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汉语家教-天津(非中介)- Chinese Tutor in Tianjin

鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-6-18 01:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
零基础班, v8 C% p& b2 x. f7 R) N
课程内容:汉语听说读写# E5 Y7 Y1 s7 Y
8 S" ]$ a+ R6 `9 T目标:掌握汉语发音,基本句型及大约900个单词。能够和中国人进行日常话题的交流。2 i; q) G( l$ i% k8 D+ s1 L
上课时间:平日晚7:00-9:00  周末全天(具体时间可以根据学员情况决定)
8 `1 W$ I6 w7 L8 @$ n- B学费:15元/小时
2 J8 m0 b! [0 k" p; {) e个人介绍:
- x2 }+ i2 D  A# z女,生于天津,长于天津。我性格较开朗,喜欢结交朋友。有多年对外汉语家教经验。不管你来自哪里,只要你可以用英语交流,并且正为在中国生活的语言障碍而苦恼,那么欢迎随时联系我。希望通过我的教学,能使你尽快摆脱语言不通的困扰,具有基本的交流能力。也希望通过我的教学,让你更了解天津,更了解中国的悠久文化。- p6 O+ [% A* L5 E4 l
电子邮箱: fly_0306@126.com$ F; O: u6 N) E- q- I' \
QQ: 740059118 (注明:汉语家教)8 B6 s0 W9 t" Q9 q# k4 P

6 s# L3 o9 c" tBeginning Level
5 Y+ Z, G$ N! g) [* B7 n, qCourse: read, write and speak in Chinese( H/ L; X) R. ?1 j
Textbook: 《basic Chinese》 " ]% q% {" |9 P0 C6 [- m
Target: grasp the pronounciation of Chinese, basic sentences, and 900 words around. Be able to communicate with Chinese about normal topic.3 p% B3 f  o1 W# j+ [7 S7 f: Q
Time: 19:00-21:00 on weekdays all day on weekend  (you can modify the time which is fit for you within the time before)$ l  @1 h6 C% T9 }, X* C, g
Fee: ¥15/hr/ k8 ^7 c+ Y/ u& i* g
Individual introduction:
( a- X/ Q/ C9 }" c8 A% @, dI am Helen, a girl with open mind and open character. I were born in Tianjin. The course can be communication in English or Chinese. If you need to raise your Chinese quickly, pls contact me.
6 ]  j1 d0 x/ w2 z2 c: W; VEmail: fly_0306@126.com, G; K  u. x) m# `! {1 i$ q
QQ: 740059118 (note: Chinese Tutor)
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-7-3 12:35 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(3) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-7-3 14:16 | 显示全部楼层
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