二手汽车 老柳教车

埃德蒙顿华人社区-Edmonton China

查看: 1542|回复: 10

TO lisa88: 请帮忙查一下vin,谢谢

鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2007-9-25 11:27 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
帮忙查一下vin,4 ?$ H3 x" ~; M# h' q7 }$ V5 d; P$ h
2FMZA514XXBC57092+ @* O" m5 i6 D$ M& o
# r7 R. N$ S9 t5 s- j
谢谢了: A, ?1 j( `7 a9 H
; z0 H9 e: l0 X; f0 n. _
[ 本帖最后由 常歌 于 2007-9-25 12:30 编辑 ]
鲜花(2) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2007-9-25 12:01 | 显示全部楼层


帮我也查个VIN: 1G1ND52J1Y6290067
. Q7 P7 F3 J/ j  o% Y" g8 l* Z$ d多谢多谢!
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2007-9-25 12:11 | 显示全部楼层
/ y$ A; u- E3 [, s" a
  t9 d' B% z6 P1 U# p6 c9 z9 V9 C) Z1 z
3 x. P  f, |7 |. t+ ~
) M! D" v1 ~0 `' I2 E2FMZA514XXBC57092
' D# I% J7 c0 ZEXTENDED SPORT VAN2 h/ e1 A7 m# p# z
2 d7 K: F! m* B3 y6 I2 N' H' Z3 Z
* l: n3 R7 I: x: DSalvage | Junk | Rebuilt  Guaranteed
9 y1 R, L: @/ j- w- G0 F; Z( n9 C  X' }No Problem  ) H* [3 y8 O9 U0 U- L$ S7 e& g
Fire/Flood | Hail Damage | Buyback/Lemon 8 ]( C9 `2 t: S
  Guaranteed' `% L& A- P; l/ s& w0 N% q' \
No Problem  
5 J$ E) |9 @- D+ f) aNot Actual Mileage | Exceeds Mechanical Limits  Guaranteed2 G8 A, f9 g# o# d6 A
No Problem  
7 J/ X( Y. u( s* T/ h/ R, m: J  \$ h, A$ I
Total Loss Check
! L  ~7 t# V. F4 c; e/ E) }9 R3 l/ k: q0 X7 ^3 t0 m8 n
No total loss reported to CARFAX.   No Issues Reported
' R% P% ]8 F, R  \
! ]  k/ u1 h5 F4 kFrame Damage Check/ R1 ^9 `3 b! ~/ C; a. N
3 g; J$ X0 g- e3 J7 V% A& }3 P
No frame damage reported to CARFAX.   No Issues Reported
( {1 f5 N& K0 i# @2 ? ( w* [) {& i  a  x: I$ ~
Airbag Deployment Check
3 S6 [- \7 L# Q. l# s6 q7 O7 F5 h
No airbag deployment reported to CARFAX.   No Issues Reported + I; u$ E3 b& H( B1 s
) m9 I. p& M, U* L& K9 H
Odometer Rollback Check+ ^; R) ^! N- g' z) Q4 Q. H
- `3 n! Q' o& ^' A+ \
No indication of an odometer rollback.  No Issues Indicated & D2 q+ Y- w/ `/ ^' \

8 X6 A& f3 ]+ f+ b8 dAccident Check
; T3 F9 @7 T$ I/ b& L6 L. m5 P6 y* C8 f. q6 F. M
No accidents reported to CARFAX.   No Issues Reported   i4 Q5 i+ e7 u1 Q4 Z, L7 S7 K7 O
4 ^) l& a% o6 p. s4 T2 F
Manufacturer Recall Check; p( B5 n7 A) N
, n8 \  G/ x( y/ J; O6 A! q
Available directly from Ford. A current list of recalls is available at
; x1 }3 G% f0 S; h  v7 Z; z' E8 Q6 `6 G( w. q
www.ford.com.   No Recalls Reported * o) W" c/ @8 o4 I& }, H# B- x5 s- n
) n, ]6 S  B1 d% m) j& y5 w
                0 `0 J" K. J# R
Basic Warranty Check
( ~6 k! G5 y3 k$ C9 A) C0 w- k7 J# S: X9 N0 c
Original warranty estimated to have expired. View Info - c( [) Y9 U" r$ }; I( ~
Interested in an extended warranty?
+ o' l8 E) Y; A5 I* @* [% w Warranty Expired
7 d' e& d4 ~2 p- F/ ?; }7 K
  C. S: d; C; J1 |8 ^
2 d* J1 [# i+ t3 [; @/ ]Date: Mileage: Source: Comments: 7 U, m- l7 h/ C$ V8 u4 `
06/30/1999       NICB    Vehicle manufactured
- o( }* i. l- @! R* W) A+ a) Uand shipped to original dealer  
) e6 a& N: A/ a( F# @  {
4 e! D8 n! n0 d: q: Q9 f07/26/1999    4    Service Facility    Vehicle serviced4 z& L1 |' C; ]5 ]
Odometer reported as 7 kilometers  9 A$ G( a* ]) r3 t

" N  f8 p7 L. m1 h& d11/02/1999    5,316    Service Facility    Vehicle serviced
9 N* Z( x3 G0 p9 E6 a5 H5 A$ u8 |Lubed oil and filter changed8 E: |  J% K1 c8 r
Odometer reported as 8,556 kilometers  / [$ a- C0 z; {+ H1 w: T

; G2 Y5 Z3 K. `12/15/1999    8,637    Service Facility    Vehicle serviced
: E* x  R. x; C6 sLubed oil and filter changed
4 d7 _6 J. L# y; {& COdometer reported as 13,900 kilometers  2 [, o1 z( R& F( F* l. x

$ J3 ?, R! X$ l! [& U5 [% o04/14/2000       Ontario
2 X9 l$ z! ^1 l5 `  uMinistry of Transportation    Registration issued or renewed
' c* K& m) D1 l' mPassed safety inspection
: j- f8 N! n$ u. DVehicle previously registered in Alberta7 L5 K8 F9 F+ R: {" e8 P" K
Vehicle color noted as Silver  " v3 I0 G* j& R# V+ M

! a% ]5 v. ]+ G  v: F! H06/18/2000       Ontario5 `  M9 R4 j7 r& r1 f- j7 j1 ]
Ministry of Transportation
0 x# }4 l* E; B( sCentral Ontario    Registration issued or renewed  ! f) l7 ]8 q* K2 H: y9 c! p
7 s" Y. e& ^; @& I& k
06/19/2000       Ontario0 R6 R" ^5 \5 R
Ministry of Transportation5 e% j# T( e" Y. u% |
Penetanguishhene, ON    Registration issued or renewed' @0 {( Z% Y4 e1 J
Registered as% s$ Z  @/ @1 _( y
personal vehicle  
! S$ f: z4 B6 g; B, T. o7 o- y
3 m1 O3 F6 A7 ~# U5 @03/23/2001       Alberta
, H9 |* P7 v7 g$ K, x4 p5 v) WMotor Vehicle Dept.
+ b' q! a1 Y0 B/ e1 dCanmore, AB    Registration issued or renewed  ! O3 {) H, [% ]. f" E0 }7 z
1 ^6 o+ g* w9 Z% U1 \# F  W
08/07/2001    35,061    Service Facility    Vehicle serviced
4 O- n9 t+ N6 I) w. h3 O' s- Q# i. SElectrical system serviced+ J3 d  _" O0 K' [- q+ s$ b
Suspension system serviced! B- B  Q( N$ {7 f2 |! Y
Lubed oil and filter changed
8 Z, a" }  A$ a. Y" J1 C4 H, O  xTransmission serviced4 O6 p( x2 r( q/ F0 x
Engine serviced
  }! l- J3 ?' e& JOdometer reported as 56,426 kilometers  $ |' `) O: p+ e% n# {2 s
, I$ R1 O! E+ b+ N, |( A3 ?
11/15/2001    39,320    Service Facility    Vehicle serviced
+ B4 G* |7 z( D7 M+ LLubed oil and filter changed
8 i; o: d4 ?8 A3 O, YEmissions system serviced; s4 g' F! o2 |6 X+ P
Odometer reported as 63,280 kilometers  ' t1 d; k) ]0 }; r9 |

& `; E- V( N0 p; u1 a+ p9 |, V07/19/2002       Alberta
8 w! v. Y' B0 M& M! u+ SMotor Vehicle Dept." i6 Q' ~3 N; S* U' b! d. k
Calgary, AB    Registration issued or renewed  6 ?+ p9 f6 [7 W  U$ J# z# d

6 z+ S' K6 f, @# P3 k, G. a09/03/2003    61,141    Service Facility    Vehicle serviced
2 {! O+ u4 W6 h  m* pOdometer reported as 98,398 kilometers  ( E( p/ C2 l- K5 O+ d4 f
" h* c# t. P& z5 l
11/06/2003    62,911    Service Facility    Vehicle serviced
# k" G% L& w8 ~, UOdometer reported as 101,246 kilometers  
8 a& M9 K& e% E0 e$ W5 I $ I  e7 W' g) V: ^  K% n# C. h
04/05/2004    67,490    Service Facility    Vehicle serviced
  K+ L( O' o" a: r3 NOdometer reported as 108,616 kilometers  
. U/ e9 ~% B. Q3 s1 u) Q " n# t; y: `9 x8 K* V9 E
05/29/2004    68,948    Service Facility    Vehicle serviced
4 {: K/ m( k6 EElectrical system serviced# O) f2 v- L7 X; K' Z( o
Odometer reported as 110,962 kilometers
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2007-9-25 12:15 | 显示全部楼层
老杨团队 追求完美
VIN: 1G1ND52J1Y6290067
3 [' ?0 d$ y' Z' E9 y/ V$ x) m( |3 h; B% ^3 U: p
2000 CHEVROLET MALIBU , @& Z% l9 \7 y+ G, o. P! Y1 K7 l1 _
1G1ND52J1Y6290067 - u# v" }, [# z9 y
0 C% T! g$ ]2 {. Y9 k. A# ~& K3.1L V6 SFI / FRONT WHEEL DRIVE
/ w1 y' D0 X- t# h2 T0 T, w1 f; C) i% q' ~
Salvage | Junk | Rebuilt  Guaranteed+ Z/ F" y9 \+ `& F. z
No Problem  8 b& S7 D$ {: o6 {
Fire/Flood | Hail Damage | Buyback/Lemon * @, g) m$ m1 z  o8 x! r
  Guaranteed; @3 @! U3 g) }# D9 C  w- g
No Problem  ; [: W3 p; l& x2 X8 ~
Not Actual Mileage | Exceeds Mechanical Limits  Guaranteed
: I) F  g& r/ `7 _2 h! {6 pNo Problem  # o. I9 ]6 j0 A) N

5 K) w1 h9 E: w6 q$ r* fTotal Loss Check/ z- V+ I, J1 @* F6 K

8 y& x* C: B0 P3 l2 b/ k& O/ q5 iNo total loss reported to CARFAX.   No Issues Reported " I* K0 H. M4 _* [2 U

$ O" G5 A/ X+ D& VFrame Damage Check* ]5 x& H( L, C9 s' r$ w
5 ~4 E% a( S6 y5 ?! Q- @% q& Q
No frame damage reported to CARFAX.   No Issues Reported ; Q$ S- `) C# G- q4 n9 Z
- m9 \- \$ _/ \, _! t6 i4 o
Airbag Deployment Check! r2 o+ K, v6 F% n, U
1 B+ t8 A: k8 ~* ^
No airbag deployment reported to CARFAX.   No Issues Reported
, _: V- [; N& G! p7 U
7 R4 ?* z! ^* y- }Odometer Rollback Check
# `- p/ e1 v/ d
. T0 U' c7 I) vNo indication of an odometer rollback.  No Issues Indicated
  b. R5 n2 w# p7 ~. u; P; F + Q+ P  `( @7 z2 F
Accident Check
! ]* D5 r  F8 [* W9 H. y5 w. I- U' k' b3 x: b
No accidents reported to CARFAX.   No Issues Reported   D/ [' T% \- c* y. e" }, q
) h+ Z4 |( z! H" ?' u8 Y' y1 o
Manufacturer Recall Check
( s5 ?) w/ l& Y) N* b: d( a- @, N( a$ e, o1 @  I7 A+ r, r- [
Check with an authorized Chevrolet dealer for any open recalls.   No Recalls Reported
9 \2 n' f6 ^; Z! Q3 X2 r 8 N! p( U* R3 N( J( C; X; h
                  {9 d" V! y( j" q( q1 V
Basic Warranty Check7 ]1 p* s) }( w4 k1 K0 t

9 h9 Q8 ?: }* s7 @Original warranty estimated to have expired. View Info ! I+ ]4 Y0 K2 N6 ?- F  L
Interested in an extended warranty?
3 [' l0 t1 p# |/ {7 Y Warranty Expired
1 i+ Y6 x  [& g/ a" J ; `) n! n; R% B& p4 _' L+ `+ P$ G
04/26/2000    3    Service Facility    Vehicle serviced$ t4 c7 x" O. d
Odometer reported as 5 kilometers  - j; P1 a3 z1 N( c- }5 P( f  j; c5 ]" s
, m0 J: U, B' V: m' c- K; O" ~
05/15/2000       Alberta. F" G1 F  _$ y& ]0 A
Motor Vehicle Dept.3 Y& |0 c- T% D  U( V& k* G$ A
Edmonton, AB    Registration issued or renewed  
% [, H7 ?! l- ~+ W9 k " M3 G+ E( H! c3 b3 l6 K
04/20/2001       Alberta
/ W) h) z! W! ~, d. w9 V4 OMotor Vehicle Dept.
3 R# Y4 Y& e6 ~5 hEdmonton, AB    Registration issued or renewed
鲜花(64) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2007-9-25 13:26 | 显示全部楼层
Caame:  能帮我查个吗? 4 _; o- P% ]/ q4 d2 {( s  T

$ g& B( _6 M: M, VVIN: JT3HP10V1W7098024
, R. z* l. T: R4 P0 d, w4 p5 A8 o0 n& `
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2007-9-25 13:51 | 显示全部楼层
谢谢了, caame!
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2007-9-25 15:21 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2007-9-25 16:31 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 大刀砍鬼子 于 2007-9-25 16:21 发表 3 }. T) s# r2 t9 k, R' A
6 k2 Z! ]8 w' G% P2 q
支持!- ^4 v. G! j# U, O$ E

5 G: c! r' M$ b; f: e8 S( |3 Y哪位专家帮我解释一下#3楼的 1999 FORD WINDSTAR LX minivan 报告有啥问题伐。我明天出手4000刀买了(要价4900$). 一个朋友说只值3000$, 但就是找不到这么便宜的。广告如下:
6 O+ P( O3 j/ n7 g/ A
+ P$ X2 I9 n9 d$ i1999 FORD WINDSTAR 172000 KMS : silver, 4dr, 7 pass, 3.8L v6, alloy wheels, quad bucket seats, automatic, power windows, power/tilt steering, power mirrors, power door locks, cruise control, ABS, remote keyless entry - two remotes incl., anti-theft, CD, am/fm cass, A/C, dual climate control (rear heating/AC vents), roof rack, rock deflector, full size spare, all season tires in great condition plus a set of blizzak winter tires also in great condition, new windsheild, maint. records available $4,895.00. obo.
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2007-9-25 17:34 | 显示全部楼层
VIN: JT3HP10V1W7098024% T9 W. p3 `3 Q8 ?& [. X. X. |
- L! H' k$ I) O* U9 v

) W, f5 F3 r5 L8 z) u3 G
9 r- X+ N' J* R1998 TOYOTA RAV4 # ]6 V) w) B$ `% W& j) v
$ y5 E3 O; G* I! R+ o6 I. ]- Q4 DR. WAGON/SPORT UTILITY" c; t) q& u! v5 K1 N) j- c
+ Q4 c: W) q  J6 g& \4 X
" p' N6 {7 N* dYear purchased 1998   2003   2006   * t/ f7 {: g' ]6 l0 f
Type of owner Private lease  ---  ---  8 c# {7 B! u, M3 s
Estimated length of ownership  5 years  6 months  1 yr. 8 mo.  
* |* D; X7 }: t) z* bOwned in the following states/provinces Kentucky  Kentucky  Kentucky  
+ f( _2 a7 {9 W2 N' W* a. U0 `Estimated miles driven per year 14,965/yr  ---  ---  
  A* o' r0 P0 t9 wLast reported odometer reading 60,173    ! m" E2 ^1 ?4 `

/ ]6 y4 o$ _# YSalvage | Junk | Rebuilt  Guaranteed5 U6 g1 o7 b. t7 Z8 |" I2 {, A
No Problem  Guaranteed/ Z6 Z# T- g- ]9 N
No Problem  Guaranteed
* ^; O6 [* M/ Y0 _! b  aNo Problem  4 J* S$ a9 ]' Y# F, o0 t" k0 C  H
Fire/Flood | Hail Damage | Buyback/Lemon
8 k+ [/ ?' s: p3 |  Guaranteed& R, w+ N& L. `4 Q
No Problem  Guaranteed9 s+ B1 \+ {0 w1 ~5 O  d% D
No Problem  Guaranteed, |9 y) s" \2 B+ _: v
No Problem  
6 K& r$ n8 T+ p( sNot Actual Mileage | Exceeds Mechanical Limits  Guaranteed
0 X7 N+ Y+ s% G- J( MNo Problem  Guaranteed7 V. _& U7 x# C% z0 R' ~: Z6 b
No Problem  Guaranteed$ {# T3 w5 {7 s5 K
No Problem  / Z+ o% P1 r' K: B# W
# ]2 w( ]% K# @  d% f% Z
Total Loss Check3 b7 a; [4 ~( B; ?2 ]9 w

5 E5 V$ E1 E" p8 w$ |No total loss reported to CARFAX.   No Issues Reported
3 [$ i. S! {  z! ?# V# p$ X, ~- {   No Issues Reported 9 D" r7 |) O8 ~1 F
   No Issues Reported
( f2 P6 o" {" S
2 S; C( ]2 r; |% P; |Frame Damage Check
7 i3 }2 y9 p6 q7 Y9 N6 S
% k( x* ^3 A7 g5 x( oNo frame damage reported to CARFAX.   No Issues Reported % P7 I! f2 j! U$ d& ^4 \3 l
   No Issues Reported % p" p9 l5 A" }0 m  l8 f
   No Issues Reported
! ?0 d9 ^  q( J9 |0 D/ I) u9 ~, ^ # h$ x( E+ j0 A+ E$ j' I! F" G7 {6 s5 F
Airbag Deployment Check* h* u2 r4 E$ e( c8 ~- Y! u( W" P; }

7 g9 R) `* D( c0 N5 s. hNo airbag deployment reported to CARFAX.   No Issues Reported $ [% a' n+ n5 ^2 f$ M
   No Issues Reported ( O: g# _0 Y# V( `: [
   No Issues Reported
5 N$ C8 A  m) W# v % u  M, e! ?- a9 @
Odometer Rollback Check
* C6 s- z! @. q( d  k/ z; K7 \1 M! k0 G4 a, t! ~4 s: T
No indication of an odometer rollback.  No Issues Indicated ( r; I) L+ R: u$ U+ \! a
  No Issues Indicated
" q0 y; w: M! j0 a  No Issues Indicated & s% [# A9 D6 Q+ l% s) O2 F: w4 s
* p# @; V- C1 U
Accident Check. S5 Z. E9 F2 S; ~1 e0 g
6 @, R# z( {7 L) f1 O% y2 V: B
Accident reported on 10/16/1998. Accident Indicator ' e/ E$ c' A3 [3 s8 C6 v
No New Issues Reported # V* M- V7 F( B4 b6 Z
No New Issues Reported ( I. x1 F1 e. p1 ?9 @5 A

( H; r! {) v0 F* WManufacturer Recall Check* v3 Y' X/ |( Z: r, w6 j

/ a% v( p8 A1 k( @, GCheck with an authorized Toyota dealer for any open recalls.   No Recalls Reported
' Y0 q% `4 G* `5 O2 g5 G# t  No Recalls Reported
$ t# Z+ B9 M5 R# G; |  No Recalls Reported ! g0 i+ J0 E3 J, d* a
4 g& n* p: }5 P3 u4 T" Y
: @  {2 q& W& _* Q1 N$ C5 X7 \Basic Warranty Check. Y2 Y, |5 x8 W; a+ Z/ F

/ p9 c8 @6 o, P0 oOriginal warranty estimated to have expired. View Info
0 f. E( ^3 |% SInterested in an extended warranty?
  S. i* `. B0 ?. o" Y) C Warranty Expired 0 c5 A" s5 t5 ^5 t" c4 [% V
Warranty Expired 6 ^' V, H! y$ U$ S! L
Warranty Expired 5 ^/ u. A/ w9 k# @* e; o

# j: J, z  y8 y  Zowner 1
0 i  ]& C! P5 y3 {  M9 l  }5 N+ E# Q; S# M5 ]0 ^+ W
05/17/1998       NICB    Vehicle manufactured
0 o/ s: f7 x# Y4 f, z4 a# hand shipped to original dealer  " ^* K0 D+ M" j7 F. `$ h

5 M9 \& h5 F% x: I07/28/1998       Kentucky
4 y6 F; A) {2 F3 J( FMotor Vehicle Dept.1 s, D0 n0 a! i5 U9 X7 ?
Lexington, KY    Registered as
8 r2 E% i0 L2 L# }1 Y/ b8 o7 F1 Eprivate lease vehicle  
2 ]: h. _5 p9 q+ E
0 d' o7 w% j. c+ ~9 E9 `07/28/1998    150    Kentucky
7 d8 {- q* g. K3 e8 M: jMotor Vehicle Dept.- j+ Y- s4 f: L( G6 t# V+ d4 V3 }
Cincinnati, OH! f1 F- R; F! D: c/ {+ V7 e
Title #982090570160    Title or registration issued* ?- w5 G0 a0 s7 Q, u2 p
First owner reported  
6 M$ j' {$ |1 X) E, m& J
7 f: Z# R* F$ S6 _* Z, {: b6 o3 u10/16/1998       Kentucky
; |/ s  H. r* m, f; R0 `8 vPolice Report    Accident reported
$ q& V8 z$ Z7 a1 N2 k  WVehicle involved in crash
% h4 ?0 q; y3 f( k( g4 eMinor damage reported
  ; ]  v% _: \- n  k: n' P
3 B8 M1 C2 w. f
07/26/2002    60,173    Service Facility    Vehicle serviced
- _" R0 J: v9 KLubed oil and filter changed
  {# F- x4 e* Z& A2 h, e7 `8 jSuspension system serviced  
0 Y8 D$ W5 {: p) Q! A$ ^ * p7 t% P" x( {7 E5 @2 H
08/06/2003       Dealer Inventory
7 z6 c; N1 L; p6 xLexington, KY    Vehicle offered for sale  
; a' c( N2 k2 |5 V# u. @! ^ ! d; Q1 ~7 e5 N6 s# [
08/09/2003       Dealer Inventory2 M4 b4 ?! P, x2 u7 F% Q
Lexington, KY    Vehicle offered for sale  
3 U. J% H5 j- z1 b/ `$ g5 t0 `3 q. H' u  H+ H3 J
owner 2' Y' x0 y6 y# C+ }7 A
/ B3 X9 q& m0 A6 i' f! R
08/19/2003       Kentucky
% {, L. s# g! \9 l/ t+ TMotor Vehicle Dept.4 O  V, E; N$ v- S  u3 v
Lexington, KY- g* U( t- f  K& [
Title #032310340415    Title or registration issued
- S' q  s9 p$ {  D" ~New owner reported  % l8 g& T/ I, D1 L+ K
7 r6 T( T: l8 n  q8 u0 @+ Y1 ~
03/16/2004       Dealer Inventory    Vehicle offered for sale  
6 L! E. T9 O4 W! ?4 x9 i! y2 D7 P( A0 \( R- G5 P7 w7 U' K
- A0 B& k7 J* X2 I! _
owner 3
: c7 P+ i6 k- \+ t8 B! T5 e/ l+ |5 w: v) m3 ~
01/17/2006       Kentucky. R) P  o. Z6 l" e6 y
Motor Vehicle Dept.
4 W/ q0 e3 g! q3 R- P) N: g0 ]% x. [Lexington, KY
/ k+ @1 j9 o: }1 @Title #032310340415    Registration issued or renewed
/ o# {: m0 T$ y  }2 Y, j: pNew owner reported
. i5 B, O! E7 J3 K6 P, f9 nVehicle
鲜花(64) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2007-9-25 19:23 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2007-9-25 19:34 | 显示全部楼层
刚接个电话,车主改主意了, 4000刀不买了,说有人出4800.郁闷。。。省了4000$
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