二手汽车 老柳教车

埃德蒙顿华人社区-Edmonton China

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预售2001年 FORD TAURUS SE 112000公里

鲜花(48) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-9-13 14:52 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
车太多了开不过来,但是两个车各有所长,都很喜欢,TAURUS实用舒适,CENTURY公里数极低,几乎与新车无异,思前想后还是卖掉这辆TAURUS.- A* u3 D0 }1 c1 a' R  J# W- B3 L

  f1 |2 o! S. D! L3 y- [2001 FORD TAURUS SE
2 o- ^- h, z$ C2 _% B$ L- I6 ?' }2 A1 ^; U5 C( B/ b
配置: 实际上是SES的配置,比普通的SE多了TRACTION COTROL和尾翼,高位刹车灯的位置也不一样了.  CD, 车门车窗尾箱坐椅和脚踏板,能电动的全电动, 遥控启动, A$ n3 L* Z8 o5 t8 U$ r: W

' I; r% k3 H' _' e/ u4 d9 n* q2 _1 B状态: 里程为112000公里, 新轮胎,新电池,所有功能完美,除电池外从未有过维修, 完全是出厂状态. 车漆在购买时做了PROTECTION,至今亮膜完好如新,漆面光亮照人,终生不需要打蜡维护.所有玻璃完整无任何破损.内饰完美如新,内部空间在MIDSIZE里算是最大的,比BUICK CENTURY长20公分,后排有空调出风口,极其适合家庭使用.随车文件和附件极其完整,和刚出商店的状态完全一样(甚至包括装文件和附件的塑料袋和FORD的刮雪板),- r+ s9 C3 T" P( S: t

6 g* P! [7 K/ M9 P动力系统: 自动档, 3.0 vaulcan 发动机,油耗为夏天12/100KM,可以接受.发动机工况极好,噪音比同类车低,运行非常平稳,动力输出出色(和别的TAURUS比).
9 N+ l4 E2 h, h: V  D) k; |. L% W1 K, v1 i
历史: 前面只有一位女士车主
" x  _, s2 ?7 O% Z$ Y$ u, @, D4 ^  w
" b) s$ e& i, j' u1 }% Y出售原因:这是俺为自己精心挑选的车,我很满意.但是因为又有了37000公里的CENTURY只能忍痛出售这个,也的确舍不得,因为车况难得的好,正确保养就可以一直开下去,应该比同期的TAURUS寿命长的多, 而且它比CENTURY后备箱和后坐空间大,悬挂更有运动性,后排空调出口更方便.
  |! h. ?  w' b, \6 W
) B) C/ E# m7 t- V% w+ c车况描述见此贴:0 c. q7 Q2 ~) X
; w' {) t7 j6 E4 {  A  u; O8 c
http://www.edmontonchina.ca/view ... &extra=page%3D1
- ^- N0 {# n: n. q4 ]
2 B; `& L  W; L2 G$ f价格: $6500 FIRM
) L. _1 U% C# W
* _# ^5 f- j7 ~* L3 k说明:此车价格在VMR上评估为$5750(whole sale)-7250(retail), 因为此车历史清晰,车况几乎完美(缺点是两侧有几个小DENT),这样车况的车实在是很难得,虽然价格比WHOLESALE稍高,但这个状态的车已经是在市场上很难碰到的二手车了(多数二手TAURUS里程高、使用过度、曾经是出租用车)我钱辛万苦找来的,谁买谁塌实,这个价格我相信是物有所值,且TAURUS对新移民来说,因其安全性、舒适性、内部空间、可靠性、维修方便性等各个因素非常均衡,是非常好的家庭车. 请您考虑价格,不能接受此价格或有砍价习惯的朋友请您再看别的车,谢谢您的理解:)
; A% J1 [6 W9 j& _1 @  S0 h- Y* A( }! o" G; N. c4 @: R1 z
联系电话: 78024085183 \7 D6 _& K7 r( _# D2 ?
5 D. M; ^) T( w- g1 k* ~8 J& M4 s3 L
7 m2 ~; P; y+ q3 K" k5 O
: m& t7 V: C9 X1 f. V5 J5 \; g: c0 j
$ r6 e( o/ F- W! d: \
CARFAX结果如下,信的过您就不用再查了,比这个就多了我一个新ONWER.3 x4 B2 Y" Z$ I+ \: R7 C0 B7 X
5 M! A4 N- @* s( }8 K- E- E1FAFP53U31G276172 * F( J) f4 q* S6 s6 J
SEDAN 4 DR, `( h& u5 ?* ^- D; j
3.0L V6 SFI OHV / FRONT WHEEL DRIVE1 x" g$ H' Z! D- y  n
Standard Equipment | Safety Options; N' Y1 m. }) q8 a
CARFAX Safety & Reliability Ratings
2 n+ m; g3 |* G# ]8 IHi-I'm the CARFAX Xpert™. I'm here to help you better understand the data in this CARFAX Report. Did you know... 4 z) m9 F  j* Z: k# o
We checked over 5 billion records from thousands of data sources for this vehicle ) m# M+ m. ?# z4 ^2 W
This vehicle qualifies for the CARFAX Buyback Guarantee ; Z  z- x- q9 a6 o9 p, w  ]' @1 @
The last reported odometer reading was 30,062
1 z8 i  e# \- R" j" S/ z' q( a
) H) y; W( s, l4 {; c6 q5 `0 y4 g% ^" Q3 ~

; m- E9 E! Q, i& `! m
! A8 ^) |( ?0 ~3 p# D/ p- X: ]( _/ j; U  D. S  Q; ?
$ d% S# g) w  E: k' _

( o" ~, [, W' zA CARFAX Vehicle History Report is based only on information supplied to CARFAX. Other information about this vehicle, including problems, may not have been reported to CARFAX. Use this report as one important tool, along with a vehicle inspection and test drive, to make a better decision about your next used car. 2 M  Z" R; }- f  ?2 s: @
) J/ [+ M# r* w: |) q: @4 G& ?; v( g
; }; Q; s( F$ P& x( U+ n9 v% S
CARFAX guarantees the information in this section
! {3 J; a' ^) O4 DSalvage | Junk | Rebuilt Guaranteed - n" t5 \' _$ A6 H% S  g+ ~( n* \; ]; f
No Problem
$ m7 M) K+ K5 S& N  I  mFire/Flood | Hail Damage | Buyback/Lemon
4 \6 l! g, T9 a$ K$ wGuaranteed * f' A# \+ B( y4 T9 ]4 W$ p
No Problem / Q- e- _# c' D; ^2 q+ T
Not Actual Mileage | Exceeds Mechanical Limits Guaranteed 0 s4 ?5 j& G7 m! M; y
No Problem
- L0 ^* q5 v: D+ B! H5 V* x+ ]8 zGUARANTEED - None of these major title problems were reported by a state Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV). If you find that any of these title problems were reported by a DMV and not included in this report, CARFAX will buy this vehicle back. / E4 r5 a* r  o# h- V, {2 v
Register | View Terms
+ i# m9 A7 q$ g& N8 f: d
" m/ N2 T! G4 j9 b+ C- l( X4 s3 `( H: N9 r" p7 O6 V$ @$ a
* N# x# i3 l$ N1 o- u) M/ h
2 c2 l. Z! M, u! s! O
3 \1 I4 N# P* e* }
Not all accidents or other issues are reported to CARFAX
6 A# q+ L3 N; Z2 V+ l) L8 O. i# OTotal Loss Check
* I) H: c5 Y0 K
" T6 z+ z. }$ X$ fNo total loss reported to CARFAX. No Issues Reported
# F# U3 Y) l4 y, M* F$ r2 ?0 s7 J* F: v$ J
Structural / Frame Damage Check
& J3 ?; _$ L0 ]
7 M; \- Q5 J8 N$ u3 DNo structural / frame damage reported to CARFAX. No Issues Reported 9 Z2 _3 J$ ]1 p( o

) _& i( O( v" v- f% Q( \$ k$ NAirbag Deployment Check
' B/ ~- D1 x8 a  ~9 `% T- P
* g( t, b! e2 FNo airbag deployment reported to CARFAX. No Issues Reported
8 ^; q9 T+ B+ \1 F. ]/ Q
5 b3 k3 @& f: H. ~! I; r8 BOdometer Rollback Check/ _2 S' w- w) s, R& H( P5 D+ A

& M6 |' O$ V2 ~, FNo indication of an odometer rollback. No Issues Indicated , q  e' v+ X! F/ g- h
' c1 m" I4 L& X: C" Y1 c5 D3 ?, m
Accident Check, ^- ?" [6 w7 M) _+ i. t
+ i) W" O" z0 l1 k( f
No accidents reported to CARFAX. No Issues Reported ' M5 {; N% @' p5 v  s$ E- z

- a3 Q4 Z6 I8 M9 R. j) dManufacturer Recall Check
+ L1 r5 }, F4 Y4 `9 @- t; w. |1 a% M3 ~6 O
Available directly from Ford. A current list of recalls is available at 7 g5 A  ~6 @) A, ^5 u; h" |
4 a* h5 W$ ?: b3 B# z# n9 C& w
www.ford.com. No Recalls Reported 7 F$ u' |, ^3 r! |% [, y, A

# \: p, p+ o) t: w  g% E3 q  W9 X$ q+ o, N" e9 q6 O  f/ U
Basic Warranty Check
( J4 i. `1 `! @0 |/ \1 d, i( ^. ~6 @( c
Original warranty estimated to have expired. View Info
1 ^) u! p5 F/ R* r5 C( O' YInterested in an extended warranty?
. e% I( l! k1 A: p. FWarranty Expired
5 v2 B( o, K1 x) l
3 a' P4 \% M& ]" C, z* I* `) i1 i2 N# X; D) ]
' l, [0 O( {4 H6 r1 F9 U' E- J( O- {
Tell us what you know about this vehicle
& w  t8 r: L! Q+ o, J6 p/ U
7 o1 X8 o' ?" x0 u0 _  n3 ~
  L0 D  C8 S# P- ?$ T: Z: |, E# }8 d. c5 o

! o$ C& F  ?+ }: r- N
/ e, K! M1 \) B. kLooking for other 2001 FORD TAURUS vehicles like this one in your area?
9 j( m# o! z# b2 d6 Q0 z4 @Search CARFAX Hot Listings for an up-to-date list of vehicles in your area, all with the CARFAX Buyback Guarantee!
& Q# N" g8 {/ _3 X9 ]. o- s: [% B( a: }! T+ }  j5 X. y
% Q( l$ Q+ O, ~' L, f" |- ?
9 E5 p7 c4 k) P- A

1 l& k& A6 c' T/ ?1 q  h3 d# {
! {: X$ a/ l% p' g  I& W/ O, l. S" q  K7 Z" q, l& U% V
- J1 Z' V5 S* P2 C
7 e* L/ u+ ~' a" d2 ]) x/ P/ U6 i

' u2 ?$ n7 ?+ A" H$ y& _A CARFAX Vehicle History Report is based only on information supplied to CARFAX. CARFAX checked over 5 billion vehicle history events and found 5 record(s) for this 2001 FORD TAURUS SE (1FAFP53U31G276172).
1 D3 D5 m& w& k. h5 Y2 k- ~% Q9 I( N3 w9 |& D- }
Date: Mileage: Source: Comments:
3 W" U# n, |% H' U: Q# a) _07/24/2001 NICB Vehicle manufactured
" d0 N( F8 [  B9 R" wand shipped to original dealer 5 l2 _& Q, u! ?' E, o6 ^3 }- f
; G( J# d" n/ ^; w& J. e: `
11/30/2001 Alberta
- w$ O2 H+ @; }Motor Vehicle Dept.
6 p3 p6 L% ^2 w4 x4 {& mSlave Lake, AB Registration issued or renewed
8 W  A" @6 j$ w2 U' ~1 yFirst owner reported
; s$ i' o( ]7 v! ?$ o8 O  h: g! u0 D: h# ?( `! l0 i4 V
08/10/2004 30,062 Service Facility Vehicle serviced - H$ M# c( f- J: G# s/ `$ T% U: y, t
Electrical system serviced
$ E, X5 z" ?& d" jOdometer reported as 48,381 kilometers 5 Y$ S- o) f, e6 s* o" Y3 w' t
0 \3 Y7 a$ g) N$ R6 b: y% u( \
11/28/2006 Alberta
/ u, q% Z& l$ B8 ?& rMotor Vehicle Dept. * l8 ]6 G& y# I3 Z- @/ t$ n& ?
Slave Lake, AB Registration issued or renewed
* Y2 T, T9 l0 g, gVehicle color noted as Light Brown
% @- }2 M8 T8 d" S2 N5 r* \& o" R3 f/ K: U/ h
10/22/2007 Alberta
& W1 T- o& u4 G8 [Motor Vehicle Dept.
4 J) V- U: q9 a( M/ J  C9 V) m3 G  ISlave Lake, AB Registration issued or renewed
4 t& @6 ~7 Q, l5 K  F5 NVehicle color noted as Light Brown $ h( D, u) W8 x. B

) k7 k6 y0 O& h3 ~% c
% c! `, h, _4 s5 a" O* U8 k! O7 Q- Z- ]. `
Tell us what you know about this vehicle0 U- q6 |" R% F6 I5 Z: ~
: J" Z- e' I% _( ?( U! @) r
% O4 v" K5 q' I( k, _
; Z. k, Y2 w6 w
Report Run Date: 11/24/2006 ) n: K7 F; T; ~1 h7 D' F- S, A+ `
        Vehicle Descript_ion:         1FAFP53U7YG183231
3 [% @1 x; C8 a, Q4 l  X5 F5 R        TitleCheck:         No Record Reported to AutoCheck 4 H7 j+ D/ A- z4 {! N* Z
        Problem Check:         No Record Reported to AutoCheck
% |/ O9 |& J- z9 m        Odometer Check:         Record(s) Reported to AutoCheck 5 n( u4 M$ h, Y3 Z  |& f' Y6 D! \
        Vehicle Information:         No Record Reported to AutoCheck
& V( F2 ~* X4 }" Q6 U2 V4 w9 ?        Full History:         Record(s) Reported to AutoCheck 5 v6 p  h; i9 v

9 q! [- p9 z3 I8 M8 _& b  c; }  c( f; F- |
0 c3 o1 e& W7 {0 h" p8 f
Vehicle Descript_ion | TitleCheck | ProblemCheck | OdometerCheck | Vehicle Information | Full History
! D$ R, L- d8 A- m+ p! J9 l
- z! F% V+ d& u) Q' |% |  
1 ]: u7 v( b! b0 ]. Z, P. W+ l) K. g& h3 b" `7 J
        VIN:         1FAFP53U7YG183231 $ D7 P( a  n* _1 ~" j! C
        Year:         2000
9 U* r0 b+ y8 `        Make:         Ford
5 ^8 m1 X* h, i) \4 A        Model:         Taurus SE . y6 ~% Q2 n  W2 L
        Style/Body:         4 Door Sedan
; e6 E: H5 b, g/ Q        Engine:         3.0L V6 EFI SOHC VTEC + Q# l( A' Z  f- o7 \8 e1 r; b
        Country of Assembly:         United States
9 j( C& }: @3 |5 \+ L7 e# n1 ?$ B6 |2 n/ G- j

8 I8 G3 `: d$ C' d+ s  x6 ]7 p3 n

  M4 G7 t9 f8 k3 }* f9 h& Y/ V4 ?  D  V/ ~1 l5 D: i3 h# T* U: I
Vehicle Descript_ion | TitleCheck | ProblemCheck
% w8 o7 e& B9 `1 D5 h4 [# w2 M2 e3 g: x* o/ J+ N
[ 本帖最后由 scuba1995 于 2008-9-14 00:31 编辑 ]
鲜花(48) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2008-9-13 23:19 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(242) 鸡蛋(8)
发表于 2008-9-13 23:25 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-9-14 00:18 | 显示全部楼层
老杨团队 追求完美
鲜花(48) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2008-9-15 21:10 | 显示全部楼层
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