二手汽车 老柳教车

埃德蒙顿华人社区-Edmonton China

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鲜花(26) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-9-21 11:18 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
想买辆3万左右4轮驱动的小SUV,考虑厂家有Honda(CR-V), Subaru(forester), Toyota (RAV4), NIssan (Xterra), Mazda (CX-9)。目前是广告看花眼,不知从何着手?请问大家有什么好的建议?
5 P6 t+ I. e1 y4 ]/ H# e  f
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-9-21 11:50 | 显示全部楼层
crv & rav4
鲜花(26) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2008-9-21 12:45 | 显示全部楼层


Compact SUVsEditor Review - 04/14/2008
' m0 S: T" F/ z+ N' P  FOne of the main reasons people are purchasing compact SUVs is due in part to their fuel economy. With gas prices on the rise a fuel efficient vehicle is a smart choice. If you want the feel of an SUV that drives like a car then look no further.8 ^! P$ X5 [" T, G! C
Our editors have completed an extensive unbiased review of what we think are the 7 important factors when buying a Minivan: Safety, Value, Quality/Reliability, Cost, Expert Reviews, Gas Mileage, and Horsepower. Our safety rating is based off of the NHTSA and IIHS ratings. We based our value rating off of intellichoice.com as well as alg.com. We based our quality rating off of the three major review sites: JD Power, Strategic Vision and Consumer Reports. Finally we based our expert reviews off of Edmunds, Motortrend, Motorweek and Car and Driver. We provide our rating for each of the individual decision factors and a discussion of our methods in the Factors section of the Minivan Buyers Guide as well.
$ y) s2 `& L4 W4 p- v+ Y( \
Recommended List2 \, H8 ?  H) U1 T
Compact SUVs" A/ y1 [" h) P, Z% f$ x* ~  `
Honda CR-V! w9 h9 t4 @2 _8 E: B3 F, e% I

" H2 K! y( W! F" \1 p1 p' }: N$ C, H' P! @8 r3 i" A* Q! m
6 z# [1 s( v7 K( {% M
2 P: H0 G2 U5 a: ~1 a
#1 Editor's PickReasons to buy the Honda CR-V:
: I1 ~, q4 b4 v
  • #1 Ranked for safety on the list
  • #1 Ranked for quality on the list
  • #1 Ranked for Expert Review on the list
  • One of the top 3 ranked for gas milage
Reasons not to buy the Honda CR-V:% R9 t% L# p+ k
  • 10th ranked on the list for cost
  • Can get the Hyundai Tucson for around $4,000 less
See reviews for this model: p* s3 l0 t7 T/ @. ?1 a( S
Hyundai Tucson/ O# d+ S7 C5 ?' K
+ R- ]8 i$ S% ~" Z% w
& ?% C5 J* a1 B9 [: q0 R6 N: ~) n
! p; ^! o# l, ?& `
#2 Editor's PickReasons to buy the Hyundai Tucson:; h2 J4 d4 P; K, x

$ O4 ^9 O2 O6 a1 O# ^4 E
  • #1 ranked for safety on the list
  • One of top 3 ranked for price on the list
Reasons not to buy the Hyundai Tucson:7 B4 f6 O# j5 L, e! D  w" }- S
  • has lower horsepower compared to rest
  • want the #1 rated Honda CR-v
See reviews for this model
9 J: D3 {  ~( q2 |
Toyota RAV4
1 g8 f4 Z" L" w( u! {1 a+ V; f. z* p  Z6 U) V! u
   9 ~% F6 W3 `7 M+ \5 c9 E" ]
#3 Editor's PickReasons to buy the Toyota RAV4:
8 j1 [$ z, x+ m" X3 f! \8 l
4 o( b* W) L$ j8 y
  • #1 ranked fuel economy on the list
  • runner up next to Honda CR-V for quality
  • runner up for expert review
  • #1 ranked for value on the list
  • Agile and economical
Reasons not to buy the Toyota RAV4:7 A# C9 A$ I' U6 O& z5 C, q. ?( T
  • want the Honda CR-V
  • low horsepower rating
See reviews for this model
7 ]1 N) g/ K+ e1 ~  m+ Z5 ?
Jeep Patriot2 u- q7 Y" o* [; `
% N0 \2 l- [# g5 g+ ^

) |. d: d7 G# W' L. |) F: ^

# e; `1 t7 j! G" x3 B4 u: o9 N
#4 Editor's PickReasons to buy the Jeep Patriot:
" D6 W  x0 [8 h3 ?( L/ ]9 V( z6 ^5 ?; L; D& c$ @) h* Q
  • #1 ranked for gas mileage
  • #1 ranked for price
  • One of the top ten for safety
  • good off road capability
Reasons not to buy the Jeep Patriot:
+ H  x  p4 d$ `3 T0 \) Z, @" g( g
  • Cab is pretty noisy
  • comes standard with just a one cd system
  • small fuel tank
  • not a great deal of cargo space in rear
See reviews for this model2 T' m  Y0 J- Z! |9 b' R9 M5 V
Saturn Vue
  `8 b; A2 n# r$ v" m- R
) v1 n6 k5 P- L' ~2 [. T( L  0 Y  C3 g* F4 b  t6 ^" u

4 k$ Q3 u! A5 v% {$ `
#5 Editor's PickReasons to buy the Saturn Vue:
% E* n. T, s' G% H6 S& z
8 H3 O. x% J: D$ S. f' S
  • Great Gas Mileage
  • Onstar feature
  • quiet engine
  • Ranked #4 on the list for price
  • Good horsepower
Reasons not to buy the Saturn Vue:: a' l1 I" {  f; Z
  • low rank under total value
  • could get the Hyundai Tucson cheaper
See reviews for this model
- r: Y  r9 W5 v8 \
Kia Sportage
. Q& T  a$ r0 C' y# n, A
9 K' q. g2 M, L" y9 L$ ]5 R- j7 R
/ V9 {/ M+ p0 [7 s. M0 A* S8 q& E8 V, u) i0 N# F! o$ r
#6 Editor's PickReasons to buy the Kia Sportage:
# l  G+ G2 A& `' ~" x& D! F" m2 S3 u
  • runner up for best price behind the Jeep Patriot
  • decent gas mileage
  • #3 ranked in value
Reasons not to buy the Kia Sportage:
6 P/ W5 D  N8 N: l1 E; [
  • low ranking horsepower
  • want the Jeep Patriot
See reviews for this model# N5 |+ q* k; q
Subaru Forester; d  x8 W( D& Q1 G( F6 |: V. N
% L. Y) u, u2 g5 q# }1 J
8 o3 f0 ~5 f7 ?% p  }9 m
#7 Editor's PickReasons to buy the Subaru Forester:. Z' x8 ?$ E) l' p( B6 F0 A

/ L4 T" U- ]. J
  • #1 ranked for safety on the list
  • #3 ranked for value on list
  • decent gas mileage
Reasons not to buy the Subaru Forester:
- G) Z; W! e: g  L& l
  • No Acceleration
  • road noise
  • lack of leg room in rear
See reviews for this model
! v5 c4 z1 y; Q# V1 G
Kia Sorento7 Y. A# o; g" k2 q7 K- J* G

5 ^- n0 b; L" r: a& n, H
& Y- |- z' ]1 F; L7 o1 U3 C7 f: B. @$ |2 O' I

: i) r2 y  ]4 J% o' y2 A. B2 Y
#8 Editor's PickReasons to buy the Kia Sorento:
. {0 G4 B7 n, o
7 n3 R- z5 W' Y3 s
  • #1 ranked horsepower on list
  • Value
  • exterior and interior styling
Reasons not to buy the Kia Sorento:- [: Q0 K2 ~: M- z
  • low rank for gas mileage
  • low towing ability
See reviews for this model
: h; ~& S5 j" S$ |8 \
Honda Element
5 ]2 P: @0 G$ |/ [0 o! B" T# E! w; a: V+ s8 x) {

( `  @( a; |( N  N8 u: p- @: q
3 ?9 y( p/ m$ S  j: y8 Q5 x, D1 z
#9 Editor's PickReasons to buy the Honda Element:' e& S" f0 S* X- n
; V% i" u3 f. T8 t% x8 i6 q
  • good gas mileage
  • interior space
  • Lots of leg room for front and back passengers
Reasons not to buy the Honda Element:
! v6 O  o* e# p) H5 b6 f$ w  Z
  • some road noise
  • low horsepower
See reviews for this model+ _- e" K, d) D/ U4 i: D
Suzuki Grand Vitara
4 z0 }) a( S+ b! C
0 x) \7 E' h( k: C  z
#10 Editor's PickReasons to buy the Suzuki Grand Vitara:
# @0 d! \* G7 O" b; C8 Y" z: c5 n4 I) Q# T5 F4 q
  • smooth ride
  • decent pricing
  • average rank in safety
Reasons not to buy the Suzuki Grand Vitara:
7 n/ L5 m5 Z) A% D/ i; x
  • ranked low on gas mileage
  • sluggish acceleration
See reviews for this model2 `  |8 a# Q1 g) b, {7 S; Q+ ~
Ford Freestyle( f9 D# V6 _) G8 Z9 K! _3 s

5 V7 }5 Q6 V! ?4 K; v/ {& n
#11 Editor's PickReasons to buy the Ford Freestyle:
% l) J2 I0 z3 R; P
9 P3 e( ]3 P8 S
  • #1 ranked in safety on the list
  • decent power balance
  • car-like ride
Reasons not to buy the Ford Freestyle:: @" o: ?& g+ B8 Z/ ?  i0 Y
  • high priced
  • low ranked in value
  • could improve in gas mileage
See reviews for this model( b" [! m. V3 n' L  y
Pontiac Torrent
; b* z& {& \2 ], f+ Y4 |4 J1 p& r) H, A: e( B
#12 Editor's PickReasons to buy the Pontiac Torrent:4 `: M( b  [4 n0 I3 s" w8 s7 m
, g0 y2 f/ L6 D' D
  • #1 ranked for safety on the list
  • Good overall value for the price
  • Nice interior
Reasons not to buy the Pontiac Torrent:' h) A  n5 X1 M7 D* Y, R
  • ranked low for price
  • can do better for fuel economy
Jeep Wrangler
* F! [: I7 J2 }# q+ |+ t. e2 Y" z+ ~4 l0 ?3 A
#13 Editor's PickReasons to buy the Jeep Wrangler:
; W+ G7 U5 d3 y7 ~9 u& h: ^+ b. O: O  \/ }
  • #1 ranked in value on the list
  • high ranked in quality on the list
  • good priced
Reasons not to buy the Jeep Wrangler:
' F% O* a: j* G& Z4 f0 C6 D: q
  • gas mileage not good
  • scored low in safety
  • road noise
Mazda CX-7- e" J; _5 B6 l( H8 ~1 B

( \; F; V/ }8 s, n0 Y
#14 Editor's PickReasons to buy the Mazda CX-7:
1 ^' u! \) j2 ]! l+ u- H( O9 D
4 [- ~! u% T, ?# e
  • #1 ranked in safety on the list
  • #3 ranked in expert review
  • #3 ranked in value
Reasons not to buy the Mazda CX-7:
6 R; }" }* I+ y: _& b, ?3 p
  • could do better in gas mileage
  • a bit pricy for the quality
BMW X3$ m1 U3 E/ i/ H) ?+ k

' W6 ?' A' s& o0 i
#15 Editor's PickReasons to buy the BMW X3:
" g' [7 A9 x6 \; }: F
1 ^4 R/ k* g- q' I, F7 Q% R/ D: }- j
  • great horsepower
  • very good value
  • comfortable
Reasons not to buy the BMW X3:
( @" E( K# Z$ D+ v& u) U" J3 n
  • low ranking for safety
  • could do better in gas mileage
  • #22 ranked for price
See reviews for this model& i* F  z5 `4 @" i; k$ h/ f1 X. f
Suzuki XL7
2 Z$ D1 l4 H) p& s7 w( S4 x7 g( K; R8 p) _$ a+ ]
#16 Editor's PickReasons to buy the Suzuki XL7:" w1 f9 A% O& E0 E  X$ `' l, r& P

* c/ c/ L1 u; V" i) ~+ C9 x0 g' Z' b5 {
  • #3 ranked for horsepower
  • Smooth V6
  • exterior look
  • controls easy to use
Reasons not to buy the Suzuki XL7:
, q- e: R- n2 @9 x6 W& K! M
  • low ranked in value
  • low ranked in price
  • can do better in gas mileage
Acura RDX
6 p7 w9 p  }# _5 z2 l. S& z5 _/ R" {: f# X
#17 Editor's PickReasons to buy the Acura RDX:& S# @4 H) z# _9 \) Q% t
! Q; u+ G) s+ `, i" n
  • #3 ranked in value
  • #6 ranked in horsepower
  • luxurious interior
Reasons not to buy the Acura RDX:
8 _3 w; s2 V3 ^2 }3 q
  • Scored low in safety
  • can do better in gas mileage
  • extremely sluggish off the line
See reviews for this model2 L2 r: d9 {! v: P0 j' }
Chevrolet Equinox3 w" G; t& i' J4 B
9 o4 a2 [- |, X. r& n
#18 Editor's PickReasons to buy the Chevrolet Equinox:; R- l; H4 S- k4 I' q4 C# W
: q( |1 i+ [/ n. J2 F, A4 {
  • smooth ride
  • exterior styling is nice
  • has decent interior space
Reasons not to buy the Chevrolet Equinox:
1 J! c& N; u+ g7 Q8 U
  • cheap interior look
  • can do better on gas
See reviews for this model
/ o  N1 a9 s, N8 ~
Mitsubishi Outlander
8 j% x! o+ g0 H9 L$ ~$ T9 j! m; \! C7 g& j: a. q! Y
#19 Editor's PickReasons to buy the Mitsubishi Outlander:
2 I# K( t! Y( ^0 @) G, E! \# q2 P8 j2 @5 ^' W3 U$ @9 g' g
  • #3 ranked in value
  • has decent horsepower
  • comfortable
Reasons not to buy the Mitsubishi Outlander:3 X- D- X: K! o; h0 W$ b6 v! X/ E
  • low safety score
  • can do better on gas mileage
  • a bit pricy for the quality
Ford Escape
/ e# I, D, H. r- E# v/ O
0 j; H% U& g, v7 e5 Q
#20 Editor's PickReasons to buy the Ford Escape:3 |3 G( O& q* a; e2 t

! Y3 n8 L: q$ C9 O5 u; r" N
  • roomy
  • Great mileage
  • comfortable ride
  • sporty look and feel
Reasons not to buy the Ford Escape:
2 n1 Y+ o% R2 e$ c( ~5 d
  • lacks in horsepower
  • scored low in value
  • can do better in safety area
  • road noise
See reviews for this model
3 N1 l. _' @/ ]4 Y6 {1 J
Jeep Liberty7 F1 G6 `& k) P  v" Y

: l+ J( O9 f+ C% v9 c0 V
#21 Editor's PickReasons to buy the Jeep Liberty:# s1 ~8 g& D; ~2 M' g: o
0 l9 x; Y: r! N5 L: d  w
  • good low-end torque
  • decent cargo compacity
  • Rugged, sporty feel
Reasons not to buy the Jeep Liberty:2 F# v0 r8 X$ A
  • can do better in gas mileage
  • scored low in safety
  • a bit pricy compared to others
See reviews for this model2 e( j; X6 D2 F, h, u( S. Y; v
Mercury Mariner' }' ?" \2 ?) Y8 y

4 L6 T) P% `. L* J! n6 g3 v1 H
#22 Editor's PickReasons to buy the Mercury Mariner:
8 O6 G+ \+ w1 k1 l: q" Q
' a; l1 N5 ~* C3 T6 L
  • decent quality
  • ok on gas mileage
  • not too bad on price
Reasons not to buy the Mercury Mariner:
5 g6 Z" p) f, D5 N# ^/ a
  • low safety score
  • lower ranked on horsepower
  • scored low in overall value
+ q5 c) u0 h) y( V; Y8 {! d* `( q
. O, y& g: D, q* P: D8 v/ |2 d( [
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-9-21 12:45 | 显示全部楼层
老杨团队 追求完美
鲜花(26) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2008-9-21 12:47 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(113) 鸡蛋(1)
发表于 2008-9-21 13:28 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(26) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2008-9-21 13:30 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-9-21 14:04 | 显示全部楼层
前段时间买了Jeep Liberty, 开着不错,也没觉得这说的那么费油,100KM也就13升。
鲜花(23) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-9-21 15:51 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 金币 于 2008-9-21 15:04 发表 $ ?  P9 F3 o) q* V3 g: K1 E
前段时间买了Jeep Liberty, 开着不错,也没觉得这说的那么费油,100KM也就13升。

+ b& ?2 v. Q4 W& z0 y+ y! | 您比较有钱,像您的网名。
鲜花(1) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-9-21 17:16 | 显示全部楼层
subaru,是corss over型的,家庭使用不错,比rav4强
鲜花(54) 鸡蛋(1)
发表于 2008-9-21 17:48 | 显示全部楼层
目前哪家销售商 有活动?3 u& B+ G* ^/ r+ o
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-9-21 18:20 | 显示全部楼层
mazda cx-9可不是小车。
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-9-21 18:37 | 显示全部楼层
同言同羽 置业良晨
原帖由 yxia 于 2008-9-21 12:18 发表 2 F9 A) G4 \4 B  V
想买辆3万左右4轮驱动的小SUV,考虑厂家有Honda(CR-V), Subaru(forester), Toyota (RAV4), NIssan (Xterra), Mazda (CX-9)。目前是广告看花眼,不知从何着手?请问大家有什么好的建议?
3 q" ~0 x" e9 D: O( q& u$ V
4 J& q, N- O3 X% I
建议买 2009 Subaru Forester. 该车被Consumer Reports评为最佳小SUV+ N" @& A$ A4 K2 Z2 x5 \$ R9 u
http://www.consumerreports.org/c ... w/small-suvs-ov.htm
鲜花(9) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-9-21 19:22 | 显示全部楼层

回复 楼主 的帖子

《福布斯》近期公布北美市场最安全车型:* e. E: u' C; S" f) R, z
( h8 G' c& D+ q! ]( }
Honda(Pilot)  是本次评选中唯一入选的SUV车!!
鲜花(3) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-9-21 21:20 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 上海菠菜 于 2008-9-21 20:22 发表 4 g1 \7 u' i! q/ m1 p+ h% y4 ~; q
/ W2 f9 K2 k0 l( ?
( [4 @$ M3 x" Y' UHonda(Pilot)  是本次评选中唯一入选的SUV车!!
, q. Y) i4 z) r3 z! V1 `* k

/ X) t) ~% v4 l  O5 E: RPilot车很不错,但个人感觉太过中庸。而且楼主“要想买辆4轮驱动的小SUV”
鲜花(54) 鸡蛋(1)
发表于 2008-9-21 21:55 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 放风儿 于 2008-9-21 22:20 发表
: g4 a% c6 Y+ S7 ?! g3 N& m7 G# d8 }3 `: n5 E

4 G! m! G( I! UPilot车很不错,但个人感觉太过中庸。而且楼主“要想买辆4轮驱动的小SUV”

# X: b2 b6 C& I, s7 A我再跑点题儿,; J1 P+ S3 d; {- @! h. ]5 _
Highlander VS Rav4 呢
" F6 l% d  B$ f0 _1 Y# |毕竟海兰德有 混合动力(是这么说吧),Rav4有吗?
- ?4 I" g! l0 Y6 Y( V" G3 q; I
. m0 u7 ?/ ^9 k0 Z" q" W: \混合动力 是一个发展方向吧
鲜花(3) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-9-22 10:24 | 显示全部楼层
同言同羽 置业良晨
原帖由 冰糖葫芦 于 2008-9-21 22:55 发表 7 X, V! {1 l& J) r$ `8 J7 s% \
& l3 N8 j* O- M
  N* A% e" [3 o0 s! OHighlander VS Rav4 呢
! P8 L, {1 O) M毕竟海兰德有 混合动力(是这么说吧),Rav4有吗?; Y2 A* {* v# g

# K- g) @( o1 [! G混合动力 是一个发展方向吧
! U0 J. p8 T: S0 T- l

' c: ?8 E, T5 K" e这两个不太好比,主要是size不同。要从个人喜好来说,我更喜欢rav4 v6/ e6 J/ c- N. f( e2 _3 j% o+ u

+ q' @" B8 E8 M7 |highlander hybrid 价格不低,就环保而言值得提倡,但钱省不了,因为电池组更换费用是很高的。
鲜花(9) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-9-22 10:27 | 显示全部楼层
You can buy a brand new vehicle at their best price from dealership at fall, because the next year model is coming,
7 v  d$ k0 `) v' \% s7 z- L* A' K( u) _: l: f1 G
I work at Koch Ford, highly reccomand Ford Escape V6 AWD,
5 n( W2 g; E7 j( R. r( w. _  J/ u! C7 I1 r+ j/ _8 m
#  of reasons:
  s9 ^6 f2 K$ _2 K5 B. [2 ]
& i0 G5 g5 t; L1. Ford Escape  #1 selling small suv in Canada in 2008.6 f9 P6 A9 ~& A1 n8 e' b# e
2. same fuel economic like import suv) D6 x. y' o, J4 M  l! A) T4 |; e
3. low selling price
  u  u' t# Y* n4.0% financing
2 h, x; r7 u% M5 L& ^2 r5.great customers' review    (edmunds)0 ^; I' q. M! h+ ]/ J( b, L+ Z2 l
6. refined V6 engine, more power, better fuel economic) g; e2 J) D1 J! p/ ]
7. 8000km engine oil change
* c# Q8 h( j2 @" U8 k* p& P& N! c2 q" A% B
call Dasen(Chinese Speaking) at 780-9667641 for more infor.
鲜花(54) 鸡蛋(1)
发表于 2008-9-22 11:54 | 显示全部楼层
谢 楼上2位了
鲜花(26) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2008-9-22 12:12 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(7) 鸡蛋(1)
发表于 2008-9-22 22:22 | 显示全部楼层
SATURN VUE is better than them
鲜花(3323) 鸡蛋(28)
发表于 2008-9-23 07:54 | 显示全部楼层
同言同羽 置业良晨
杂种车的技术现在还很不成熟。电池维护费用很昂贵。! |/ {& d% o- U& E- K, u, c- Z- T

1 u, N- p' S# J# N! C4 j如果:
& w" r' ]& B# v4 i5 Q3 L  e
% S* ]3 F) r$ y* E% \/ }- Y7 Q你是一个铁杆环保人士,就是为了环保,不惜银子,就来杂种车;* o. Z  m" u6 _* P* p: z8 ~# V

1 l' P' C  r) v/ N0 [& r如果你想环保加省油钱(确切点说就是省钱),离那玩意远点。
鲜花(1181) 鸡蛋(48)
发表于 2008-9-23 09:43 | 显示全部楼层
同言同羽 置业良晨
Rav 4 的揭背上的“轮胎印” 很不舒服。7 L! x, T% f# D
鲜花(7) 鸡蛋(1)
发表于 2008-9-23 21:41 | 显示全部楼层
) B! H( j) D' F: J# V# O2 g: S
2 u. X( I; l' F. X# z* f9 ^: q1 d5 f说道环保,大家不要只以为汽车的环保就是降低排放。想想制造电池的重金属和剧毒物质,从开采到加工,再到运输,使用和回收,都是及其大的环境隐患,现在来普通的铅酸蓄电池的回收利用都很成问题,更别说镍氢和锂电池了。起码二氧化碳和氮氢化合物都很容易被分解转化,重金属呢? 只会积累在你的肝脏里,越来越多。
鲜花(7) 鸡蛋(1)
发表于 2008-9-23 21:42 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 小黄 于 2008-9-23 10:43 发表
5 m- ?7 S! n5 q" sRav 4 的揭背上的“轮胎印” 很不舒服。
+ F0 _0 m  D. l5 `1 v" J9 Q还是CRV好,清清爽爽,根本就不放那种摆设。

, v. O" t" ~9 e4 c# T3 C/ E! g& l  S/ z, i2 W1 R0 N; c: Z' \
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-9-23 22:13 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 shark27 于 2008-9-23 22:42 发表 7 b, k% c6 k; d6 P

8 F, D" Y, R: t4 p# r% Z2 ?  M% R+ Y) }7 M1 f  E

! ^, d% _: F8 }) ~' W一直认为Honda的引擎和悬挂是不错的。能不能说说CRV的引擎和悬挂怎么不好? (前一段时间VUE的一大卖点就说是用Honda的引擎)" Z% y9 Q9 v3 Y3 m7 |6 {! _) w7 N

6 ~# C( {0 e  s6 V7 `. c/ {[ 本帖最后由 yangxd 于 2008-9-23 23:15 编辑 ]
鲜花(7) 鸡蛋(1)
发表于 2008-9-23 23:21 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 yangxd 于 2008-9-23 23:13 发表 3 Q& F, s1 |" I2 f: n$ Q4 @$ |

7 Y, L; G5 U0 q% _- m一直认为Honda的引擎和悬挂是不错的。能不能说说CRV的引擎和悬挂怎么不好? (前一段时间VUE的一大卖点就说是用Honda的引擎)
7 n+ D: [; x2 F0 M) W( c
# t$ M+ V; @- O4 Z% ?: x
对于alberta坑坑洼洼的路面和飞沙走石一般的albertan驾驶风格来说,是不够皮实的。原来的HONDA 3.5v6的确是部好引擎,但和整个车的原设计搭配不好,维护起来简直就是恶梦, 5速honda变速箱也毛病多多,所以现在已经淘汰了。新的vue用的cadilac的6速变速箱和3.6VVT引擎, way batter than before
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-9-25 18:12 | 显示全部楼层
Xterra和LZ罗列的其它几款根本就是两种不同用途的车.  现在二手SUV这么便宜, 何不买个二手XTERRA, BOF 结构, 不是RAV4, CRV等玩具车能比的, 就是油耗不低.
鲜花(7) 鸡蛋(1)
发表于 2008-9-25 23:09 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 MingJ 于 2008-9-25 19:12 发表 6 a6 q/ c( J% k3 X
Xterra和LZ罗列的其它几款根本就是两种不同用途的车.  现在二手SUV这么便宜, 何不买个二手XTERRA, BOF 结构, 不是RAV4, CRV等玩具车能比的, 就是油耗不低.
4 E2 x3 W$ S- L. i$ U. Z! y0 U0 h

7 N' f: C3 t4 S9 h2 IXTERRA很糟糕,毛病太多,不如pathfinder
鲜花(1181) 鸡蛋(48)
发表于 2008-9-26 15:20 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 shark27 于 2008-9-23 22:41 发表
9 q& u! i: o7 ?+ [/ j现在来普通的铅酸蓄电池的回收利用都很成问题,更别说镍氢和锂电池了

2 l  e) ]! m9 _6 O' G; {
+ e" R, d! r! F/ @; Z思而不学则殆啊。铅是重金属,但镍不是。
' F6 B& q3 L  V, l: l) H% g; y5 ?5 s  W  O
# v0 r1 x6 `( p. H6 F2 R  k2 ~- B+ R$ x! E. n. ^7 n( F
由于镍本身具有较高价值,Hybrid的旧电池是回收公司竞相购买的对象。Toyota Prius的旧电池至少可以卖200美元,完全得到回收。
) x* T2 b0 w$ I$ _' ?. s& K3 ~9 i% H& j( d5 E8 l/ a
[ 本帖最后由 小黄 于 2008-9-26 16:21 编辑 ]
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