埃德蒙顿华人社区-Edmonton China

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发表于 2015-9-16 13:58 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 夭夭灼灼蓁蓁 于 2015-9-16 15:00 编辑
5 D- k. [1 [( H( G( k
: E  e) H+ F1 G) A3 ^在流感季节即将到来之际,地处810 Saddleback Road 的ASSIST 西南办公室,将于10月6日(周二)下午1点到3点举办一场关于流感疫苗的讲座。讲座语言是英语。讲座内容包括以下方面:, ]# U9 `( ?, o  \

; {5 e1 e0 P$ m3 R7 r在加拿大推荐注射流感疫苗
" N) @& I! g# }+ }流感疫苗注射之后: E  A3 k6 t) z9 I
什么是流行性感冒: B# v9 A3 @+ X5 n" P! s
, ^/ Q+ b- N4 Z; E5 z# S9 G/ S疑问和解答
, r' \# y2 n4 E! b3 V& ?( j

( B4 V! G% E) C1 N0 H% w% c3 t
+ v. Y0 P: S, T, @* A8 h讲座中会备有点心。
) y( S: b6 C/ E' y$ r! g. c9 A
/ b1 a* n6 [% k# ~! ~7 x根据顾客的需要,可以酌情提供公交车票。
8 W3 K: Z9 E) J  L  s  l& x6 `3 `- g0 c  u+ S4 m
请拨打电话:780-429-3119 (分机112 或106)报名登记。欢迎参加!( Q) q  z# h4 X

6 O* o2 ]+ F# @& e7 {4 d详情如下:/ l. D- r% V* e5 p6 a
  D: t6 y! t7 U( q' @/ }" Q3 ?. a
Flu Shots
8 {' V- I3 Q. p" l' Y; {9 q             Prevention is better than cure
- k6 W0 H) N9 E6 u- q% I9 e

  q( q! |1 k8 t& q) {* [8 tASSIST (South West Location) is hosting a workshop on “Flu Shots”
% U  b2 F' q; _2 P3 i+ Z6 VThe session will include following topics:1 T- r) g9 v2 b: e* D4 g% _. g; c
  c3 \! ]% }! f, F- i# Q* s# G
●        Flu shots recommendations in Canada9 Y+ Q8 e6 C: c! v% m- I
●        What to expect after the flu shots                                6 i, _4 V8 E5 f1 z) F) A, I
●        What is Influenza
8 x& i7 k$ N# c●        Flu shots – FAQs% m6 L- y4 }# |" N/ i7 u) j
●        Documents required on the Clinic day/ R# I6 e2 L/ o& `* e+ A
                                                                                                : p; ], J9 T6 W% o7 W
Date: October 06, 2015 (Tuesday)% w, b7 x4 r" r! F0 C0 f1 L9 R
Time: 1pm -3pm
, B* e) @( p, i, ?  qLocation: ASSIST South West Centre, Unit #2, Saddleback Road, X* }& n! h# z0 ~* n: E
Language: English" F" x* V8 w! H3 @' j: `' d
Max Seating: 40) f: ]; g0 ~/ m1 n& L* _
Registration: Required
4 o0 G4 U# ^. F* |0 C% X* zCoordinator:  Amber Khan / Sunny Jeong
" n* b1 @% ~. F0 Y8 A( DContact Email: amber.khan@assistcsc.org  / sunny.jeong@assistcsc.org
+ j2 [% V! m5 P  G2 S' D' hGuest Speaker: Ayisha Kamran (Clinical Consultant Pharmacist), Imagine Health Centre
! F5 x+ I+ k' n3 F( W
- P1 p' @, R6 h* `Refreshments will be served and bus tickets will be provided based on need. For more information or pre-registration, please contact 780-429-3119 (ext. 112/106)
; `7 {/ S* L* ~0 r
6 C- C1 r3 O' W% O: d) v& kFor more information or to register, please contact (780) 429-3119 Extensions: 112 / 106
. }; K& h( z9 S$ x' U/ J" O9 E$ j9 z, \# l, d' L6 g
South Side Settlement Program is a free government-funded program; please bring a copy of your landing document or Permanent Resident card for the purpose of registration.
6 j7 D$ b& n* N; ^8 r6 ~7 k3 |- s' q9 Z5 _* s' S- K. b( E+ _1 ]! g4 M. y
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