埃德蒙顿华人社区-Edmonton China

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鲜花(5) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2010-1-20 21:04 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
9 |0 T4 Y0 S9 q9 T* i6 f" E/ j7 }4 B! q: m) Y: ^! i4 a
地点:福州公会4 [( `4 y, ^" [) e( U4 H3 S
2nd Floor, 9913-108 Ave, Edmonton, Alberta T5H1A55 G6 z6 ~+ n! i; E! _; w
" f' e0 W  c1 O, v8 z: o
收费: 会员免费,非会员5元  H1 r: I( B9 `
; Q- D* s; f" V- m# q
以现场入会,年费10元. j0 t4 y! K" [/ B+ r2 c+ X1 K

7 n5 ~/ |5 \9 s/ _/ {5 I讲员 ( e& l+ f. d7 L
Weixi Chow

' m9 O6 L/ P6 T" X: a1 C0 D: j/ T# V: a4 F4 f
PhD in accounting theory and assistant professor in Shanghai University of Finance and Economics in 1989, PA
! U- {9 p. G2 s0 h1 ^& Z! E  y' U
; k" S# Q  }4 g: J' }Controllerofprivate companies in Edmonton for years, and established Alltax&Accounting Inc in 2005, partnership with other professionals inSherwoodPark
3 q$ \. W! K3 r, ]  Z7 u+ Z; P
Duringthe20 years in Canada, accumulated experiences in the areas ofbusiness,corporate financing, accounting, income taxes and corporatestructures
3 W" a/ f* Z: b' D8 Z% b; D5 a& R7 ?
5 x: H9 c  z, D% V/ ^+ ^) R

# ]1 F# t. a' EThe tops in the seminar will cover the following:
5 m( Z8 m- r1 }2 |4 W
9 }0 d4 ]$ X* N6 t2 q# f5 y. kIncorporating a company vs. running under the proprietorship
0 m& D4 `2 f4 R8 |% z6 }* S! h$ o1 |+ ~" N
Issues regarding incorporation
' _, c6 Z0 A3 m: m  T$ a, N
2 c  j7 ?6 n. h$ G+ }Issues of managing a corporation
  n( ?: _1 a4 V0 o/ Q% m. M# }3 l
Tax plan and corporate structure in regards to tax advantages& u$ f8 ?9 Z7 @, D

+ T; A+ X/ N" g4 |. q. o2 pOther open topics and questions if time permits) l' G- [. Z; d" j  v3 t

! `4 R, g7 J0 T) B) k. P. q5 h2 hours + 0.5 hour free talk
( d2 K5 W% P$ i  m! w* U& K/ q: R" R& P  b

3 _' s, Q  A& v# I9 {
4 |7 G2 E; ~- A7 }2 V- b! }8 }, ?+ O6 R" ?+ R! B$ s, j* L
8 v* a0 c0 b0 B5 B信息分享、团结互助。
6 J; r3 d/ }( }8 U$ N8 |* K团结就是力量,信息就是财富!
鲜花(60) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2010-1-20 21:49 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(5) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2015-4-12 11:12 | 显示全部楼层
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