们的费用主要用来购买器材,付场地费,用于孩子们身上。具体花费情况我会在教练范围内公布。基本上季季勉强持平。我们还有一些器材需要更新, 比如说大班的足球.+ {  M' [+ ]5 P1 x% D; @' _: v
2015/2016室内足球,篮球报名要求如下:填报名表,签好waiver表, 电邮给EPSAinformation@gmail.com,  9月25号第一次活动时交费用和义工支票。室内活动会一直到4月底,每班会有25次活动。1 g  @+ n8 Y- K! a; G* Y
9 `- F/ S) f7 M8 K/ s1.        U12/U14篮球会在DS Mackenzie school gym学校周五晚6点到7点半,参考年龄10到13岁
- Y. K, j  K/ U# I2.        U10 足球会在DS Mackenzie school gym学校周五晚7点半到9点,参考年龄7到10岁
' B: O$ e+ P  {1 W# a8 B5 m/ ^3.        U7 足球会在Greenfield school gym学校周五晚7点到9点,参考年龄5到7岁5 }+ Q1 l; o5 J  X) g
6 x5 v5 }4 b1 ]; }1 @- S7 i$ S" a) ~
义工我会在明年4月份组织bottle drive, 如果家长参加此次活动,支票会在活动后归还。教练也要求交义工支票,如果出勤18次,我们也会归还支票。. v0 s6 V6 z) |
今年开始我们会限制每班人数以保证每个孩子都有教练足够的关注! R8 b3 Z* {7 x; V5 h* E1 v
First and always, special thanks for coaches who have been consistently showing up to our soccer program. Thanks for your volunteer time and efforts. I would say as many times as I could that without our volunteer coaches, our program will not survive.3 }1 X6 X8 S% M! p0 g3 Q' Y
As the kid growing up, our coaches will move up with their kids. In this case we are consistently looking for skilled parents to step out and be the new coach. Even we have enough coaches at the moment, we could still have you as our backups.: D2 r' ^  A7 ^9 l' J0 X/ J
As a non profit program, our majority income will be used to buy equipments and pay gym rentals for our programs. Accounting details will be published within coaches.
# E+ p$ k' Z0 l. K) x9 @- pFor registration, please fill in our registration form as well as the waiver form on the same page with your signature.
4 V, L' K2 k  e4 ^( g+ OWe will have 3 teams for our 2015/2016 indoor season with qualified coaches: U12/14 basketball team, U10 soccer team and U7 soccer team.! c- [3 u: t9 @7 m6 s
The indoor season will start from Sep 25 this year until the end of Apr 2016. All programs will be at Friday night. Each program will have 25 Fridays booked.4 u" v4 K7 q% _0 W+ T5 X
For all 3 programs, Fee: $ 50, Volunteer* deposit: $50 post dated Jun 1, 2016,
6 U) c  F' W% N1.        U12/14 basketball team will be in DS Mackenzie school gym from 6pm to 7:30pm,  Reference age: 10 to 13# L7 ]6 L" X- s- o( O
2.        U10 soccer will be in DS Mackenzie school gym from 7:30pm to 9pm. Reference age: 7 to 101 \! r7 P9 f( p* I
3.        U7 soccer will still be in Greenfield School Gym, Friday 7pm to 9pm. Reference Age: 5 to 7& O' A: y; z5 o5 R2 q
*Volunteer will be one day bottle drive in 2016 spring. If you come to our bottle drive, we will return your deposit check.
8 |. D* x7 u' S+ J+ nCoaches need deposit cheque for your attendance.  If you showed up at least 18 times based on your own record, your deposit check will be returned.
( T+ r3 x' |) [( o3 D5 wPlease email your completed registration form to EPSAinformation@gmail.com, we will accept the payment on the first day of the program. Spots are limited to ensure the quality of training due to limited coach resources, and it is first come first serve.; V7 |* K( p+ \4 K1 u9 x
鲜花(150) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2015-9-4 19:39 | 显示全部楼层
- @+ q" u- m' B
/ a1 f4 v3 S2 |% ^具体活动的时间表, 我会在25号发给大家
3 F& r3 W) W/ [4 M$ Q, y1 J8 \
6 E: B: R+ U. ]- o! \- F' \地址# T2 M- U. M; i- w1 G% [) S
Greenfield School Gym:3735 114 St NW for U7 soccer  a4 A4 R/ ~- A4 {

8 Y# O: ~7 \7 K5 A$ [# } DS Mackenzie School Gym:4020 106 St for U10 soccer and U12 Basketball

EPSA 2015 Indoor form.docx

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鲜花(150) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2015-9-8 21:20 | 显示全部楼层
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