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发表于 2008-10-22 14:14 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Nuclear weapons:( p+ F$ N: s  K: C, S5 r: z
, {: i+ R/ A" R. \: q( u* g# _
' {8 l& O$ @( w! t! PWeapons of Mass Destruction. (2003). In Harvey Kushner (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Terrorism, Vol. 1. (404-406). Thousand Oaks: Sage Reference. Retrieved October 22, 2008,  from Gale Virtual Reference Library via Gale: 3 Y" I+ T5 ?' E2 `: w  q; e: m
<http://find.galegroup.com/gvrl/i ... 925&version=1.0>/ w& |, R, t9 G* i, V" J

2 {' n! {2 G  J* s2 s: Z; s; ~5 C" ^! o" f- `, Z# N% o) j
Nuclear Weapons. (2006). Encyclopedia of Modern Europe: Europe Since 1914: Encyclopedia of the Age of War and Reconstruction, Vol. 4. (1891-1898). Retrieved October 22, 2008,  from Gale Virtual Reference Library via Gale:
& ]2 e% H) |( `<http://find.galegroup.com/gvrl/i ... 925&version=1.0>0 I: V  ~# z& R) Z& U

6 X- s1 e+ X! K4 v4 n5 t! b* K; Y" m $ I/ u; I/ J8 b2 ?; r9 E
Clark, Roger. (2005). Nuclear Weapons. In Dinah Shelton (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Genocide and Crimes Against Humanity, Vol. 2. (754-761). Detroit: Macmillan Reference USA. Retrieved October 22, 2008,  from Gale Virtual Reference Library via Gale: / I: T( A2 K' P
<http://find.galegroup.com/gvrl/i ... 925&version=1.0>: I+ [$ u% z2 i
% f# h+ T* @' T' B

( Y7 y. k* [$ @. o! i$ }& O' H; t. \* N& D/ A/ {# {
Lerner, K. Lee, Gilman, Larry, & Haycock, Dean Allen. (2004). Nuclear Weapons. In K. Lee Lerner & Brenda Lerner (Eds.), Gale Encyclopedia of Science, Vol. 4. (3rd ed., 2816-2821). Detroit: Gale. Retrieved October 22, 2008,  from Gale Virtual Reference Library via Gale:   Q8 i. y9 ^- L1 e
<http://find.galegroup.com/gvrl/i ... 925&version=1.0>9 c1 r3 l" R8 C  E# q8 I
) E/ J# ^7 H$ m3 N) d, b0 E
critical mass5 T7 N' z. j  E" m) j2 |/ E
) F  E; U% }( m& f3 ~1. The smallest mass of a fissionable material that will sustain a nuclear chain reaction at a constant level." t) j9 Y6 {! q$ X% D. u1 k
2. The amount of matter needed to generate sufficient gravitational force to halt the current expansion of the universe
2 @' i* c5 e& t5 C. J* Q% a1 o<http://www.thefreedictionary.com/critical+mass>7 J8 ?) ?$ m& m! x: G* ^
: o: |3 z  Q0 c( ?' @: ]
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( z/ E/ j% x) ]: Z' ~/ |
[ 本帖最后由 墨涟 于 2008-10-24 15:04 编辑 ]
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