二手汽车 老柳教车

埃德蒙顿华人社区-Edmonton China

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鲜花(3) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2007-10-9 22:26 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
0 j& v, }6 J$ O* \4 G3 y* }9 o! z0 F& g
thanks a lot!
鲜花(12) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2007-10-10 18:22 | 显示全部楼层
1998 FORD TAURUS LX/SE/SPORT 6 B5 R6 }" G- v! n7 ^! f3 \& _1 r
1FAFP52U0WG188740 6 w! B& `5 \% B( N1 n
( {: ]: w) ~0 n- ?$ q1 ~3.0L V6 SFI / FRONT WHEEL DRIVE/ F; D( ?2 c. T1 Y( x
% [1 z5 `& m7 W* @
A CARFAX Vehicle History Report is based only on information supplied to CARFAX. Other information about this vehicle, including problems, may not have been reported to CARFAX. Use this report as one important tool, along with a vehicle inspection and test drive, to make a better decision about your next used car.  0 e* {, O9 X2 T+ }- ?# r
8 @9 x$ e: P6 Y) Z" f% T8 L   
0 T; N, e3 h3 K3 L4 Y  F7 |CARFAX guarantees the information in this section    $ y+ G  z3 t5 X7 \, H/ K
Salvage | Junk | Rebuilt  Guaranteed
$ I' ^* X- L/ B6 P) S; d( UNo Problem  
9 b: @, G4 b+ L4 Z  D0 Q- V% k1 FFire/Flood | Hail Damage | Buyback/Lemon 4 {: T1 W5 C' m0 b1 {1 E
  Guaranteed6 m$ s4 s! G6 N( ]
No Problem  
4 J2 [+ p: B7 S9 |7 \5 f& NNot Actual Mileage | Exceeds Mechanical Limits  Guaranteed+ H3 ?* n1 x# f, y: Y) k" Z  F- a' {
No Problem  7 ^  K, T4 t2 M) s& u+ I
GUARANTEED - None of these major title problems were reported by a state Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV). If you find that any of these title problems were reported by a DMV and not included in this report, CARFAX will buy this vehicle back.         ! @9 c  o* ?7 Y4 ~/ _/ J' G

% H3 |1 o# _" w4 V3 o, CNot all accidents or other issues are reported to CARFAX   / U- ^. l$ h1 ?% Q% N" Y8 v
Total Loss Check  e( f: A" d6 o' [/ \% i* S2 b7 P& }

+ Z' Q$ k1 U' f. Z2 c$ vNo total loss reported to CARFAX.   No Issues Reported
, I9 q  n* }" e; S9 G* @' K
4 K5 P$ a9 k6 G( l% z% p. AFrame Damage Check; q) }4 i6 E5 A9 u# @( V% M

( M$ K. J# n1 d/ D0 {+ ANo frame damage reported to CARFAX.   No Issues Reported 1 \9 y4 ?* H! P) }* e9 r' i7 {" F$ _

) p) W7 [" D$ o$ w8 PAirbag Deployment Check
* e$ _# H" h, j: s4 P) P
# ?( Z5 u$ D0 S& |' ~1 TNo airbag deployment reported to CARFAX.   No Issues Reported & H# ?0 I" A8 z* G& l9 B
* u. y& O6 b# N0 L3 {
Odometer Rollback Check
7 V' X+ H0 s: j. u" z$ R2 `# O% _
' l- c- V7 J0 Y; W2 CNo indication of an odometer rollback.  No Issues Indicated
! P4 E* P; |7 {+ h9 |, a3 @0 G$ f; y; s , [1 Y- W  f" c4 w8 P8 q. @7 K
Accident Check
# Z; h2 Q7 B' u7 f
: D; r  @" u2 UNo accidents reported to CARFAX.   No Issues Reported
5 Y/ y0 P& T# h0 l9 Z8 M7 b
: k; V. N- ]+ J0 v: `+ IManufacturer Recall Check
' b2 o3 ~$ T5 b% |  X- Z) Z
2 e. v  N+ Q8 Z+ hAvailable directly from Ford. A current list of recalls is available at
( f, n9 S4 G8 N. x4 r6 ~% v2 |9 W) u$ r
www.ford.com.   No Recalls Reported
7 x9 |8 t/ F. A" J0 Z8 N; n% t
5 C& G- `( R% R8 b                & ^" n+ N) X) |# k" J! t
Basic Warranty Check
8 w+ T8 }  o" t) s! o4 T) _: E
+ h: }! @; V, j) ^* mOriginal warranty estimated to have expired. View Info - t- k. {% R2 K; \, t8 _. P
Interested in an extended warranty? ( R7 `: X2 I8 h+ V& J1 V! M
Warranty Expired 9 [1 Y/ A& w; \0 f1 b
5 [, Z# y5 I( x4 l) T

: x& [% m4 M5 `% ]' ]/ uA CARFAX Vehicle History Report is based only on information supplied to CARFAX. CARFAX checked over 5 billion vehicle history events and found 4 record(s) for this 1998 FORD TAURUS LX/SE/SPORT (1FAFP52U0WG188740).
- R. u/ p+ E& G. J# B' D" Y) @  4 l% i, C2 X( e
Date: Mileage: Source: Comments:
" z; @% g" z9 H! x0 K02/24/1998       NICB    Vehicle manufactured; _" ~( J" i4 U  ]
and shipped to original dealer  . j# U) W% J* N% `$ _* a$ x
9 O. a/ r, o, j. v/ A0 S4 D$ j: }
03/31/1998       British Columbia
; a! }7 s+ K! t; E6 M' DMotor Vehicle Dept." g8 K% G/ G( z7 `/ o& w2 }
Richmond, BC    Registration issued or renewed5 K; E- D5 @% l, e. G
First owner reported  
5 ?! B$ @7 {9 M" g1 L6 X1 p. T3 ~9 `- V ' z  g) b( `9 T+ x. m
08/08/2001       Alberta
$ r/ h( }. s+ F1 V. N' t5 FMotor Vehicle Dept.
5 T0 G. n7 g4 ^  ~; d/ [, wEdmonton, AB    Registration issued or renewed  ' ~- V1 t2 |1 l6 D  ~1 `4 F1 ?

; W  X# G$ z/ {$ W2 a& q7 J5 L08/28/2002       Alberta
+ {, |0 F6 O  u' IMotor Vehicle Dept./ l8 c: U5 M0 ~1 ]" e& w
Sherwood Park, AB    Registration issued or renewed  
# ^) \. }! g" u4 A& ] # R. [; Y8 G1 Y# `) z+ S
, C0 u$ f' Q! }6 j# Q" A
The last record reported to CARFAX is from August 2002. While there haven't been any DMV-reported problems, check with the seller to see if they have any service and repair records before you buy.3 R" ~$ g7 t" j5 ^1 d5 r- N

4 e$ x4 ]& I# O$ a; x0 N) u[ 本帖最后由 timhorton 于 2007-10-10 19:28 编辑 ]
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