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Is this video cute or creepy? anna is having a bad day

鲜花(2212) 鸡蛋(4)
发表于 2010-11-19 10:59 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 未名 于 2010-11-19 11:03 编辑
% F2 F* y2 }7 G4 y2 t0 U7 ?% l: D# L, M! K9 U) ^/ Y( N

0 m# f! K4 Y; o  {- e) W/ V5 s2 b+ J
When we first saw this video, we debated: Is this adorable entertainment or so sad that you wonder why Anna's mom posted it?
1 W3 k1 y" P2 G  L3 |8 X& X/ r
; b; L- m8 I( P# l2 K# O" pLittle Anna is in a dither because she and her family are moving to Japan, leaving behind Stephen, her 15-year-old camp counselor. She loves the guy, and, Anna says in her preschool way, that he's into her as well. When Anna suggests that her beloved travel to the Far East with the fam, her videotaping mom says that Stephen's own mother would miss him too much.
' N! |( ?0 v' r# ~( \3 ?
5 K9 W  V) K) F9 K7 ]; p( QThe back-and-forth in the office on this was fascinating. A new mom, who just came back to work after three months of maternity leave, said she thought it was sweet that the 4-year-old loves her caregiver so much.+ ^4 p1 b0 ]1 h
% O# x7 M" Y0 S* Y+ u' U7 b5 q7 e
Others felt it was creepy for the mom to tape her kid crying rather than putting down the camera and comforting her.
2 ]0 m- K- r, |- P! F- m( K4 w2 _; m
Since it got a bit heated on our end, we figured we'd ask you: Cute or creepy?
  Q8 a3 q& X( y
7 D+ b: U( m" H6 P8 |http://www.parentdish.com/2010/04/15/are-crying-kids-cute/14
) h6 Z2 U7 c0 T' b
! t) U; z2 A( k
2 O+ }- `$ F- B, ~4 d1 c4 k
单选投票, 共有 11 人参与投票
鲜花(1348) 鸡蛋(5)
发表于 2010-11-19 13:58 | 显示全部楼层
当然是cute,不明白为啥这么小的事还要圣母' u6 T8 }5 L$ B% p; E* V
% k: B) }% V0 _" S5 ~% j
记得我家娃1岁多在johnston canyon hiking,我们在录像,然后他一头摔在地上,脸正好摔进了一蓬地上的松针,他爬起来暴哭,脸上还有松针挂搭着,我俩笑得前仰后合,笑够了才去comfort 他
' ?7 j' Q/ r+ z# U5 |3 f! P$ S2 c
- t9 x, G) P# V5 ~5 _' k0 N我家里有好多类似得录像,比如jason从攀登架上掉下来,中途被挂住缓冲了两次才掉到地面上,我们本来有机会在他刚掉下来就接住,结果就觉得他怎么摔得这么艺术,然后就一直拍...
鲜花(12) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2010-11-19 15:28 | 显示全部楼层
这也没啥吧?不就是哭哭吗...感情的表达,妈妈不是在讲道理吗?难道一定要哄才行吗?I think the little girl is really cute and her mum is cool...And this will be a great movie when she grows up...maybe a movie clip for the wedding day...hahahaha
鲜花(2212) 鸡蛋(4)
 楼主| 发表于 2010-11-20 01:05 | 显示全部楼层
老杨团队 追求完美
鲜花(74) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2010-11-20 14:19 | 显示全部楼层
i really do not like western people saying "it will be fine or it is ok." who know if it is ok for the individual. to me it is a lie.
0 {4 x- t/ O4 [* Y$ Qher mom is cool but to me it is not a nice way to be cool
鲜花(43) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2010-11-20 22:57 | 显示全部楼层
也没到那CREEPY 的份,  
7 u, l! r9 {- W+ ?* U/ z7 A我自个是做不到那冷静的份,  看着心疼
鲜花(3) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2010-11-24 09:29 | 显示全部楼层
She's cute
鲜花(17) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2010-11-25 14:31 | 显示全部楼层
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