二手汽车 老柳教车

埃德蒙顿华人社区-Edmonton China

楼主: yxia


鲜花(1181) 鸡蛋(48)
发表于 2008-9-26 15:26 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 MingJ 于 2008-9-25 19:12 发表
- F3 j$ a1 @  i& w; mXterra和LZ罗列的其它几款根本就是两种不同用途的车.  现在二手SUV这么便宜, 何不买个二手XTERRA, BOF 结构, 不是RAV4, CRV等玩具车能比的, 就是油耗不低.
+ |! X5 a' R% E* ~0 ?
鲜花(7) 鸡蛋(1)
发表于 2008-9-26 19:12 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 小黄 于 2008-9-26 16:26 发表 ! N  B6 @4 e3 m

% {" n8 d0 @4 l! t7 u如果你要经常运个1吨2吨的,BOF开开还不错。要是就买买菜上上班,BOF最次了,不仅油耗大,而且车身不够rigid,操控不好。

. o, M* P( c) C: X
8 B  h) l. ?0 |& o0 h2 R# J车身不够rigid? 第一次听说
鲜花(1181) 鸡蛋(48)
发表于 2008-9-27 09:05 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 shark27 于 2008-9-26 20:12 发表
$ R3 f2 `8 Z& Q& r% k
( g  T1 U2 i3 X0 Y- y' p/ K4 V! C' F; U0 l+ k* M" ~/ a' h, G
车身不够rigid? 第一次听说

) b2 }1 V2 b: O' j3 R$ e那你现在听说了,以后就不会出错了。$ ~0 e' R4 q) V" P7 H: p5 O

) K, }) o+ W# u2 A' ~$ RUnibody为小车使用,目的是载客,所以操控很重要,都做的非常的rigid,就是刚性很强。0 v; }5 r/ G; u  b

* K- i& ]6 E# u. LBOF是很多大型SUV和Pickup所用,目的就是载重。当重量比较大的时候,如果是Unibody,就会损伤结构。就必须BOF,优点是ladder frame柔韧性好,刚性低,所以容许更多的变形。换言之,不要"rigid",而改要"flex"。* `& c! C$ f1 f& p/ `0 Y

% ]$ ^' x0 G* X5 y最简单的例子就是Honda Ridgeline是一款轻型的pickup,为了操控,选择了unibody。但是重型的pickup,如Toyota Tundra,就必须BOF。外观最大区别就是Tundra的载货箱和驾驶舱是完全分开的,容许载重情况下产生弧度;而Ridgeline是完全一体的。
& G6 X2 y' X! |8 C1 a7 L7 @" L! c5 m% j4 a# }& S
[ 本帖最后由 小黄 于 2008-9-27 10:09 编辑 ]
鲜花(7) 鸡蛋(1)
发表于 2008-9-27 17:17 | 显示全部楼层
老杨团队 追求完美
原帖由 小黄 于 2008-9-27 10:05 发表
3 Z2 w* C* w) V" c  V. U, w/ z4 D$ S) I
那你现在听说了,以后就不会出错了。, ^. I% q' Z5 U) ?6 Q8 G3 Q

+ F! r3 Z& y5 h  W7 N" s$ ]Unibody为小车使用,目的是载客,所以操控很重要,都做的非常的rigid,就是刚性很强。% w) \+ ~; Q. m* ?: D& a$ A/ E

. R0 R  B" E5 r) v$ O; IBOF是很多大型SUV和Pickup所用,目的就是载重。当重量比较大的时候,如果是Unibod ...
3 B9 F( M; k1 A8 o

* g5 z( \! ?' a5 M7 @5 }$ a; g我以前是body tech,unibody只是floor panel在需要承重的地方多了两三片而已。如果把bof的body横切开来,跟unibody没什么区别。 如果说BOF不够rigid的话,那为什么警车要选crown vic呢? 反而BOF的问题是太贵,太rigid,不符合当今对于经济性和安全性的要求。
鲜花(7) 鸡蛋(1)
发表于 2008-9-27 17:26 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(1181) 鸡蛋(48)
发表于 2008-9-29 11:33 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 shark27 于 2008-9-27 18:17 发表 5 [# u" {  V) Q3 ]( m$ l

- Y) D  a  [8 H8 P6 _* f0 }
) d: @; J1 [' p5 ^" Z# J; A; J7 U我以前是body tech,unibody只是floor panel在需要承重的地方多了两三片而已。如果把bof的body横切开来,跟unibody没什么区别。 如果说BOF不够rigid的话,那为什么警车要选crown vic呢? 反而BOF的问题是太贵,太 ...

( w8 M; d" [$ r3 Q  h- q0 x+ ~3 F3 J- s3 X  E3 _
警车选择Crown Vic主要有3个考虑( b# ~2 X: i9 @/ T9 G# ~6 g
: Z8 C* L( `* F2)Crown Vic空间利用率较低,就是说耐撞,修理便宜
. C5 B) z0 j& ?, g6 n0 }! q4 e3)厂商促销,价格便宜
3 I, s+ f, l7 A# B+ \
  g- a! J8 k1 w8 f( E; h3 T但这些优点无法掩盖Crown Vic车身软,操控不好的缺点。如果要比 Rigidity以及操控,Crown Vic 当然比不上Accord了。
8 R( B1 r( D9 w( V0 g9 f9 h! I. A: ?) z% W
[ 本帖最后由 小黄 于 2008-9-29 12:36 编辑 ]
鲜花(1181) 鸡蛋(48)
发表于 2008-9-29 11:35 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 shark27 于 2008-9-27 18:26 发表
1 Z* l3 ~& r$ V* t. @, H; a# R8 ^4 f而且我觉得,载客和操控没什么关系啊

/ P9 M0 {" F/ C: n' V$ c一个车,当然是操控好是优点。载客的车,载重小,容易做成操控好。载货的车,载重大,车体必须柔性大,所以操控就不好了。载重大的车,如果要提高操控性,成本就大大的增加了。
鲜花(7) 鸡蛋(1)
发表于 2008-9-29 20:41 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 小黄 于 2008-9-29 12:33 发表 ) N8 ?& s; n* k$ i  a
, w; H' K! ]# Z7 x% T

/ u0 N2 P7 L* g7 g: y% ]警车选择Crown Vic主要有3个考虑
: B( U) E. ]* O# O1)因为是政府用车,必须买美国品牌* B/ W  V6 w4 O# Z) }# k
2)Crown Vic空间利用率较低,就是说耐撞,修理便宜4 P' i  |" ?3 h- Z6 t7 O! i
3)厂商促销,价格便宜3 ^  l( y" e3 T4 f  {- A
% C; Y' R5 A, l" ?0 I
但这些优点无法掩盖Crown Vic车身软,操控不好的缺点。如果 ...
5 Z6 d# z3 Q7 h) v& s; y4 L: i
% e( T+ D# V* \; \
The Crown Victoria Police Interceptor (often referred to simply as CVPI or P71) is the law enforcement version of the Ford Crown Victoria. Though the name has been officially in use since 1992, the 1979–1991 full-size LTDs and LTD Crown Victorias and 1992 updated body style used the "P72" production code designation for both fleet/taxi and police models. From 1993–1998, the police car models of Crown Victorias were officially known as Crown Victoria P71s. The current major facelift of the car was introduced in 1998.
$ p; K  ], X7 O8 E% h! v9 F5 h% `( f! j# B2 K7 A4 B
It is one of the most widely-used automobiles in North American police departments, and due to the workhorse nature of the vehicle, is also used by many taxi companies. Since Chevrolet dropped the rear-drive Caprice, Ford has had a near-monopoly on the market for police cruisers because of a preference for its conventional rear-wheel drive, V8 power, and body-on-frame construction, all suitable for police driving techniques. As one of the few remaining passenger cars with body-on-frame, it is rugged, and enables inexpensive repairs after minor accidents without the need to straighten the chassis - an important benefit for a car frequently used by police forces for PIT maneuvers (ramming a car to spin it out) - making it preferable to unibody vehicles.
/ {7 @% r; M& W+ V2 M& F* x- |- `7 I
' l) x6 h; W& B5 i- Y; E/ z( tAlthough the Police Interceptor is not sold to the general public, these cars are widely available on the used car market in the US and Canada once they are no longer needed for law enforcement or fleet duty. When these cars are built they come equipped with a heavy duty transmission, heavy duty brakes, a roll bar, and a 250 hp (190 kW) engine. Used Police Interceptors are normally stripped of any police decals, radio and computer equipment and emergency lights by law enforcement agencies before being sold or auctioned.
鲜花(7) 鸡蛋(1)
发表于 2008-9-29 20:43 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 小黄 于 2008-9-29 12:35 发表
  B5 Z4 `6 ^+ P+ |0 ^" W8 u0 r, n' N

; O0 C8 y3 k3 i# ^
1 i( g/ r2 T+ w5 v操控好,能带来什么好处呢?
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-9-29 22:12 | 显示全部楼层
车的操控性不是简单的受BOF或UNIBODY结构主导, 甚至其不起主要影响, 最重要的是车的重心位置. 后驱/四驱车的重心位置可以做到理想的50/50; 前驱车几无可能, 除非不记成本. 最理想的是中置引擎, 象Porsche BOXSTER, 那操控据我朋友讲在BC的山路上开就像他带着车跑. BOF车身是"坐"在FRAME上的, 刚性是FRAME的关键, 越强越好, FORD F-150就不错, 所以越野车几乎都是BOF结构, 到YOUTUBE上看看吧, 就知道RIGID程度了. UNIBODY的车身一般不会去追求同样的刚性, 否则重量就上去了, 油耗增加, 与UNIBODY的初衷相背. 悬吊对于操控性是另一个关键, 还没了解透, 没法多聊, 如果花千把快把悬吊好好改一下, 保证操控好很多.
鲜花(1181) 鸡蛋(48)
发表于 2008-9-30 07:52 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 MingJ 于 2008-9-29 23:12 发表
6 f" h9 ~; o! J5 \车的操控性不是简单的受BOF或UNIBODY结构主导, 甚至其不起主要影响, 最重要的是车的重心位置. 后驱/四驱车的重心位置可以做到理想的50/50; 前驱车几无可能, 除非不记成本. 最理想的是中置引擎, 象Porsche BOXSTER, 那操控据我朋友讲在BC的山路上开就像他带着车跑.
" d+ x; `" y- q3 N  j3 L3 A! T
你没有必要转移话题。车的重心位置和BOF或UNIBODY结构无关。我们比较,当然是比较其他层面都相等的情况。1 w* B8 f& b: }, ~' l

2 r2 Q" K+ T1 i% e0 v8 D
BOF车身是"坐"在FRAME上的, 刚性是FRAME的关键, 越强越好, FORD F-150就不错, 所以越野车几乎都是BOF结构, 到YOUTUBE上看看吧, 就知道RIGID程度了. UNIBODY的车身一般不会去追求同样的刚性, 否则重量就上去了, 油耗增加, 与UNIBODY的初衷相背. 悬吊对于操控性是另一个关键, 还没了解透, 没法多聊, 如果花千把快把悬吊好好改一下, 保证操控好很多.
8 b5 G& s' e% ~: ?+ L' P& Y
. @* j9 y# d. I$ f* |: p9 W: A
/ v9 s: N# y$ V) U; X: ^: G2 B/ t) d  ^! f# L* G9 i3 ^
看来你从头就不懂rigidity是个什么物理概念,我再怎么跟你说都是浪费我的时间。: W. o! p  u  T; i
建议你到UA 机械工程系拿两门基础课再来讨论把。
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-9-30 08:33 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 小黄 于 2008-9-30 08:52 发表 4 {9 T9 Z' K; T5 C

2 Q# x, I; \5 j1 t$ @+ Q; I你没有必要转移话题。车的重心位置和BOF或UNIBODY结构无关。我们比较,当然是比较其他层面都相等的情况。5 s$ v5 g3 j' t! c
* j: ^7 D; k+ Y/ c

8 y. C% U+ [8 @7 G. i5 V3 p
/ x# c8 x# J" aYOUTUBE上能看出“rigidity"???
- g) U+ d# ^4 k- w5 v! j" H1 p# t4 p( }2 E# P( Y/ r# _- a
看来你从头就不懂rigidity是个什么物理概念,我再怎么跟你说都是 ...
  I1 v, }- s: i/ s8 u
- K2 w+ j3 y3 d+ N. k/ ^* b( S
这样的姿态来讨论实在很无趣, 恕我直言, 你的领悟力有带提高, 而且有点书呆子气.
鲜花(1181) 鸡蛋(48)
发表于 2008-9-30 08:35 | 显示全部楼层
同言同羽 置业良晨
原帖由 MingJ 于 2008-9-30 09:33 发表 : P, f" T' t- M$ B  W. b2 Q

% Q& W8 a: R/ `- K- F1 t0 i; j2 J' {+ |8 y: X' [8 |5 V$ }
这样的姿态来讨论实在很无趣, 恕我直言, 你的领悟力有带提高, 而且有点书呆子气.
1 H" V' T0 l8 P) f
你的物理学有待提高,rigidity是个物理上的概念,指的是同样作用力下形变较小。不是字典里面“牢固”这种含糊字样可以解释的。打个比方,同样的形体,生铁和不锈钢那个更加rigid? 答案是生铁。
% R" @5 f9 x6 u2 [# s
; M7 H/ q- _, j4 ?+ z[ 本帖最后由 小黄 于 2008-9-30 09:37 编辑 ]
鲜花(7) 鸡蛋(1)
发表于 2008-9-30 20:56 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 小黄 于 2008-9-30 09:35 发表
) x5 H$ g8 [- V0 Y3 J: _+ i9 m' P' t* m  W! m) A/ l
你的物理学有待提高,rigidity是个物理上的概念,指的是同样作用力下形变较小。不是字典里面“牢固”这种含糊字样可以解释的。打个比方,同样的形体,生铁和不锈钢那个更加rigid? 答案是生铁。
8 g# W# @. O, k9 }, x
) f- ?' u4 A9 e6 v' f5 @: g5 P
老兄,说得不错,所以追求handing的race cars要么是钢架车身罩个壳的BOF,或者unibody加roll cage变成frame in body. 而且你忘记了材料特性,SLS的有足够的延展性,cast iron抗剪切强度稍高而以,但over force以后SLS弯曲,cast iron碎裂
鲜花(7) 鸡蛋(1)
发表于 2008-9-30 20:56 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 MingJ 于 2008-9-30 09:33 发表 6 _3 f2 y( t# T+ Q; z; ?4 T  t

( m9 C; E1 |5 W/ p6 e& ^
& G- n1 l1 S+ o7 o1 x7 s1 g这样的姿态来讨论实在很无趣, 恕我直言, 你的领悟力有带提高, 而且有点书呆子气.

7 i  [) S% k* T- H( ?' @relax ,dude~
鲜花(1181) 鸡蛋(48)
发表于 2008-10-1 15:31 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 shark27 于 2008-9-30 21:56 发表 ( {- m$ B" r. b$ l* U0 U1 g
7 c9 B. G: i8 T% t2 q- u
- Z! A+ r% a5 M* i6 Z/ z
老兄,说得不错,所以追求handing的race cars要么是钢架车身罩个壳的BOF,或者unibody加roll cage变成frame in body. 而且你忘记了材料特性,SLS的有足够的延展性,cast iron抗剪切强度稍高而以,但over force以后SLS弯曲,cast iron碎裂
( h, i1 L$ A, R  s' z
这就是我的point,载重卡车因为怕over force的碎裂,所以追求flexibility.
- v. z' W( g( |: P% c9 z非载重卡车由于没有这个危险,所以追求 rigidity.0 k7 n$ ^" f+ o& O7 K8 o, U
追求rigidity的车,操控比追求flexibility 的车要好。
鲜花(7) 鸡蛋(1)
发表于 2008-10-1 18:57 | 显示全部楼层
同言同羽 置业良晨
原帖由 小黄 于 2008-10-1 16:31 发表 & u) {5 ]  j8 ~" k, {) M

! [6 |, G- G: s4 M) y# e这就是我的point,载重卡车因为怕over force的碎裂,所以追求flexibility.
) u/ c" M- m- V5 }2 ]* [非载重卡车由于没有这个危险,所以追求 rigidity.
- H0 l2 i9 p8 x追求rigidity的车,操控比追求flexibility 的车要好。
5 W: T/ ?* ~& Q6 N! V& o
% z# ^% Q5 I- }! N' ]7 W
没错,所以再flexible的BOF也比再rigid的unibody要rigid, 而且handing在相等的rigidity下,避震和悬挂的设定才是起关键作用的。
鲜花(1181) 鸡蛋(48)
发表于 2008-10-3 15:15 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 shark27 于 2008-10-1 19:57 发表
$ z. n9 |; v+ W8 c) }$ N7 g, _: `7 c$ z* i+ g7 T. r

% W4 \$ \' ]: F$ z7 c没错,所以再flexible的BOF也比再rigid的unibody要rigid, 而且handing在相等的rigidity下,避震和悬挂的设定才是起关键作用的。

* w! n0 }0 U6 M
* Y# [6 b. L/ x, |9 J& E
$ H% A3 y5 Q0 b0 E5 Y蓝字正确。红字属于偏好BOF的人的YY。& B7 T7 w- }5 w1 Y1 I4 v

' N/ y& f* u+ N5 z- p' y[ 本帖最后由 小黄 于 2008-10-3 16:17 编辑 ]
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-10-3 21:32 | 显示全部楼层


鲜花(7) 鸡蛋(1)
发表于 2008-10-4 16:23 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 小黄 于 2008-10-3 16:15 发表
( s; x. i9 q- L5 k% y  O* ^. s8 R# w% Q$ U. _
. F4 Q, N( M' Y
+ j: ]; C0 F" q0 Z0 m. x

; y4 W6 C8 \* Y  D# d0 q7 g  Y! i; ~& N& P" Z7 N, g9 x, E+ e) T' V+ B
本人YY了一些什么呢? 请赐教!
鲜花(1181) 鸡蛋(48)
发表于 2008-10-6 11:47 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 shark27 于 2008-10-4 17:23 发表 ' Z1 m# E' v0 J- A
0 b9 }, D2 ?! h4 ]/ N9 L

3 B+ }- A5 O4 \4 C% l本人YY了一些什么呢? 请赐教!

: J; d% w8 {) k6 \讲BOF就是要flexible才能装货。如果BOF比较rigid就有断裂的危险。% e& ]' o* E; j5 U6 B! P/ q$ K/ n
什么是flexible?就是rigidity比较低。这二者是反义词。0 ~& x4 \) W! f- a' ?- m. z- V
举个例子把,把同样尺寸的汽车骨架A和B放到机器上扭。如果同样施加10000牛顿,A扭曲了1度,B扭曲了2度,那么A就比B rigid,B就比A flexible.你所说的“再flexible的BOF也比再rigid的unibody要rigid”注定是错的。
! H) X, D. f. f9 V6 b/ s) n
! Z$ e4 `: ~, I, I9 g" ]+ j我曾经诚恳的跟你讲,思而不学则殆。看得出你思考了,但很遗憾你缺少学习。/ y& f$ X8 g; z3 E1 v1 \
7 {6 Y/ q9 M# t, g9 K! Q# M, g$ l9 P1 c9 d+ Y; n
你的YY的本质是你以为 Rigidity 是个褒义词,你喜欢BOF车,所以以为BOF肯定rigid。其实这是个中性词,BOF是故意的要降低rigidity,已达到载货目的的。1 c; {7 F- \* q! N8 ~
( t9 ]% y, |3 o3 n$ w
' y) S1 v; I& Q  J9 K

# ^, z# X# \) ]这方面的讨论再网上不是很多,我找了这2篇东西,你看一看:5 A! S2 c3 @) ?9 A
1) http://newcarbuyingguide.com/index.php/news/main/625/event=view; Y2 |* O2 S+ D1 ]2 L- w5 w9 e
Torsional Rigidity9 ~* ?; n9 x( t0 ~

* P! Z; `7 T( b) {& f' v. t: oSometimes called chassis stiffness. It relates to how rigid the chassis is in twisting. Imagine a sport utility vehicle that needs to climb over rocks. Those without long suspension movements sometimes have lower torsional rigidity to allow the chassis to respond to uneven ground. A passenger car, on the other hand, should have high torsional rigidity in order to give the car a smooth ride, less vibration and better handling. Sports and performance cars are usually the stiffest in order to minimize any flex except for that offered by the springs and shocks to obtain consistent handling.
1 q5 v$ O; C% M5 I+ x6 i/ o# W$ v( U. C! p
2)http://wardsautoworld.com/ar/auto_fullsize_ambition/& r( ~5 A3 u- u* @. i
这一部分是介绍 Honda Ridgeline的,这是唯一的 unibody pickup。比同级别BOF pickup的 rigidity 强的多(红字)。/ |/ {$ C7 K1 T2 D0 C: |
这个例子把你的“再flexible的BOF也比再rigid的unibody要rigid”驳的体无完肤。+ m7 H' S" F7 w8 U5 i6 y
+ C0 K7 s0 }8 q
Fullsize Ambition
, `5 X- M! R# |( N  b2 g" P
! B4 z/ d, S# x9 V% hPickup truck buyers are a peculiar breed.
' I5 L/ |; a3 C: F, G2 u3 `
0 {  _9 L2 c) _% s7 r- I  WThey beat up their 4-wheelers and relish the ability to haul campers and load the bed with tools, woodchips and appliances. They love their trucks to death — literally, driving them into the ground, dropping bits of rusted body panels along the way.& J4 `# M1 Z/ U+ Z& H- k

! d) D: u2 X' G5 Q* }" uOnly in the last decade have people begun buying pickups not for functionality or commercial reasons but because pickups, like SUVs, afford a sense of security with high-up “command seating” and — with the advent of 4-door crew cabs — more than ample cabin room for families of all sizes. The truck bed rarely sees use.2 _/ @$ x' ^2 H4 o5 m
/ Z5 {7 Y2 |) ~9 m$ C
In this new dynamic, Honda Motor Co. Ltd. sees an opportunity to sell America the pickup it really wants — one that handles like a car, has the amenities of a luxury sedan, requires no ladder to climb in, offers clever storage compartments, strikes an athletic pose and doesn't need a hulking, gas-guzzling V-8 to haul a 22-ft. (6.7-m) boat.! \0 R( o; g, H$ p+ r) Y
4 d' s7 ~3 K' s4 y
The all-new '06 Ridgeline pickup, which Honda assembles in Alliston, Ont., Canada, and will arrive in showrooms this month, is all of the above. Honda's knack for impeccable execution is apparent with the Ridgeline, even though the company has never before produced a pickup.
9 f. I  b/ Y1 }4 m2 Z2 N% G% g/ ?/ g& I. n8 C  L2 o: V
In preparation for this important launch, Honda cut its teeth with its previous truck-like models, such as the Acura MDX and Honda Pilot cross/utility vehicles and Odyssey minivan. The Ridgeline shares its basic architecture with those vehicles, although Honda says its engineers poured so much work into the pickup that its chassis is 93% unique.
, {6 S5 y, {$ {  S! |) @0 G* w
# N/ d+ F+ _$ }' W+ ^; [Structurally, the Ridgeline is remarkable. Its closed-box ladder frame with seven cross members looks a lot like the bottom structure of a typical body-on-frame pickup. But the body itself is designed like that of a car, using contemporary unibody construction. Honda refers to it as “heavy-duty unibody” for its trailering capability.( Y4 C$ `6 ?0 b3 }% p$ R
( s3 p( M* \* ?: t0 }7 U' x
Chassis and body engineers may argue whether the Ridgeline is a pickup or a car. Perhaps it's a little of both.
$ k/ S$ P1 q9 J$ H
) j6 N! X5 E+ T- @/ H+ f  E: s; X. YThe Ridgeline handles like a car — an agile one at that. During a test drive on a hilly, winding road in Southern California, the Ridgeline remained buttoned to the pavement, with minimal body roll compared with typical body-on-frame pickups./ R+ _. T* ~" Q3 @, ?
- d( F0 t7 Y, u6 {! ~
The unique construction is directly responsible, Honda says. In conventional pickups, the cabin is isolated from the bed, which is bolted directly to the frame. As a result, the cabin generally goes around corners more smoothly than the back end.: u. E% }# {' n  Y5 L4 [- K$ {

2 v8 w6 A! g8 J* }7 J2 Q; o2 O+ `The Ridgeline's bed and cabin are unitized, however, so stability is greatly enhanced. Honda says the Ridgeline's bending rigidity is 2.5 times firmer than the best compact pickup, and the rear torsional rigidity is more than 20 times stiffer.
1 x' o1 \2 R( C
& o! a+ ?% R/ A7 U8 V! Q& D$ W9 CThe independent rear suspension also contributes to Ridgeline's agreeable road manners. Honda insisted on an IRS for the Ridgeline because the solid axle/leaf-spring combination on conventional pickups compromises handling.# g5 b, |, r  e9 u; u6 h: d
$ W/ j6 q3 `, A1 @
The Ridgeline will be classified a small pickup, competing with the Dodge Dakota, Toyota Tacoma, Ford Explorer Sport Trac, Nissan Frontier and Chevy Colorado in a segment that continues to shrink, despite efforts by OEMs to bill them as midsize.# a, r/ n: |: |5 b0 g  W

. J8 ]* c8 w1 U9 aCount Honda among those auto makers attempting to sell fullsize capability from a small, more fuel-efficient package. Honda marketers and engineers have ambitious goals for their first-ever pickup and even invoke the Ford F-150 (the world's best-selling pickup) as a competitive benchmark.3 s' d6 Z- g) @: A
4 t- }, D2 U4 n
Honda says the Ridgeline's payload rating of 1,522 lbs. (690 kg) exceeds that of the F-150 Crew Cab, with a payload rating of 1,459 lbs. (661 kg).$ Z2 B) F, |- n) o2 l; j$ l

0 T* @2 ^4 e! [# _5 o3 ZIn test drives, journalists drove both the Ridgeline and F-150, hauling an 18-ft. (5.4-m), 5,000-lb. (2,268 kg) box trailer filled with gravel. The Ridgeline's towing capacity is 5,000 lbs., compared with 9,200 lbs. (4,173 kg) for the F-150. The oval course traversed undulating pavement and allowed for a few full-acceleration straightaways.1 d8 W" c; o: D

# ~) e2 b! R, Q0 J! ~7 gThe F-150, with its 300-hp 5.4L V-8, clearly had more low-end grunt. The Ridgeline's 255-hp 3.5L V-6, mated to a 5-speed automatic transmission, was capable enough, but its tugging ability is not in the same league as the V-8 F-150., H  k# R4 S0 y4 M

# E' R  U9 X7 Z  j* N* z& AHonda says it does not intend for the Ridgeline to face the F-150 head on, only to demonstrate that for most pickup duties, the Ridgeline can get the job done. Honda says the pickup can pull a 22-ft. boat and a 24-ft. (7.3-m) camper with no problem. The company says its research reveals 84% of pickup customers tow less than 5,000 lbs.
& {+ A( U% ^& B% c- E, ~6 ]* n: u4 R% c' w' @; h( p3 q
“I'm not saying we can beat that F-150,” Gary Flint, chief engineer for the Ridgeline, tells Ward's. “All I'm demonstrating is that I can pull that trailer. The Ridgeline can hold its own.”
+ F) W/ M& f+ w1 e  l% T$ f  L
( V0 d# b; \' u1 k) IAlthough the Ridgeline's 252 lb.-ft. (341 Nm) of torque is grossly outmatched by the F-150 V-8, Flint says after the first four seconds of acceleration, most drivers barely will notice a difference between the Ridgeline's V-6 and Ford's V-8.- z2 |- C1 g  x: U- M: T

3 ^" a0 Q3 t7 M' z. H- v% R- _But on paper, the Ridgeline V-6 isn't even the most powerful among compact pickups. The all-new 4L V-6 in the Nissan Frontier, for instance, produces 265 hp and 284 lb.-ft. (385 Nm) of torque, and the Toyota Tacoma's 4L V-6 makes 282 lb.-ft. (382 Nm) of torque.
: x5 Z# d; W( G, O! d# v
! u/ G; ^0 ^3 |, y, u: Z( cLike most small pickups, the Ridgeline's fuel economy is disappointing, rated at 16 mpg (14.6 L/100 km) in the city and 21 mpg (11 L/100 km) on the highway.' ^8 S. m: ]) R3 G, [
) b6 N2 v# N1 g2 n/ \. Q
That's not to say the Ridgeline is uncompetitive. Every maker of small pickups is bound to lose sales to the Ridgeline because the package is undeniably unique, clever, attractive and well conceived.
* H1 O) |, ^! |% w+ R  n( z# k6 i
0 f7 X5 h* ?. `$ N6 Y5 ~Patents are pending for the ingenious pickup bed, which includes a trunk accessed through the floor. A handle on the lid allows the In-Bed trunk to be locked with a key, adding 8.5 cu. ft. (240L) of secure storage space — large enough for three golf bags.' [9 u; o  B; r! Y0 {4 e

0 e9 l7 L2 k0 j) |5 @1 \2 lThe steel-reinforced composite bed is lightweight, resists corrosion and holds up well when more than 800 lbs. (362 kg) of rocks are dropped in with a front-end loader, a stunt held during the preview. The bed showed scuffs, but no dents.
0 [4 ^- m! ]7 S+ K2 B5 p
6 L0 _2 a; T; o- G8 T7 I% U7 rHonda has the advantage of selling dirt bikes (two of which fit in the bed), all-terrain vehicles, jet skis, generators and lawn mowers. The company has more than 5 million customers for motorcycles and power equipment. Surely some of them, the company theorizes, will consider the Ridgeline.
; L* f7 t) t- c& B* o4 i1 Q% W9 J- d; [
Honda rates the pickup's off-road capability as “medium duty,” and it performed well on steep, rocky grades. Its Variable Torque Management 4-wheel-drive system, similar to that in the Acura MDX, is fully automatic. In most cruising conditions, the system is in front-wheel-drive mode.
3 A; p/ ~' I  I7 E" \3 b/ M$ q3 l8 u$ H% M, H  |
The system is intelligent enough to engage all-wheel drive for better maneuverability even before wheel slippage occurs. A locking differential button on the instrument panel channels maximum torque to the rear wheels until the vehicle reaches 6 mph (10 km/h), at which time the rear torque is gradually diminished.
& }" a9 l0 X# V. i( |  m) N" b, n6 J2 T
Inside, the Ridgeline is comfortable and well appointed. The vehicle will come in three trim levels — RT, RTS and RTL. Even the base RT has an impressive list of standard features, including keyless remote entry, side and curtain airbags, power locks, power windows and front bucket seats.& _8 H% v& }5 l, V! q6 z) t
$ O* h9 s  H! S: `
Also standard is a nifty automatic heated wiper zone that speeds defrosting on cold, snowy days. When the temperature drops below 39° F (17° C), the windshield is automatically heated with electric defrost lines situated beneath the wipers./ v; h* Z8 _5 N% M" c! [

. S5 E0 N3 j$ h/ L) P) e* eThe Ridgeline will start at $28,215 for the base RT and top off at $35,155 for the premium RTL, including XM satellite radio, navigation system and moonroof.' k' e* H" v. _( d' H& e! W1 q
! r2 Y: u6 j# J& ?- `
The Ridgeline is an impressive pickup, and Honda has set what should be an easily attainable goal of selling 50,000 units annually. Despite the relatively small number, there's nothing pintsized about Honda's expectations for the Ridgeline.& u: u7 b7 C; ~0 k4 n+ [: n
'06 Honda Ridgeline RTL8 f% A2 k: g; p/ \
5 A2 E2 D. _9 P$ C' f
Vehicle type: Front-engine, all-wheel drive, 5-passenger 4-door pickup
+ m1 m! U  R$ X7 y3 t: m7 U% y6 P( P" n$ d; d  Y
Engine: 3.5L (3,471 cc) SOHC V-6, aluminum block/aluminum heads
# ~) B# W; c4 R9 }8 l+ K
( C1 W* f7 i# o9 a1 H2 yPower (SAE net): 255 hp @ 5,750 rpm1 q0 e, N# P/ y5 }$ i3 `

( P+ D/ Y$ I$ |0 d* a. w! gTorque: 252 lb.-ft. (342 Nm) @ 4,500 rpm1 b! q, q1 y; r8 p

* L! ~" o1 S) z0 i8 M0 ICompression ratio: 10:1: T1 _+ d3 C4 B5 M0 e- q

# e! {6 S) d8 z2 V" ]; ?Bore × stroke (mm): 89 × 93
. R  l; J* y' {4 U8 w& F/ m9 K; ^6 d5 `: ?: c$ `
Transmission: 5-speed automatic; f6 F* q; n% J  M. e
- ~" w7 ~" K7 z) f
Wheelbase: 122 ins. (310 cm)
- v" w) X6 G6 i/ s4 T$ b! K
0 i3 d( c$ z  k  K' N7 i8 G5 t: y5 FOverall length: 206.8 ins. (525 cm)8 {0 Z: d8 z& Z% `! p( T0 P9 Y
0 [$ |: ^8 w$ P9 H
Overall width: 76.3 ins. (194 cm)
( c4 i; l# v# J% X+ W( ^: W
0 V; Z  W% K# L7 G) _7 AOverall height: 70.3 ins. (179 cm)
2 w1 P5 c  N8 M- Q' z5 u  o, D0 A8 `; w& |% G: R4 d( I  I% @' ]
Curb weight: 4,498 lbs. (2,041 kg)
4 g' E$ v7 h. E; h) a
( I* c7 Y0 ~7 m  P  sEPA fuel economy, city/highway (mpg): 16/21
# ~7 z; P% r  t5 a( j1 a" u
4 [3 I/ H8 k! n1 s" w! `- _( N7 fDirect competition: Chevrolet Colorado; Dodge Dakota; Ford Explorer Sport Trac; Nissan Frontier; Toyota Tacoma
  I5 t" @1 H2 A* Z# Y2 g/ i
. t! ?" J& G% |; k[ 本帖最后由 小黄 于 2008-10-6 12:51 编辑 ]
鲜花(7) 鸡蛋(1)
发表于 2008-10-9 21:03 | 显示全部楼层
同言同羽 置业良晨
你是卖HONDA的么?纵观很多帖子,不少ID都在有意无意的宣扬HONDA Ridgeline,但很可惜Ridgeline的销量还是最差, 看来爱民囤的坛子里还是有一些黄金甲的
$ e0 g' E& r+ c7 F6 n" L
% s' R( _6 q  s不过,讨论归讨论,搞bias或者人身攻击就没劲了,学会尊重别人别人才会尊重你
鲜花(48) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-10-9 21:35 | 显示全部楼层
同言同羽 置业良晨
原帖由 shark27 于 2008-10-9 22:03 发表 3 H  [! w/ e$ l* G* T9 v( `* a
你是卖HONDA的么?纵观很多帖子,不少ID都在有意无意的宣扬HONDA Ridgeline,但很可惜Ridgeline的销量还是最差, 看来爱民囤的坛子里还是有一些黄金甲的4 _0 j3 U  ^8 a

1 H/ G4 \7 ^# j# }' t. k$ l不过,讨论归讨论,搞bias或者人身攻击就没劲了,学会尊重别 ...
& G: Z2 ^; C4 ^2 Q2 L6 E+ k  P1 z; w
鲜花(1181) 鸡蛋(48)
发表于 2008-10-10 10:53 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 shark27 于 2008-10-9 22:03 发表
- I8 f8 v- m1 O  r" k你是卖HONDA的么?纵观很多帖子,不少ID都在有意无意的宣扬HONDA Ridgeline,但很可惜Ridgeline的销量还是最差, 看来爱民囤的坛子里还是有一些黄金甲的
1 Y$ _) l; s& ?$ w; ~9 {! P: H# x. V/ U) ~" Q
不过,讨论归讨论,搞bias或者人身攻击就没劲了,学会尊重别 ...
, i# h/ h4 O/ X1 Y/ J* }# s" S
你这个帖子恰恰就是不谈车,只有人身攻击的例证啊。小黄就这一个ID,是以前Z被封后使用的。; `1 k7 J' r$ C* t; T. I6 \: [
鲜花(1181) 鸡蛋(48)
发表于 2008-10-10 11:00 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 scuba1995 于 2008-10-9 22:35 发表 ) c( W# p/ v- ]4 O1 ^" w
. Y- m: B' U' a
& _  @/ W; W! p9 e, r
鲜花(7) 鸡蛋(1)
发表于 2008-10-13 11:16 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 小黄 于 2008-10-10 12:00 发表 4 X( H8 I# z+ E( g( K# I3 n
3 ?) i& k: |' J* f  p: V& d$ j
2 T+ `& b! U6 n; ~" k1 b# y  A

+ W5 R8 w% r. G" g我认为瞎话就是google搜索, 乱套没理解透的一两条狭隘理论和what ever honda says。 你知道yello head honda去年卖出几辆rigeline么? 低于10, 连pilot都有30以上的销量。% N( T; `1 ?# f: K( v" O
6 d5 Y+ G1 M  M; t! \+ X
[ 本帖最后由 shark27 于 2008-10-13 12:30 编辑 ]
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-10-14 08:44 | 显示全部楼层
Honda odyssey
鲜花(1181) 鸡蛋(48)
发表于 2008-10-14 10:30 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 shark27 于 2008-10-13 12:16 发表
+ v. z3 Z  a& Z6 M& |! d' O- y% ]! x/ S1 u

' S9 p9 g+ J+ _; Z+ f4 ~我认为瞎话就是google搜索, 乱套没理解透的一两条狭隘理论和what ever honda says。 你知道yello head honda去年卖出几辆rigeline么? 低于10, 连pilot都有30以上的销量。

' n' C4 {2 v! X3 u5 Q9 LRigdeline和Pilot都是Unibody的,你想说明什么?9 o, o; W. f" ~" L7 \
8 V0 Z. _1 E5 J# P5 |
[ 本帖最后由 小黄 于 2008-10-14 11:31 编辑 ]
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-10-15 19:08 | 显示全部楼层
Honda(CR-V), Subaru(forester), Toyota (RAV4),
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-10-15 19:10 | 显示全部楼层
VW Tiguan
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