埃德蒙顿华人社区-Edmonton China

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how can i find a french school for my daughter?

鲜花(2) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2007-5-24 11:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Hello, everyone,  h) v/ g  V1 `- P! ~5 L, W; T. S
8 c- S  |1 c$ |
I had a big problem in searching for a french school for my dauther. she is 10 years old and had learn french 5 years in quebec. she knows little about english. But i can not find a french school in edmonton, only french immerse school. these french immerse school give french course in very low level and is prepared for english speaking children.  does anyone know a good french school there?
4 C* [0 |- K5 O5 y5 l
0 P/ I* S9 s9 u8 i8 u- Fthank you!
鲜花(34) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2007-5-24 11:30 | 显示全部楼层

might be helpeful

原帖由 hannahxue 于 2007-5-24 12:00 发表
/ @- P# b. a# s- K6 h0 K+ sHello, everyone,8 Q8 l8 {* D* e3 x: B( H
; m: }6 p4 q+ v7 j' n
I had a big problem in searching for a french school for my dauther. she is 10 years old and had learn french 5 years in quebec. she knows little about english. But i can not  ...

' m: }2 k2 R4 \, `5 H/ o. B0 Y9 u, s5 c  A& N8 L) r
http://districtsite.epsb.ca/root ... le.cfm?Program_ID=5
, \8 t1 {6 P  b* `% y% g  G6 g" u* Z* A, _% c
Languages - French Immersion% Z! a( G( ^# _* G' d, _

& d+ M! d. N0 V5 \. r) j
2 C! w  n( b6 VFrench Immersion students are taught in French 100 per cent of the time.  Learning in French gradually decreases as they progress through the grades.  Students have the opportunity to achieve international language certification and recognition upon graduation.  Late French Immersion is also available starting in grade seven for students with no previous knowledge of French, please refer to Late French Immersion.
0 o) W1 n6 T% j5 G8 c+ G' |( J

; O1 E$ V: S6 Q8 rElementary 0 c$ u" c1 n: u& A& R  {0 C: m

" m: N( M3 s: RBrander Gardens School  Kindergarten - Grade 2
  v9 l; Q% x( a) ~14865 - 56 Avenue T6H 5G2
# y0 c+ A7 J2 {9 }- M; u7 ^7 sPhone: (780) 436-6740 + m  @* y1 O# G0 K
Fax: (780) 448-0359 6 V' J* h8 P8 r, w" Y6 b3 E
Email: brander@epsb.ca8 ^2 F- V6 V  \: ?' x$ Z- t& E
0 f% N: l  v: b# @! M  [, y5 O/ _

$ Q# U0 ?8 L. G1 X3 ODelwood School  7 s  L4 v* {8 {
7315 Delwood Road T5C 3A9 & E( B  K' K7 S3 ?9 Q
Phone: (780) 476-3969, 476-9866 $ w3 @8 S$ K* M
Fax: (780) 478-1586
' i6 d0 w* b- a* A2 [9 ?6 `( yEmail: delwood@epsb.ca
. S1 N) v/ B+ W( M! M" X) x8 N+ t5 C0 C5 N- W

) ?% v  S; R* c/ n' tDunluce School  Kindergarten - Grade 2 Only
  |5 u2 u0 n: k2 r. g11735 - 162 Avenue NW T5X 4M6
' `" o1 k7 s# W" M4 _( ^Phone: (780) 456-9080, 456-4294 0 Y! X, G+ @2 G6 \
Fax: (780) 456-6667 7 `: d' q3 K/ \: T  h$ J
Email: dunluce@epsb.ca) J* V- ?  @4 [$ X% ]

2 o, F; X- ^8 j8 o& j
* U0 a  V0 T* T. I: {" n; xGreenfield School  
' y5 z' x2 o5 z7 g; X: M3735 - 114 Street T6J 2G6 6 |9 J2 x' S3 _/ f" o7 K# b. u
Phone: (780) 434-8581
2 I. g/ ^4 U2 d( \- YFax: (780) 435-1303   E7 v: D& @; {
Email: greenfield@epsb.ca
$ R' g8 g5 W8 z6 x# h7 @
. z+ c* b/ o1 Y$ n: R7 k! O, A3 z4 ^0 ^+ u; [% o
Greenview School  3 ?0 _3 \. a" |; T. F
5904 - 38 Avenue T6L 3P5 ) @' d) A- y: h3 ]9 ^' i5 k
Phone: (780) 462-0660
6 s! j0 b; j3 rFax: (780) 468-5260
+ a( }9 O3 d. WEmail: greenview@epsb.ca8 u9 d0 m, C4 x( ^8 Y& |, k
# L% E  M* C5 ?1 s! }4 J9 u5 J8 `

! X1 O. X" R8 U% J8 P- L( S! rHolyrood School  ' ^- w7 t" M) w; r, S3 y! [
7920 - 94 Avenue T6C 1W4
, p' ]; E5 W. g+ D% E% vPhone: (780) 466-2292, 466-2608
; s# I8 M& ?; uFax: (780) 468-1044 ; `& r, f$ p: h& c7 {
Email: holyrood@epsb.ca
; o4 I2 o8 }% a1 ~, B, K
- s  ^# |. m9 W% t% ^) @1 e7 w: D2 `% n  l. m; O, V
J.A. Fife School  Kindergarten - Grade 1
' U( n) H8 M: r( Q8 s% M15004 - 76 Street T5C 1C2
) a1 p, m2 ^" u4 P' ?" GPhone: (780) 476-0775, 476-1014
& F: U$ m, e3 d" T9 nFax: (780) 473-8258 + }. M) C# n8 p  i& T3 Q
Email: jafife@epsb.ca# A9 m) P$ `& A, u: }
  N  A2 ^; z% o( y+ U* p+ G6 Q

& i) }! r# x0 Y% n7 x+ r2 ~Laurier Heights School  7 P% }7 U8 p7 p" H
8210 - 142 Street T5R 0L9
5 m, W( E+ c3 v5 hPhone: (780) 483-5352, 483-5353
( K. H- ~# u( T3 U, lFax: (780) 444-7432
. G  b% v, O6 @' m/ c) v1 c1 {Email: laurier@epsb.ca
* t8 F" S! V3 V9 o0 s# e! d4 U9 @8 q7 o0 a6 o" U% B: _6 H
) K! ]# X5 y5 E, L3 Y# B$ M. j
McKernan School  
* i: R- U+ m( d4 C9 n0 H11330 - 76 Avenue T6G 0K1
& D' z6 F$ s* D) J" z& r% D. ePhone: (780) 435-4163, 435-3060
2 b7 C5 V6 b& ^9 n5 b7 lFax: (780) 438-6049 4 l$ R" L8 `8 u2 M# V% Z2 S
Email: mckernan@epsb.ca9 ^6 x' O/ {& A" \4 q- {+ w0 e

7 B1 E; q& C2 G, n. a, [# G& u7 t& @4 \+ e
Richard Secord School  
8 Y" K) g2 V1 v/ i; L8 u- `, u! @4025 - 117 Street T6J 1T4 7 s' \* f' _( \  v) O
Phone: (780) 436-9839 5 z, `, c! Q( W/ M9 T" ^% ~% D
Fax: (780) 432-1319 $ E& a8 ~) C7 r! s
Email: rsecord@epsb.ca6 M$ S; R1 Z0 n. N& H) U( S7 P
+ ^4 G3 K, l! @2 \% q4 |' V

) D9 d8 X0 d& _: W) g! |4 x$ `# {Rio Terrace School  
4 n* M+ m9 i" ^0 d& m" ~* P7608 - 154 Street T5R 1R7 # [# t9 d- \% ]; q' n
Phone: (780) 481-6866, 481-6867 8 d" E0 S7 K+ v* K
Fax: (780) 484-5207 7 Y2 k/ j+ }0 N
Email: rioterrace@epsb.ca8 _7 O; a+ E9 s0 A+ T

: w9 u! j0 ]6 ^% m+ u( l9 q# e
' E/ m, f! g. e+ x; hJunior High $ `0 L( P2 j, Y+ o( p: d
* W3 ~! y0 J5 _2 Z8 [
Avalon School  5 H% ~  U' H6 G, Q! ^
5425 - 114 Street T6H 3M1 : K; e  m/ s6 ^9 Q; s, Z
Phone: (780) 434-8402 4 x2 b4 v7 F: q1 x
Fax: (780) 435-7623
% D' U3 s4 b! \3 |5 u% rEmail: avalon@epsb.ca0 U! H& R+ @, o3 O) \& _5 L

  c1 ^' ?; Q+ U
+ c) \6 t+ T! Z: v2 n7 V) n5 lDickinsfield School  . H6 F! n& @; T  V; @8 \
14320 - 88A Street T5E 6B6
* v2 |' A! t# u. G# E, |1 ~2 YPhone: (780) 476-4646, 476-4744
  b- b, Z9 L/ v* ^$ l) rFax: (780) 473-4295 / S$ M; c2 G9 I# ]$ I  ?
Email: dickinsfield@epsb.ca/ b/ s1 Z5 A# [. d. }

, f. n* V1 S# k. F8 b
( L- l8 a$ @9 b3 l2 Z2 P0 [4 \1 |Kenilworth School  
' s& ?+ f8 x  g9 L- j7005 - 89 Avenue T6B 0N3
" b# V/ w( y0 }! H/ B4 uPhone: (780) 466-2104, 466-2105
& Y$ Y  o1 U, W; _4 b  |( kFax: (780) 468-9276
! \4 Q% D' P( `% g  h5 Q: l8 m$ SEmail: kenilworth@epsb.ca( y9 o! c1 o/ G$ Q8 ^; y" ]
. x. f0 P3 s; \7 H7 O8 I* D

% z1 Y9 g/ ?3 O) ELaurier Heights School  Kindergarten - Grade 9
3 u  S2 A' s, @  x8210 - 142 Street T5R 0L9 # x6 R# O4 W) |2 N( }( C0 S3 ?8 S
Phone: (780) 483-5352, 483-5353
4 H  f7 K1 D; j" L: c- wFax: (780) 444-7432
9 E0 T" P. P: X* qEmail: laurier@epsb.ca% M8 @8 H: G0 C5 e
# ^- {. c/ |, W6 B/ q9 e8 h

$ Z5 U: t3 u( M5 U8 y9 |& l- jMcKernan School  Kindergarten - Grade 9
4 N+ t* @; e! R# Y( i0 A' P11330 - 76 Avenue T6G 0K1
  l3 S- q4 f8 N* VPhone: (780) 435-4163, 435-3060
6 O3 k& J- D! z  I% x! sFax: (780) 438-6049
) G6 B8 k4 I3 tEmail: mckernan@epsb.ca
4 r8 P) y5 B0 M- e; Z* u: l! R  R9 e6 g2 ^% z1 w; V  P

- J& \5 G7 @+ b) m* lSenior High
8 w5 Y4 @( M; d
% }/ p4 `* Y/ p5 hHarry Ainlay School  # s, O6 [+ E0 ?4 }% p  s
4350 - 111 Street T6J 1E8
6 P9 A- N$ Y9 M* K- h- f- QPhone: (780) 413-2700
' D! w; d* ]6 L2 qFax: (780) 438-1465
& [+ S" Z7 i& P) I! l/ kEmail: hainlay@epsb.ca2 J, f! }& {$ [) Q/ a
8 [% G2 b; X' e

0 }! T+ h& L# O* ZRoss Sheppard School  0 B9 |& L7 k- \4 T  T
13546 - 111 Avenue T5M 2P2
5 m' ]6 J8 M# n8 x8 q3 hPhone: (780) 448-5000 . z! D) Z7 t- J
Fax: (780) 452-7563
/ x- ~- O1 a  E2 y* ~' t& IEmail: rsheppard@epsb.ca$ W; b/ ]* F. j4 N3 h
, K  U$ H" V! P/ {9 }7 p1 i
4 f9 a- C8 ]( Z9 F* D
Need more information?
: y1 I! o3 \+ N
$ ^( J0 p' x  l- y2 Z4 J  xPlease contact the school directly, or Planning at (780) 429-8427.. I7 b2 ~5 F- l% _! B8 U6 Z
/ ~. m1 L  H, ?, M" r  P( }
Last updated: Mar 27, 2007
鲜花(15) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2007-5-24 11:31 | 显示全部楼层
Mckernan is the best one here, although his french level is much lower than other schools in Quebec. You have no choice except you lleave Alberta.
鲜花(34) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2007-5-24 11:56 | 显示全部楼层
老杨团队 追求完美
原帖由 edmt 于 2007-5-24 12:31 发表
/ f, j( m- f4 d7 [Mckernan is the best one here, although his french level is much lower than other schools in Quebec. You have no choice except you lleave Alberta.

" j& }1 i' l* H1 N6 O( b# i
. [8 o. E, N: E/ k0 H?????????? Are you sure? and evidence? Proof? ?????????????????
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