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很好的讲座 - Apr. 9 - Literacy and Learning Day 2011

鲜花(16) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2011-4-8 08:38 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
# b  `7 e+ `* Y% Z; v9 B8 d9 H9 G1 G
9 U) O* M, r1 E6 @6 d5 ^( B. e只有明天一天,一共有40个讲座,只能挑感兴趣的听。没有费用,提供snack和午餐。2 _- `& S. O3 Z- Y  j' D6 E1 {# v

& L, Y" ~% h3 i& U3 ]$ w这是时间表:# A6 D$ w6 `8 P' ]1 z( `) n# {
6 h- ~0 `* X5 ?4 V
7:30am - 8:45am   Check-in, Refreshments, and Resource Fair& H8 e! p2 d3 Z8 d+ e: ?+ u
8:45am - 9:00am   Welcome, Opening Remarks5 x+ h/ p" M1 F! i0 A3 @- X
9:00am - 10:15am  Keynote Speaker Robert Ocker
4 T0 ]1 h+ y+ O, y10:30am - 11:45am   Session A
' l2 X5 N" I0 m' d5 T( T) u11:45am - 12:45pm   Lunch and Resource Fair- w8 Q% u1 l" d- O* U
12:50pm - 2:05pm   Session B/ e. x. z8 k8 O+ h0 t2 C
2:30pm - 3:45pm   Session C) _$ ]+ z: V" k, c! g1 A' a( u
4:00pm - 4:30pm   Closing Remarks
鲜花(16) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2011-4-8 08:39 | 显示全部楼层
8 ], @0 y5 r4 H4 B
, |5 `1 r7 i3 y" K: p' VPS Pre-school K Kindergarten E Elementary JH Junior High SH Senior High
鲜花(16) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2011-4-8 08:43 | 显示全部楼层
1. New Becoming a Love and Logic Parent - Parenting the 21st Century Child - Stress Free!
! X8 e7 W( v% r- U! L( @: H2. New EmPOWERment in Action The 7 Abilities of EmPOWERment, G" p0 |+ Z& N6 I
3. New String Stories& }* x. D" N7 x
4. Revised Learning and Memory: How Does It Work?% S2 B2 _- E9 W) S7 w) A2 ?
5. New Visual Representations Scaffold for Learning at School and at Home
2 f5 Q+ d8 P; u: o8 {& k8 a6. New Money Matters for Families9 t6 X3 Q2 K4 n2 ?9 z! c* H' b
7. Hands Up and Read3 r. x1 W5 ^# X, U8 @
8. Goodnight Moon to Magic Treehouse: Now Your Children are Reading Chapter Books!$ L# u% A' v* D( W
9. Revised Home Reading Strategies for Your Beginning Reader0 _1 U/ r5 t3 l
10. New Creative Art and Young Children+ I3 W9 e& o0 F
11. New School Councils and Literacy
* U6 \9 R/ m/ E( S  l0 k8 u12. Revised Math Play: Best Strategies to Play Math with Your Children
- b9 n7 B& Y) H13. The Gift of Dyslexia/ K4 Q$ ]7 e+ ?4 f/ G
14. New Studying With Your Child: Tips and Strategies
- U2 e5 S$ z* X15. Revised The Culture of Drugs 2011
. f3 s! j0 Q3 Q2 H! Z( d3 Y16. Revised The Culture of Drugs 2011 (2.5 Hour Workshop)
' `& o3 ^( r! k17. Revised Your Child’s Power of Observation: How Parents Can Be the Role Model for Life-Long Learning' B% j( k, t& f6 p3 d
18. Dear Sir or Madam
" q9 {; H1 F9 Z5 y) k8 {' I' G& F19. Revised Attack Problem Behaviours (1), Like Opposition and Bullying, with the Development of Virtues and Self-discipline* O  V/ s$ X& U4 U  T( I
20. New Attack Problem Behaviours (2), Beyond the Introduction
鲜花(16) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2011-4-8 08:46 | 显示全部楼层
老杨团队 追求完美
21. New The Best Kept Secret for K-6!0 u* y5 x. E% S, O) {4 X
22. New The Best Kept Secret for Junior/Senior High!' V- B6 b( @* h/ g. M
23. Revised Emotional Freedom Technique for Stress Relief in Teens% P& E7 p$ O* c
24. Revised Emotional Freedom Technique for Childhood Stress
" p7 o  T" a/ `& N' v% u$ M5 v8 ?$ q25. New Remove Musical Learning Blocks with EFT
# r) u, f7 g- c* T: A26. Revised Pencil, Paper and Scissors! g7 j) k% Q0 o3 }
27. Phonemic Awareness( h+ z+ S; ~3 K3 S
28. New Are The Paperbag Princess and Horton Hatches an Egg Right? Does Character Count?6 Z3 v) j, Q: C
29. Revised Storytelling Fun- X2 H9 v# `, l' ^; B" W
30. New Positive Behaviour Supports for Preschoolers - A Guide to Self-Regulation
% D( E+ I( I3 I& S+ M3 [$ G31. Revised Help! My Child is Struggling in School
" K! W8 M% P; K; s32. The Moon Is Round: Favourites from the Parent-Child Mother Goose Program
5 s/ u. X0 [' ~, e1 _  N33. New Exploring Family Literacy& D. x2 Z$ k0 x* g+ _6 ]
34. Once Upon a Pose% ?) ^: r' y1 |. ^  a2 f/ Z3 a
35. New Yoga for Literacy
2 k! u* K: T! t' T# t36. New Engaging and Supporting Reluctant Readers
. k6 d7 o, I; J) c7 Y3 ]' M37. New The Merits of Father Involvement and Risk Factors of Absent Dads8 B0 L! _# o1 H5 _
38. Revised That’s Not How You do Math!! Or is it??0 T7 N& I4 B) b7 z' T8 i
39. Homeschooling: Taking the Leap!  W( J% M! I# M* k1 c2 j. I
40. New Helping Children Develop Speech and Language Skills
鲜花(16) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2011-4-8 08:48 | 显示全部楼层
Brochure:# k# w8 ]8 K5 r4 h; }* T

# G- v2 [# Q' d# y# ]) Jhttp://www.literacyday.ca/LinkCl ... id=418&mid=1026
6 M0 ~# d3 y1 J% E+ B6 i5 x0 B2 V' g. P  ~' i# \- B
Website:. {% e3 V- K6 L& p
: I  ~% X4 Q7 n- O0 R1 `
鲜花(21) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2011-4-8 09:49 | 显示全部楼层
谢谢啦!   O' b( C' O) ~8 E5 L" G
& x0 Y. S) m6 f1 a. R- m) S" d
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2011-4-8 18:28 | 显示全部楼层
1# grace1123
) E* h8 h# s8 C+ p4 e
- M; P- |5 z3 c3 U6 {6 l---------------------
8 B, _7 T, B  |( ^+ x/ L7 z支持啊,在这里做父母真是信息闭塞,需要多学习啊!
* y: ?$ V: K* ]" C4 |: e5 f1 ]
: o* Z9 }% B- X  c# v7 B& C----------------------------; P& V7 K6 a5 W
祝贺今年ECAT全部学生考取美国顶尖大学; K7 o" G+ d( z# y
6 哈佛 7 普林斯顿8 耶鲁 4 斯坦福 5 芝加哥 6杜克 8 康奈尔 4 纽约 5 达特茅斯 3 宾夕法利亚6 q) E7 X+ h) K% F0 T$ m3 o
2 布朗 1卫斯理 1 哥伦比亚 1 伯克利
8 O$ h. @% g: F, e$ `% T9 S, F. R; ~( P
--------------------------------------- i1 {/ e: B4 V1 K+ P
免费讲座: 你对申请美国顶尖大学了解多少?3 U3 r4 D3 _0 b5 I0 P2 f2 u
时间:Apr 9,2011星期六晚5:30--7:00PM$ G8 G6 j3 J! f3 h* S6 g/ C
地点:THE WESTIN EDMONTON  Hotel  (10135-100 Street) T5J 0N7
. N4 J9 f7 L2 z: t6 e请有兴趣的朋友发邮件,注明人数,最好带上孩子一起听。
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