二手汽车 老柳教车

埃德蒙顿华人社区-Edmonton China

查看: 1404|回复: 6


鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2007-9-26 21:13 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
帮忙查一下:% ?) r& g" e: `6 N

6 a  O0 a0 m0 m* H$ h+ N( H; G$ y( d1B4GP44L7XB891132' }5 g5 Q/ _; x' `

' m2 H" @/ P; n, \5 Q' Z谢谢了!
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2007-9-27 01:55 | 显示全部楼层

回复 #1 常歌 的帖子

1B4GP44L7XB891132 8 M) f- A) ]' y5 @

, C+ i3 F5 h2 s+ p6 {1999 DODGE GRAND CARAVAN SE/SPORT ; b6 d  o( j0 F5 g
1B4GP44L7XB891132 ( L& T: L+ I- j# l
. w/ [& e3 z3 t5 x- I3 Y3.8L V6 SFI OHV 12V / FRONT WHEEL DRIVE
- |* E" [4 T( j* W1 w- ?7 l% N; ^; m. s; N
Salvage | Junk | Rebuilt  Guaranteed: M$ {7 y: {2 W$ z
No Problem  
0 s: x3 Y$ q4 m/ o$ r+ PFire/Flood | Hail Damage | Buyback/Lemon
9 u5 ~0 s  F$ G1 w0 u  Guaranteed
# `3 D: H7 u$ h4 uNo Problem  9 c0 s: p+ u) k5 o2 f
Not Actual Mileage | Exceeds Mechanical Limits  Guaranteed
' H% f" _$ b1 LNo Problem  
2 D: C1 k5 Q: c: o' P
" [2 X* |1 X* }* V9 _Total Loss Check
, {6 v4 @  j7 u: Y" G" e( a' ^5 s3 B9 R. a1 b8 \: v
No total loss reported to CARFAX.   No Issues Reported ) `+ a* y- `+ V, t4 Y+ F$ h
4 ]; Z) m: A% z  o; S. x+ a6 B- l
Frame Damage Check! D* w/ {$ ^% C; O2 ^, ]' i% o" i

9 B& ~- s8 u% E" V0 d- t( N1 M6 iNo frame damage reported to CARFAX.   No Issues Reported - I% O0 [) K( M4 Y; m
9 P: g- n* d/ I: ~: X2 B
Airbag Deployment Check) \0 K5 S( M, A& O9 R
. w( U- `+ E9 C" _, [; U- e
No airbag deployment reported to CARFAX.   No Issues Reported
* J" L. n+ E4 F" B
% j1 z9 O- U4 \9 F1 yOdometer Rollback Check
. ?) {- E4 f1 X8 ?# n7 Z( m" P2 e' K0 Z% z1 \+ J3 n
No indication of an odometer rollback.  No Issues Indicated 6 e8 g( D7 F0 F9 @3 S" W
2 N% Y* q9 f' E
Accident Check  I2 u, Z9 v- Z2 p* b2 m3 b
3 O' Z! G; p7 A; x- V! n
No accidents reported to CARFAX.   No Issues Reported
1 Y# t1 b+ }. F# V# u4 L
7 Y- W+ D* o# P8 ?  H8 ~+ U+ bManufacturer Recall Check# l4 o6 ^: K7 p* O5 I- W4 f
- t$ Q/ f) Q' g8 b
No open recalls reported to CARFAX.   No Recalls Reported : `  b9 L5 F: G3 N
' o: Q( d4 |( s% c
/ {+ {+ F" f; V" E! P& w/ fBasic Warranty Check
8 B+ j$ H! \" i- o
) N: Q! M) o+ k% BOriginal warranty estimated to have expired. View Info
/ ~% v* a* N; o- Z6 _Interested in an extended warranty? 2 y! i/ e3 J3 ~
Warranty Expired
( L! I# A! x6 D  A& f 7 U! D% X# u# y3 X4 B$ I4 X* B

7 K8 m, m3 V9 S  `7 x3 G) Q. t07/12/1999       Ontario
; w% O8 d( B8 }( yMinistry of Transportation    Registration issued or renewed5 z9 h, v' N$ Z3 K
Passed safety inspection
$ u0 Q1 G2 D. s4 B+ zVehicle color noted as Gray  & _5 ^& `: }! [2 K  H! N
$ g: C6 A/ U- P
03/17/2001       Ontario
1 [7 f$ T  ^4 [/ @( g7 EMinistry of Transportation
5 R/ p) G+ Y: Z& X6 JCentral Ontario    Registration issued or renewed  8 H3 O7 U0 @" G) s& q* K5 P
$ u9 v( }% R3 O/ ?
03/17/2002       Ontario
2 d# D5 j! I, X( _Ministry of Transportation& l  [' ]6 @# m* ~
Central Ontario    Registration issued or renewed  $ Q! y7 H$ U0 J  J( m8 V2 L! R) {

# {7 B" f7 o" K8 w9 Q09/03/2002    47,764    Auto Auction    Sold at auction in
1 _7 V1 u5 K- q2 W5 q* j9 `Listed as a
! s4 b' G( a$ s& tfleet vehicle
" {# G8 c+ K) r& zOdometer reported as 76,869 kilometers  
! p+ f4 Z) m; t' M, y7 y( b % z+ q- q+ v3 L" [; Z* H, f4 v
09/02/2003       Ontario
* C* ~5 ]. n/ ~; LMinistry of Transportation+ o- q5 {+ b# r* f' L- P
Greater Toronto Area    Registration issued or renewed
6 [' G- e9 p) y% @9 _! @New owner reported  
- s4 X, ~8 Y/ z( _. R . E0 [& ~- }0 p' b8 ?, S, I  o0 b5 X
09/23/2004       Ontario% }) s( K" r7 \; s
Ministry of Transportation
* ~- G2 n5 o: i+ ]Kitchener/Waterloo, ON    Registration issued or renewed
5 F* n3 b; M4 z) P& ?( M1 I) Y. kRegistered as. ^7 F: w- P4 I. Y/ h( r
personal vehicle, ^8 O0 _$ A' O2 `8 Y
Registered as commercial vehicle  
; }7 ^$ P0 p5 C7 i9 z. S % y- d6 E- Q8 {) {9 m3 C0 A
09/28/2004    78,241    Auto Auction    Sold at auction5 q& T. n  L- Y5 `) k$ F
in Canada) N) a& ]- u6 k4 O
Listed as a
3 Z6 J9 _3 Q0 L4 m. {' s: Mdealer vehicle' l( D% w8 x# a( u
Odometer reported as 125,918 kilometers  8 k2 B: `6 s7 ]& s# [

) n! y3 B  \3 S) B# W/ j7 v; A; f" `10/22/2004    78,279    Ontario8 B/ B" x2 ]: w9 }* ]3 ]& {3 e
Ministry of Transportation    Odometer reading reported for title1 U1 b- d  z9 v) e
or registration
! k- i" L# S. [- ROdometer reported as 125,978 kilometers  
  e8 K; E1 z  o7 G
. d) W& c$ I! ?9 F08/31/2005       Ontario" L( t3 d3 i* A4 i( |: g* c
Ministry of Transportation
0 k" W% J6 R6 M/ E+ j7 j& GLondon, ON    Registration issued or renewed# ^+ ]  X/ E1 ~9 V7 o7 s+ t
New owner reported
! K5 L0 q; B$ c  B% t6 nRegistered as
3 y% S0 e6 b+ Z! X  w5 t, Jpersonal vehicle  - u& D: `( V7 q0 F; T$ Q$ `, u
- Z- o4 l  D) h* A1 E
09/16/2005    89,141    Ontario9 Z3 f: O: Y; f% p$ c5 P
Ministry of Transportation3 h) D2 P+ `  g4 U
Kitchener/Waterloo, ON    Registration issued or renewed
# a; C/ K; S( e: O) U" _, h* hRegistered as( ^5 u9 _. c7 t* {, t! H
personal vehicle4 y% E. I8 R7 Y1 @/ ?
Odometer reported as 143,459 kilometers  6 o$ v  S1 G; y

! p! t$ C- ]# U6 [0 R- f' F06/24/2006    95,567    Ontario1 R2 V! K# p) L& R
Ministry of Transportation    Odometer reading reported for title
, D; [. d$ I% W/ z" O' Jor registration
) D- h% C. M+ E/ VOdometer reported as 153,801 kilometers
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2007-9-27 14:38 | 显示全部楼层
Thank u very much, CAAME!
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2007-9-27 15:13 | 显示全部楼层
老杨团队 追求完美
俺有点贪:)。再帮查查这个:( n" \2 y; M7 m4 d4 V9 q  Q7 P5 V! `+ g
# l; p6 l6 j, P9 G+ F
2D4GP44R23R2854193 X4 r4 N3 b* v- q- r

* @( P; E" {- B" k- b谢谢了。等知道怎么送花和金币,一定给你送上。
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2007-9-27 17:34 | 显示全部楼层
2D4GP44R23R285419( W" d- o0 Z8 i9 ^/ T
, G# \7 P5 M% E  Y( F/ g8 W. S

! k1 Q* Z# X9 I8 F4 U- V" e1999 DODGE GRAND CARAVAN SE/SPORT : x: @; [) A* B- m! U
7 x/ u, p/ m7 KSPORTS VAN3 v6 b& ?0 D; Q2 {$ R( l
3.8L V6 SFI OHV 12V / FRONT WHEEL DRIVE6 z+ a$ x( u, Q) N' t) f  r
' F! h6 ~& [& o8 R
Salvage | Junk | Rebuilt  Guaranteed
2 w7 |) c" @0 c0 |. dNo Problem  
" R) |- w3 W! H7 \- L2 ~' ~2 h% PFire/Flood | Hail Damage | Buyback/Lemon ( U9 ?0 i. m. B0 a& B
6 D4 `7 L+ P: d# }5 |No Problem  
5 H8 S1 Y/ z& Q6 Y9 `6 ?+ c7 LNot Actual Mileage | Exceeds Mechanical Limits  Guaranteed* m# ~1 K# K' B( w$ N+ U
No Problem  
& S' G# R: B' H1 ?9 h
" ~3 w) F5 a; J, {, n! [Total Loss Check
7 m( w5 P% T2 o/ r) n8 \
1 ^( u* j, W( U1 i8 P( FNo total loss reported to CARFAX.   No Issues Reported
( l" ~: r3 D3 v3 F
0 g* }" j+ }7 m" BFrame Damage Check
  f. v* @; V9 Q- R" `) N6 p7 E6 G
+ a  l& Y5 ?6 ?# e; a4 [9 VNo frame damage reported to CARFAX.   No Issues Reported ; E/ ~3 J' A0 G5 x

$ l$ P5 F( Y. ]3 SAirbag Deployment Check2 }) v/ h; O* a& c3 p! x" m) r
2 d2 N. e3 K& m1 d# H9 Q
No airbag deployment reported to CARFAX.   No Issues Reported : s: R& p! S2 l6 {" [' o- I1 v- ]

, [8 R  K" E2 i9 p* COdometer Rollback Check
4 O" d6 B4 F/ U, I. S
1 O+ _0 h# O' Q' _: Y$ F: b, \No indication of an odometer rollback.  No Issues Indicated 1 F2 C& f, t$ c9 B- }
4 Q! x4 u) K2 B: c- f
Accident Check
1 K! S+ w4 V' m' ]2 O  s6 G1 b* a0 V
No accidents reported to CARFAX.   No Issues Reported ! U! y# l5 P3 m! T6 S" T6 z5 E: t
5 R7 S, B  `0 g8 r' t0 S
Manufacturer Recall Check
2 P8 z' w/ z' A- h9 e) v* _$ I* U
8 J( R4 [9 F0 o7 z1 X3 dNo open recalls reported to CARFAX.   No Recalls Reported
' R7 d* @/ Z0 m! P/ I 1 b7 o: |3 ^/ [6 }* B) V# W
& L* H! H$ n/ QBasic Warranty Check
# |+ q; U" x0 Z% R% S7 j$ N, v2 z3 K; z4 q* S
Original warranty estimated to have expired. View Info
8 {: n  U7 D5 @# L0 B# @Interested in an extended warranty? , A" q* c$ c5 L4 t3 f5 H# {
Warranty Expired ' q( L8 V7 n& T; P7 |0 Q

6 W! G0 {9 A" i, P8 u; J) }/ }' C; R5 s6 _
07/12/1999       Ontario
! i: l" ]( B  e3 a1 a# T8 \# ]Ministry of Transportation    Registration issued or renewed
  V. [. i, a/ N, U9 I% MPassed safety inspection
, Z' l4 ^2 q, I, Y! WVehicle color noted as Gray  6 c, b" s8 D: w. g2 a

7 p" ?% d! m3 Z03/17/2001       Ontario
% ]  a* c& V, L1 t! M+ JMinistry of Transportation
; J: z$ j. `8 A- M6 oCentral Ontario    Registration issued or renewed  ' h( M/ V* m! e

, a# e0 q/ T/ u8 E1 T" u: Y7 q5 b03/17/2002       Ontario1 O  ]; {5 M# _$ A8 h/ l" m  ~& H
Ministry of Transportation
, M; d7 t5 k( T: D! ]  kCentral Ontario    Registration issued or renewed  " X/ A* u3 ~- q
) F: m/ q4 M1 `# x
09/03/2002    47,764    Auto Auction    Sold at auction in
! ?) H& a. Z( ^; o2 b- CListed as a
/ D$ H# i: R$ @" m! Q; _6 p! h. Yfleet vehicle
: d8 J! v: E" P+ {) S3 NOdometer reported as 76,869 kilometers  
  w! j# |* D8 n1 ]; R6 C" i6 L) [! l' X6 k2 V3 v, T  r

9 |4 d' [% ~8 c: Y+ ?. A, L  Dealers routinely buy and sell millions of used vehicles at auction each year.
0 d3 \5 k& z: X) n9 X
+ d9 u( }  Q# @% b $ o8 j2 s: @! V) |4 S
09/02/2003       Ontario
0 Q8 }' X1 [  q3 l# _) MMinistry of Transportation0 _! R- ]+ @% r6 _1 i2 [) W
Greater Toronto Area    Registration issued or renewed4 s% c" j2 e" @7 O. d! {' Q
New owner reported  
8 X6 {' g7 ?, V& C5 ~# s
' T( R: W: c; G6 P: r- n, t; W! m- L09/23/2004       Ontario
% z8 d; N8 \6 C' x; v$ K( }Ministry of Transportation" x3 c( a7 `+ [- q' M
Kitchener/Waterloo, ON    Registration issued or renewed( ?7 Z1 q: e3 P0 J# {" a  F+ n
Registered as" z) N+ F2 A3 |2 g) k
personal vehicle2 G: I0 i9 r4 A  G9 g1 i5 S
Registered as commercial vehicle  4 d1 c6 A" p' m# G- T. {
$ e7 q) t7 y  t5 q* W* H8 j2 S
09/28/2004    78,241    Auto Auction    Sold at auction
7 m. O6 y1 W3 j8 Q7 cin Canada
Listed as a& F0 e4 K4 b3 O3 |/ i
dealer vehicle
* Z7 B( Q4 Q: w3 ~/ x- C9 y1 jOdometer reported as 125,918 kilometers  & i0 W2 I+ ?) b
1 P8 d- ^" K( Q1 g2 y
10/22/2004    78,279    Ontario! G5 ], e# s! p( l- W* ~# |
Ministry of Transportation    Odometer reading reported for title
9 ^4 A2 ]4 A1 o! G( }; I, d# cor registration6 Y3 j6 ]" Q3 r' e- I
Odometer reported as 125,978 kilometers  
6 g) G4 H7 h1 X" I
3 f" g9 m& y3 i- L- V8 Q08/31/2005       Ontario  O, U& x; u2 ]$ j. L- `, p4 r. g
Ministry of Transportation# R. V- T- Y% O6 L$ B" E* Y9 |, Q
London, ON    Registration issued or renewed' x# H* \$ c! O- F
New owner reported
0 T) M+ b3 e/ b7 m7 {4 {Registered as# |2 T9 a1 F3 f( Y; ]1 _# ^, y! e
personal vehicle  
7 y$ f" B' ?& L: o! K  A
# I0 {+ q0 L. E/ l+ ~2 l1 h09/16/2005    89,141    Ontario
' G, B5 ?9 R: e; }, KMinistry of Transportation- J7 D6 q& _# l: V' `5 b$ ^9 s
Kitchener/Waterloo, ON    Registration issued or renewed
) A: m0 ~, Q1 M/ [5 RRegistered as
- g6 J0 Y; U  _! l7 C1 U' ^7 npersonal vehicle
/ I7 J. i% G- WOdometer reported as 143,459 kilometers  : ]' f; p0 E4 i$ \8 ^. x0 G' d
' _# m6 O6 K& q
06/24/2006    95,567    Ontario
6 v+ @" R7 `) jMinistry of Transportation    Odometer reading reported for title" i* E! P) ~1 W" ]9 s: X, j
or registration1 Y0 E. E- N$ B: i9 z1 _/ K
Odometer reported as 153,801 kilometers  
3 {$ h! d; L" a$ O. y / y* l# p: u8 t6 B- }( t
6 m2 G! [3 i& o# i. f  O: i
The last record reported to CARFAX is from September 2005. While there haven't been any DMV-reported problems, check with the seller to see if they have any service and repair records before you buy.
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2007-9-27 18:21 | 显示全部楼层
谢了! 你查的是我以前的那个。 帮查查这个吧:! x9 Z- p! C8 u& m8 Y

: q; D1 X# K& v  y9 X2D4GP44R23R285419
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2007-9-29 14:18 | 显示全部楼层
2D4GP44R23R285419 * {+ F5 F( P: R: d+ T: w
  k4 F: c8 E5 Q/ W2D4GP44R23R285419 ) w' u$ t4 F. S9 y, O5 |* k# v2 R$ G
" g4 C7 t+ }6 j/ v0 J3.3L V6 SFI OHV / FRONT WHEEL DRIVE
  s9 z' `1 ^' i! x- A
6 N8 J6 Q; x! u' q5 l; P: b/ V) u! h* H: `# |& @/ U
Salvage | Junk | Rebuilt  Guaranteed
* d! H9 J$ M" z' S7 tNo Problem  3 f" w- O. |# Q
Fire/Flood | Hail Damage | Buyback/Lemon ! f4 U3 ?3 D2 a. H% K6 f0 b
  Guaranteed' N- [9 ]! l6 O& Z- w
No Problem  9 L6 c. d) ]* s
Not Actual Mileage | Exceeds Mechanical Limits  Guaranteed
- j# N/ g# g. M9 }. c/ MNo Problem  
. t/ J: R% O7 N, i& o7 d1 r8 fTotal Loss Check  `% _; C: D$ {3 B5 [5 r
+ D2 e& M  p; _+ q; j, @/ e
No total loss reported to CARFAX.   No Issues Reported
5 B9 ]& R4 K: }: |- A7 J9 T/ w / o( @& X% ~7 L
Frame Damage Check
0 [3 G* H+ `0 k* _( o
* I1 O2 t7 m. {4 W) [No frame damage reported to CARFAX.   No Issues Reported
+ \* a8 d  a) f, q- a$ s* H
1 L- S0 u3 ]8 [' fAirbag Deployment Check1 e" E9 g  l" I0 R% W
! }0 V4 k% Z: L& E
No airbag deployment reported to CARFAX.   No Issues Reported
( E" _5 {0 v1 T* ~! h7 ], t & T8 ?) z7 l* v- V
Odometer Rollback Check
! x- \/ j( \9 b% t! L' L& S) V- m- @. R1 H" r" ^+ W
No indication of an odometer rollback.  No Issues Indicated
# S% ~6 O& i" |4 ?' M4 u ! G& G& s- I% [8 T) H" y% j
Accident Check
' E2 ]7 M1 l3 X  Z
* z$ A; ]. e1 y3 t- F6 c9 d# uNo accidents reported to CARFAX.   No Issues Reported . I* ?+ C* }3 ^0 _  g% S
( W1 F" @- m4 r  j; y
Manufacturer Recall Check% W1 {- B8 J4 f- y) Q4 n' @$ ^

/ j( D8 @+ {7 W" \; f  S, D! RNo open recalls reported to CARFAX.   No Recalls Reported
$ U( M+ C$ B% I* _1 q4 \2 l
5 c0 c4 w- V0 F7 X  `                7 E" I8 c+ E& d9 c# v
Basic Warranty Check
1 B4 f: z+ q; t4 B* h
* c) i9 l- T: m0 _Original warranty estimated to have expired. View Info
$ X3 }5 F: Y  A& I# @, s# xInterested in an extended warranty?
. B7 P# C* b* i& c Warranty Expired
4 B4 H. v4 `2 f9 l+ V; c/ T. r% {0 H $ e$ e( R# Z" A& W0 L
01/21/2002       Alberta
/ g# F7 d  i  Z, ~Motor Vehicle Dept.8 u+ C/ R& |' @# ^" I* D
Hythe, AB    Registration issued or renewed  
: ?3 |5 D0 r$ G. S' m- \5 Q ( T: _" w' ?7 `6 |/ v! R: w
04/22/2003       Alberta
' y0 O3 w) @' j7 ]5 g$ G/ AMotor Vehicle Dept.. F3 L& [, ]& e( _& f2 o; t
Calgary, AB    Registration issued or renewed
4 H' e# l7 ?% H1 {2 sFirst owner reported  
0 Q  G5 m" [  b- ^ . }6 ~* ^3 L7 W4 l/ P: y
02/13/2004       Dealer Inventory
, B8 x) e, ]# ]5 d/ ?Alberta    Vehicle sold  , G' H0 i' f. g& z* Z8 m; X8 k2 g1 }
" m8 ?  D$ w5 M: l0 P# I" J
01/24/2005       Alberta
4 w4 u$ `) ?4 HMotor Vehicle Dept.
: L1 g3 `+ U) B. yGrande Prairie, AB    Registration issued or renewed
9 ~7 N% U0 z% U1 Z, A7 kNew owner reported  
* k0 g  P. [, M( @: F ! h5 S8 B; c7 [7 @8 }: C2 d, D3 e
04/26/2005       Dealer Inventory    Vehicle offered for sale  ) P3 b+ U* l8 y. Z9 E3 q! C

2 k9 t* D3 y  H2 P) {9 y05/27/2005       Dealer Inventory    Vehicle offered for sale  ! M: X; b- u% s! |- H& K1 ~

( P. S5 \, R5 N% \( k1 H$ ^1 G
6 V6 n( I4 _* KThe last record reported to CARFAX is from May 2005. While there haven't been any DMV-reported problems, check with the seller to see if they have any service and repair records before you buy.
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