二手汽车 老柳教车

埃德蒙顿华人社区-Edmonton China

楼主: 榆木鱼


鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2008-4-6 09:16 | 显示全部楼层


" Q# _/ I% u" g) m$ ^/ i1FAFP10P5WW230976
* D1 m- B' `/ h7 P9 z# T6 cSEDAN 4 DR
% O$ p( d( F9 g/ X5 }2 h* e. H) [2.0L L4 PFI SOHC 8V / FRONT WHEEL DRIVE
% B2 M" |) e3 z& ~
2 p( c/ w+ D" U% F) ]7 n' i: L; |. Y+ m6 m1 {" i+ x
Salvage | Junk | Rebuilt  Guaranteed   P: q( [. i: i  J' M
No Problem  
+ t: @- z6 o: WFire/Flood | Hail Damage | Buyback/Lemon + t  t0 {; i. \. ]4 {2 \
No Problem  
( A9 r' n4 T; U8 aNot Actual Mileage | Exceeds Mechanical Limits  Guaranteed
  B: W6 l0 @' p1 h8 v4 N9 a+ [  QNo Problem  
8 q# z0 X7 u# u& K! }+ l: _! t) c  r* Z
& B8 K# E$ D- E$ P
Total Loss Check
! a" E1 v4 m) ^( Y8 [6 |No total loss reported to CARFAX.   
1 Q( y3 N6 W" w: NNo Issues Reported  ! w$ ?- |# H! O' L7 e
Structural / Frame Damage Check
! @$ ~# j, ]  K$ _No structural / frame damage reported to CARFAX.   
# h! N7 J4 g! E, u6 SNo Issues Reported ; D2 F5 H! W) [0 {, s
Airbag Deployment Check! u1 p$ J2 x* g& P) K$ ?
No airbag deployment reported to CARFAX.   ; G0 ]7 L( h3 U7 U& e/ n
No Issues Reported  3 H% f. y. B1 W
Odometer Rollback Check8 i  E6 F2 }+ d
No indication of an odometer rollback.  
( o  n: }3 u. q' F  `$ |2 a; sNo Issues Indicated  * o  O8 ^! d2 x5 D
Accident Check
+ q" p$ m4 K/ p9 }8 Y7 G: v8 n' Q" eNo accidents reported to CARFAX.+ q, \' W' p& A6 ~, N2 H
No Issues Reported  
+ B: J: ^2 E9 X) n1 J! U  F' TManufacturer Recall Check9 |1 t( W/ j5 _8 M# J
Available directly from Ford. A current list of recalls is available at 7 _/ ]: m) K# q: e! D
www.ford.com.   No Recalls Reported                  9 l$ x$ G* O; `* E4 P3 f- ^
Basic Warranty Check
4 n! c+ F' p0 UOriginal warranty estimated to have expired. View Info
  F$ c5 t- t* n8 Q0 L( @, KInterested in an extended warranty?
  Z3 r3 u0 z/ F! r9 F/ f Warranty Expired , }, H, t$ D3 C5 E

! @6 M' ~& h9 ?3 v, e5 y   
* S" W0 }! f$ A  G# J$ K3 D9 y7 ?02/19/1998       NICB    Vehicle manufactured
' @/ B6 [, O" u) x; G* _/ \+ F, ?' cand shipped to original dealer  
% o0 o% E' c2 N4 e6 ^% P
$ _( R, N5 S9 d8 S* ]; o) R05/04/1998       Quebec   H1 d2 [8 E+ b" d
Motor Vehicle Dept. 9 V+ f, M% i3 a
Gatineau, QC    Registration issued or renewed 2 q6 S, G8 K# Y4 p, ]
First owner reported  
; ]- f/ u' U! U( A  t. d* R " c3 {% v" ?4 B2 A8 x% T
10/27/1998       Quebec 2 V4 S( w" p% C! c* Z
Motor Vehicle Dept. / J& h/ n; Y7 Y7 i- n  k" w5 X6 M
Gatineau, QC    Registration issued or renewed  
( O! w0 W. Q* u" l: Z( G 5 F: }. ^9 U) o' O
10/29/1999       Quebec $ R( {. U1 l. X# ?( G
Motor Vehicle Dept.
$ C% o/ X" j# G% {$ \Gatineau, QC    Registration issued or renewed  5 W2 M% b- d8 x5 y0 B

  p: A8 v1 ?( W; v+ K5 U2 ^06/18/2001       Quebec
. j" Q! u5 y& V+ wMotor Vehicle Dept.    Registration issued or renewed
) ~  o, Q" P1 U% q  n% uRegistered as % ^7 z) }+ C7 v" y2 @6 Q1 Y
personal vehicle  . Y8 Y- G; q' d' X
) o9 B5 D; l0 p4 s" T' T- P
10/31/2001       Quebec
  s; z7 X8 @6 o, _Motor Vehicle Dept. 0 \! g- h8 W7 v- M/ W
Saint-Redempteur, QC    Registration issued or renewed  + ]3 P9 E9 i( o: L0 \
) q4 s' S5 n) y/ H) i! O8 C) J
05/02/2006       Quebec   q, X; @3 @: P5 u4 }
Motor Vehicle Dept.    Vehicle retired from use  / Q$ y- D3 D3 k( `

# ^9 R& I, C5 Y4 n+ x: N" q' }05/02/2006       Saskatchewan 0 {( e! D! ^5 _: y1 J3 p
Motor Vehicle Dept.
" Z: O: U. V; N/ Q* M: [5 m$ a) JBushell Park, SK    Registration issued or renewed  1 c+ q7 q' R: b; j2 `
6 {3 P9 f  N* b/ u
05/01/2007       Saskatchewan - r) E% r0 l6 y3 ]
Motor Vehicle Dept.   X9 p) s1 s, g% \) S. {
Bushell Park, SK    Registration issued or renewed  
- X( j$ R8 P# N
+ A4 }# F- ?0 K6 V. i" `07/01/2007       Saskatchewan " ^  A( C& f& K6 y
Motor Vehicle Dept.
$ w# V$ q% C# O& j$ D4 RBushell Park, SK    Registration issued or renewed  3 _3 t3 s% e9 v' O2 F1 I

. f6 R: d, N% Q. e. Q# o09/29/2007    118,136    Dealer Inventory    Vehicle offered for sale 8 {$ o6 _* o$ U  X
Odometer reported as 190,122 kilometers
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-4-6 20:45 | 显示全部楼层
' i7 G7 _' }; C+ n( c( x
5 g& A% q! t. v+ @& c% h8 l( c$ ^1FAFP53U0YG149857
" V, b( v' R1 `7 O( p, Z
3 M7 S/ X' k7 Q太谢谢了:)1 k- D, D* c! M. x1 Q
  H9 b- }& |# ~* u+ ^0 f6 ^2 s
请发到邮箱: davidrong7729@hotmail.com
/ I6 }) f" q* @
5 K8 H3 w1 m& ]: _/ P[ 本帖最后由 陌生人 于 2008-4-6 21:46 编辑 ]
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-4-7 10:55 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2008-4-7 20:40 | 显示全部楼层


老杨团队 追求完美
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2008-4-7 20:41 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-4-8 08:53 | 显示全部楼层
/ v! [" D+ h  `  ^( a! R$ S, _: k4 ]3 E, ]
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2008-4-8 18:39 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-4-11 08:01 | 显示全部楼层


鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2008-4-11 08:23 | 显示全部楼层


The VIN you entered: IHGEJ8273VL800066 is invalid.
! O  E* R: r3 h/ `) w# XHowever the VIN you entered is very close to those listed below. 8 x  T2 [+ Q; z& v; T* H. r
) ]8 V* R- Q) w3 K" {8 e
1. 1HGEJ8273VL800066  1997 HONDA/CIVIC SI/1.6L L4 PFI 16V
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2008-4-11 08:25 | 显示全部楼层


这两天因为个人原因不能上网/ _6 R9 ?# S7 l6 H6 j
7 X: S: X  o. k3 r( b4 C" r) A下周三开始可以恢复
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-4-11 09:25 | 显示全部楼层
1HGEJ8273VL800066  1997 HONDA/CIVIC SI/1.6L L4 PFI 16V is the right one.
鲜花(15) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-4-13 19:22 | 显示全部楼层


鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-4-15 15:15 | 显示全部楼层
同言同羽 置业良晨
, z# T% [5 ?2 s$ s4 C* O! e请帮忙查一下这个车,2G1WL52M6W9262367,98  chevrolet    lumina& _7 _) ]8 E" T' Z% a; l
+ i- z/ b/ j- D# v2 j; N9 H谢谢
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2008-4-16 01:47 | 显示全部楼层

41 楼 这车好象出过事

1997 HONDA CIVIC SI / `* W& i* ~+ k" \+ K' S0 R
4 F3 e% A4 v' t2 j8 _COUPE, M2 L+ [# @5 X% j
1.6L L4 PFI 16V / FRONT WHEEL DRIVE3 Y; T2 [" J$ V2 c% g4 X2 }
3 ?$ ~3 H8 W3 f2 Y5 Q! G
Salvage | Junk | Rebuilt  Alert!. t# Y: r+ t1 }- ^) N; z
Problem Found  8 f% t: c. {6 x- J) x
Fire/Flood | Hail Damage | Buyback/Lemon  No Problem  # a" _/ Q3 E' K  p
Not Actual Mileage | Exceeds Mechanical Limits
5 C5 m: }6 @% y) t  ^5 ^( t  No Problem  
2 T, {6 x) y; C3 K: y8 S# `Alert! Severe problems were reported by a state Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV). This vehicle does not qualify for the CARFAX Buyback Guarantee.  0 z& X4 q& a: _' V

6 m. z8 H! Y7 e1 |0 I( |- o" t' H! {( F( g' K! ]
Total Loss Check5 k5 p9 T; f( g
No total loss reported to CARFAX.   No Issues Reported  
; [, D. F* \8 B7 }  B0 R; X4 H. ^Structural / Frame Damage Check
4 N: `5 S, j4 A; JNo structural / frame damage reported to CARFAX.   No Issues Reported  : C# g" O0 q) t, m
Airbag Deployment Check
2 l, i+ I  G% \0 F3 J5 g; r! ?. w) H$ HNo airbag deployment reported to CARFAX.   No Issues Reported  9 d' \' G, N. R- A
Odometer Rollback Check2 c; Y9 U. T; d5 I& U
No indication of an odometer rollback.  No Issues Indicated  
: R0 f3 A2 Y" c$ A  I) W4 `8 IAccident Check
# a: Y+ A$ r( o0 _See State DMV-reported Title Problems above. Alert!
+ y, \# i7 k0 @% @  I/ j* h9 mProblem Found  
" R  P; {( g8 w9 }! D. S4 q" [, ^Manufacturer Recall Check
1 B9 |, H" Y' ^Check with an authorized Honda dealer for any open recalls. " e0 |( E) f1 W# K: m; ]2 u
  No Recalls Reported                  / a3 b$ `7 a. s% F: r8 L3 {
Basic Warranty Check6 j+ e' ?7 F( q4 T1 w% C
Original manufacturer warranty likely voided by manufacturer after vehicle was severely damaged.
! A" g" A3 P% j: W Warranty Voided
$ O8 h8 t9 B# }; } 7 |7 p+ \/ }$ k1 G: G
4 N% ?: O4 v+ E% b7 l
10/21/1996       Alberta 2 {9 a3 S8 S5 y
Motor Vehicle Dept.
& L+ o4 C4 t. V9 l; C  gCalgary, AB    Registration issued or renewed # e% o5 C" V! b
First owner reported  
/ k* O& `+ m) Q3 v & L3 ]) A  Q' \
06/05/1998    11,185    Service Facility    Vehicle serviced ! j3 s* o0 U! ~  c' ]$ V
Engine serviced 7 y9 h) D* |1 |' E! W
Lubed oil and filter changed 2 a: N8 Y: a0 r/ `! N
Odometer reported as 18,001 kilometers  ) t* l7 W  }3 l) M! G/ R# \

- q# U" O* X# Y+ K5 U07/07/1998       Service Facility    Vehicle serviced * @( v3 r1 V2 I- a2 S# T/ p2 F
Miscellaneous service performed  
- b' X: G, D( ?& e
% g$ ?9 b' t7 T8 `- _+ X3 {5 D10/30/1998    15,606    Service Facility    Vehicle serviced # m' i# r/ ^2 t  L' [- Y# c- Q
Engine serviced 3 a# B& J" ~. Q2 T
Transmission serviced 3 ~5 m/ o, [! b8 f# F
Miscellaneous service performed 7 a5 V( K! {; S
Lubed oil and filter changed 5 r3 g) L9 Q# W3 R% [. }
Odometer reported as 25,117 kilometers  6 j' `9 B# B" b. ~8 h

* V1 H7 e4 S0 ?& ]2 j. d4 u" _12/30/1998    18,045    Service Facility    Vehicle serviced
# }3 a9 I- j+ ?) F- {/ q1 D# PMiscellaneous service performed
& n9 M, X6 K7 r; Q! j7 O, KOdometer reported as 29,041 kilometers  - T6 ?0 P: l" z3 n
" F2 \/ k: L8 W' ^( f
02/15/1999    19,768    Service Facility    Vehicle serviced
5 a; W, y5 a8 C4 S, `Lubed oil and filter changed ( ~7 P0 H6 \' B# i: i
Odometer reported as 31,814 kilometers  
9 e! E3 Z; N2 Y& l& o4 g3 O1 T, ~ / l3 r/ w" C7 X0 a0 T1 K( c
04/10/1999       Service Facility    Vehicle serviced ! K: X" n6 r; C3 s$ U; V1 C
Miscellaneous service performed  
# z- l) m+ J$ P' C; \, x
2 R3 f5 q) W! U9 c! d# w+ d07/02/1999    22,917    Service Facility    Vehicle serviced
- i- m2 M/ C9 r' Z8 w' B0 _, _) uMiscellaneous service performed
3 R- t# }- }7 h1 T. J& R3 HLubed oil and filter changed
7 X# k7 h( N5 a; O. k$ QOdometer reported as 36,882 kilometers  0 v% d# @1 X, c* w
* j9 \: u, m1 }, K5 E; _
10/22/1999    26,509    Service Facility    Vehicle serviced
: b0 `0 m4 h  F9 q0 NEngine serviced
' E, Q1 F1 s# E; C% C0 hLubed oil and filter changed : x; U1 R! ?; ~/ ^! @
Miscellaneous service performed 4 P8 i9 |1 Z" U- g2 u6 ?
Odometer reported as 42,663 kilometers  
* z& X3 ]1 y$ X9 D" M: |6 K& v $ @: G/ t( X* P9 l7 h4 w* U
03/16/2000    30,764    Service Facility    Vehicle serviced
7 j+ h; n$ b; G0 L8 LEngine serviced
& I- T, Q. {/ N: d4 Z3 _Transmission serviced 2 X; B2 ]( u9 e' r# r- N; E
Brakes serviced
) V  O0 }+ f% K: L3 _7 B, U/ ?Miscellaneous service performed 9 ~  \# l2 Q: i% a7 p2 [7 c1 v& L
Fuel system serviced $ ?. _7 w5 [! x& _' D( o
Lubed oil and filter changed
* m/ ?5 K% n# l6 \9 HOdometer reported as 49,511 kilometers  
! L, W5 a# |$ m# X/ D# D4 T2 G # T) _+ G& M# W8 `
12/15/2000    34,221    Service Facility    Vehicle serviced
: K6 o4 r% v$ O! m( q" QCooling system serviced # Q0 M0 e' m# V) C+ c
Lubed oil and filter changed
$ |8 p6 m5 ?: c) WOdometer reported as 55,074 kilometers  # [- g4 ~9 ]: R
& v, C# L+ t, r  N3 s1 a9 K. H  F" m+ w
08/28/2001    37,328    Service Facility    Vehicle serviced 5 S2 {: |$ D, f1 I6 P0 ]
Miscellaneous service performed
# B# ^1 i0 m" o0 b& L* n: ?6 s  `Odometer reported as 60,075 kilometers  / I8 |+ A" R+ D: H6 ]) \; |
* K$ B& z) `$ Y" V! w
06/24/2002    41,079    Service Facility    Vehicle serviced * Q/ N) W, d3 o8 k* F! Y
Miscellaneous service performed
: s% s9 d; T9 Y& a8 MOdometer reported as 66,111 kilometers  
: {8 {% l! j3 d
* G$ s  {5 b# Y& _10/03/2002    42,859    Service Facility    Vehicle serviced
5 |" d  G6 d. `4 h! h0 _Engine serviced # d& y+ o& L( H& \" T
Brakes serviced / r6 \. u  ]* I
Miscellaneous service performed 8 z) t2 ^& d6 M( b6 e% [' w" M
Suspension system serviced ' `! G( n. n; o% v
Odometer reported as 68,976 kilometers  ( o; h" ~/ L" b3 k0 p# K, f3 g0 p6 _: z
- c" d2 |2 S0 j7 L# H. `, b4 h- ?
04/26/2004    50,076    Service Facility    Vehicle serviced
# C9 \8 L& q1 Y; a5 @0 r( YOdometer reported as 80,590 kilometers  
# r( }! A; g5 p; o) p- m9 ?5 s" j
; L& c- x4 m4 L0 R, `7 x" x01/28/2005    54,840    Service Facility    Vehicle serviced
! u: D' h$ S/ l8 OOdometer reported as 88,258 kilometers    G4 l0 R9 J" t- u8 L5 M, H
" C$ S, Q) G* O0 m- G+ E
12/29/2005    61,301    Alberta
3 {( H) _! Z/ a# @+ \Motor Vehicle Dept.    Odometer reading reported
- ~' I4 C0 h, l# E% X4 JOdometer reported as 98,655 kilometers  
1 \4 H& b; k2 C1 |8 |" d 0 A0 k' B& F* E
04/12/2006       Alberta
: R$ e* T2 V1 w7 f8 `6 ~Motor Vehicle Dept.
0 n5 y$ r" c' r; s2 @& UEdmonton, AB    Registration issued or renewed  - e" A: p8 ]) j: N2 [- l2 ^
) W7 a7 d+ z2 u( P. u
12/08/2006       Alberta * q( x  l) M& \+ k2 m- w. b7 X8 X
Motor Vehicle Dept.
" w$ t* C$ e1 \; M1 a) hEdmonton, AB    REBUILT TITLE ISSUED 0 X2 Z* n8 f% g; n. n' R/ e% x+ z( o
Vehicle color noted as Silver
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2008-4-16 01:51 | 显示全部楼层


' D- Q: x# `3 Z- F) [6 D1FAFP53UX7A198274
" q7 B  v, n: q+ qSEDAN 4 DR+ ^+ @% X1 E% I% m: m8 b
0 S5 r0 F" Q, ~4 ~) A( E* d. p: K/ S1 c3 V  |+ m, `! F3 _- S

0 c; a) n* w! J' e# eSalvage | Junk | Rebuilt  Guaranteed 5 j' @& j5 \0 p/ E: s& p+ w9 h
No Problem  5 V" v! k$ Z2 W
Fire/Flood | Hail Damage | Buyback/Lemon
; r4 h/ n1 r" _* ]; z* N. h  Guaranteed
( ?5 @( r% C1 S9 F; XNo Problem  9 }/ v% C, Y/ B, E# T9 f9 h
Not Actual Mileage | Exceeds Mechanical Limits  Guaranteed
' ~3 ], T/ c! y) \3 \+ gNo Problem  6 H4 C+ D, g1 n$ c3 E/ C0 ]5 W" Z
GUARANTEED - None of these major title problems were reported by a state Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV). If you find that any of these title problems were reported by a DMV and not included in this report, CARFAX will buy this vehicle back.         
' z4 {. O5 ?& Z1 E5 G4 S         Register | View Terms  * G* v' h+ R6 `4 q, c

6 P! N1 o) i  |# {; |9 y
, D7 w* b' F+ W+ qTotal Loss Check# O8 E5 c; o& @% I
No total loss reported to CARFAX.   No Issues Reported  . d! Z+ f5 Z) L. D" a* n/ I
Structural / Frame Damage Check' O9 o( ~  L4 O
No structural / frame damage reported to CARFAX.   No Issues Reported  , C0 `' c* R' \, `; a; E9 T: l( ~
Airbag Deployment Check
# g/ Q* `6 p7 PNo airbag deployment reported to CARFAX.   No Issues Reported  
0 N7 k2 I, B# s7 hOdometer Rollback Check; }: ~, T0 C3 Q+ g
No indication of an odometer rollback.  No Issues Indicated  ; y# G! x2 P; J3 b6 l  T
Accident Check
, ?' I9 y& H& `4 `1 {, JNo accidents reported to CARFAX.   No Issues Reported  , ~6 p+ b, }5 P% S9 K) O
Manufacturer Recall Check  s* t  z6 `& s# v! B0 k) Y, L
Available directly from Ford. A current list of recalls is available at & p% R3 ^. `3 ~) T  ^) k5 W
www.ford.com.   No Recalls Reported                  
" P! O6 I3 M7 ?% l* X- k" A- KBasic Warranty Check
  D4 _! n/ u  e6 `Estimated to have 19 months remaining. Recalculate warranty
) ~4 h" `2 [7 `; i% {( D+ h# oInterested in an extended warranty?
5 l. p4 k* `9 {  Warranty Active ' p6 h! L. w) w$ t
' F- w3 g9 Z3 x& t

- n9 H6 U2 D8 i. E7 t' S( s, ~10/04/2006       NICB    Vehicle manufactured
& q4 k' ^# z& Aand shipped to original dealer  
+ B% i0 P7 a  M
  S& Q" I5 W" u0 W11/06/2006       Alberta % }* I9 U- O! ]
Motor Vehicle Dept. " ^3 z* L; Z% J2 M
Calgary, AB    Registration issued or renewed
! E5 H- A) e+ a& f" l+ VFirst owner reported  
. A, M3 x0 q, a9 b" Z5 \& p ( U/ ?+ E) O* N1 Q6 \$ S7 {
03/28/2007       Alberta + A+ \; a" W: x0 j+ Y& y% |
Motor Vehicle Dept.
7 S& `" D. K5 K7 E, mCalgary, AB    Registration issued or renewed
3 [: b" F. Q1 N8 w( D- Q* U% w, dVehicle color noted as Medium Grey  
3 E2 e+ Y# C2 N
9 S4 m8 s: U& t+ M0 s06/29/2007       Alberta
# [9 R1 r! y- zMotor Vehicle Dept. % d) n- L% [% m' X
Calgary, AB    Registration issued or renewed
2 k" p9 e! E/ zVehicle color noted as Medium Grey  $ ]' Z! b* M& ~

, ]1 Q/ `. a: \3 T" [6 g# u4 O09/25/2007       Alberta 3 V5 U( F4 C; }$ x5 c4 k, K* F
Motor Vehicle Dept. " {5 n2 u5 I" A  R3 r' x
Calgary, AB    Registration issued or renewed 4 a- C! p+ B7 [& }
Vehicle color noted as Medium Grey  9 V2 x0 `! ?& S$ \, |
1 b/ {, Y0 D0 s4 y  X% J
03/31/2008       Alberta 8 M2 l4 a7 r1 o* r; Q& n+ |# {
Motor Vehicle Dept. 3 d. D. G* e4 x+ X
Calgary, AB    Registration issued or renewed 4 ]1 B% \3 U& f
Vehicle color noted as Medium Grey
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-4-16 10:40 | 显示全部楼层
Thank you so much for your help
鲜花(15) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-4-16 15:19 | 显示全部楼层

回复 45楼 的帖子

同言同羽 置业良晨
非常感谢, 送花向LZ致敬!!!
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-4-16 17:57 | 显示全部楼层
请帮忙 19UUA56812A002931谢谢
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2008-4-16 19:53 | 显示全部楼层

48楼 注意,好象有事故记录。

2002 ACURA 3.2 TL TYPE-S
9 p$ M1 p# k' k' z8 Y% ?1 {19UUA56812A002931
6 K& ?4 m7 X- o: w" K6 o# K/ USEDAN 4 DR, L  G$ Z! p* S
3.2L V6 PFI SOHC 24V / FRONT WHEEL DRIVE* y* e4 q: z6 `! v( I
9 X5 `8 T& b. Q- o; ^3 {

1 _& b% |8 n0 @/ u; ?$ j0 U; ]Salvage | Junk | Rebuilt  Alert!3 S9 {: ?& ^+ D8 K' Q
Problem Found  
! S3 f& f# L* K* @9 u8 }Fire/Flood | Hail Damage | Buyback/Lemon  No Problem  
) F! y8 n" g* B7 ?( p- a$ x: @Not Actual Mileage | Exceeds Mechanical Limits , r  X2 x" Q. f. H, b: U
  No Problem  
9 R  X, V  [: h! b( KAlert! Severe problems were reported by a state Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV). This vehicle does not qualify for the CARFAX Buyback Guarantee.  
3 r$ f9 n0 o/ j) M1 Q5 w( @
. P9 }4 ~4 x9 ^# h& ~' g' z2 o+ i% t) `2 h$ @
$ H4 O. V- f" ^3 Z: f4 |: }
Total Loss Check
7 ?9 p7 t4 A  J# jNo total loss reported to CARFAX.   No Issues Reported    \5 q" w1 U+ m9 j' C1 F1 u; ?
Structural / Frame Damage Check' W1 f" i# ?1 [& Z% u
No structural / frame damage reported to CARFAX.   No Issues Reported  
% O: a, A6 b1 _* n  q. a: oAirbag Deployment Check# q; M6 I- j4 B6 P; c
Airbag deployment reported on 10/01/2004. Airbag Deployment  
8 z% N' Y1 f- i6 o' a# FOdometer Rollback Check; P  A3 }" U7 u5 c0 W
No indication of an odometer rollback.  No Issues Indicated  ) e6 f' W4 Q7 c. s) ^
Accident Check3 m# k' |  x% r; u3 ^4 n2 R: d
See State DMV-reported Title Problems above. Accident reported on 10/01/2004. Alert!0 w1 N: t( l. K. n" V* B& Y
Problem Found  
; J0 g5 |, k  d( e7 ?+ kManufacturer Recall Check/ h* Y4 I, g3 n" h
Check with an authorized Acura dealer for any open recalls.   1 n& V; j( w2 t5 L) O5 z  c
No Recalls Reported                  
/ Y$ b& b' H5 r& a+ {  K  GBasic Warranty Check
# t0 K: `$ M+ w% A6 `Original manufacturer warranty likely voided by manufacturer after vehicle was severely damaged. 3 F0 U$ f0 N. y  `& g3 i3 [
Warranty Voided
4 q. V4 E+ X' I  y3 n- ^! r
: C8 M3 N4 g* ], b/ F2 o2 s' q+ [! C& _5 i0 j4 O4 I' T  J8 E/ ~

* O/ F; Z4 m, U0 l5 `/ s/ c03/15/2001    2    Sutton Acura / v5 @# F' e' L* M! I% j# f
Macon, GA
( ~6 R4 u6 Z7 ^478-471-68777 D! `, M6 [6 Z6 I3 Y) P* F& R
www.suttonacura.com    Vehicle serviced % \0 X3 l; h" L' m/ D( m- E( v% S! V7 x
Pre-delivery inspection completed
: }# z) o2 j) sWashed/detailed 2 m1 d5 e6 a# |0 j
Tire condition and pressure checked
: \/ f3 E4 X! Y$ @9 ]4 V4 l7 cManufacturer's recommended maintenance performed  . \: k+ f' ^7 v9 m; r" j9 i- p

" O; f, A; d) e03/21/2001       Georgia . I7 A% k7 ]& i$ J8 _8 a7 P0 L
Motor Vehicle Dept. , [, h  A& [: O7 _. ]7 ]& i( ^
Roswell, GA    Registered as - l3 s8 y/ }* {4 c
lease vehicle    t2 K0 j- j8 F& y' W3 K5 l

* |  f6 c! E' L2 ~$ s# u03/28/2001    199    Georgia
# j/ u9 p8 z5 ~8 gMotor Vehicle Dept. ( }& z. Q8 p) k) ^7 F' `2 j7 M
Roswell, GA
5 D: N$ W5 H6 ?, p% G; z7 PTitle #8181010870005    Title issued or updated / Q/ I6 y( ]3 K8 c/ G" \
First owner reported 6 h7 a: f' L7 ?" |3 @
Registered as lease vehicle  / P$ C8 c; q' ^) a6 [& `

* a; Z, O% y7 M3 l% s0 C1 x05/24/2001       Georgia
- I  Y' b1 \! ?Motor Vehicle Dept. * r" w9 D9 u# ?; c3 l( u5 v, I4 S
Macon, GA
9 a" Q2 l- D5 r+ DTitle #8181010870005    Registration issued or renewed ' ^& F5 z$ h2 O1 G( E% d/ N( n
Registered as lease vehicle  
- N" p& u6 ~+ c  C. B' S& V
- w" b# `; o/ S4 z4 D06/09/2001    5,801    Sutton Acura
* F* S0 r* y4 P, z% h# H) AMacon, GA ( R) b' Q2 _! y. S3 q2 a* O
478-471-68773 s7 v  @4 n4 {3 M5 @
www.suttonacura.com    Vehicle serviced - I( W. |/ A- u1 u
Tire condition and pressure checked 9 q7 s; i# p5 c, J& Z* d3 q
Oil and filter changed chassis lubricated  1 P/ k' T7 A% w: T5 w! z

4 {+ x4 B7 ]& x/ W. [$ _07/28/2001    8,856    Sutton Acura
" _1 }1 N2 B% B6 A, |, _Macon, GA ( m0 I" Y0 P0 j! q+ `8 a3 g& @
478-471-68776 Q+ e' v5 {8 V2 D0 {
www.suttonacura.com    Vehicle serviced  
  I/ Z. b+ g. ]8 H9 _1 ?
; _( f! M' R2 I6 f; K12/01/2001    18,368    Sutton Acura
- H2 Z9 m" U$ zMacon, GA
" X* _; b$ `0 `) B, R9 N( r478-471-6877, t: s1 ?* a/ ]- j1 R* ~- T
www.suttonacura.com    Vehicle serviced 9 m% ~  y7 [+ t. j; u+ P1 e
Manufacturer's recommended maintenance performed  
* p: K6 N! e8 U 9 I, @, p( i8 G! h
04/20/2002    27,561    Sutton Acura
2 u' l+ A  T7 h: u$ mMacon, GA
0 {/ u  i. e2 Y& ~+ e+ x) A7 ~478-471-6877
5 X) s/ W( p2 ~) J  d: Twww.suttonacura.com    Vehicle serviced
. E/ Z6 m0 h* s1 T" kOil and filter changed chassis lubricated  
$ }. V" f* f6 }2 B$ [9 Q! W/ Q4 O * B* s5 B4 _7 d3 U( F
10/11/2002    38,043    Sutton Acura
3 W2 [9 w( C- M6 J& w# eMacon, GA
; A5 M4 t; o5 t" R0 j7 w. m  |478-471-6877
0 Q3 C: b9 {3 @6 n7 {( bwww.suttonacura.com    Vehicle serviced
/ T6 p5 N! ?; r! B3 G, c/ V( nTire condition and pressure checked
# G* `4 Y+ m, BOil and filter changed chassis lubricated  
; n: y, ?9 E9 r" f+ q! X . B8 |3 k( ]( j9 _: q: t
04/26/2003    49,662    Sutton Acura + [( z5 [) y. z3 e* u; V' l+ w
Macon, GA
8 q# G8 ~2 Q7 }478-471-6877
. ~0 T( `9 L/ }3 Q; k  Nwww.suttonacura.com    Vehicle serviced ; ?  y) P. U) Q/ j- Z6 \
Oil and filter changed chassis lubricated  ) t' _. X4 F2 E0 _% ^- J
( A- C  ]$ {4 ?8 y( b
10/29/2003    61,923    Sutton Acura % v- Q3 c3 Z& D! ~; a
Macon, GA
. D. z  u9 L6 x2 C1 g$ G/ j478-471-6877" O  Y6 V, e' ~5 J# V' z/ H
www.suttonacura.com    Vehicle serviced ' u1 j; L: U9 G$ X- N" w
Brakes checked 6 f9 X$ F5 n. {2 {7 }5 H
Maintenance inspection completed   r7 L  |4 M& ^/ {! h0 x, s  A
1 V1 A; E+ T. ]4 B/ r' C
0 I  j( g# B& K' q12/29/2003    62,742    Sutton Acura 6 |4 j( u/ I( e
Macon, GA
, [* k9 o+ `9 n+ t/ ^$ d8 ~/ N% w478-471-6877) l7 j/ @. Y- ^; Y# g8 N
www.suttonacura.com    Vehicle serviced 9 C1 l  @* g/ }9 V
Maintenance inspection completed  7 x+ i4 b1 m: @/ U
8 i& w! y5 B0 i& }" ?( o$ J& l
04/20/2004       Sutton Acura 6 ]7 p4 r% ?, g
Macon, GA 4 {/ ?" N! T* U" g* k) {
478-471-68770 v6 L, ?  A, N4 |3 Q2 e
www.suttonacura.com    Vehicle sold  
$ ^2 U# b  P( P9 H2 i
* A, Q' J3 G7 E04/21/2004       Acura Certified Dealer    Offered for sale as an Acura Certified Pre-Owned Vehicle  ) {0 x5 \) Y9 U3 D, z! J( \& g5 Z
( b/ G/ y' K% B4 J( G6 D
04/27/2004    64,362    Georgia # w3 ~% {6 {  q, k% q' S$ g4 g
Motor Vehicle Dept. ! ^" m0 @0 G3 a. H! w
Dry Branch, GA , {7 z. \# o( ^1 Z& N! [% f
Title #776664041180005    Title issued or updated
' v! t7 b+ Q$ s& i& U. J  qDealer took title of this vehicle # k* r* `6 ?! y8 S6 r
while it was in inventory ( @  ^1 p# i& h& m
Loan or lien reported  - C* d- r$ @) {& k7 I( y

: |$ [: P/ I( e( I8 h) d05/06/2004    65,930    Sutton Acura
& [5 P8 u3 a: _4 |0 H7 N0 W* f  FMacon, GA
+ P& Z! ]# x. d( S; r478-471-6877
! J9 d3 |2 m" a+ i" U' ?2 \6 Lwww.suttonacura.com    Vehicle serviced
& A# T3 w: E, b; [  STwo wheel alignment performed
. Y2 J6 a% _! {( lWashed/detailed & D6 ]7 G3 _' t4 t  s2 a
Maintenance inspection completed  " V& k/ K  d1 c

6 \( U) ~# v6 E3 S8 U- t# b05/19/2004       Acura Certified Dealer    Offered for sale as an Acura Certified Pre-Owned Vehicle  
8 c" o( b& ~4 Y. O 0 j# `  J  H) X1 `  z% m
06/18/2004    66,049    Sutton Acura 4 N- \, i  r4 s- e4 n% E! l
Macon, GA
# X4 s/ J! I% h7 l( ^9 ^478-471-6877
+ `: F7 R8 B/ o$ B# z6 m" ~' nwww.suttonacura.com    Vehicle serviced
  j3 Q& r: M5 @Catalytic converter replaced  
7 C, k. N: |, y4 \
* V# F0 C( ?- b: H1 _07/03/2004       Sutton Acura
5 I3 v  @# O0 D; o# O3 M+ DMacon, GA 0 b( _& @7 L/ B" ^& g7 a, n
478-471-6877& V$ H# U0 K/ v
www.suttonacura.com    Vehicle sold  4 x# c7 W. J7 m& e0 q# I' g  h

1 L9 r: p: _8 r3 H6 l( Z07/08/2004    66,092    Georgia
7 E. b) C: ]* ~8 \# ZMotor Vehicle Dept.
: E5 i, {& R$ \7 _) q9 p1 `Centerville, GA ( ]1 S! f. a6 |/ Y  a" Q. `8 l
Title #777929041908005    Title issued or updated 2 j% _+ K0 X5 H6 D& K6 _7 T$ h% @, W
New owner reported
7 J- W! S1 c- v: CLoan or lien reported  
' m% L0 ]3 s9 A - i1 w5 p$ v3 `) J  n
08/06/2004       Georgia 8 T. j' ]# D; N8 L
Motor Vehicle Dept. 0 d. F) k) f: _7 ]$ P& x: w0 V
Centerville, GA & U* R- a0 Y+ l5 H$ X! o, F1 v% W
Title #777929041908005    Registration issued or renewed   \) r6 s" Z6 p3 k/ Z
Loan or lien reported  1 C3 a( |( I6 G2 L0 ?

' W3 g6 Y9 i' ?08/18/2004    67,757    Sutton Acura 9 q. v  h7 e% o) Q( W
Macon, GA : f  V3 v6 K* n; W8 u" `* I
478-471-68772 q) o+ R! l# F4 E$ F- u5 c  \
www.suttonacura.com    Vehicle serviced 5 Z/ L% t( _. [4 f4 G4 V
Oil and filter changed chassis lubricated  
, J* q. s9 t. M  @, M+ O2 T: A" F 5 d! [9 s- P0 _# A/ ]
10/01/2004       Georgia # Y3 N. e% g5 v9 h; [+ C
Police Report    Accident reported
" v2 n% ^( H  a' T4 x* e# {in Houston County
9 \$ Z+ W0 `; {% S. X: YInvolving a front impact 5 `' [1 r- N0 s2 x- _
with another motor vehicle
8 b" U' G0 F: |% _0 C; }5 n. O7 ]3 S9 ?Extensive damage reported
3 |8 Q! U- h, I7 vAirbag deployed ; ~" @% |5 y; }9 B, t, _
CARFAX Airbag Tips
8 ^1 y* W; j) |2 V  ; N0 D0 A) D* I) m" J6 k5 j- l) ~

# U- f; o: [7 \01/28/2005    69,875    Georgia
$ ]  I* [" `3 p: O8 y) t, R2 QMotor Vehicle Dept.   R9 {' |2 m2 X4 h' ^
Memphis, TN
/ D) e$ J- B2 H) h6 {Title #401318050281904    SALVAGE TITLE/CERTIFICATE ISSUED  6 y* o6 s% J7 Y5 J

1 G7 }' U0 D! o9 f6 X9 i04/12/2005       Alberta
! F( _6 c, W! B' h- X7 l* u+ c( MMotor Vehicle Dept.
' ^; r( o( P% h1 kSherwood Park, AB    Registration issued or renewed  
* |* d4 @: Q+ x- z6 X; v3 t, t     0 N" }$ G. w1 R" v# F+ m! |
  This car seems to have been registered in AB without the prior GA salvage title. This may be a case of title washing. If you are considering buying this vehicle, make sure you account for this problem title history in your decision.  
4 E3 U4 O+ p! W1 k, I' l4 s1 u   
( z) d3 r8 S& j. L / B% ]0 ~- F: Y' x

+ L% n. r9 U1 a/ N- J09/19/2006       Dealer Inventory    Vehicle offered for sale  
  i% {7 c7 J; ^! o: B6 e
2 \. S* l4 Z4 S" j4 d! U. \! y9 o  L+ I10/11/2006       Alberta
  z% e* ?/ T% B3 e1 HMotor Vehicle Dept.
$ B$ {" D3 ]* p' d8 QSherwood Park, AB    REBUILT TITLE ISSUED
" C) d( C6 n6 t, }Vehicle color noted as White  , v5 J( X" }, \- f

* W( p8 u9 ^# `6 w10/11/2006       Alberta
6 I. e1 Q( q7 S7 E. T6 fMotor Vehicle Dept.
. C* w& s& t  tEdmonton, AB    REBUILT TITLE ISSUED / M4 _0 O$ ~! Y- F( `8 x1 Y( |
Vehicle color noted as White  ' N7 H3 |! E. ?. C/ O& P

) a9 x  n! N  u! l# w9 h6 M! Q3 ]03/02/2007    74,332    Alberta
; a6 C3 b1 q' J6 ~( RMotor Vehicle Dept.    Odometer reading reported ( l% e  G( o7 Y& ]
Odometer reported as 119,626 kilometers  - d7 e( m6 i3 y2 _! H

  n( A$ e, [6 X' F09/10/2007       Alberta
9 y9 G6 }  P$ r# wMotor Vehicle Dept. 0 A+ @. L9 |) w, v# v
Edmonton, AB    New owner reported
4 J4 z4 W9 E+ [. m1 y! yREBUILT TITLE ISSUED " Z. C$ U. z6 L
Vehicle color noted as White
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2008-4-16 19:54 | 显示全部楼层


鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-4-16 20:24 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 榆木鱼 于 2008-4-16 20:54 发表
  Z% |' {$ j7 Q0 x不过欢迎鲜花,好象有鲜花就可以多给大家回短信了。呵呵。
+ E9 @+ h# x1 J! T" g: ^3 ?
" s6 F; A) ?5 u, Q
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2008-4-16 21:28 | 显示全部楼层


同言同羽 置业良晨
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-4-17 10:58 | 显示全部楼层
同言同羽 置业良晨
can you please help me check this VIN, 2HGEJ6657WH902157 ? It is honda civic.
$ }, Z& C! K+ B  X- QThanks a lot,
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2008-4-17 20:09 | 显示全部楼层


: ^( P/ b% [1 z5 _3 i2HGEJ6657WH902157
- A- H! I( }* X1 T7 NSEDAN 4 DR
" R$ N$ u% \2 I3 ?9 h1.6L L4 PFI SOHC 16V / FRONT WHEEL DRIVE
7 t' M; V: X" `9 U/ y! T3 ]# L7 i: f8 \; y; X7 `

1 |) W' R7 q6 {5 _% _Salvage | Junk | Rebuilt  Guaranteed
9 f- m/ V# T) ?No Problem  2 [  Y5 S( K. |
Fire/Flood | Hail Damage | Buyback/Lemon ' J- w& W. @" v( f7 b# y( u& {0 q
  Guaranteed ; H3 E: g3 j2 z$ v6 V$ i: C. ~
No Problem  3 i8 p3 `! T; _
Not Actual Mileage | Exceeds Mechanical Limits  Guaranteed 4 m  F. {9 j; g7 o+ B) b; f
No Problem  
+ d! ^- R/ ]' I* Z/ `9 |0 sGUARANTEED - None of these major title problems were reported by a state Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV). If you find that any of these title problems were reported by a DMV and not included in this report, CARFAX will buy this vehicle back.         ( I6 i  e$ D/ X5 O5 [9 n/ {
         Register | View Terms  
( _5 w& \$ R0 m- k" h
% @6 E3 i# l8 Q7 T4 A9 ~0 \) V1 Z# V7 ?( n3 R  n; b- F* r; b
Total Loss Check
, t- O0 R7 v$ oNo total loss reported to CARFAX.   " q5 D$ o0 C' G+ k( `7 H
No Issues Reported  
5 N6 ]) q* F: k+ JStructural / Frame Damage Check! Z- j/ `% J+ `/ S# C/ {! ?' D
No structural / frame damage reported to CARFAX.   
+ P3 k; ~- Q/ F# G3 t% ^9 K7 ?No Issues Reported  ; r; W# L  d3 ]. a' D
Airbag Deployment Check' S. p- e- V4 _7 c' x$ X0 q
No airbag deployment reported to CARFAX.   
  M1 W7 e+ U" ~5 ^* @0 z+ }' I" v# oNo Issues Reported  
& s4 y; s: t8 c/ u0 z8 {! @! LOdometer Rollback Check
1 R$ z; R2 \) c+ V8 WNo indication of an odometer rollback.  
4 H& r) z. H6 ?2 f. PNo Issues Indicated  6 G0 f7 Q/ f( t- J
Accident Check4 J5 T! P( F2 {# w' n; k6 K. c
No accidents reported to CARFAX.   
5 H9 i0 m5 }- B9 E! k5 h% J  V8 bNo Issues Reported  
5 |9 @6 V5 l" \" T' h; TManufacturer Recall Check" b3 m  _! h& y1 G3 v
Check with an authorized Honda dealer for any open recalls.   
3 d5 o" u; i; P/ a6 {( \No Recalls Reported                  
, q' {. O/ |1 P: W' z* S1 gBasic Warranty Check
2 L& m' D  u+ L4 r. UOriginal warranty estimated to have expired. View Info
, E; |2 p# J9 G. Z6 ?2 z, w( n) WInterested in an extended warranty? 2 i' n4 X4 [- N! d1 v2 Z8 j
Warranty Expired
+ v( u6 b! |6 N: q$ A3 C
& n3 d6 S3 J& ~* t* l0 t  N% I6 c* P. \: f
11/20/1997       Alberta , ^0 v( @0 H9 |" n7 ~7 x
Motor Vehicle Dept. 9 D! i+ h, m9 H- K1 B- m- L8 A
Edmonton, AB    Registration issued or renewed
! }5 J6 d; F7 T( d+ a/ GFirst owner reported 8 ~; t5 {- s2 h5 G
Registered as lease vehicle  % v( D  `& P+ J
0 i- b! k. I9 q2 l
08/10/1999    22,264    Service Facility    Vehicle serviced 8 h' R" x' u  a- g7 }8 y
Suspension system serviced
* x# P, ]" l" gEngine serviced
$ G+ s4 L7 W$ v" C1 ~6 rLubed oil and filter changed # }; j8 i: S7 H
Miscellaneous service performed & z9 f. x) x- `5 q5 c* o
Odometer reported as 35,832 kilometers  
# b2 Q6 A- I# u; r6 @, K" @
$ m& o+ G3 p+ B01/13/2000    26,200    Service Facility    Vehicle serviced 2 Z6 W8 r3 m) ^; d/ @% T; x" ~
Lubed oil and filter changed
# d  F# |- r2 s7 [Odometer reported as 42,165 kilometers  & c; o& x) P: a+ {, I
- J- R- h% V7 k
06/28/2000    30,377    Service Facility    Vehicle serviced 0 w- ?  J, j) L3 h& C. Z( X
Miscellaneous service performed 3 {9 r7 S2 @9 O& h$ x" ~! ~
Lubed oil and filter changed ; _- q& b+ }* j% s
Engine serviced 4 m' k# I( L8 t# x) J/ J
Odometer reported as 48,888 kilometers  0 j2 g& Y4 Z+ D6 r
1 B# b( ?9 ~% s4 J5 B! i
11/23/2001    39,892    Service Facility    Vehicle serviced $ v# l4 r- i+ U
Miscellaneous service performed
) b4 t- F$ k1 E# ZOdometer reported as 64,200 kilometers  9 e8 n" \2 A: B4 o
% }8 {6 n$ j& K5 p) x
06/22/2002    43,980    Service Facility    Vehicle serviced
. g2 u( h% e7 F6 q9 R) n/ SElectrical system serviced . l3 y( g6 C# k: T8 C
Lubed oil and filter changed * J% c9 K, T% x+ e, X
Brakes serviced
# G8 @4 i& {: y% y4 R# ^Miscellaneous service performed
4 q" o. O$ v6 I, qEngine serviced
+ B5 L: i9 [/ T$ Y6 N% u! oOdometer reported as 70,779 kilometers  ! {+ Y9 I/ y7 P5 \2 r

9 X/ l: j  o4 B3 D08/08/2002    45,482    Service Facility    Vehicle serviced 9 r/ b6 o4 o' G; H
Odometer reported as 73,197 kilometers  
6 X; A& c% m* Q4 M# A5 }0 |( k 1 d$ p: b8 z! m8 i2 U
11/28/2002    48,461    Service Facility    Vehicle serviced + C5 d. G  R9 ^2 Y
Engine serviced
9 Z! X5 R3 K/ k1 @% @  qLubed oil and filter changed 4 W! V* J, ?& W; G+ w# K4 y/ r! E
Miscellaneous service performed
5 C( c! @: c- t+ W. s* VOdometer reported as 77,991 kilometers  
* \! g) T7 s! K! T/ ~ " M; |* [# ^2 b
04/28/2003    51,982    Service Facility    Vehicle serviced
& X! r3 k+ e2 w9 B. |Odometer reported as 83,657 kilometers  " L: B; N7 Z$ D& B
8 t3 M- _; P  t1 |
08/10/2004    65,659    Service Facility    Vehicle serviced
1 B9 s! v5 h  J) C/ y0 PLubed oil and filter changed 7 p" }. B# S& e& C' ^
Odometer reported as 105,669 kilometers  
5 e; D$ l# T/ {4 `. T% m
; A9 j: _& \" d4 ^; W02/19/2005    73,167    Service Facility    Vehicle serviced ) \0 f/ Q& y% t4 |% u; R
Lubed oil and filter changed 4 Y0 x* F. b8 s  T8 _. W3 V
Odometer reported as 117,751 kilometers  : L# T0 J' O7 z! L& S' p" c
" j' ^$ L  `4 `. w
04/02/2005       Alberta
, }( S/ s8 H8 }0 bMotor Vehicle Dept. 5 E2 B! a; [: m5 p
Edmonton, AB    Registration issued or renewed  
! [7 Z. O/ ]- _ * l2 @8 x* g6 E* a' K9 f* p& f) n
09/03/2005    79,795    Alberta & t8 A" ?: H  N7 f0 Q2 b
Motor Vehicle Dept.    Odometer reading reported 0 ]: F6 T' j! M
Odometer reported as 128,418 kilometers  
* c  s( m! n& J0 E# n/ }+ S + m# U; [) D7 p, t, H  o& x7 v
11/25/2006       Alberta
1 v* K+ o+ m; DMotor Vehicle Dept.
1 D  z8 N# R5 v* m8 v8 eEdmonton, AB    Registration issued or renewed . V  P3 T6 G% n  m8 j# @4 d
Vehicle color noted as Dark Green  4 A3 u/ ]% H: k. o  r; p
/ e0 m+ b( E  \8 w7 Q! y2 r
11/21/2007       Alberta 7 X" v. e5 p: T, d
Motor Vehicle Dept. " {" V1 u5 Z4 I* J$ L
Edmonton, AB    Registration issued or renewed
! S. ?# ^: V3 A% ?& K6 Y1 u; S, ]Vehicle color noted as Dark Green
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-4-17 20:22 | 显示全部楼层
Thank you so much! ; x0 C7 [2 n' [; K  U
Can you also help me check this one,1HGEJ6227WL800033
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2008-4-17 20:32 | 显示全部楼层


$ w9 @: ]1 O* K: D2 T' M1HGEJ6227WL800033
) l9 r7 v$ q* C1 M4 h$ _* ]COUPE4 M4 F) B0 h. D+ T1 L
$ n9 ]& S+ d4 c; ~6 I+ G0 v; {
% n" j: c6 l% b, r# I* b& S, p
% w$ v& g: Q$ v( C3 |Salvage | Junk | Rebuilt  Alert!
" n) o. \0 X5 h' v5 \Problem Found  
7 x5 G' Q5 Z- g# UFire/Flood | Hail Damage | Buyback/Lemon  No Problem  ! u2 Q, j$ Z2 Z. Q$ j
Not Actual Mileage | Exceeds Mechanical Limits
# u( s' G3 x+ p/ d, `1 K  No Problem  
1 W- [1 P& h  s8 }4 u% fAlert! Severe problems were reported by a state Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV). This vehicle does not qualify for the CARFAX Buyback Guarantee.  
, [& R  G" c! R& b% e/ g 4 c- n8 W+ Q7 c2 n" e: Y
. Z8 ~4 H: U' PTotal Loss Check
. r$ \& H4 O) G. ~: qNo total loss reported to CARFAX.   No Issues Reported  ) R1 {/ e2 w7 k0 @9 r$ L
Structural / Frame Damage Check
$ y  U. P. h% v7 m2 R$ X: _No structural / frame damage reported to CARFAX.   No Issues Reported  ( i4 n) [( O" v. m
Airbag Deployment Check
" a5 ?! V2 C. @( v2 yNo airbag deployment reported to CARFAX.   No Issues Reported  8 G( q/ x) M* v$ J
Odometer Rollback Check4 c# p) U. c9 ?, A6 O" M
No indication of an odometer rollback.  No Issues Indicated  : k, B9 F8 R8 b9 S0 C- Z1 Z6 H, U# J
Accident Check
2 r1 v% A* ?+ e3 i4 W. c, S) ]% hSee State DMV-reported Title Problems above. Alert!
  c" L* N3 j; [  UProblem Found  
# q" F1 h4 W+ T% R; t/ S- c( HManufacturer Recall Check* }0 ~5 D2 y% t
Check with an authorized Honda dealer for any open recalls.   No Recalls Reported                  
( q5 A8 X) O( u' oBasic Warranty Check
9 G# O$ u( [, j, G# DOriginal manufacturer warranty likely voided by manufacturer after vehicle was severely damaged. ( m% M, k9 o1 q3 h+ M5 U
Warranty Voided ( o  X6 x3 A/ R, R
3 \8 L( H# X+ Y( g: i, A0 P* i
+ I8 {- f2 a# e- Y( q
11/15/1997       Alberta
0 H* E. A2 w7 W! B7 |% uMotor Vehicle Dept. % Z: W3 K5 q( d) j) L5 V' A9 o. m
Calgary, AB    Registration issued or renewed " |! G0 S1 c7 Z) \8 I1 G* B: x( S
First owner reported  . F  v0 t. ?: B' N( ]0 D

/ l' ~6 y, V$ N0 T/ [0 w' B8 k09/21/2004    92,840    Alberta
4 E4 O2 y! C% k+ g# u2 KMotor Vehicle Dept.    Odometer reading reported
* z" Q( b6 y& s; t+ VOdometer reported as 149,412 kilometers  
7 E! I: |+ d, k, N) V 8 h* a7 p$ I% h, _0 e4 x
07/31/2006       Alberta # ?% R5 m. M5 B( m' i
Motor Vehicle Dept.
3 d9 _* I: l9 {+ z* s4 UEdmonton, AB    REBUILT TITLE ISSUED
$ p0 X3 k. }' E3 U9 n0 sVehicle color noted as Black  , h! b$ q$ f" ]! h, z% _

2 y6 b6 _/ Q; t! a7 A' z07/03/2007       Alberta
9 s# ]! b- q4 s# P7 fMotor Vehicle Dept.
# B% i# o$ T8 I! g3 I( ~2 ]Edmonton, AB    REBUILT TITLE ISSUED / F+ e. O5 N+ F; ?" l4 ^, N
Vehicle color noted as Black
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-4-18 06:54 | 显示全部楼层

Thank you so much!

Thank you so much!
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-4-18 11:37 | 显示全部楼层
请帮忙查一下这辆车* l3 f6 N  y8 A, [
. p9 ]/ n0 a9 V! P4 T- H2 r' h' P* d. O; A9 k$ Q& l
太感谢楼主了。7 M$ K4 G) `" g& Z
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2008-4-18 18:44 | 显示全部楼层


鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-4-22 18:41 | 显示全部楼层


VIN: KNDJA7233Y5673073
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