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(召集)backpack hiking in Mount roboson this summer

鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-4-2 21:31 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
去年夏天去的mount assinibone, 今年夏天打算去加拿大rockie的最高峰,mount roboson backpack hiking.
) }+ V' K# C+ `
4 A+ I- K( c! P) I: F
6 q6 a/ G2 H# e: U基本计划
3 B' J1 v" \! S1 H3 p0 s: h
! p$ ]( G: i- |8 B1 n+ s  vDay 1: toronto to Mount Robson Park  (我现在在多伦多)
5 y8 B2 [  t% z$ A
; o+ M! c4 Q& E9 ]0 P( N% E争取上午的飞机,中午到edmonton, 然后会和edmonton的朋友,采购必须的食品,装备,气罐等等, 开车(跟edmonton朋友carpool/租车), 过jasper, 在mount roboson car camping. 6 V# U6 g$ S/ ?( |. l5 {) w

. v' g. O8 O2 G7 a: C& d, I1 W0 x% [" L# a6 {- m
, Z2 [0 d* _) ^4 X
Day 2: From trail head to Berg Lake * X& J4 {% E8 o; \# o

# N8 t( v/ j8 W- i+ z爬升800米, 全程22公里 & ~; @) K; F& ?1 _" m% U
: d+ Z$ L: [( J9 {/ q
After moving 2km to the campsite and setting up for the next 3 nights, we can walk over to Berg Lake and soak up views for the rest of the day.
  ]% a- b( o$ H. j- Q8 s
' U) M  M4 A; F8 N& k' y# g( R. \; B( c8 f0 f$ J. U) I

# d; B3 K2 z& L; ^Day 3: Day Hike to Snowbird Pass
' J- k) Z6 U/ \. D/ O. i9 O# sAfter breakfast the day's objective is Snowbird Pass and one of the finest hikes in the area. We approach via alpine meadows, with marmots sunning themselves on rocks, to finally reach the Pass and a superb view of the Robson Glacier and the eastern flanks of the peak. Distance 21.6. Elevation gain 780m.
6 P) Q9 O1 d0 e2 Q0 D9 _+ w* ]+ `& I$ O3 d# T0 Z' N  M
+ @& g- H( S1 [: r

- r/ w3 H$ O. R: @% Z0 G# I
1 F! m/ X  d/ U* ~# WDay 4: Day hike to Mumm Basin : f( A3 X; l' ^- M- z
Another day of hiking in the shadow of the Monarch and the views continue! This time we head to Mumm Basin to the north of Berg Lake and a marvellous vista of both Berg Lake and the North Face of Mount Robson. We can then traverse high above the valley to the Hargreaves Glacier to make a circuit that will bring us back to Berg Lake. Distance 14.8 km. Elevation gain 500m. ; W; a5 P4 K- Y

1 y+ t2 E. ^# w) |; IDay 5: Berg Lake -jasper
( s% T* o$ l. @1 s从 berg lake 返回trailhead,距离22公里,下降800米, 2 u5 e  l. C# ?( G: z% N
- n/ C% R; ]. f5 f! a6 _
6 P0 @' F' ?6 L0 r! C( L
4 u/ x% x8 M3 }" F  R" g1 回edmonton 休息,转天(day6 )回toronto
7 D6 }5 p1 c0 k1 `4 F  w: Y2 day5 从 mount roboson 下来以后, 在jasper 修整, 洗澡,补充食物。day6/day7 走jasper 的著名的一条trail, skyline trail. 全长 44公里,爬升1400米, 紧点走2天完成,慢点3天,Day 8 (Day9)从skyline 出来,修整缓冲一天, Day9/Day10 回多伦多。 7 ^5 n; p& I' ^: o! R) h
5 q3 U1 O- O8 K# X/ n  [( d
3 day5 从 mount roboson 下来以后, 在jasper 修整, 洗澡,补充食物。如果没有来过rocky的朋友可以沿着jasper,banff 游览(天数自定,只游览jasper 需要至少一天,banff至少需要另加一天)。 然后回edmonton,回 toronto.
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-4-5 20:05 | 显示全部楼层

我有兴趣 加我MSN

鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-4-15 11:52 | 显示全部楼层
Keep me informed.  6 z, n0 Q; Q% G
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2008-4-19 18:12 | 显示全部楼层
老杨团队 追求完美
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2008-4-19 18:20 | 显示全部楼层
1 P$ Z" D' z1 J$ o& y# l; R% m7 O; E# q6 y; Y7 E' `5 |; m
Day 1: toronto to Mount Robson Park  (我现在在多伦多)& P5 x# T. {1 m: w3 o

% v, x7 j0 W3 A! P+ Y. R争取上午的飞机,中午到edmonton, 然后会和edmonton的朋友,采购必须的食品,装备,气罐等等, 开车(跟edmonton朋友carpool/租车), 过jasper, 在mount roboson car camping.
. ?5 i: c; ?+ G* Q9 r  W; G$ \( @) e& S+ X
Day 2: From trail head to Berg Lake
$ T  M5 R9 Q* F% q: O
2 {2 [- T5 ~& L9 s爬升800米, 全程22公里
8 p8 \9 E# {3 P* n  g7 r
( l% J1 \, B& CAfter moving 2km to the campsite and setting up for the next 3 nights, we can walk over to Berg Lake and soak up views for the rest of the day. 1 q5 D, Z& |# i
8 a6 J8 i* }1 ?; v

" |# p7 F2 \. R" s3 t* |) \0 uDay 3: Day Hike to Snowbird Pass
" s* i. M! \/ c3 f, g1 |+ R7 iAfter breakfast the day's objective is Snowbird Pass and one of the finest hikes in the area. We approach via alpine meadows, with marmots sunning themselves on rocks, to finally reach the Pass and a superb view of the Robson Glacier and the eastern flanks of the peak. Distance 21.6. Elevation gain 780m. - o5 ~/ z% u, F, V6 K

4 r0 D$ T' r/ `: U2 k% J! J' P9 |% l4 v& L, g- E' v, F) {2 u6 A9 c
Day 4: Day hike to Mumm Basin - y) j; k8 }8 `3 y3 R. W5 Z
Another day of hiking in the shadow of the Monarch and the views continue! This time we head to Mumm Basin to the north of Berg Lake and a marvellous vista of both Berg Lake and the North Face of Mount Robson. We can then traverse high above the valley to the Hargreaves Glacier to make a circuit that will bring us back to Berg Lake. Distance 14.8 km. Elevation gain 500m.
& m' D$ ~& @  k7 @  q
5 K; y" Q3 z8 D/ v; vDay 5: Berg Lake -jasper
! U. I3 W7 S. K1 S! W! U从 berg lake 返回trailhead,距离22公里,下降800米.
$ A6 ~+ j% t! ^# b3 {% e0 b* [" n
7 K- x3 F4 }) ~1 q) E$ a+ S  B0 o' ZDay5 从 mount roboson 下来以后,下午在jasper 修整, 洗澡,补充食物。
) J( Z' I9 ]: }% Z2 x' e% G2 ~
, G) G, ^' F/ f) C/ Z  \day6-day8 走jasper 的著名的一条trail, skyline trail. 全长 44公里,爬升1400米, 慢点3天走完,
3 y. [  Y2 r- u! L; a1 P+ E  ^Day 8 从skyline 出来,回edmonton 修整缓冲一天% ~. T. f  w2 \
Day9 回多伦多。
; P! D: e, M; P3 q1 v( N
5 I/ Z- c) ]* ^, J% b9 ]8 c之后,从多伦多来的没有来过rocky的朋友可以沿着jasper,banff 游览(天数自定,只游览jasper 需要至少一天,banff至少需要另加一天)。 然后回edmonton,回 toronto.
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2008-4-23 16:57 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-4-24 17:47 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(33) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-4-28 20:41 | 显示全部楼层

回复 楼主 的帖子

听起来很好!8 G/ z$ A% o' o) s* W/ H. l
鲜花(4) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-4-28 21:30 | 显示全部楼层


请通知 我
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-5-1 08:49 | 显示全部楼层
我也想去啊,楼主联系我吧0 j$ ^$ K- O) n
lauriezhouy@126.com! J3 U9 w5 v: w5 t
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-5-3 12:32 | 显示全部楼层
When? I am interested in. Please contact me at hongyncn@hotmail.com. # g" t# `. U: F+ {7 S
# f. P- y% F! K$ _$ y
, j9 {1 V* {! \6 B
[ 本帖最后由 阳光不锈 于 2008-5-3 13:36 编辑 ]
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-5-7 06:36 | 显示全部楼层
我也想去, 时间人员定了没, 楼主请通知一下 ( X* M+ f3 |9 C) H- V- s

6 \. N! y& u2 ^2 s4 e; I: i" w8852158 kimberly
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2008-8-5 19:33 | 显示全部楼层
同言同羽 置业良晨
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-8-8 10:28 | 显示全部楼层


鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2008-8-15 18:19 | 显示全部楼层
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